I use Transmit, Cyberduck, and Espresso, all of which support connecting to Amazon S3. But for some reason, I can only connect to my S3 storage successfully in Transmit; Cyberduck and Espresso both fail with generic errors like "login failed."

I know that I have the correct access key ID and secret access key because, as I said, I have no problem connecting in Transmit. I even imported my Transmit bookmark directly into Cyberduck, and yet I still can't connect through it.

Any ideas? I've gone back and forth comparing Transmit's settings to Cyberduck and Espresso and I can't find anything that would explain the discrepancy.

1 Answer 1


Under the assumption that you have created an IAM user with a dedicated policy it might miss the s3:ListAllMyBuckets action. If so, you can browse a single bucket in Cyberduck by connecting to mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com instead of the default S3 hostname. Refer to http://trac.cyberduck.ch/wiki/help/en/howto/s3#Externalbuckets.

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