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windows defender antivirus folder missing on local group policy editor

gpedit.msc was missing, i added it with using .bat after restart i could enter to gpedit.msc but windows defender antivirus folder is missing i need that folder to disable windows defender. pls help ...
Kənan Qurbanlı's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is there a difference between combining commands with & and running them one at a time?

Say I want to run multiple, computationally complex commands on Windows command line. Does it makes a difference, performance wise, if I combine them with &: doSomething1 & doSomething2 & ...
overdriven's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Sorting Windows Explorer's file checkboxes output

I'm writing a rough .cmd batch to do an operation with a few files (4 or 5) in Windows. I want to mark the desired files in Explorer's checkboxes, and drag-and-drop them to the batch file, that will ...
mguima's user avatar
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A batch file with an executable file checks if it is not in the processes in order to run another batch file (or code from it)

There are two batch files. Need to add a condition to the first file if the process is running nvcplui.exe then nothing, and if it is not running, then the second file (or the code from it) will be ...
Agodless's user avatar
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Creating a bat file to force close microsoft excel

First of all, i am sorry if i post this in a wrong community as i am new to this. So i am trying to run a bat file whenever something goes wrong, the code for the bat file is as follows: taskkill /IM ...
David's user avatar
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Powershell in bat file closing console

I have a bat file that normalizes several audio files in one folder. I create txt files with the same names as the audio files and I need to delete some lines from a txt file that will be used to ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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Why does an `echo` with brackets `()` break the `if` statement?

The if statement in following code shouldn't trigger, but it does. If I change echo () to echo [], it works as intended. So apparently it has something to do with the brackets (). set a=1 set b=2 ...
Qwert Yuiop's user avatar
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How to extract a part of a line that is between two specific strings using a batch script [closed]

I am trying to extract strings which are between <meta property="al:ios:url" content="snssdk1180://live?room_id= and " data-rh="true">. Example Input: <meta ...
Enema State's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Windows Batch Script: how to recursively go through all files except certain file types and folders?

I'm trying to do a replace string operation on all files except those in .git folder and all pycache directories which can appear nested in any nested directory. I'm executing the script in the root ...
Macky's user avatar
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1 answer

Copy and rename batch file

1folder (cover.jpg) 2folder (cover.jpg) 3folder (cover.jpg) . . There are so many jpg file with same name cover.jpg in multiple folders. I am trying to copy and rename all cover.jpg in another folder ...
Silver Lee's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What Equivalent %* of Batch in PowerShell

Batch Script: @echo off if not "!!"=="" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "tokens=4*" %%a in ( 'dir /AD "%USERPROFILE%\" ^| find "DIR" ^| Find /...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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If I created a task on a user called "A" and I want it to be executed on user "B", how do I do it?

I'm looking for help with "Task Scheduler" Windows 10 I don't know how to do it but basically, I have two users, "A" has admin rights and "B" does not. I also saved the ....
Samir Mahmoud's user avatar
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Send input to running program Batch

I would like to start a cmd line program in Batch and be able to communicate with it. Currently I am starting the program with start /b cmd /c "cli_program.exe" > log.txt. I am currently ...
octalgon's user avatar
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Trying to find .exe over multi drive wide search in a bat file. Tried with relative path commands

As stated in the title I have a bat file set up to locate and run 2 separate exe's. One is located in the same folder as the bat file which for this %~dp0 works just fine. The second exe is one to a ...
heyimvic's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I echo the actual logged in user if running batch as administrator?

I would like to know which user is logged in to Windows from the bat script I launch with right click and "Run as Administrator". If I try echo %username% the script obviously output "...
Kintaro's user avatar
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Any way to do a Batch file move operation only when the HDD is idle-ish?

I know how to check if a specific program is running like winrar which might indicate usage on drive d: but is there a better way to determine if a drive is relatively idle enough (via Batch or other ...
Bricktop's user avatar
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Windows Terminal: Open cmd.exe then run script

I want to create .bat file to open cmd.exe in Windows Terminal and activate python environment cd D:\pythonApp venv\Scripts\activate this successfully open cmd in Terminal and set the directory wt....
uingtea's user avatar
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(SOLVED) how to enable and disable device in one batch file [duplicate]

I want a shortcut that enable/disable a network card according to its status. I figured out how to enable or disable using either devcon, wmic and pnputil or found some Q&As here that suggest ...
user2048695's user avatar
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Copy single file in to sub folders of destination root folder

I need to copy a single text file inside a (source) folder in to all (480) sub folders of another parent folder. To keep it simple (I will amend the correct paths later) as I try to work out how to do ...
Bel's user avatar
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Xcopy: Copy last modified file from folder

I need to copy the last modified file of a particular extension from a folder. For example a folder contains: File1.cas File1.txt File2.cas File2.txt File3.cas File3.pptx ... File100.cas File100.pptx ...
Hemil Mehul Shah's user avatar
-2 votes
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Improve bat script

I'm try to improving this and make it looks better. I have two issues When I run as administrator the file that I need won't copy in the user profile (I just run as admin to run the .bat script. ...
Daniel Jiménez's user avatar
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Display switch with a timeout in a Batch script

I have my PC connected to my monitor and TV. I want to be able to switch my display to the TV and launch an application through a script. As I do this, I would like to set the audio to be the TV ...
RemotelyController's user avatar
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Running a batch silently, but how can I get process ID to show a specific name?

I have followed this here to run a batch file silently, in the background and doesn't show on taskbar, it's great. How to run a batch file without launching a "command window"? The thing is, ...
Al So's user avatar
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Weird effects when one CMD script runs another, from inside a function

When one BAT or CMD script runs another (without call), that should not return, right? It sometimes does! And it searches the same function label in that other script?!? Example: (what do you think ...
Klaus Hartnegg's user avatar
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"dir like" sorted by time in a batch file (.bat) using a piped string command: Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime, not working

I'm trying to build a trivial batch file in Windows for command line to execute a "dir like" command to list the directory contents sorted by time, avoiding typing: Get-ChildItem | Sort-...
nostromo's user avatar
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3 answers

Batch script to take first & second part of folder name and create new folders from them

Any wizards out there that can help with this? I have some music folders labelled like this "Taylor Swift - 1989" etc with just the music files and folder image in the one folder. I need ...
Shane Cusack's user avatar
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Windows taskkill not finding titled cmd.exe

I'm starting a lot of .bats, in which I execute, for example: title Waterfall-Proxy I do this, to have an easier closing the right cmds when I want to shut them down. To shut them down, I'm using: ...
Deutsch - Musik's user avatar
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Switch screen being mirrored by command line

In my setup I have two monitors stacked vertically, and a TV, hooked up to my PC. The TV mirrors the top screen usually. I want to write a script (so that I can set a keybind) to switch the screen it ...
Precast Dragon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to verify if a variable is equal to an other variable or a Windows variable in batch files?

I am making a "locked" batch file that only certain user can use so what I am doing right now is to check the condition if what the user write is == to %username% or other variable like this:...
NTF espolion 307's user avatar
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MultiMonitorTool.exe questions

I am using Multimonitortool.exe to switch between displays, to be precise: i got 3 Monitors, while Monitor 1 and 2 are permanentely on and Monitor 3 is turned on only when i need it. If i need it, ...
PBR91's user avatar
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Mounting dropbox as a network drive and running a batch file on it

I have Dropbox set as a network drive drive letter X: with all my channel logos and EPG Data Generator program and scripts for creating an XML EPG File for Tivimate. This drive also has the XML EPG ...
Thomas Stevens's user avatar
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Using a .bat file how do I copy a file from its current directory to another directory?

I want to be able to have the batch file in any directory and have it copy the file to the specified directory. I have tried using: set path="%~dp0" copy "%path%\test.txt" "C:\...
arjeplog's user avatar
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Use WinSCP or any other program (cmd) to download from SFTP [closed]

How to use WinSCP or any other program (from command-line) to download files from SFTP with authorization key? This is for Windows versions 10 and 11. I am trying to download files from command prompt ...
Codename K's user avatar
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How to index into array with variable in batch?

I'm trying to process input arguments to a batch file, and I need to tie some paired arguments together before I call an executable at the end. I'm placing all the arguments into an array so I can ...
batchconfusesme's user avatar
5 votes
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How to run python from Windows cmd?

I make a lot of python scripts - like, in my scripts directory, which is in the path. I want to just type "blah" to execute but when I do - the file opens in visual studio ...
Darren Oakey's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I use Windows .bat files to create folder above current folder?

I need to make a .bat file for many people that would be placed in a specific folder and then move specific files from said folder to another folder above the current working directory. I don't have ...
kerstoff0mega's user avatar
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How can I monitor a specific directory in Windows 11 to see when a new file is added?

I have a shared folder within my company that often gets new builds added to it. It is my job to do QA on the builds in that folder but I am getting tired of just having to check the folder every day ...
Luke's user avatar
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Scheduling Batch scripts WIndows , how to

I have a batch script shortcut that I put into the start-up folder .. This successfully runs a RWeverything command at boot . Rw.exe -/Min /Nologo /Stdout /Command="WRMSR 0x610 0x0 0x005F8A00 0&...
Joe Haynes's user avatar
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webDAV "net use" .bat not working with password

I'm trying to set up a net use .bat file to automatically map a webDAV-folder on Windows-boot, but I can't, for the love of god, make it work. I tried like 30 combinations suggested on the Windows-...
user avatar
-2 votes
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Batch file to rename and move file to parent directory

I have a batch file that renames the first file in a folder to the name of the folder it's in and move that file to the folders parent directory. The problem I'm facing is that if there are multiple ...
Pacdizzle's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to modify this .bat file to include the name of the parent folder?

I've created this .bat file and added it to my context menu to help me quickly create a set of folders with predefined names when I'm starting a new project, this saves me time from creating all these ...
Kareem's user avatar
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Download from github using curl and batch file

I'm currently writing a script in which I need to download the latest version of yt-dlp.exe from Github. Since the script will need to work on multiple machines, I opted to use curl as the downloader. ...
Flaver-D's user avatar
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Java JDK installation per cmd on Windows machine

How can I install a JDK via cmd or with another file? I have to reset my Windows PC regularly for security reasons and I don't always want to go through the setup menu. A Batch or CMD file to install ...
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create a single task user in windows

I have a program that I want to run automatically whenever a specific user logs in to their Windows account. Additionally, I only want my program to run and nothing else, like the desktop or Windows ...
Behrooz Elahi's user avatar
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Why does regedit.exe have HKCU permission for importing but reg.exe does not?

I have a .reg file with current user values. If I use reg.exe in a bat file to import it says: ERROR: Error accessing the registry. If I use regedit.exe there are no issues. For regedit.exe I use: ...
subjectivist's user avatar
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Recursive directory rename with subfolder level control

My Challenge: Recursively renaming the 3rd subfolder {subf3} and beyond {subf4, 5, 6, ...} of a root path to keep only the first 4 characters of their original folder name. e:\ {rootf} \ {subf1} \ {...
ElmerF's user avatar
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How can I debug Binary batch file?

I have a .bat file in binary format. But I don't know its functioning. How can I view the content in detail or debug the binary .bat file, or convert it to exe file?
Bernd Groger's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cant choose "tag" after Tag_Folder.bat

I found this great answer that shows how to add tags to folders on Windows 10 but unfortunately it does not work as expected. If I right-click in a folder I can enter a tag but the problem is that I ...
LulY's user avatar
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Taskkill harming things or not?

So I know that ALT+F4 can close a program. I know that Task manager can close a program and I am aware that taskkill can close a program. What I am curious about is if you close programs/games/...
GODSEND's user avatar
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Install Windows cmd in WINE

CMD implemented by WINE struggle to run complex batch scripts, I think it is possible to overcome by installing CMD.exe from Windows, but upon executing anything in it gives different meaningless ...
nonForgivingJesus's user avatar

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