the original video is 2 hours long, so I don't want to render the whole video since it's time consuming,when I set the time like -ss to -t,the final file only output a portion of the original video, how can I render part of the video at the same time output the whole video with the render effects like adding a water mark
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer.– Community BotCommented Jun 13 at 17:53
You cannot render a portion of a video. You must render the entire video when applying effects. However, there are ways of dividing the video into sections and applying an effect to a section before concatenating the individual parts back together. This can be fast but, this method does have issues, due to the fact that concatenation requires all video clips to have the same parameters. The rendered section/s will not have the same parameters as the non-rendered sections, hence problems can occur.– SarkCommented Jun 14 at 14:06
1Hello, ffmpeg is a CLI tool, so 99% of questions should include a command you're trying to use. There's also no specific question in here. What have you tried? What's the problematic part of doing that?– Destroy666Commented Jun 14 at 15:14
Please show us what you've tried so far.– music2myearCommented yesterday
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