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Questions tagged [windows-shell]

The graphical user interface for the Microsoft Windows operating system (including the desktop, taskbar, Smart menu, task switcher, Autoplay feature and many other not readily identifiable elements) hosted by Windows Explorer, and also a namespace that enables computer programs running on Windows to access the computer's resources via the hierarchy of shell objects

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38 votes
6 answers

ConEmu: disable bell

I'm really appreciating conemu as an alternative windows shell, but the alert bell sound is driving me crazy! (I wear earbuds and that sound goes right through me..) Is there are an option to ...
danodonovan's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is there a reference for the full list of Windows 10 'Shell Icon' numbers?

I'm looking for a reference that lists the possible entries under the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons Entries under this registry key ...
Rasberry's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Command Prompt - Shell, Terminal, Console?

I know that cmd.exe is a console program. When you run that program, it opens your standard black and white rectangular window. Within that window, there is the Command Line Interpreter denoted by >...
pstatix's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Connect Linux server via Windows CMD

As we know, we can connect to a Linux server on a Linux or Unix system by typing "SSH [email protected]". But it seems like we cannot do things like this by Windows Command Prompt. I ...
Allan Jiang's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Windows 7 "sunny" network icon

In Windows 7, I sometimes see this "sun" icon overlay in the networking tray icon: What does it mean? Bonus points: cite docs.
Mike Clark's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

File extension shell verbs don't show up in Windows 10 context menus

Shell verbs for the .AHK extension: Don't show up in Explorer context menus Don't work when launching the process programmatically I've confirmed that: They're in the correct registry key .ahk is ...
Eric Eskildsen's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to change the icon of html files?

Windows (at least XP and Vista, I haven't tried 7) refuses to honor my setting of the icon to show for html files. It insist in showing the paper sheet with the IE logo on it. On XP I changed the ...
GetFree's user avatar
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1 answer

Slow to show Open / Save File Dialog in Windows with mapped Network Drives

The issue is that if you have one or more mapped network drives and have not accessed them "recently" within your logon session, your first attempt to show Open/Save File dialog in ANY program will be ...
Fit Nerd's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to print files with the name of current directory instead of full path

dir /b /s This prints: D:\stuff\tmp>dir /b /s D:\stuff\tmp\ D:\stuff\tmp\AAA D:\stuff\tmp\ D:\stuff\tmp\ D:\stuff\tmp\Why.class D:\stuff\tmp\ D:\stuff\tmp\XX.class D:\...
as jak's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

Changing location of the Links folder

I am setting up a small network and i am stuck at rerouting the Links folder on Windows 7. What i am trying to accomplish is to keep some particular directories stored on a server and all client ...
Dany Khalife's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mechanism of Windows UAC Shield/Buckler appendage on .exe files

I have written a simple program. Recently I found that when giving it a name including update as its substring (case insensitive), the file automatically gets a Windows shield/buckler on it in Windows ...
Steven Liang's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Always show the keyboard in windows 10 (tablet) when no explorer is loaded

We have an application that need some key instructions, but does not have a text field (like an old console application). Since the "tablet" keyboard in windows 10 only appears, when the cursor is ...
Kevin Urbainczyk's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there an equivalent of the unix 'look' command on Windows?

I'm looking for an equivalent of the unix look command, which searches a text file for lines beginning with a given prefix. In particular, it has an option for a binary search within a pre-sorted text ...
Timothy Jones's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to start the Windows shell/desktop (explorer.exe) if the computer has been started with a custom "Winlogon" shell (different than explorer.exe)?

For a kiosk application, I need to not start the Windows desktop/start menu on boot, but rather, a custom application instead. I set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\...
Basj's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I connect to my SSH on DigitalOcean droplet? permission denied. (git bash Windows)

How can I connect to my droplet in DigitalOcean using the openssh to be able to install my SSL Certificate, I've already added my SSH key to the droplet and my fingerprint is there, but each time I ...
Ibrahim Hafez's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Killed explorer.exe, but when I maximize a window, a 'ghost taskbar' is still there

I'm trying to implement my own shell written in C#, using the Windows Presentation Foundation library. The first logical step to completely replace the shell is to get rid of the old one. The first ...
Lázár Zsolt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Attach an icon to a folder

I created a file called "Desktop.ini" that has the following lines: [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=Icon.ico IconIndex=0 and I have an .ico file with the name "Icon" I put both files in the folder but ...
Datacrawler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to use custom shell on windows 7 when connected remotely via thin client

We have a Win 7 PC that runs software within a custom shell. This shell blocks users from the operating system depending on who is logged in. When no one is logged on, the OS is inaccessible. This ...
redned's user avatar
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Strange behavior when changing default shell, and setting explorer.exe as winlogon shell for specific user

I use a custom logon shell on a machine (windows 7) for security reasons - which works fine by altering HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\shell. However, I also ...
Ophir Yoktan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I list files when changing directories using tab completion in Windows?

With UNIX command cd, when you press tab to complete a file/dir name and there are multiple options, it does an ls. How can I get this behavior in command prompt with cd? When you tab complete with ...
travis1097's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 bug options disappeared in right click mouse

I can't create new folders in any disk drives either with "right-click" or the "New Folder" button. I don't know when and how this problem started, but I maybe when I connected in my Microsoft ...
Donald Silveira's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Windows - change logged in user from command line

I'm working on a project where I want to switch from a normal account to a non-logged in admin account from the command line, and the best I've managed is a psexec chain to get an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ...
TheStaticTurtle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I restart my audio more easily?

A recurrent problem with my Windows 10 speakers can be solved with method 4 here, a PowerShell solution that requires a restart. Is there a way I can make the effect immediate, so that a restart is ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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How to undo more than just one single action in Windows shell?

Is it by any chance possible to undo more than just a single action in Windows? Here's a very simple example of what I mean. I have created following two text files on the Desktop. New Text Document....
Samir's user avatar
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0 answers

create a shortcut key for new Text documents(.txt),how to edit the regedit,and the (.reg) file?

question detail: when you right click ,show the right menu,and then new → new Text documents after that the (NewTextdocuments.txt) will be created . but question is that i want to use the ...
user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Running Windows Explorer from Windows 2000 under Windows 7

I dislike the Windows Explorer built in to Windows 7. Is there a way to start the classic Windows Explorer that is present on Windows 2000 (both the panel and the file manager) under Windows 7? I ...
Anixx's user avatar
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