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How to get Windows always prompt an "open with" dialog?

As said, I want my Windows to always send me to "Open With" dialog, when I try to open a file. There is a similar XPosed module for Android, named Kill Domain Verification, but it's working ...
xxx508's user avatar
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Unable to remove entries in Windows File Explorer's New context menu which have no Registry ShellNew keys

On Windows File Explorer, I like to keep the New right-click context menu decluttered by removing most entries except those that I specifically want. Thus, in the Registry, I delete (replacing "...
WingedKnight's user avatar
1 vote
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Fixing the broken .exe lin by associating the .exe to execfile prevents app from launching

Recently I started running into this issue that when I tried to open OneNote/Excel/PowerPoint, the .exe file would open up in Notepad. I tried a bunch of things to solve this issue. A combination of ...
Anonymous's user avatar
2 votes
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PowerShell, properly association .jar files with java.exe or javaw.exe

Using the answer from this question Copy Java installation to another system I can manually install Java (without running the installer) and port it to other systems. This works well. However, I still ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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Pass along calling process when specifying open-with behavior for file types and protocols on Windows

To associate certain file types or protocols like https with a particular program it's possible to edit the registry and basically add an association that goes like this: "C:\MyApp.exe" &...
Karl S.'s user avatar
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Win 11 Regedit - set Default app for HTTP / HTTPS launch from app (e.g. npm run serve)

I want a specific web browser to open when a Windows app calls to open a web browser. I've seen various solutions specific to Chrome, for example, but I'm not interested in Chrome-specific solutions. ...
Sylvester DeMouser's user avatar
0 votes
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Trouble with registry key updating/uninstalling iTunes

I am trying to update iTunes and the updater fails. So I then decided to manually download the installer, however it then throws an error saying it could not open the registry key HKLM\Software\...
WinMacLinUser's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change default "Edit" programs for .ahk file extension in Windows? [closed]

I need to change the default "Edit" program for file extension .ahk to Sublime Text in Windows. How do I do that?
brikas's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Is there any straightforward way to replace notepad.exe in Windows 11?

After upgrading to Win 11 a bit over a week ago, I found that my Image File Execution (i.e. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe) replacement for ...
Alex Essilfie's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to create multiple Windows file extensions with different descriptions but identical actions?

In Windows 7, is it possible to have different file extensions with unique description names, but all the same actions, without duplicating all the actions (for each extension) in the Windows registry?...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
3 votes
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In Windows 10, how can we set an application to be the default for all of its supported file types?

I don't have much experience with the newer versions of Windows, and I'm having trouble doing something that I remember used to be possible in Windows 7. When a program is installed, it was possible ...
ayane_m's user avatar
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How to associate a command with files that have no extension (Regedit)

I have several processes that generate files with no extension at all and would like to add a custom context menu menu (i.e. be able to right click on them and select 'open in Notepad' or 'make .txt ...
Martin's user avatar
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Change default behavior of a check box

When I double click a file that doesn't have a program associated with it, I get the How do you want to open this file? dialog box where I can chose a program, the problem is Always use this app to ...
user10191234's user avatar
1 vote
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How to fix .exe file associations on windows 7

I know that there are lot of similar questions on this site, but I've looked at over 10 of those, as well as some other websites, and none of the solutions I found seemed to work. In short, I was ...
ThatCoolCoder's user avatar
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Windows 7 64bit- Can't run batch files

I know a lot of people have posted on the internet about not being able to run batch files but I haven't been able to find a solution for myself. I arrived at this problem trying to run a game I just ...
Ashkaan's user avatar
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Issue associating ms-powerpoint protocol to powerpoint

When trying to open powerpoint through sharepoint or teams I get an error that no application is associated to the protocol (ms-powerpoint). This seems to be true when I check in windows setting but ...
Spyral's user avatar
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Windows 10 command shell not running associated apps

Recently the behaviour of my CMD shell (windows 10) changed, and I have no idea why. Previously , when typing the name of a script or blabla.txt would either run the script using python or ...
GJO's user avatar
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How to extend the file types recognized by category in HKCR\SystemFileAssociations

I have a similar question to the one that was asked here: Custom Windows context menu shell command targetting documents: *.docx and *.pdf except I am concerned with Audio file types. I want to ...
Pemhoo's user avatar
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How to add submenus to Windows (7 and above) right click dropdowns

I want to know how to modify the registry so that I can group menu-items in the dropdown menu (right-clicking from file in the explorer) and put those menu-items in submenus. The picture illustrates ...
P.Coltharp's user avatar
9 votes
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I want to replace the default Windows 10 calculator with CalcTape.exe in the registry. How?

I want to replace the default Windows 10 calculator with CalcTape.exe in the registry. How and where would I find this in the Windows 10 registry editor? :-)
Brett Hummmmmm's user avatar
10 votes
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Fully remove a default program association for file types in Windows 10?

Not a single answer from here worked for me. I want to delete the .resource association with Total Commander. Approach 1 I open registry, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\...
Yaroslav Trofimov's user avatar
1 vote
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Windows 10 adds ---open-url to registry value for default program open command

I am running Windows 10.1803, build 17134.320. I am trying to get .asp files to open with VS Code. I went through the normal process, but no matter what, Windows would always ask me what program I ...
tschwab's user avatar
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How do I modify an Expandable String Value in the registry with PowerShell or a batch file?

I would like to use a PowerShell or batch script to modify an existing expandable string value to another. Specifically, I want to change the default value at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Accidentally Deleted '.exe' file association in Nullsoft script? [duplicate]

I accidentally changed the `.exe file association with the following Nullsoft script (generated by VBConverter) # MyProg-Standard.nsi installation script # Automatically generated by VB6Converter by ...
audiFanatic's user avatar
2 votes
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Change the default program to open .bat files

I want to change the default program to open .bat files to cmder , so in the registry key : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command I did as following : But when I open some .bat file I get the ...
Ichigo Kurosaki's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Default app for a bunch of URL Protocols controlled by .htm default app?

I was trying to setup my PC to open FTP and File urls in IE and everything else browser-related (http/https/html etc) in Chrome. I've hit a snag - after manipulating just about every single registry ...
Dynde's user avatar
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Manually set file type association with non-installed program via registry?

I seem to have an issue where I can no longer associate XML files with the editor I use, which is a portable version of EmEditor. It doesn't matter what I do, when I try to associate it using the "...
THE JOATMON's user avatar
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Reset Batch File Open Command for Windows 10

Awhile ago I attempted to change the default editor program for batch files to Notepad++ but instead set the default way to open it. I've attempted:
Dacio Romero's user avatar
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Windows file associations [duplicate]

I'm currently creating a .vbs script which is used to change the default program for a specific file extension however I'm not fully certain as to what registry keys/values I need to change. Doing a ...
Zer0's user avatar
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Use an environment variable to point to an "Open With" program

I have Windows Vista, but I guess this pertains to other versions as well. I want to set a program to be used in the Open With context menu. Now I want that the path to the .exe contain an environment ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
9 votes
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What do these cryptic strings really mean in registry associations?

Looking at my HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Document.12\shell\Open\command\command value (Word 2010 'Open' shell association) I see this sort of nonsense: xb'BV5!!!!!!!!!MKKSkWORDFiles>bi$T!V!0Z={Pk0vm~...
Van Jone's user avatar
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Fix .lnk file association WITHOUT admin/registry access

I managed to recreate the problems detailed here and here. I tried to use Notepad to open a .lnk file. Now all shorcuts appear as .lnk files, and open in Notepad. This isn't an uncommon problem and ...
mobabo's user avatar
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How to remove extension association using regedit.exe?

Following my post here - Can't un-associate .css extension from Visual Stdio 2013 and the suggested solution - Why are certain default application associations "locked"? What do I ...
URL87's user avatar
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Backup registry that stores file association data?

I want to backup only the registry that contain the file association data so after reinstalling windows i will be able to restore the file associations with restoring the registry. Which registry ...
peter7558's user avatar
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.cmd runs from cmd.exe but not from start menu / Run dialog

problem If I run a .cmd file from cmd.exe it works fine. However if I run it from Start menu / Run line, it opens in Notepad++, my editor. (edit I've it installed for years, didn't update it recently....
n611x007's user avatar
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Stop Office file type associations

Microsoft Office wants to use Microsoft Word as the default HTML editor. I do not want this. I changed the value at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell\Edit\command However the next time I start ...
Zombo's user avatar
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Restore default registry key

I associated "Unknown" files with notepad.exe, that is to say files with no or unknown extension. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown However I am not certain of the keys I changed to that effect. I would ...
Zombo's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to associate the mailto protocol with a custom exe?

In Windows 8, How do you set the default program for the mailto protocol to a custom exe? Under Default Programs, the only option I get is to select from a list of programs (Mail or Google Chrome) or ...
msbg's user avatar
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Is there a tool for managing file extensions and their respective program command lines?

I'm trying to associate .appx files with a utility I wrote which needs a command line similar to appinstaller --install-only --force path\to\appxfile.appx. It also must run as an administrator I ...
Earlz's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the purpose of the .ZFSendToTarget extension?

I learned about this from watching a video about some "Tech Support" scam (watch the last 10 minutes if you want a good laugh) where one of the tactics used by the scammer is getting the victim to ...
poizan42's user avatar
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20 votes
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Where is the Default Program associations stored in the registry? [duplicate]

If I run the assoc command-line utility for an extension, it shows the file type/description for the extension I set in the registry. But if I go to Control Panel -> Default Programs - Set ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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2 answers

Repairing file associations for a user profile [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to repair a broken .EXE file association A system that I'm working on got the Windows 7 Anti-Spyware 2012 virus. Before it was giving to me it had been running a while ...
TonyD's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to create registry key of type REG_NONE?

Information on files' associations are stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes Windows' registry branches (among others). Each entry there can have OpenWithProgIDs key which adds ...
Piotr Dobrogost's user avatar
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Pictures clicked on Start Menu's Recent Items list opens in non default program

I am using Picasa Photo Viewer and have associated all JPG and PNG files to open with it. However when I open an image from the Recent Items list in the Windows 7 Start Menu it opens with Windows ...
Jay Wick's user avatar
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12 votes
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Delete Windows file association using .reg file

Question: Using a .reg file, how do I completely remove a file type association? I tried e.g. deleting HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\myextension_auto_file but that's apparently not enough. Background: On Windows ...
Philipp Lenssen's user avatar
2 votes
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Prevent Windows XP running programs except for selected ones

Came accross a client with a badly virus infected computer. One virus prevented the running of all programs except for those that the virus choose to allow. Googling showed me how this might be done ...
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