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Change Shared Drive icon in Windows 10 with Registry setting

I want to make my desktop look a little more to my liking, and that includes changing some of the icons. One of the icons I want to change is the shared drive icon: I want to do this using the ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Why do i keep getting an java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: when running sbt?

I want to run a bot on windows. I'm trying to run sbt in cmd. I installed sbt and java 22 x64 MSI Installer. I ran sbt but i keep getting an error. I think maybe this has to do with java so i ...
Lily White's user avatar
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Bass in Sound fails sometimes

I sometimes have the problem that the bass in my sound is missing/failed. When I restart the system, the bass is back. Software Info: Realtek Audio FxSound The problem is NOT solved by disabling ...
Twistios_Player's user avatar
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Window installation error with linux boot drive

I can't install Windows 11 on my SSD with a GPT partition. I've tried using both Ventoy and Rufus, with and without secure boot, but nothing seems to work. It keeps showing the error: Windows could ...
Dixit Ram's user avatar
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Terminal Powershell differences

When I type dir /A into terminal I get desirable output, but when I type the same to Powershell i get dir : Cannot find path 'C:\A' because it does not exist. + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: ...
konto's user avatar
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format EFI, Recovery partitions windows 10 in clean install?

I'm going to do a clean install of Windows, but during the installation I want to format all the partitions and then delete them, but I have some concerns! As you can see in the picture below, I have ...
Uni's user avatar
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How to open PWA minimized on startup? (Windows, Edge)

I want a Progressive Web App to start minimized on startup. I use Edge on Windows. Bonus points if it can minimize to system tray. Is there a way to set this up? Is it possible using other browsers? ...
Martijn's user avatar
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Is there anyway to resume "stuck" cmd.exe in windows 10?

For a lack of a better description, look at this screenshot: Sometimes, after an out of memory semi-crash, cmd windows remain in this state. If I click on them, nothing happens. (some of them work ...
Zibri's user avatar
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Move mouse USB to hard drive/RAM [closed]

I use a USB mouse, but the USB drive on my laptop is iffy, and often dislodges the USB. This means the mouse will continually disconnect unless I hold the USB in a particular orientation. Is there a ...
Vessel's user avatar
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What are Windows $DATA files, and can I delete them?

I am running WIndows 10. I have moved my Desktop file to an external drive. My Windows is running in a virtual machine, and I need to access the desktop from elsewhere, so I though I’d try this. I ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Why do Windows 10 / Windows 11 copied/pasted shortcuts not appear, but newly created ones do?

With Windows 10/11 you can access the start menu items in these locations: "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\...
Dominic Clifton's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to check If ssd was replaced / taked out / data restored/copied

Laptop was 5h in workshop, where was Windows reinstalled. Need to check / controll, If during this time was ssd replased / taked out / restored data / etc. How is it possible? Thank you for the answer....
user2036635's user avatar
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Outlook already running

This is the new mail client for Windows 11 which MS have decided to call outlook. It is not about Outlook that comes with office. When I first start up the mail client, everything works fine. If I ...
cup's user avatar
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How can one close all non-existing files at once in Notepad++?

When closing a non-existing file in Notepad++, one gets this window: How can one close all non-existing files at once in Notepad++? I use Windows.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Is there a deterministic way to reboot Windows 10/11 from the login screen (if you can't see the screen)

I have a machine that sometimes boots up without activating the discrete Nvida GPU. Thus I have a machine that's booted, running, at the login screen, but sending video to the wrong place. A reboot ...
Bryce's user avatar
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UEFI boot got hosed [closed]

"UEFI laptop got hosed, how do I fix?" I have a UEFI laptop, which got hosed. The Windows' C: drive got changed so it no longer boots. It tries to find C:\Windows (which is currently C:\...
C. M.'s user avatar
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explorer.exe freezing when right clicking desktop with 2 monitors

Since I added a second monitor to my computer, when right clicking the desktop and trying to bring the context menu, the desktop and all other explorer.exe windows will freeze for ~5 seconds before ...
imad's user avatar
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1 answer

Android dot folder (hidden folder) is not showing in windows

I make a folder in my android device under that i have some files and .private folder ("dot" folder usually hidden in an android) under that hidden folder i have many important files. When i ...
NAKUL JAIN's user avatar
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In windows, how to change the order of networks priority to use when multiples are availables?

I have an android smartphone with USB tethering connection sharing... it's plugged to my windows PC I have an ethernet RJ45 wire.... also plugged to my windows PC... It uses automatically the ethernet ...
user381936's user avatar
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How to Manually Update Microsoft Office 2021 on Windows Server 2019 Without Internet Access?

In our organization, we are using Windows Server 2019 and have installed Microsoft Office 2021. Our server lacks internet connectivity, and we need to update Microsoft Office 2021 to address several ...
sjarasan's user avatar
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Enter Bios/UEFI from desktop shortcut

I am currently dual booting windows and linux, i dont want to use grub because grub tends to get very flakey the longer things go on. IS there a way for me to create a desktop shortcut in linux to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Windows 8.1 Pro VM (on VirtualBox running on Ubuntu) won't boot [closed]

First and foremost, forgive me if any of the following command returns are too vague or missing; I'm typing this up partly from screenshots and partly from memory. Happy to run any or all of them ...
DiogenesOfMiami's user avatar
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How can I adjust settings of my Logitech Brio webcam on Win 10 without using software like OBS or LogiTune?

I want to be able to change the tilt, focus, etc. LogiTune is super buggy, and OBS is overkill. Is there a built-in way on Windows 10 (command line is fine but not ideal)?
Ryan's user avatar
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How to know when the last dns flush took place?

I'm on a Windows 10 machine and trying desperately to see when the last DNS flush took place. I know you can look at the TTL in a displaydns but is there no event that shows when the system last did a ...
GenShira's user avatar
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Windows 11 freezes on boot screen after I install graphics drivers (multi-GPU setup on workstation motherboard)

I don't encounter this problem on Ubuntu or Fedora, but on Windows 11, after the first boot and after I install drivers for the graphics cards (2x NVIDIA RTX 3090), rebooting will result in the ...
jspinella's user avatar
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Switch partition drive on dual boot

I have a dual boot with Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11. Each partition is on a specific drive, ubuntu is on a sata 500GB SSD and Windows is on a NVMe 1TB SSD. The windows partition barely use 200GB of ...
SnoAke's user avatar
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Is there any way to block connections by process and hostname system-wide in Windows?

In macOS, a firewall app like Little Snitch can block outgoing connections by both process and hostname (as opposed to just IP address), allowing fine-grained control over which network connections ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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Some UTF-8 characters not being displayed properly in Windows

In some of my applications in windows, I'm don't see some of the UTF-8 icons being rendered properly. An example is this url in chrome browser which should display a color-palette icon like this: , ...
Gangula's user avatar
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How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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How to group pinned software icons in the Windows 10 taskbar using native settings or FLOSS?

I'm looking for a way to organize the pinned icons in my Windows 10 taskbar into groups or folders. I prefer a solution using one of the following methods: Windows 10 native settings or ...
Foad's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Windows not dual booting with Ubuntu

I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 L.T.S. I had a lot of problems during installation but now, I just can't boot up windows. Even if i give it top priority through BIOS, Ubuntu somehow keeps opening. I'...
user1849912's user avatar
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Error 43 on Hyper-V DDA with Nvidia P4000 Quadro GPU

My Nvidia Quadro GPU (P4000) was previously functioning correctly but has now started to display Error 43 in Hyper-V. Here's the command to enable GPU passthrough on my server computer, which has two ...
cyberquarks's user avatar
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windows defender antivirus folder missing on local group policy editor

gpedit.msc was missing, i added it with using .bat after restart i could enter to gpedit.msc but windows defender antivirus folder is missing i need that folder to disable windows defender. pls help ...
Kənan Qurbanlı's user avatar
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Repeated horizontal lines on AOC monitor

I noticed the problem 2 days ago and today wanted to research it. I've been seeing tiny 1 pixel horizontal lines on my screen that are barely visible on 240Hz, but when I'm starting my PC the problem ...
Mashkiki's user avatar
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Defrag Windows DevDrive

recently I've been creating a DevDrive for Java and C# projects. However, I see my DevDrive is taking around 20 GBs on the real disk, so C:\dev.vhdx. However, the real size of the disk is only ...
ymqn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to prevent SSD getting hot

I have a windows 11 laptop with m.2 SSD. And my SSD gets hot. Approximately 53C degrees on idle. This heat makes it uncomfortable to have the laptop on my lap. Is there a way to make it run cooler?
mustafa candan's user avatar
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Windows explorer is in an infinite crash loop after installing a MS Store App

I'm running Windows 11 23H2. I installed this AutoHotKey port from the MS store: Immediately after installing, my windows explorer ...
Utkarsh Agarwal's user avatar
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MacOS computer can't connect to Windows SMB share if it requires a login

I have a Windows 11 computer that I use as a home server on which I have shared some folders to access on a macOS Sonoma computer. The Mac can access the shares that are accessible publicly(the "...
Federico Chiesa's user avatar
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I can't insert long paths in the "Target" box in Windows 11 shortcut properties (might consider using vbs or batch)

I'm trying to create a Windows shortcut that will be put in my startup folder. The shortcut starts a program (Discord), but with a 1-minute delay. I'm doing this because my (ancient) core i3-2100 PC ...
Mik's user avatar
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How to confirm host IP address in a browser?

I am trying to troubleshoot certain CDN problem, testing what kind of download speeds I get on different servers. Let's say it is which will return me some IP address, not sure which ...
timppu's user avatar
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How to optimize vmware 13 for gaming on apple silicon? [closed]

Is there a way? I set the graphic memory to 8 GB and 6 core processors with 10 GB rams and it still run at less than 30fps on window 11 arm 64 with 3d acceleration on. If not any recommendation for ...
anop saetang's user avatar
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How can I pass around filenames with special characters in them in Windows?

I want to get the MD5 checksum of a file called 🔥.txt. This works fine in Cygwin: $ md5sum 🔥.txt d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 🔥.txt $ openssl dgst -md5 🔥.txt MD5(🔥.txt)= ...
GreenTriangle's user avatar
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What configuration or concept am I not understanding with web servers and domains

Please bear with me, this might be a little confusing because I'm having a hard time explaining. I have an IIS web server at home. I registered a domain with DuckDNS to point to that web server. ...
Rod's user avatar
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Getting the Display Version of the current computer with Powershell7 (I.E.: 22H2). But ReleaseId conflicts with DisplayVersion

I've read a bunch of threads on here about this and I want to get the Windows edition (22H2 for instance). This is the code: $ReleaseID = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\...
fmotion1's user avatar
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Where are windows 10 cached domain credentials stored at? [closed]

I am using windows 10 Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045 on a domain controlled device. It is my personal device. I use registry to look for keys but turned empty. I need help on where the cached domain ...
willremove locker's user avatar
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Windows executor %temp% [closed]

People, I need help. When I want to enter the %temp% folder within the Windows executor, I get the option "How do you want to open this file?", and they are all application options and not ...
FEDEMAX GAMER's user avatar
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How to mimic Windows Security UI rights via Powershell

I have a folder that contains bunch of *.exe and *.dll files (not necessarily all in root) and I want to Forbid Write to {S-1-1-0} (Everyone) on all these files. I've tried: Get-ChildItem -Path c:\my\...
Kirikan's user avatar
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Task manager shows ridiculously wrong memory consumed by processes

After one of windows updates Task Manager in Windows 11 shows memory consumed by processes in its Details tab as single kilobytes which is obviously wrong. Look at the screenshot, it shows Visual ...
ElDog's user avatar
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Why is my dynamic drive so slow?

I use an old PC as a backup file server, and recently installed additional drives to try to extend its life. (I freely admit, I'm a cheap bastard, and fully realize that this is not a normal way to ...
T. Bug Reporter's user avatar
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How can I run NET USE if the password starts with a slash?

I'm trying to run the Windows net.exe program to connect to a computer (escaping double quotes on the passwords): NET USE \\computer /USER:domain\user "%password:"=""%" But I ...
Sergio Del Franco's user avatar

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