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Missing "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*" in registry [closed]

The specific subfolder "*" is missing under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes" If anyone has enountered this, how can this be fixed, if it can be fixed? I needed this when trying ...
Victor's user avatar
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How important are registry ROOT menu entries

I ‘m doing a fresh install of Windows 7 on another PC. Before making an image backup I do a clean-up of the junk. After using ShellNewHandler to remove unwanted New context menu entries. I discovered ...
Sark's user avatar
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Of what use are empty Windows Registry HKCR keys for my C: and D: drives? Can they be deleted?

I've been having ongoing issues with my system not starting correctly sometimes. I've run chkdsk on my C: drive and have run sfc. Both reported no issues. Next I thought I'd get a registry cleaner and ...
SDMark's user avatar
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Windows 7 Broken Boot (Complicated Issue)

I have an issue with my old Hard Drive, I got the issue by using CCleaner Registry Cleaner, I thought it could improve my PC's performance but it made it worse. Whenever I boot/start the PC, it never ...
ايمن - RDZ's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to disable editing registry by standard user in Win 7

In the past a standard user in my Win 7 was not able to edit such registry key as HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules. But now I see that it's ...
sprsr's user avatar
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When log into standard account of PC run VBS that requires admin privs

I need when I log into Windows account of standard user, VBS file should be run automatically. I know I can create a new string value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ...
sprsr's user avatar
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Is it safe to change registry names from VBOX to something else in Virtualbox?

I'm trying to make a stealthy Windows 7 VM on an Ubuntu host but in the registry there are many keys and values which have "VBOX" written (see screenshot attached). Therefore, is it safe if ...
jefazo92's user avatar
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How is the font value in Windows Registry is organized?

This comment explains some crucial facts about the font value of Windows Registry but not completely. I would like to know more about the font value. Especially ...
resun's user avatar
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Can't change key name in HKEY_CURRENT_USER subkey (Win7)

I have discovered weird issue today. I have a key of some application under HKEY_CURRENT_USER which I can't remove or change it's name. There is no problem with other keys. Regedit is working with ...
KrzysztofJ's user avatar
6 votes
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Where in the registry are the context menu options for 7zip?

I'd like to edit the context menu options for 7zip in the Windows File Explorer. More precisely, I'd like to replace Add to archive... by &Add to archive to be able to use a keyboard shortcut ...
Basj's user avatar
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Deleted my user in hkey_users

Windows 7. I've deleted a directory in registry with my user in hkey_users. After that a new one was created automatically but I'm having some issues other than just losing a lot of settings and need ...
Bochkarev's user avatar
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Why is this command not making class files double clickable?

I wanted to make .class files open with java.exe when double clicked. First, I tried to do that using "open with", it did not even take java.exe as a choice. Now I entered the following in ...
Sasidhar's user avatar
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How to prevent the "ApplicationDestinations" (Jump Lists maximum entries) Windows registry key from getting reset?

The Windows (7) registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ApplicationDestinations controls the maximum number of items that can appear in a Windows Jump List (...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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How to create multiple Windows file extensions with different descriptions but identical actions?

In Windows 7, is it possible to have different file extensions with unique description names, but all the same actions, without duplicating all the actions (for each extension) in the Windows registry?...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Invalid Registry while updating windows 7 to windows 10

I was updating my pc from windows 7 to windows 10 after downloading and installing windows 10 then it was downloading updates like in 25%-28% it showed a error saying many things but I remembered one ...
Anudhyan Nath's user avatar
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How to prevent a Windows 7 registry setting from always getting reset to the default on reboot?

Hopefully this question will be asking the correct question, and not be an infamous "XY" problem question. The challenge is that "X" has already been asked and answered, but that ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Make mouse ignore microsecond clicks

I've had issues with my mouse so I decided to figure out its problem. The symptom was that multiple clicks were recorded when only one was meant. I found out that the problem was the mechanical switch ...
Some Student's user avatar
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Why receiving "Access is denied" error message when trying to modify Windows Registry using "Registry Finder" application?

In the Registry Finder application (a third-party tool), I am receiving "Access is denied. (5)." error messages when trying to perform a bulk search and replace of the Windows registry on a ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Audit registry access or modification

I want to audit registry modifications, or attempts in case of failure. For that purpose, I have set the audit policy as follows: auditpol /set /subcategory:"Registry" /success:enable /...
anderZubi's user avatar
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How to fix .exe file associations on windows 7

I know that there are lot of similar questions on this site, but I've looked at over 10 of those, as well as some other websites, and none of the solutions I found seemed to work. In short, I was ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
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Use registry tweak to change the duration of the welcome screen

I found a registry tweak that has been used since Win XP. It seems to be used on Network machines. I tried it on both my Win 7 and win 8.1 and did not work on either one. I have home edition windows. ...
John's user avatar
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Windows 7 64bit- Can't run batch files

I know a lot of people have posted on the internet about not being able to run batch files but I haven't been able to find a solution for myself. I arrived at this problem trying to run a game I just ...
Ashkaan's user avatar
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Force icon to stay outside notification tray [duplicate]

Using the mouse, I can drag an icon placed in the notification tray and move it outside. Can I do that but from an automated script (so maybe using the Windows Registry), for an arbitrary program ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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Disabling Win+Tab in Windows 7

How can I disable the Win + Tab hotkey in Windows 7? I want to do this with the native Windows instruments (regedit?) and don't want to use outside programs like Autohotkey or Winkiller. I tried to ...
Gordem's user avatar
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Where does win7 store folder columns settings?

Windows file explorer columns show/hide (size, date, type, etc..). Where does Windows 7 store these settings? Are they stored for each individual folder? thanks
bitbar's user avatar
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Windows 7 registry default value don't change?

I have a small problem which is I can't change the default value of files with extension .c to open with sublime text editor as default, although I can do that manually, I want to do it via .reg file, ...
Monio1996's user avatar
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Corrupt Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM file on Windows 7

Good Evening, I have a problem booting into Windows 7, and get an error when booting up: error 0xc0000225 corrupt windows/system32/config/SYSTEM registry file My question to you is that what is ...
Masu's user avatar
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How can I open an aplication from registry to the foreground?

I have a Thinkpad T430 laptop, and this model in particular has a button on top of the keyboard that's literally called "Black Button". The button itself had no effect when I pressed it so I looked ...
tralph3's user avatar
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Where does Windows store permissions for the Registry

Every Windows Registry key has a permissions list to specify which user(s) can read or modify the key. Where is this list stored? Is it the same location for Windows 7 and 10? Is there any way, ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Favorites doesn't display anything in Explorer sidebar

On Windows 7 x64, I'm having an issue where the Favorites link in the sidebar fails to show any shortcuts, and the usually-cited fix of right-clicking on it and clicking either Restore favorite links ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Get hardware information from old HDD with Windows installed on it

Recently, I had store cleaning at my work and I found a quite old 40gb IBM HDD. I was wondering what hardware was installed with it, i.e what CPU, mobo, PCI/ISA cards. It has Windows XP installed on ...
Qeeet's user avatar
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How to automate uninstallation of program that I can't find the Uninstall Registry Keys for?

I have a program that I want to automate the uninstallation of, and the Control Panel lists the program and lets me run its uninstaller. It's worth mentioning that the program I want to uninstall ...
TechnoSam's user avatar
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Windows 7 : how to restore the "Security tab" on folders, if "gone missing"

For some unknown reason, I had no more "Security" tab when displaying properties of a folder, on my Windows 7 Pro SP1 (with an NTFS-formatted disk). Thus, I searched the Web, including Super User, ...
TerDale's user avatar
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Last Known Good Configuration - how to find delta to current config?

My Windows 7 Professional SP1 system has a BSOD after loggin on and waiting for 1 to 5 seconds. The problem does not arise with the 'Last Known Good Configuration' (LKGC) that can be chosen from the ...
loonquawl's user avatar
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Registry key disappears after a while

One of my users has had a problem in the past when printing documents from Office 2012. After attempting to print, she got the message that the printer could not be found. Apparently, the cause of ...
Joe's user avatar
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Import registry entries from a text export

I have a copy of my previous registry (Windows 7) saved as Text format (example below) I want to now import this into my current registry (Windows 10). For Example: Key Name: ...
busfault's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the Windows registry key "Epoch"

Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of the registry key Epoch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\SharedAccess\Epoch My security software is warning me about the creation of this ...
mins's user avatar
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How to change Windows 7 Wallpaper using the registry?

All I'm trying to do is get Windows to switch to a different Wallpaper folder at night (a folder containing night images). To achieve this I'm planning to use Task Scheduler to run .bat files which ...
L J's user avatar
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Skype 8.x minimize on startup without reinstalling in Windows 7

Followed through current Q/A's; How can I make a program that runs on Windows startup automatically minimize/close? Can I automatically hide a program in the taskbar on startup? How to actually start ...
user avatar
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Is there any way to configure what info is displayed in the tiles view of windows explorer?

The Tiles View in Windows Explorer displays the file name with 2 other lines of information about the file. As you can see in the image, the information displayed depends on the file. Executable ...
geekley's user avatar
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Disable credential storage of network shared folders in windows clients

How to disable credential storage of network shared folders in windows clients (maybe with a .reg key or GPO etc)? (auto-login network shared folders) Reason: I have a "shared network folder" and I ...
acgbox's user avatar
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Winlogon\Notify Registry Key

If I delete/modify the HKLM\SOFTWARE\MicrosoftWindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify registry key, will this disable Winlogon events from being past to the event log? The Windows Dev Center entry ...
Allison Wilson's user avatar
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Removed wrong registry.How to recover it. 4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318

I tried to remove upperfilters of 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 but I have removed upperfilters of 4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 now I cannot start my computer and I have tried ...
Sakith Karunasena's user avatar
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How can I set CPU affinity for a device driver in Windows 10

I search about set Custom core for driver I found Interrupt Affinity Policy Tool but it does not work for the driver I want the driver is WDF01000.sys its cause high ISR so I want to avoid him ...
Nawaf dmg's user avatar
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How to set many IRQ to lowest priorty

I see in msinfo32.exe that I have a ACPI-compliant system. For IRQs 54 to 511, I want to set them all to the lowest priority. by using registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\...
Nawaf dmg's user avatar
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How to Allow Mapping of drive to internet location

1.I wish to map a drive letter(let's say J:) to an internet share site(lets say, which is the sharesite used by head office. We have a program which transfers files across ...
MacroMarc's user avatar
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Windows 7 DVD boot - Registry change not saved

I am trying this out in Windows 7 Virtual Machine Windows 7 64 is already installed in VM Boot the PC using Windows 7 DVD Go to Repair Your Computer - Command Prompt - Windows directory on the drive ...
rajeev's user avatar
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How to get 64 bit Windows desktop app to read the wow6432node

I installed a windows desktop application. The installer is Inno Setup and it put my license key for the app under the wow6432node. But when I start the app it tells me it cannot find the license. ...
user204427's user avatar
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Why does Windows keep regenerating unneeded .regtrans-ms files in my user folder?

This is a follow-on question from this one. As concluded in that answer, these files are supposedly registry transaction files - files that should have been merged into the registry at some point and ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
5 votes
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What are these files in my Windows 7 user folder for, and are they necessary to keep?

I have the following files in my user folder: Although the files are system files, I'm constantly seeing them because I'm used to browsing Explorer with system files shown for the greater level of ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar

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