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Questions tagged [window]

In computers, a window is one of the fundamental elements of a GUI (graphical user interface), usually rectangular in shape and connected to a process, allowing that process to display output as well as accept input. In modern operating systems, multiple windows can overlap each other and be resized and arranged at will by the user.

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487 votes
5 answers

How to open files in vertically/horizontal split windows in Vim from the command line

There must be a way, something like this: vim -[option] <file-list> to open files from command prompt and not from within Vim. split windows vertically or/and horizontally in separate tabs
Andrei Chikatilo's user avatar
92 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between pressing Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Alt+Tab?

When I press Alt+Tab, then I get a window to switch between windows. With Ctrl+Alt+Tab, I get the same result. What is the difference between them?
Wasif's user avatar
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78 votes
13 answers

Reset Mac OS X Windows Position after de-attaching external monitor

Using Mac OS on multiple monitor is great, but after removing external monitor (2nd monitor) usually windows position originally on the external monitor doesn't get re-positioned to default monitor. ...
hendrasaputra's user avatar
67 votes
12 answers

What can I do to retrieve windows that have gone off screen?

I am having a weird issue with a machine where sometimes when a window is initialized, it will shoot off screen and out of sight. I am unable to click on it to drag it back to sight. Are there any ...
qroberts's user avatar
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64 votes
7 answers

Getting Mac OS X applications to close after last window closed

I know it's just a pet peeve, but I hate it that Mac OS X's stays open when it has no windows open. Is there any way to make it close when its last window is closed? Since I don't see ...
wfaulk's user avatar
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63 votes
8 answers

Alt+click-drag window resizing on a Mac? (Similar to X-Windows)

Is there a way I can get this behavior on Mac OS? alt + right-click-drag will resize the window, relative to where you've clicked within the window and the window's center alt + left-click-drag will ...
Aaron F.'s user avatar
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62 votes
9 answers

Make window always on top?

Some applications do not have the functionality like Task Manager's "Always on top" feature. Is there a way around this?
user avatar
60 votes
8 answers

How to close window at byobu?

I started to use byobu, and find the it really cool thing. It has a lot of hot keys. But I couldn't find one of them, and I stuck with one tricky point. With F2 - you create a new window, but how to ...
catch23's user avatar
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60 votes
9 answers

Disable or delay Alt+Tab Aero Peek effect in Windows 7

In Windows 7 pressing Alt+Tab shows the transparent windows (Aero) effect. The screen change is distracting while I'm trying to figure out which window to switch to based on the thumbnail preview (...
huggie's user avatar
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58 votes
16 answers

Shortcut in Windows 7 to switch between same application's windows, like Cmd + ` in OS X

Is there a shortcut in Windows 7 to switch between windows in a given application only? I very much like this feature in OS X; what is its equivalent in Windows?
jiejieup's user avatar
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58 votes
7 answers

How to identify which process is running which window in Mac OS X?

I’d like to know if it is possible to identify which process is responsible for creating/managing a window in Mac OS X. For example, when multiple instances of an application are started, how can I ...
Nacho Cougil's user avatar
50 votes
8 answers

Is there a way to resize a window to specific sizes (eg.800x600, 1024x768..)?

I need a way to resize any window (not just Firefox!) to specific sizes. I need to check what the application I'm writing looks like at these resolutions - how many columns are visible in grids, that ...
Blorgbeard's user avatar
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50 votes
12 answers

How to take a screenshot of a window larger than the screen

I want to take a screen shot of a window that's larger than the screen size. If I zoom out of the window and I take the screenshot, I lose quality since zooming into the image will not work. A ...
Cat's user avatar
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40 votes
1 answer

How to find source process of unknown popup in Windows 7 [duplicate]

A random popup appears in Windows 7 titled as Information with a progress bar and a clock. The window sometimes says Please wait a moment..., and the progress bar moves very slowly and disappears. I ...
krg265's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Why isn't a valid subnet mask?

I was just wondering about this question above and I would greatly appreciate it if someone can explain why isn't a valid subnet mask.
bobby's user avatar
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35 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to pause the Windows Update download?

I'm on a slow dial-up connection, and my Windows 8 is downloading some critical updates. The connection keeps disconnecting, so I was thinking if it was possible to pause the updates download?
user206414's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

Open webcam settings dialog in Windows

There is a webcam settings dialog in Windows which can be accessed inside Skype and some other apps, but I want to be able to open it directly. How can I open it directly? I have attached screenshot ...
user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Can sublime text be used as hex editor?

I am trying to open the skype .dat hex files and I would like to know if I can use Sublime text instead of the other 'dedicated' hex editors.
Zuhayer Tahir's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Hide build results window in Sublime Text 2

After a build command (control + b) a window with results appear. Is there any way (not automatically but by shortcut or using another command) to hide it?
bluszcz's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

After Windows 10 Fall Creators Update recent used app will launch on startup

I just updated Windows 10 to Fall Creators Update and since then I have 'unwanted' behavior. If I leave open Chrome or any application when shutting down the PC, next time I boot up the system ...
TJozwicki's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

In what scenarios will I use `netsh http add urlacl`?

I'm trying to understand in which scenarious I will need to use such command : netsh http add urlacl url=http://server1:1234/ user=Everyone Is it like using the hosts file where I can connect a ...
Royi Namir's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to turn visible the invisible window's borders of Windows 10?

SCENARIO This is a brief introduction for those who don't know the next information: The new Windows 10's flat window style uses a different window-border mechanism than previous Windows versions, ...
ElektroStudios's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How to execute a .ps1 from another .ps1 file?

I have two PowerShell files. a.ps1 and b.ps1. At a center point in a.ps1 I want to start executing code in b.ps1 and terminate a.ps1 script. How to do it considering that both files are located in ...
GibboK's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Open more than one instance of Windows 10 settings

How can I open more than one instance of the Windows settings? It wasn't a problem with the old style, but with the new one I can't seem to open multiple settings simultaneously and side by side. ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Open two tabs side by side on Google Chrome

I need to open two tabs side by side on Chrome in most of the cases. Currently what I do is open up a new Chrome window and use it side by side with the original one. I just need to do the same thing ...
Kushan Randima's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

AppleScript: Open a new window in current space without switching to active window in another space

I want to have an application open a new window in the current space without switching to a space in which a window is already open, but I want to keep the When switching to an application, switch ...
Will's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

How to make a single window on Mac OS X sticky to every desktop space?

I'm trying to make a single terminal window appear on every space but the built in spaces only allow to configure this per application basis. This makes it more or less useless for terminals if you ...
Mattias Wadman's user avatar
19 votes
15 answers

How can I quickly close many Windows/Programs?

My workflow includes many open windows. Sometimes I want to clean up and close around 10 of them (but not all). How can I achieve this fast and simple on Windows? Edit: "but not all" to me means "...
Sascha's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How to enable keyboard repeat on a Mac

On a Windows machine, pressing and holding a keyboard key results in the character being repeated. For example, if I press and hold q for a few seconds, I end up with the following: ...
Yuval's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

How can I find an OSX application that is running but whose window is not visible?

I'm running an application on my Macbook Pro. Since yesterday I can't see the application's main window. Its icon is showing in the doc and its options are showing in the top menu bar on the desktop. ...
S White's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Deskpins / Afloat Alternative Mac Mavericks

When I was on PC i loved deskpins. Afloat is a similar app for mac. I am having trouble getting the Github app to run after compiling and archiving with xCode. ...
Bryan's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Display message box from Task Scheduler on top of all other windows

Is there a nice way to get a message box to pop up at a scheduled time on top of other windows? The default "Display a Message" action uselessly appears below everything else.
Moss's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Move open Excel document to separate window

Related (but not the same): Open Excel files in new window If I've got an instance of Excel with multiple documents open in the same window. Is there a way to "tear off" one of the windows in the ...
Daniel DiPaolo's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Set (Many) Programs' Window Size/Position

I'm looking for a solution similar to this, but for Windows 7 (64-bit), and not just for the terminal. This is also definitely not a duplicate of this question. The Problem Some programs remember ...
Chris Cirefice's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

How do I disable the CAPS LOCK function WITHOUT disabling the key or remapping it?

I was looking for a way to disable the CAPS LOCK functionality in windows. Unfortunately all solutions are about remapping it to NOTHING or other keys. I am a gamer and want to use the CAPS LOCK key ...
user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Any shortcut to resize a window to half top/bottom of screen?

In Windows 10, is there any keyboard shortcut to resize a window to half top/bottom of screen? There is a tool ( for this, but I wonder if there is a built-in shortcut for this ...
Real Dreams's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Moving windows between GNU screen sessions

Is there a way to move windows between different screen sessions? For example lets say I have this scenario: screen -S screen1 vim *.cpp C-a d screen -S screen2 Is there any way to move my shell ...
William Casarin's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Starting Windows GUI program in Windows through Cygwin sshd from ssh client

I would like to ssh into my Windows box running Cygwin sshd and run the Windows GUI application in that Windows box. I don't want X forwarding. e.g. From ubuntu-server terminal, I ssh into Windows ...
Win Myo Htet's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Windows 7 maximized windows not draggable: how to enable?

On my current Windows 7 install (relatively stock from Lenovo) I cannot click-and-drag on a maximized window and drag it onto my second monitor. On my older computer (another Lenovo laptop w/Win7 -in ...
stevemidgley's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Window tiling in Gnome without Compiz?

I really do like the Grid plugin in Compiz, but at work I cannot use Compiz on my workstation (Fedora 12). Is there anything similar for plain X or Metacity? The Grid-plugin gives you a few keyboard ...
esamatti's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How can I share only one window with TeamViewer?

I would like to share only one window through TeamViewer under Windows 7, not the entire desktop. How can I achieve this?
Nonoo's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Full screen an application on half of the window? [duplicate]

Is is possible to full-screen an application (like chrome browser, or Word for example) and only use 50% of the window space (either the left or right side). The reason I ask such a question is that ...
Frantumn's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What causes the Windows XP lagscreen render fail?

We all know the situation when a program or the OS itself froze and the only thing you can do is paint with the millions of dialogs that the system renders. I am talking about this (demo here): Why ...
totymedli's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

I have a program whose windowed mode cannot be resized. Any trick/app to force resize?

It can't resize or maximize. I'm on windows 7 64bit. I remember programs where fans have made simple directx apps that launched fullscreen-only games in a window. Is there any app or script I can ...
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Prevent javascript from resizing IE window

I am looking for a way to prevent JavaScript on a webpage from resizing and repositioning my Internet Explorer window. This option is available in Firefox, but I can't find anything similar in ...
Jared Harley's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Resized maximized windows after screen resolution change

At my desk I use my work laptop docked with 2 external monitors; my primary display is 1680x1050. My laptops built in screen is only 1440x900. When I undock my laptop to take it to a meeting, all ...
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Windows maximizing in the wrong monitor

I have a multimonitor setup, and every time minimize, for example, Google Chrome which was in monitor 3 or 2, when i maximize it again it always puts it back in the primary monitor, which is really ...
Tomperz's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to resize font size on window title bar on gnome?

By default window title bar on Gnome has bigger font size. How can I resize that font size on window title bar? I want it to be smaller like on KDE or MS Windows.
Habibillah's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Reset the open file window size in Google Chrome?

How can I reset the open file window in Google Chrome back to it's default size? My wife resized it when uploading photo's to a website and I would like to reset it I have deleted the BagMRU & ...
vassie's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How do I position dual screen with precision on windows 10

So I have two monitor that are at different height (I bought the wrong stand, but I like it this way I want to position them so that when I move a window from screen to screen it is at the exact ...
Dylan's user avatar
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