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Questions tagged [windows-server-2019]

Windows Server 2019 was announced on March 20, 2018. It was released for general availability on October 2, 2018.

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4 votes
1 answer

Is RDP keyboard input encrypted?

I was wondering if there is any encryption for keystrokes and/or clipboard put into RDP connection. If someone is monitoring your traffic, would they be able to see what is input? Is there a way to ...
steven chen's user avatar
4 votes
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WSL won't switch to WSL2, ignores commands

I'm running a preview version of Windows Server 2019, version 2004, build 20262.1000 I've installed WSL, including a Ubuntu distro. The wsl --help command perfectly lists the --set-default-version <...
René's user avatar
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Can IKEv2 certificate be brute-forced?

I got Event ID 20209 in my logs, even though I didn't try to connect. The certificate is still with me and no one else has access to it. Only machine certificate allowed. But event viewer states that: ...
Bhavya Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Windows Server 2019 require ECC memory?

I am planning to upgrade a system running Windows Server to Windows Server 2019. The CPU (Intel i7-950), motherboard, and RAM do not support ECC. This is a physical deployment, not a virtual ...
kgcode's user avatar
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Trying to get WSL working on a Windows Server 2019 VM. Getting 'Access denied' error

I am trying to enable WSL with Ubuntu on a VM with Windows Server 2019. I am using the Powershell, running as Admin and following instructions here :
Sridhar's user avatar
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Hyper-V RCT enabling

I'am working on fast backup solution for Hyper-V (same tool for ESXi 6.5 using CBT is already done). My Hyper-Vs (one on Windows 10 config version 8.3 and one on the Windows Server 2019 config ...
lukash256's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Windows server: letting a user use a desktop app without accessing the app's files

I have a Windows desktop application (written in .NET) that I have installed on a Windows Server machine. Since it is a desktop app (not a web app) it needs to be used by accessing the server via RDP ...
Master_T's user avatar
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How do I bulk change the SSL certificate on multiple sites in IIS using powershell?

I have a server with a dozen or so sites that each have HTTP and HTTPS bindings, with a couple of these sites sharing the same root domain, like so: Name Bindings ---- -- Site ...
MMM's user avatar
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Display Feature Lists and Subfeatures using Get-WindowsFeature

I'm using Hyper-V Server 2019. (This is a free Windows Server 2019 Core package with the Hyper-V role installed. It's completely text-based by default - there's no GUI desktop as with regular Windows ...
leanne's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to safely uninstall Docker on Windows Server 2019 VPS

I have a Windows Server 2019 VPS(!) machine. Windows Server 2019 keeps recreating folder "C:\ProgramData\docker", even after I manually removed it. Attempt 1: There's no mention of Docker in ...
Adam's user avatar
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How do I allow technicians without an admin role to shadow a windows server 2022 RDP?

The question has it straightforward. I have 4 technicians, and ~ 300 end-users with up to 70 RDPs at any one time. I would like my techs to be able to remote shadow the end-users to resolve the most ...
Christopher J. Joubert's user avatar
2 votes
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NVIDIA Control Panel not available on Windows Server

Per Microsoft request, NVIDIA removed their GFX Control Panel from their driver packs and now it is available only in the Microsoft Store. (See this support article.) Since I currently use Windows ...
orenk's user avatar
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Is there a way on server 2019 to logoff an RD user session in a command file

On Server 2008 have an assembler routine that was set as the final command on a users start command batch file. They logged into the RD session, the batch file ran, executed an application and when ...
Manitobamike's user avatar
2 votes
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sc stop winDefend/deleting MpCmdRun.exe access denied

I am trying to stop windows defender service as an administrator but I am getting access denied error. The intention is to remove "MpCmdRun.exe" file after stopping service. I tried changing ...
user3847894's user avatar
2 votes
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Why one server is able to ping the other but not vice versa?

This often happens and it kind of solves itself after a while or after reboots. But I would like to stop relying on luck and understand why one server can ping the other but not the other way around. ...
RollRoll's user avatar
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net user /domain <username> - System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied

I have the problem that I am getting a System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. error when I am trying to run the command net user /domain <username> with a regular domain user account (...
Admin_228's user avatar
2 votes
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Packets are not coming back thru a Win2019 server

I have a first computer, running Windows Server 2019 and called Win2019 that has two interfaces: Ethernet has received as it is connected to a network which address is on ...
OBones's user avatar
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Can Not Configure a VPN server

I installed windows server, network connections in control panel, and created an incoming connection, without any fuss of routing and remote access. And as soon as I finish the setup, the incoming ...
Bhavya Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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How to set "Restart options" on Windows Server 2019 when it blocks me saying, "Some settings are managed by your organization"?

A Windows Update requires a reboot on my Windows Server 2019 Azure VM, so I want to schedule my restart for a particular time (5am) when people won't be working via RDP on this busy application server....
ShieldOfSalvation's user avatar
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No ports in Routing and Remote Access

I installed routing and remote access. But whenever I restart the server, I can not connect to VPN anymore. (I am using PPTP for simplicity.) It says server may have exceeded the connection limit. On ...
Bhavya Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Trying to make it so that i need a password to remove programs (Windows Server 2019)

I'm new to windows servers and I'm in a situation where I have a couple programs that i don't want the client to be able to uninstall without contacting me first. Me and the client are family and i ...
JJulk0987's user avatar
1 vote
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Windows Admin Center: is login to web-UI from other machines possible?

I found that even after opening firewall ports and accepting the SSL cert, I get this when trying to login to Windows Admin Center from any other machine on my domain: "You are not authorized to ...
KidACrimson's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I install Windows Server 2019 on a raspberry pi?

I want to install Windows Server 2019 on a raspberry pi, but raspberry imager doesn't let me for some reason. I think it's possible because if people can install windows 10 onto a raspberry pi. That ...
Patrik Szabó's user avatar
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Why does the count of NUMA Nodes Influence Processor grouping

On a HPE DL380 G10 Server with 2 Xeon(R) Gold 6246R (32 phys. Cores, 64 log. with HT), in the BIOS, using this setting: System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Performance ...
Harry's user avatar
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How to specify $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' in a one liner

I'm running PowerShell commands through ssh from a Linux server and I need to specify $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' in a one liner for an Invoke-Request command. ssh [email protected] PowerShell \...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows schedule for Saturday before first Monday in month?

I would like to schedule a task in Windows Server 2019 to run on the Saturday before the first Monday in each month. I fail to see any way to configure such a trigger. Asking here just to make sure I ...
Kjell Rilbe's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using Ntrights.exe to grant user rights fails to _Enable_ the rights

When using Ntrights.exe to grant permission to a privilege, I do not see any ability to Enable said privileges. Is this supposed to be automatic? Example: ntrights.exe +r SeShutdownPrivilege -u %...
k1dfr0std's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I unable to set NTFS permissions on %ProgramFiles%?

Using an Admin user account on Windows Server 2019, I am trying to change NTFS permissions for a user account on %ProgramFiles%, %ProgramFiles(x86)%, and %WinDir%, but I get an access denied error ...
Kjell Rilbe's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I add a timestamp to a monitored command (like "netstat") in Windows commandline?

Using netstat -aon | findstr /I "1234", I can monitor that this port is open, but there is an issue: this is what the result looks like: UDP *:* 5064 UDP
Dominique's user avatar
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Windows Server 2019: For system update patches tasks, Is there a difference between restart using command line "shutdown" and using GUI?

When a system patch is installed on Windows, there remain some tasks defered for "after restart" execution. When you restar from GUI there are some options to avoid "update tasks" ...
Mauricio Ortega's user avatar
1 vote
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Windows Server 2019 Std loses network when last user logs off

I have a Windows Server 2019 Standard server that has a strange issue. During the logoff procedure of the last user connected through RDP, the server loses network capabilities. When I log off, I see ...
LPChip's user avatar
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Adding route on OpenVPN server side to connect VPN Clients to the internal LAN

I am using a Windows Server 2019. I have an OpenVPN Server listening a NIC with IP (Subnet Connected to the Fritz!Box Router. The router is configured to forward UDP port ...
xMRi's user avatar
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Remote port forwarding through ssh stopped working on windows server 2019 after update

Before the recent update the following command worked correctly and opened a ssh tunnel: ssh -R "remote-port:localhost:local-port" remote-ip which I could test by running locally ncat -l ...
ciamej's user avatar
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Moving Windows 10 System Drivers to Windows Server 2022

I have a Windows Server 2022 installation and I want to connect a Logitech F710 Controller, turns out the device uses Window's included default xusb22 drivers for this but this driver and the whole ...
Emir Geçir's user avatar
1 vote
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Given a virtual disk, get the pool it belongs to

I have this monstrosity: Get-Volume | ForEach-Object { $VolObj = $_ $ParObj = Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.AccessPaths -contains $VolObj.Path } $DiskObj = Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_....
DeepSpace's user avatar
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Windows Server 2019 Bluetooth Headset Hands Free Not Working

Boundary Conditions: Computer Make and Model: Acer V3-772G Laptop Operating System: Windows Server 2019 Standard (Microsoft Windows Server Version 1809 OS Build 17763.1852) Bluetooth Adapter: Asus ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Is it possible through group policy to disable NLA for specific computer

I have a test environment consisting of a windows server (2019) install that I am trying to remote into from a windows xp sp2 install. (the reason I am doing this is simply a testing grounds to better ...
Tyler's user avatar
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windows 10 - how to associate "edit" for .cmd files to notepad++ in context menu?

I would like to be able to right-click on a .cmd file in win10 (or windows server 2019), choose edit and have notepad++ open the file. I have a mixture of file types (as in 'nix text files) that are ...
BISI's user avatar
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How to display tray icon for Windows Defender in Windows Server 2019 (1809)?

I'm looking for a way to display a tray icon for running Windows Defender under Windows Server 2019 in a similar way that non-server version is showing it. What I checked: The Feature "Windows ...
Blackfury's user avatar
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Port forwarding to local ip is not working in windows server 2019

I want to run Call Of Duty 4 host server. First I install the windows server 2019 in Google cloud platform. After that I install the call of duty game server and run it is running on local ip 10.128....
Azeem Haider's user avatar
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How to install an application on a windows server, available to any user in domain on any computer in domain? [closed]

I have 5 workstations joint to a domain. The DC is running a Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition and an Active Directory Domain Controller, and a DNS is configured. I have 20 different users with ...
Saffa Seraj's user avatar
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Hyper-V on Windows 2019 Server or Windows 10 Pro Desktop for production use

I want to virtualize my desktop PC, which is a) rather potent and b) always on anyway, and run some other VMs on that hardware. It is Windows 10 Pro right now. The VMs will be production VMs, like ...
Andreas Reiff's user avatar
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How to prevent windows server from locking?

I want to prevent a Windows server from ever locking. I'm using AWS EC2 and I am connecting with RDP. I tried autologin but it is obviously not working. I've a script which is running in the ...
WindowsXpUser's user avatar
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Filter Windows Event Viewer based on information inside the event itself

I have a large number of events like: Category: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command EventId: 20101 Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30'] SELECT ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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Can't connect to domain VM Windows Server 2019 in Virtual Box?

I created 3 VMs, 1 is AD domain VM Windows Server 2019, 1 is normal PC Windows 10, and the other is another Windows Server 2019. I used to be able to connect in my last time trying, but this round I ...
Lynda Vo's user avatar
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Windows server 2019 blue screen - HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

For third time in 2 weeks we have got a blue screen HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED message on our Windows Server 2019 VM running in VMWare. After we reset the VM the system loads without any problem. We ...
DiegoS's user avatar
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"Active directory users and computers" are duplicated in my Windows Server 2019

When I click tools from server management I find that. “Active directory users and computers” are duplicated in my Windows server 2019 and this happened after I used vCenter to move my physical Domain ...
HACEN's user avatar
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Can I get back a deleted folder on a network drive? [closed]

This morning we had an employee quit all of a sudden. She had a folder on a shared network drive from one of our servers. i am trying to find the folder she deleted because there was data that we need....
juiceman's user avatar
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How do I get Windows SFTP (OpenSSH) users a unique directory for that user [duplicate]

I have a Windows 2019 server set up with OpenSSH version 7.7: $ ssh -V OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5 I want to give each user their own directory; I have a user [fti] and want them ...
Velocedge's user avatar
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Huge amount of files in Fortify / Apache Tomcat temp directory

We are running a commercial software app (Fortify) on Apache Tomcat. We've asked the vendor, but so far no usable response. So I'm posting this here in case it's an issue with the underlying Apache ...
LeonZandman's user avatar

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