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How to fix WSL X11 Forwarding after Windows Update to 23H2

Summary I can no longer open GUI applications from WSL. The only thing that changed recently was a new Windows update. System Info I am on Windows 11 Home version 23H2, build 22631.3737 Windows ...
nullromo's user avatar
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MobaXTerm X11 works but says it doesn't, and it also doesn't work

MobaXerm says X11 is disabled, but the X server is running and here in this pic I have launched the geany text editor. This is at home on win10 on the same network as the linux server. So X11 ...
Rob's user avatar
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X11 forwarding - Putty - Xming: Why app run on the server instead of the client side?

I am trying to understand a few details about X11 forwarding using Putty and Xming. I have an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS machine and am connecting to it from the same network using Windows 10 with Putty and ...
Usama Khalil's user avatar
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X11 forwarding on SDDM

I am trying to forward X11 from my PC (server) to my laptop (client). I allowed X11 forwarding in my sshd_config. Running ssh user@ip -X returns Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth ...
Player_X_YT's user avatar
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MacOS X11 window not launching through Terminal, but launches through XQuartz terminal

I installed XQuartz using brew, and it seems that X11 forwarding only works when I launch a terminal through XQuartz and use ssh -X on it. It doesn't work when I run ssh -X on my Terminal app (XQuartz ...
altf5's user avatar
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redirect X11 ssh fowarding between linux and windows

I have a challenge and requesting your help to guide me on that. I have two linux server (A, B), run ssh x11 fowarding from A to B (displaying specific app such as firefox or chrome or ...), infact ...
Ali Dehghan's user avatar
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How do I solve the "PuTTY X11 proxy: No authorisation provided" error?

I am trying to run firefox on a remote server over ssh and use X11 forwarding to open the window on my laptop, but when I try to it throws the "PuTTY X11 proxy: No authorisation provided" ...
Isaakfire's user avatar
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Debian bookworm: Long delay when starting application via ssh -X

I have a new vanilla Debian bookworm installation on a laptop. Everything works as intended but when I connect to it with ssh -X and start any application (e.g. gedit) there is a delay of ~ 25 seconds ...
code_onkel's user avatar
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SSH X11 forwarding works only for WSL but not to a remote Host

I have a remote PC running Ubuntu 22.04. From another PC running Windows 11 I can connect via OpenSSH to the remote Host. However I am not able to use X11 forwarding (with the -X option) to launch a ...
Mario Hiti's user avatar
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X11 forwarding from a remote Linux server to a WSL2 desktop

I need to run GUIs from a Linux server (which I do not have sudo for) for work. Being on a Windows 11 computer, I set up a WSL with Ubuntu-22.04, and succesfully followed these steps to display Linux ...
nastypigeon's user avatar
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play sounds over ssh

Is there any way to play audio files through ssh ? I set up the x11 forwarding , to view images , videos(without Audio) , but the problem is that I want to play sounds through ssh , since the x11 ...
Imaginer's user avatar
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X11 Forwarding: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. Error: cannot open display: localhost:10.0

I've read numerous similar questions but many are outdated and nothing seems to work. I have an homePC <remotehome> and a laptop <locallaptop>, both running Ubuntu 22.04. I'm away from ...
atianalisi's user avatar
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x11-Forwarding fails after subsequent connection

Host: Fedora 36, 6.0.18-200.fc36.x86_64, OpenSSH_8.8p1, X11Forwarding yes Client: Windows 10, MobaXterm 22.1 I open the first connection to the host, x11-forwarding works. host01/unix:22 MIT-MAGIC-...
user3549596's user avatar
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How to enable SSH remote server on "Windows 10" that works with X11 forwarding ? I get "Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward X11."

I've seen a ton of posts on this topic, but I haven't found a post that covers my specific use case. I want to connect to my Windows 10 PC via ssh and see X graphical apps on my mac laptop. The reason ...
garrofederico's user avatar
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X forwarding broken after using Xvfb

I used Xvfb to create a fake desktop to run programs with graphical interface on a Debian pc without display for testing purposes. After completing these tests, I wanted to revert back to the "...
eesopee's user avatar
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X11 forwarding works for Firefox but fails for Chromium: Unsupported authorisation protocol

I use MobaXterm to ssh into a Ubuntu20.04 machine, on which I launch firefox without problem but when I start chromium, it shows this error: MoTTY X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol [455878:...
Jing Huang's user avatar
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Cannot enable interactive widnows using ssh -X when connecting to a Linux server from my Windows machine

I need some help. I am trying to use ssh -X to connect to a remote server that has enabled X11 forwarding. When I use my MacBook to connect to the remote server, I use ssh -X USERNAME@SERVER and then ...
seralouk's user avatar
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Why does ssh change virgl OpenGL renderer back to llvmpipe software renderer? Can I keep virgl in ssh session?

I created a Qemu VM, both host and guest being Ubuntu 20.04. Then I start the Qemu VM using command qemu-system-x86_64 ubuntu-desktop.qcow2 -m 2G -smp 2 -device virtio-vga-gl -display gtk,gl=on -nic ...
zzzhhh's user avatar
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X11 Forwarding or X11 Forwarding like solution between two Windows Machines instead of RDP?

On my new workplace we got two Windows computers, one for development (stationary at office) and a laptop (e.g. for remote usage or meetings). I have a difficult time to get accustomed to the Windows ...
MahNas92's user avatar
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ssh Lockup With ForwardX11=yes

Why do both of these lockup, never giving me my prompt back? % ssh -X $(hostname) exit % ssh -o ForwardX11=yes $(hostname) exit They both create an ssh session on the current machine with X11 ...
Jim's user avatar
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Unable to connect to X11 Server through XOpenDisplay

I'm running two virtual machines on the same host. One with Ubuntu the other with Red Hat. Both vms have are set to the same NAT Network on VirtualBox. I am able perform X11 forwarding from one vm to ...
Tom42's user avatar
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X11 forwarding fails without an error message

I would like to ssh to a docker image with X11 forwarding. When I connect using SSH -X -v and execute xclock, it seems like the application runs (it does not terminates), but no window is opened. My /...
Yuval Atzmon's user avatar
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WSL, Graphics Applications not working- Error: Can't open display: 0.0

I am having trouble with graphical applications and WSL. I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 with X11 installed; but am getting the following issue when I try to test with xeyes (the same happens with any other ...
George's user avatar
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How to fix putty/xming Error: Can't open display error

I do find many instructions and even questions here which are out of date or the answers not helping me. Therefor Setup on ArchLinux box: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: X11Forwarding yes ...
theking2's user avatar
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X11 forwarding: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused. What is needed for an X11 connection?

I want to control a no GUI Debian server by an X11 connection via ssh from Ubuntu desktop. From everything I read and watched it should work like a charm on Linux distros but it doesn't. # The ...
Kacper's user avatar
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ssh connection stucks when I don't use ForwardX11 variable (-Y)

When I try to have a ssh connection to a remote machine, its freezes if I don't use ForwardX11 variable as -Y. The terminal get freezes and I cannot cancel the operation, I have to close the terminal ...
alper's user avatar
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How to run a GUI software from terminal, in a non-GUI supported Linux distro?

I have installed CentOS 8 with no GUI support in a virtual machine. Now I have sqldeveloper and java jdk properly installed on the same virtual machine. Env variables for java have already been set as ...
jaymzleutz's user avatar
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Run X11 Server on top of Windows Terminal Server

I would like to connect to a unix machine (GUI) over Windows Terminal Server(WTS) with multiple users (desktops). An X11 server is installed on the WTS (OpenText Exceed). I start it. I start a putty ...
user8031581's user avatar
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long initial delay followed by "Can't open display" for ssh forwarding

I am experiencing a strange delay, on the order of a minute, when starting even trivial applications (think: vim) over an X connection tunneled through ssh. If the application starts (vim), the delay ...
drum's user avatar
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ssh -X: Remote application should open hyperlinks in the local browser

I use ssh -X to execute a GUI on a remote machine. This works great, except for one thing: If I click on a hyperlink in the application, then a browser gets launched on the remote machine. In my case ...
guettli's user avatar
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Windows OpenSSH X11 client forwarding to a Linux server?

I want to ssh to a Linux device in Windows with X11 forwarding using OpenSSH. I've installed the xming server running on DISPLAY=:0 and set the environment variable using my powershell profile and ...
James Hopwood's user avatar
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Windows 10 Ubuntu X11 with Xming (xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0)

I am running ubuntu app on windows 10 (64b) same as on my other machine, exact same configuration with Xming for X11 but I am getting xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0 I noticed that ...
Irakli's user avatar
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Can no longer forward X11 with MobaXterm

Until today, I was able to effortlessly enable X11-forwarding with MobaXterm from my Linux laptop to my Windows laptop. However, as of today, I am suddenly getting this error message whenever I try to ...
Lyrositor's user avatar
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Will a newer CPU with a few cores or an older CPU with more cores compile code faster? [closed]

I am a university student studying computer science, and I am just starting to explore the world of servers. I currently use a 2018 15" MacBook Pro as my main computer for writing, compiling, ...
TonyStark4ever's user avatar
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How to run a browser over ssh remotely on the remote network

I need to access a webpage on a remote network through a headless machine I can ssh into (with sudo privileges). I can't use a direct ssh tunnel with forwarding connections (-L8080:remote.ip:80 for ...
Dolf Andringa's user avatar
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Is it possible to attach a remote X11 session as second monitor?

I am trying to use the monitor of a remote system as second monitor on my local system. I can use X11 ssh forwarding but this is not doing what I want, because then I have to set the DISPLAY variable ...
calii23's user avatar
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Why do only some applications generate "MobaXterm X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol" error?

This question is related to How to fix "MobaXterm X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol", but the answer there did not work for me. I use MobaXterm to ssh from a Windows PC to a ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Why is delay with VcXsrv so much slower than Xming when X11 forwarding

I was beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why opening an application through X11 forwarding was taking so long. To open the simplest app like xclock was taking ~20 seconds for the ...
mtleng's user avatar
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Multi-hop X forwarding via ssh

Now I have such a need: Xshell——host A——host B When I ssh directly from Xshell to host B, I can open xclock When I ssh from Xshell to host A, and then connect to host B via host A, opening xclock will ...
DesistDaydream's user avatar
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LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for compiled emacs via X11

I compiled emacs from source (using g++) on my work Mac (on which I do not have root access). Now, I wanted to make a test, whereby I open the compiled while being logged in via ssh. However,...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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X11 forwarding with Windows Subsystem for Linux

I have been researching this for some time but I have not been able to find a solution. I do not seem to be able to run X11 applications remotely, on a server running WSL, and have them displayed on ...
Massimo Boninsegni's user avatar
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Why does X-forwarding using ssh.exe work in cmd.exe but not Powershell?

I'm connecting to an ubuntu server and want to use X-forwarding to draw graphical windows on my local client machine. I'm running xming on the client. In cmd.exe this works: set DISPLAY=localhost:0....
foobarbecue's user avatar
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macOS X11 forwarding error

I need to forward display one of software run from Linux computer (Debian 4.19) to my Mac computer (macOS 10.14.6 Mojave). I use XQuartz 2.7.11. The software 'freeze' once displayed and on terminal ...
p4k0p1k's user avatar
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Gaming over Xpra

I have a local gigabit connection, way over what I need, but it can definitely support 1080p video and audio streaming easily. My problem comes to two things, first input, and second initialising GLX ...
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X11-forwarding not supported by server (CentOS 7)

i use MobaXterm SSH Client to use Terminal windows on a CentOS 7 Linux VM. When i logged in, following message displayed: X11-forwarding : ✘ (disabled or not supported by server) Doings: ...
aykon's user avatar
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PuTTy Login timeout and X11 Forwarding

I'm using PuTTy and X11 forwarding (XMing) and I'm trying to simply log into a linux PC in my network, from which I want to launch graphical applications. I'm following this tutorial http://www.geo....
Stamatis Tzanos's user avatar
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ssh X11 Forwarding will not display Mac OS X Apps on Raspberry PI

I'm trying to remotely run some apps from my Min Mac running Mojave and a raspberry pi 4. When I run ssh -Y from my raspberry pi to the mac I get and error stating X11 forwarding request failed on ...
user2461513's user avatar
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How to run a Windowed JAR file over SSH without installing JRE and without root access on NetBsd?

First, I can use Java, but for what I want to achieve (building a database where othe only application supporting the format is in Java), I need 100Gb of RAM during 20 hours. I have access to a ...
user2284570's user avatar
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How to forbid fullscreen for an X-Forwarded window

I am running an application via SSH and X-Forwarding. The application runs automatically in fullscreen mode which is very unhandy. Is there any way to run the remote application in a windowed mode ...
eDeviser's user avatar
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Strange slow down of TCP connection on X11 forward

I have a home computer H (Linux), a work computer W (Mac OS X), and a public server S (same Linux as H) with IP As H and W are all behind NAT, I use autossh to connect them both to S and ...
Sunfucius's user avatar