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Questions tagged [video]

Questions about video editing, streaming, conversion, capturing or video output. Use a more specific tag if possible.

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Remote desktop audio lag

Why when using remote desktop, when playing a video, my keyboard executions are almost perfectly in sync with the image on the screen, but the there is like a 1 second audio delay and sometimes 2 ...
cazanova's user avatar
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How to rotate a video by 180 degrees using ffmpeg?

I want to cut a short part of a video and rotate it by 180 degrees. I tried ffmpeg -ss 70 -i GH030258.MP4 -t 10 -vf "transpose=2,transpose=2" -c:a copy passing_opponent_alarm_084305.mp4 ...
Alex's user avatar
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Search videos by exact length under Windows File Explorer?

is there a way to search videos by exact length under the Windows File Explorer? (i.e. length:00:31:42) There is a command "length:" but it only supports values like "Very Short, Short, ...
romz's user avatar
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How do I prevent FFmpeg from replacing all the audio stream names with SoundHandler?

I'm using FFmpeg to change a video container from mkv to mov with this code: ffmpeg -find_stream_info -probesize 84M -i input_file.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a -map -0:s -codec copy -...
Franon's user avatar
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ffmpeg prepend still image to video

Disclaimer: I am NOT proficient in video editing at all; this is almost my first attempt so I could be missing something very basic. Please be lenient and redirect me to relevant tutorials, if needed. ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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ffmpeg: UVC Interlaced Video

I'm trying to combine an alternating fields interlaced video stream from an UVC video device. The device is an analog (CVBS) to digital converter that supports Interlaced video through usage of the ...
userAHD's user avatar
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ffmpeg: use vidstabtransform to overlay it over blurred background

I am using ffmpeg to concatenate multiple video clips taken from the same object over multiple timeframes. To make sure the videos are properly aligned (and therefore show the object in rougly the ...
konewka's user avatar
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Why did `exiftool -rotation=0` rotate my video?

I have an video file recorded by an iPhone 12 mini. I copied the video to my Windows 10 laptop. When I open the on video on my Windows 10 laptop with VLC, the video plays in portrait mode. I ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Convert MKV to HLS with all audio tracks and subtitles available

For the past few weeks, I've been trying to convert MKV and HLS files. Currently, I'm burning the first available subtitle track of the file in the video and keeping only the first audio track. What i ...
Tutifruti's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Using RGBA filter for transparency taking too long

I'm using following command to concatenate multiple videos using FFMPEG, -ffmpeg -y -i 'video1.mp4' -i '/video2.mp4' -i '/video3.mp4' -i 'musico.mp3' -f lavfi -i anullsrc=r=44100:cl=stereo -i '/...
najam ulhassan's user avatar
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How is this Linux computer able to output video without a display connection?

I bought a Tempo Studio a little over a year ago and love the weights but not the subscription software. I'd seen it fail into GRUB before and know it's Ubuntu-based PC and figured, how hard could it ...
Ian Hyzy's user avatar
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MP4 file has very high frame rate

I recently downloaded some video files via They are in mp4 format, about 50 minutes long. The Windows 11 file manager properties says the frame rates are very high, like 15,272 fps. ...
GlennM's user avatar
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FFMPEG: transcode interlaced J2K

i've been tasked with developing a solution using ffmpeg that will transcode archival videos into FFV1. the videos are all JPEG2000, but some are uncompressed and others are compressed. as the ...
david furst's user avatar
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How to change laptop video contrast?

Windows 11 laptop HP 17t-cn300 newly bought. How do I change the contrast, hue, other advanced video settings? I am in Settings > Display, and it has night / red shift, brightness, but I do not see ...
Kittensinurface's user avatar
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How do you create an MPTS file on ffmpeg with two h264 inputs?

I need to contain two h.264 files (same video, different resolutions) within the same MPTS container, but I can't quite figure out how to use two inputs to create one output. I tried using ffmpeg -i (...
fffrdec's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg and concat demuxer producing weird video navigation behaviour

When combining multiple videos segments, each encoded with H265 and Vorbis and containing the same number of streams and frame rate, I use: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mkv ...
user112346's user avatar
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Spliting video with ffmpeg producing wrong durations

I'm currently using a framework where I have to split a video (originally encoded with HEVC video and AAC audio) in multiple parts to process them separately. Then the final result is obtained by ...
user112346's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: color related commands

I use hlae+ffmpeg for recording and for parameters of recording i set: -c:v ffv1 -pix_fmt gbrap16le -coder -2 -g 1 -threads 4 -context 1 -slices 30 -slicecrc 1 -level 3 -fps_mode passthrough -...
Skyfall's user avatar
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Send info from ffmpeg to text file & then parsing into a new file

I am trying to scan a directory of .mkv files and output the volume information to out.txt and then parse out.txt for volume_max and send it to log.txt using for %i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%i&...
Preston's user avatar
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Loading chapter data in VLC from external file for any video format

I have a number of video files (in various formats: mp4, webm, mkv, etc.) and I'd like to add chapter information to them (similar to how Youtube shows links into parts of videos). I'm not terribly ...
xxbbcc's user avatar
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FFMPEG command created a file that I can't delete or rename. If I try to do either of those windows explorer stops responding

Using windows 11. I was trying to merge a png image and a wav file into a video for youtube using ffmpeg. The command I used was: ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.png -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage ...
user1854317's user avatar
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What can I do to debug and avoid decoding artifacts with RTP in ffmpeg?

I do encoding and decoding of a VP9 RTP stream programmatically, and I am experiencing occasional colorful artifacts like these: In the ffmpeg log (both when using ffplay and my own code), this ...
oarfish's user avatar
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Washed out colours when converting MOV to WEBM using FFMPEG

I'm trying to convert a simple animation from MOV to WEBM so it can be used as an OBS alert for my Twitch stream. However, when I convert using FFMPEG, the colour is slightly washed out. As you can ...
pyefacepoker's user avatar
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FFMPEG with AVFoundation on MacOS 12.3.1 - USB capture device not recorded at full framerate

I have been trying to get my USB capture device working with FFMPEG 6.0 so that I can have a little more flexibility than OBS offers. I have been running in to some issues with the framerate at any ...
psvg200's user avatar
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Green pixelated issue when applying -vf flag to ffpmeg hls transcoding

I'm trying to create chunks of multiple bitrates to play them smoothly across various devices and bandwidth. But the ffmpeg command output is creating green pixelated video. If I remove the -vf flag ...
The Mask's user avatar
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Very slow and laggy video playback when the sound is directed through HDMI to 4K TV as second monitor

I have a very strange problem with a relatively new PC with Core i5-13600K @3.90GHz. At least two web browsers are playing video extremely slow (1-2 FPS) when sound is directed to the 4K TV LG. ...
smallest technician's user avatar
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Encoding MKV File Without Changing Header Information

I captured a video using a Kinect Azure SDK device. This captured video (.mkv container) has three tracks: Color, Depth and IR. I extracted the Color track using MKVToolNIX. I could playback this RGB ...
Ashutosh Singla's user avatar
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External monitor loses video starting at top and gradually moving down

I have a user that has a Dell Latitude 7420 and uses an external monitor with it both at home and in the office. The complaint is that the external screen will gradually lose the video a chunk at a ...
Spyderveloce's user avatar
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How can I setup ffmpeg to continuously produce 1 second videos from piped jpgs?

I am using ffmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04 to create 1 second mp4 videos from piped jpgs. The only issue that I have is that ffmpeg stops executing after the first set of jpgs is piped in. I need ffmpeg to ...
rickyz's user avatar
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ffmpeg concat without reencoding keeps audio in one order but not the other

So I took a video and cut it two ways, one with reencoding and one without reencoding, call them R and C (cut). Im trying to do concatenation without reencoding, and I'm able to concat the video in ...
user3083171's user avatar
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How to properly set timestamps of a target file in ffmpeg?

I'm using ffmpeg to concat multiple files into one consolidated file, but the resulting timestamp of the file created naturally falls on the time of this operation. I'm instead trying to set the ...
Daneolog's user avatar
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Is there any way to reset the rotation flag of videos while using concat to combine them?

as title. I'm working on an un-chaptering script through the ffmpeg python library, and I've set up a very basic script for concat'ing several files. this is currently what I have: if (os.path.isfile(...
Daneolog's user avatar
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Can FFMPEG extract still images from video based on video "SMPTE timecode" hh:mm:ss:ff?

Is there any way to extract still images from video based on video "own SMPTE" timecode? (hour:minute:second:frame) as seen in the "Timecode Handler" recognized by ffmpeg. I would ...
Barcud's user avatar
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Arabic font does not render properly

I have a font called 'me_quran' that looks like this: me_quran font on wordpad Unfortunately, when FFMPEG renders it, the vowels (the little lines you see) are either too high or too low on the ...
Rayane Staszewski's user avatar
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FFmpeg only exports audio, but not video

I'm using the following FFmpeg script to cut part of video and save it: #!/bin/bash # Input parameters input_video=$1 start_time=$2 end_time=$3 output_video=$4 # Calculate duration duration=$(echo &...
GalZoidberg's user avatar
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Trying to clip beginning and ending of clips without loosing quality. Using lossless running into issues

So I have a video file or several actually. 23.769 fps 1080p Hvec h265 mkv I'm trying to clip the beginning and ending. It has advertisements I don't want. I have successfully done this using ...
RandyHaasLives's user avatar
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Firefox about:cache-entry parameters: setting limits for a memory entry hexdump?

So, I was viewing an IP camera video stream from a smartphone in Firefox 118.0.1; tried to set its properties, and the IP camera app on the smartphone, which is in an inaccessible location, crashed. I ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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ffmpeg Get filter chain item dimensions later

I'm new to ffmpeg and trying some commands. I have a command with multiple inputs and filters like: ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i "color=c=red:s=1920x1080:d=10" -i background.jpg -i video.mp4 -i ...
pookeeshtron's user avatar
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Need to find the bitrate of video stream but ffprobe exits earlier with error unsupported codec before reaching to video stream

We are seeing an issue while finding the HLS videostream bit rate with ffprobe. The stream has some timed metadata and when we run ffprobe with HLS input, error occurs: Unsupported codec with id 98313 ...
Namita Garg's user avatar
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Jury-rig second monitor on school lectern?

I teach at a community college, lecturing daily with slideshow presentations (which mostly originate from the textbook publisher). The classrooms where I teach have a lectern computer with an overhead ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
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Video Encoded using FFmpeg is not being played in Azure Kinect Viewer

I captured a video using a Kinect Azure DK device and could play it back using Azure Kinect Viewer (v.1.4.1). However, when I encode a video using FFmpeg, the commands are given below. I can not ...
Ashutosh Singla's user avatar
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Best Lossless Video Codec for 8 bpc RGB image sequences?

I render 3D animations, many of which take days or even weeks to render at a time, and I need to keep a lossless archive of the output files. The output format from the render engine is 8 bit per ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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ffmpeg mpegts udp stream unexpectedly producing dramatically increased packet rate

I am using an ffmpeg 3.4.5 process to stream MPEG-TS video from a computer's screen to a recorder. The recorder effectively captures network traffic (like a promiscuous wireshark) and produces a .cap ...
John Spickes's user avatar
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ffmpeg nvenc throws an error after I modified an x264 command

I'm trying to convert this command to work on nvenc hvec video encoder to just make it faster and utilize my 3060: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i logo.png -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,...
Candour's user avatar
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VLC media player installation on RHEL 9

Please help me to install VLC media player on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. I tried these installation steps, but they failed. I tried to skip few packages during the installation too, but I could not ...
Brijesh B Naik's user avatar
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ffmpeg download and retry failed segments

I am using ffmpeg to download some streams to a mkv file: ffmpeg -y -i -c copy /tmp/test.mkv In some cases, there has been some issues downloading some of the parts, and ...
Ziggy000's user avatar
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FFmpeg xfade slideshow: handling redundant options and filters for dozens of input files

Slideshows may have many slides, and if you want xfade crossfade effect, it seems you cannot use the concat demuxer. FFmpeg supports at least 50 input files, but if you also need to specify filters ...
Lumi's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Fade in and out from PNG generated video

I have a PNG image and want an 8 seconds 30 fps video from it with the first second faded in and the last one faded out. Here's what I expect to work, using the fade filter, but what produces just a ...
Lumi's user avatar
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Easiest way to add a 3 second delay, every 30 seconds, in a subtitle to sync it with a video?

I need to sync a subtitle with a video. By trial and error, I figured out that the subtitle needs a delay of 3 seconds, every 30 seconds. Is there an automated way to do add this delay? I am somewhat ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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ffmpeg on Linux - convert video to play on iPhone [solved]

I am converting Hi8 to .mkv, .mp4 or .avi using ffmpeg on Linux (Gentoo). I am trying to convert small clips to play on an iPhone, iPad (iOS) The following will convert but it will not play on an ...
icebowl's user avatar

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