
I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 L.T.S. I had a lot of problems during installation but now, I just can't boot up windows. Even if i give it top priority through BIOS, Ubuntu somehow keeps opening. I'm not shown the choice of choosing which OS i want to use. I have tried almost everything. from ChatGPT to shady websites and forums. I have a Lenovo Ideapad 3 computer by the way.

This is like, really urgent. I have tons of important files on Windows, I can't access them through Ubuntu and I'm just afraid I'll lose them forever. About wiping out Windows, I can see the Windows booloader at the BIOS priority selector, but even if I put it first, Ubuntu is the one to load instead of Windows

I already asked on askubuntu.com and told me to ask on this site since the problem is about Windows

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  • How do I ask a good question? .. For example I tried "stuff" but it didn't work is non-info, it does not clarify anything. Commented Jun 24 at 10:19
  • 1
    Show a screenshot of gparted listing the partitions on your disk. Depending on the "problems" you may have wiped your Windows install or you might not. The first thing to do is establish exactly what you have done and describe that in detail.
    – Mokubai
    Commented Jun 24 at 10:37
  • Since you can boot to Ubuntu, copy the Windows partition and any other data partition to an external drive.. That will save your files, even if you need to wipe the disk to reinstall WIndows. Commented Jun 24 at 14:43
  • Windows partition is gone. I can't find it through commands. Nor files Commented Jun 25 at 11:48
  • Hey Joep van Steen, instead of roasting me, how about you actually help? Commented 2 days ago


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