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Explore Regedit.exe to the specified address from the CommandLine [duplicate]

Generally, when we want to navigate to one of the registry addresses, we open regedit.exe then copy-paste the address into address bar, then press enter. For example Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Removing User Account through Registry using .BAT [duplicate]

I am not the best at scripting but do know enough to write and modify to do what I want. This is an Enterprise environment and after adding a computer to the domain, we would like to delete the user ...
Corey Jackson's user avatar
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Delete the autorun key from the command processor in the registry

Every time I tried to run cmd recently it would just pop-up and close immediately, and only Powershell worked on my PC. I found a solution that asked me to navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...
Mateo López Torres's user avatar
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Getting REG Hive List of an offline Device

I am trying to get an hive list files of an offline windows installation so I can backup the files in WINPE in my script. What I have tried reg load HKLM\Offline D:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM ...
OW2 Is Trash's user avatar
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How to get all information concerning a Windows service?

On one computer, a Windows service is created. I have tried to create the same one on another computer, but this seems not to work. In order to solve my issue, I'm planning to ask for all Windows ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Confusion using pipe and reg add for modifying registry value

I am trying to create a command line command that will edit a registry value. However, the value I need to insert is very long, and comes from a file rather than a single number. I tried using the ...
Nathan Goedeke's user avatar
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Enforce ProxySettingsPerUser=0 without open administrator's systemsettings panel

I would like to use ProxySettingsPerUser=0 to (remotely) configure machines to use system wide the administrator user proxy configuration. I can deploy registry settings remotely but I noticed that to ...
Kintaro's user avatar
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How do I set the owner of a registry key using powershell?

I'm trying to modify the permissions of a registry key, however before I can do that I need to change the owner of that key. Is it possible to do that using a powershell script? I've seen that you can ...
cooktheprogrammer's user avatar
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How to launch Edge browser with command line flags?

My question is similar to this: Applying a command-line flag to Chrome at auto-launch But 7 years later, on Edge browser, on Windows 11. I knew a way that'd make it possible to add flags to Edge ...
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Access denied when adding key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE using bat file, adding to HKEY_CURRENT_USER works fine

I need to add a new registry key to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRunTime\AllowedCOMCLSIDs. I tried running a following bat script: @echo off REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
cooktheprogrammer's user avatar
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3 answers

Using reg.exe in a script with folder containing spaces

At my company we have a tool basically letting an user to choose on which site to log to, tool that will then deploy the correct registry files containing the settings about the site the user chose. ...
Tratosca's user avatar
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RunOnce key which starts elevated .ps1 file

so for few days I'm working on the automation script in powershell which starts elevated -> changes pc name -> creates the RunOnce reg file with this line as Value (program changes it ...
Marek's user avatar
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How do Get Office 2019 Registry DisplayName with "For /f delims" Command line

I want to get Office 2019's DisplayName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 - en-us" and echo it. I found the cmd command using the powercell command. Powershell /command "Get-...
jkSON's user avatar
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Unable to change the default HTTP protocol handler on Windows to a custom command

If I create a new registry key, for example: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\something\shell\open\command On the Windows command prompt I can now type: start something://.... And it will ...
Casper's user avatar
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Can't escape this complex command correctly so it will run properly from the registry

I am creating a new right click context menu entry for all files. It's located here: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\FileUtilities\shell\a_addtofolder It basically just adds selected files to a new folder. ...
fmotion1's user avatar
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Windows Profile Startup only black screen with CMD window. I messed with Regedit Command Processor AutoRun

Stupidly I have messed with the Windows 10 Reg Key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor following advice I found in this thread (I was suffering the exact issue described ...
I_Keep_Trying's user avatar
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Batch script to find and delete a value in multiple registry keys

I have a batch script to find an delete regedit key: @for %%I in ("foo") do reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "%%~I" /f I need to expand ...
acgbox's user avatar
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how to starting Apache and MySQL automatically in UniServer Zero by command line

i want to start Apache and MySQL automatically by command line in uniserver zero XIV here official site propose that you start it with the following command (And works!): UniController.exe start_both ...
acgbox's user avatar
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Chromium and Chrome conflict within start command

I have both Ungoogled Chromium and Chrome installed on my Windows system. I have some batch script launching certain profiles in Google Chrome using the start chrome command, with flags. Since I ...
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How to change Power options through registry or through command line?

I want to change powercfg.cpl "Power Options" directly through registry. Specifically I want to change this: To these settings: I am using a desktop computer on alternating current power, ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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Windows Explorer.exe crashes when running a cmd command from shell registry

I saw this nice cmd command on this SU answer that removes empty folders in a one liner. I thought this would be very useful to have as a right click context-menu option for folders. So I went over to ...
DFSFOT's user avatar
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How to convert .reg files to PowerShell set-itemproperty commands automatically?

I am a tinkerer who does many registry hacks and I hate having to click many .reg files one by one; how do I convert .reg files to PowerShell Set-ItemProperty commands automatically? I found a site ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
2 votes
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How to sort registry entries by last write time/last modified time in PowerShell

I am learning PowerShell, I use PSCore7.1 on Windows 10 20H2, currently I can do this: Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\" -Directory -Recurse -Depth 5 | Where-Object{$_.LastWriteTime.ToString("...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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Are Wifi-Network data/credentials stored even when we forget it?

Does Windows store Wifi-credentials even when we forget it? I'm concerned about my Wifi-Network which I shared with a friend who is a real computer geek. Can he access the wifi password even when I ...
batchcoding____s's user avatar
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how to execute cmd as admin within a .reg file to change ownership

I'm struggling to get this working properly. This .reg when imported works on the surface, however upon execution im greeted with "This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object" I ...
klepp0906's user avatar
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Windows 10 command shell not running associated apps

Recently the behaviour of my CMD shell (windows 10) changed, and I have no idea why. Previously , when typing the name of a script or blabla.txt would either run the script using python or ...
GJO's user avatar
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Disable playback/recording device programmatically (cmd, c#) Windows

I am trying to disable the microphone from cmd or c#. I tried to use devcon.exe, but it disables the device in Device Manager but not in the sound properties. I tried to write to the registry: reg ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to change photo screen saver slide show speed from registery or commandline in Windows 10?

In Windows 10 , How to change photo screen saver slide show speed from registery or through commandline in Windows 10 to "slow" speed ?
EgyEast's user avatar
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Context menu option to append a prefix to filename and update modification date

I'm trying to make a context menu item to add a # prefix to selected files names and update their modification time. this is the used command: cmd /c copy /b \"%1\" +,, & ren \"%1\" \"#%1\" copy ...
ahmad's user avatar
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How do I pass quotes in tectia ssh?

We use windows OS but instead of using built in native ways to connect to remote machines, they installed tectia ssh. So if I want to run commands on a remote machine I have to open cmd and do sshg3 ...
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cannot frind HKCU\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe

I am trying to permanently change the code page of the cmd.exe. Under HKCU/Console, I can only find the following two keys: %SystemRoot%_System32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe %SystemRoot%...
joehua's user avatar
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Change Registry Value for Specific Application Lifecycle Only

Is it possible to override the value of an arbitrary Windows registry key for a specific application lifecycle? My hope is that a temporary registry value can be set with the command line, so that I ...
TiberiumFusion's user avatar
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Force a url to open in IE from chrome without command process warning message

My requirement is to open few urls on IE browser on cliking their links. So i have followed the below code to set the registry Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...
Chandra Mohan's user avatar
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REG ADD REG_SZ where Value contains embedded double quotes (redux)

This is driving me bananas but it must be something very simple. I am trying to modify an ImagePath Value (REG_SZ) for a Service in a Batch script using REG ADD, where the Value Data contains ...
Neil Weicher's user avatar
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REG ADD REG_SZ where Value contains embedded double quotes

This is driving me bananas but it must be something very simple. I am trying to add an ImagePath Value (REG_SZ) in a Batch script using REG ADD, where the Value Data contains embedded "double quotes"....
Neil Weicher's user avatar
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Custom right click menu option to delete a folder does not work

I work with Angular and it generates project folders that are huge and takes forever to delete with the regular method of folder deletion, but if delete it with the following command in the command ...
Raj Narayanan's user avatar
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Couple of problems with REG ADD command

I'm trying to edit Windows Registry through Command Line for some reasons, and I'm having a problem with REG Add Command. First of all: REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\runas\" /t REG_SZ /v ...
BlackOtton's user avatar
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Batch file will not run - only opens Notepad++

Running Windows 8.1. This worked a few days ago. Really do not know what has changed, nor am I aware of any update that might have stopped this working. When I run a .bat (batch) file (right-click &...
AlainD's user avatar
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How do I set a registry variable in batch code with SETX?

I am trying to make a custom tool that works with Steam. Because the user may have a different install directory than myself, I want to use the SteamPath registry string value as a variable in my ...
Mr. Mendelli's user avatar
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How to "Open CMD Here as Administrator" in right-click menu, with no elevation prompt. Without changing UAC rules

I'm going to preface this with that I am relatively new to registry tweaking, but please bear with me. Today I was messing with my Windows 10 (home, version 1803) and after some googling I did 2 ...
BattleSnacks's user avatar
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How can I create a new .reg file from the CLI

I'd like to create a new .reg file and add it to the registry, as suggested in this article. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Autorun.inf] @="...
voices's user avatar
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5 votes
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Registry: Shell Open Command - Open multiple programs

I'm trying to register a shell open command via the registry and want to open more than one program, so I tried it like this: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\myFile\Shell\Open\Command] @="cmd /k ...
patpat's user avatar
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11 votes
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How can I add additional fonts to the Windows console?

I found a guide online stating that you need to edit the registry in order to add new fonts to the list of available fonts in Command Prompt: specifically, you have to edit the key: ...
soapergem's user avatar
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Open exe from Windows Registry doesn't work

I need to start my application on Windows startup. I used this command to set the registry: reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "ProgramName" /d "...
dm707's user avatar
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Is it possible to easily find the Command Prompt equivalent of a context menu item?

For example, Comodo Internet Security has added two items to my right-click menu, "Scan with Comodo" and "Run in Comodo Container." I don't particularly want both of them to be there clogging up my ...
ETL's user avatar
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Import .reg file into the Default user profile via command line

My goal is to import specific registry program settings (e.g. CCleaner) into the Default user profile of an active system to make sure new users get a predefined configuration. I do not want to create ...
Clacers's user avatar
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how to make registry changed values to take effect without signing out?

If I manually change registry key values using cmd. they failed to take effect/changes until I restart/sign-out my computer. Eg. reg ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ...
Aravind .KEN's user avatar
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Cmd quits after mbam scan and quarantine

Recently I scanned disk with MalwareBytes Anti-Malware and then accepted quarantine of specific registry key (don't remember which one was that) which seemed to be related to cmd.exe. After this scan ...
pbies's user avatar
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Replacing dir with to custom utility in Windows 7

I'm using Windows 7 and would like to change the default dir command in the Command Prompt to another program. I've tried putting both dir.exe and dir.bat in the C:\ root but when I type dir it doesn'...
DJQuad's user avatar
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Accidentally Deleted '.exe' file association in Nullsoft script? [duplicate]

I accidentally changed the `.exe file association with the following Nullsoft script (generated by VBConverter) # MyProg-Standard.nsi installation script # Automatically generated by VB6Converter by ...
audiFanatic's user avatar