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Questions tagged [voicemeeter]

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Audio output to mic input using Voicemeeter on an EC2 instance

I've got a Windows EC2 instance that I'm accessing via RDP. I think I've got Voicemeeter set up so that the audio output on the EC2 instance is being piped into the microphone input on the EC2 ...
j0ck's user avatar
  • 31
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VoiceMeeter Mix Down to stereo missing center and L/R

I'm using VoiceMeeter to send (the same) audio output from my HTPC out to my 5.1 system, and to a TV in another room (with built-in stereo speakers). I have enabled the Mix Down feature on the Virtual ...
Frank Thomas's user avatar
  • 36.4k
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Surround sound from stereo software

I just set a 5.1 surround setup on my Windows 11 PC only to find that most softwares do not support it and just output a stereo signal. I'm currently using VoiceMeeter, which allows me to enable the ...
Pellegatta Simone's user avatar
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How do I route audio from a multi-channel (e.g. 5.1) sound to multiple speakers using VoiceMeeter?

Similar to How can I output audio to both of my monitors simultaneously in Windows 7? but I want to do something specific with my two monitors both having audio output. In Windows I can configure ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar