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Questions tagged [video]

Questions about video editing, streaming, conversion, capturing or video output. Use a more specific tag if possible.

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10 votes
1 answer

How can I compress video by taking advantage of its static content?

I have an HD video that is a presentation, so it consists mostly of still images. It's a 50 minute, 200MB MP4 file, downloaded from YouTube. Is there a way to take advantage of the static nature of ...
Mark Evans's user avatar
9 votes
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Injecting 360 video metadata with ffmpeg

I'm working on a library that injects/embeds/writes metadata into a .mp4 file to allow the video to be displayed correctly as a 360 video. The input file is a standard .mp4 file in the equirectangular ...
TrueCP5's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Very low latency streaming

I'm looking to stream a live lecture into an overflow lecture theater. I'm planning to stream HD content along with audio from a powerful server with nVidia GeForce GPUs connected to the client via a ...
Brad Morris's user avatar
7 votes
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ffmpeg: "moov atom not found" on a seemingly valid file

GoPro cameras cut up video in 4GB MP4 files. Attempting to merge them with ffmpeg 4.4.1 like so: ls GH017642.MP4 GH027642.MP4 | while read line; do echo "file '$line'"; done | ffmpeg -...
Richlv's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to copy unsupported data streams with ffmpeg?

Briefing I have some .wmv files (actually, my full batch file deals with multiple filetypes) with weird data streams that are needed for an external program to recognize them. I'm trying to remove ...
Fabio Freitas's user avatar
7 votes
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Video playback with multiple audio tracks to separate audio devices

I have an mkv file with multiple audio tracks (separate languages) that should be played simultaneously from the same device. That is the video should be played with track #1 on my mac, while audio ...
Karen Galstyan's user avatar
6 votes
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How to correct Hindi text rendering when using FFmpeg?

I have a FFmpeg script to add some Hindi text to the MP4 video file. The FFmpeg command looks like this ffmpeg -i template_video.mp4 -filter_complex "drawtext=text='नमस्कार जी मैं हूँ':fontfile=...
Varun Raj's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I add Google Meet and Zoom to the "Add video call" dropdown in macOS Monterey's Calendar app?

The "New event" popup on macOS Monterey's Calendar app (see below) seems to suggest it is possible to add additional video calling services, to automatically create links for them when ...
Johannes's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to download video with JW Player blob url?

I am looking for a solution for downloading videos embedded using JW Player Blobs in web pages. I have seen some answers for twitter/vimeo/other blob situations but not seen an answer to JW Player ...
pnorrgren's user avatar
6 votes
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Put loudness of many video files to the same level

I have a bunch of video files, and in some videos the sound is loud, in the others—not. So a user has to change the volume of her player when she watches these videos in the playlist. I want to ...
mosceo's user avatar
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download video with blob url but there is not m3u8 playlist

I have a video URL ( extracted from chrome's Developer's tools. the video address is blob file but i couldn't ...
Jatin Mehrotra's user avatar
5 votes
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How to copy not recognized streams on conversion with FFmpeg?

I am trying to compress some Videos using FFmpeg, that contain multiple streams, some of them not recognized by FFmpeg: Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'GX010686.MP4': Metadata: ...
LukeLR's user avatar
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Keep equirectangular side-data when using video filter on 360 Video in ffmpeg

I have a 360° Video and want to shift it sideways using ffmpeg so that the default viewpoint when opening the video in a player is shifted. I found this question (How to offset a video horizontally in ...
JFK's user avatar
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Generating a video with FFmpeg starting from a sequence of PNG snapshot creates black video output

When I generate a video starting from a sequence of PNG snapshots, the output video is black. Here is a minimal working example: I generate the video from these two frames with the following command ...
Micha's user avatar
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Embedding videos in PDF without flash

As far as I understand it, from reading the documentation for media9, videos are generally embedded in PDFs by including Flash video players in the PDF. Unfortunately that means readers that can play ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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Why do video players affect my GPU overclock?

I have a Sapphire Vapor-X Radeon HD7950 OC edition graphics card. It runs at 850 MHz using the regular BIOS and at 950 MHz using the Boost BIOS. I'm using the Boost BIOS. When computer boots, the ...
Jurij's user avatar
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Adding audio to video being created with image2pipe option

I am creating a video in mp4 format from a sequence of images and an MP3 audio file. For performance reasons I switched from image2 option to image2pipe option and now video is creating OK but without ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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Is there a way to make FFmpeg seek faster to an end of file on a network share?

I'm using ffmpeg to generate image previews from flv videos. The OS is Debian 5 and it's the apt version of ffmpeg. The flv files are located on a NAS share that is mounted as NFS. Getting the ...
Vasil's user avatar
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How to add “chapters” or “bookmarks” to movies?

Is there an easy way to add chapters to existing movie files? Note: Actually, I’m not 100% sure if they’re called “chapters” in video files, but it’s the same concept as DVDs. I assume this differs ...
Zearin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Watch movie while downloading when using Chrome

I watch movies I download. I know that I can wait until the file is completely downloaded. But I usually don't do so. I usually open the partially downloaded file by VLC or other player. It shows me ...
ogererla's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Stop Auto-Playing YouTube Videos When Restoring Google Chrome Session Tabs Only

I regularly have a large number of tabs open, and often several of these tabs are YouTube videos which have been paused. For the sake of an example, let's say I have 12 tabs with paused YouTube videos ...
azoundria's user avatar
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Playback stuttering with video in HEVC / H.265 with Windows 10/11

I have a problem that I was hoping to solve by formatting the PC. I have always been able to play smoothly on each player 2K 59.94fps video files with H.265 codec (HEVC) filmed with a GoPro 8 with a ...
Kyashan's user avatar
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how to fix mp4 file with missing moov atom?

I have a video file (mp4) and I want to load it in a video editor. However, it shows an error which says, "file format not recognized." So, I used the file command and the output is just ...
binary10's user avatar
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How to determine whether USB C port supports video out?

I was doing family tech support and a relative purchased a dual screen extender for an Acer laptop that he owns. You can connect either extra screen via USB C cable or an HDMI plus USB for power. The ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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Change the speed of subtitles in an srt file

I have a set of videos that were recorded at 25 fps. That was the original speed of the video and I want to keep it that way. The video and audio work fine. I have a corresponding set of subtitle ...
farnsy's user avatar
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How to find dropped/duplicated frames in a video file?

I have some videos files where a few frames were missing. I can verify that by playing it in a video player and advance frame-by-frame, or by extracting all frames with ffpeg then check the output ...
phuclv's user avatar
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Using Intel RealSense Depth Camera together with Zoom Conferencing doesn't work

I am trying to use my Intel RealSense Depth Camera D415 (which provides an RGB stream) together with Zoom for linux. I have sucessfully installed the kernel modules and utils using the following link. ...
Matthias Güntert's user avatar
4 votes
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How to remove DRM from Amazon Prime Video (wmv files)?

I have some WMV videos downloaded from Amazon Video roughly 10 years ago. I bought them with an old Amazon account that is no longer active. NOTE - These are offline video files stored on my local ...
user avatar
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Error splitting the input into NAL units, corrupt video?

I am trying to play this video I downloaded it via youtube-dl. $ youtube-dl --verbose -c -f 22 SYahi3XFEa4 [debug] System config: [] [debug] User config: [u'-f', u'bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/...
shirish's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I continuously stream multiple .mp4 files with ffmpeg to an rtmp server?

I am an Software Engineering trainee and I need to make a video stream that continuously streams several videos on repeat. I have made an rtmp server using nginx and their rtmp module and as ...
JDMB 's user avatar
  • 41
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How to use libx264 ffmpeg in conda environment?

I tried to convert an avi video file into an h264 processed mp4 file, but I ran into the following error: $ ffmpeg -i sa1-video-fram1.avi -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 out.mp4 ...
Jay Xiong's user avatar
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Strip x264 copyright information during ffmpeg copy

I am trying to remove the copyright string from the generated mp4 file using ffmpeg (copyright string is already present in avi file). I have an input avi which I'd like to make 'streamable' and ...
malat's user avatar
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How to remap channels of AC3 stream within .mkv or .mp4? (ffmpeg, 3f2m/lfe - > 3f2r/lfe)

So this is my problem, I've backed up quite a number of DVDs and a few Blu-Ray discs to .mkv files for archival purposes, and for my plex server. I used: x264 for video ac3 for audio (for ...
Vlad's user avatar
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What is the best way to test a GPU's dedicated memory?

I have a Dell Inspiron 3542 that sometimes displays short vertical lines when Windows 7 boots instead of the animated but logo, but they disappear immediately at the next loading step. I wanted to ...
Informancien's user avatar
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Compare 2 video files for 'cut' differences

I have 2 video files with the same content, but coming from a different source. They have a slight difference in 'cut', meaning one can be missing a shot compared to the other. I have a subtitle file ...
gotson's user avatar
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FFmpeg error with video stream

Please see Edit 2. The problem has been updated. Error 1: Writing encrypted data to socket failed av_interleaved_write_frame(): I/O error Error 2: (libx264) Conversion failed! I'm trying to stream ...
lys's user avatar
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FFMPEG generate audio based on video motion

I have an IP camera with video only. I'd like to generate audio to go along with the video. The audio volume would be determined by the amount of motion in the scene. Sine wave generation: https://...
idle's user avatar
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Saving HTML5 media (audio or video) which is protected

There are certain cases when HTML5 media embedded with audio and video tags is not saveable with context menu of built in Firefox player (item "Save as"). For example, embedded Vine video cannot be ...
Euri Pinhollow's user avatar
4 votes
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ffmpeg concat demuxer framerate changes from constant to variable

Issue: The videos I want to join without re-encoding have a constant framerate of 29.97 and the same encoding settings, however ffmpeg concat changes the final output's framerate mode to variable. I ...
Bart's user avatar
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making an video a screensaver on windows 7

So I'd like to make a video a screensaver on Windows 7 and am having some difficulty doing so. So I converted my clip to a WMV and installed Photo Gallery and put the video - and just that video - in ...
neubert's user avatar
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Converting OpenOffice Impress presentation to video without screen recording

How can I convert an OpenOffice Impress presentation to a video without setting up a screen recording? The goal is to have a server that produces an MPEG stream with the presentation. I want to avoid ...
Pentium100's user avatar
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YouTube pages unresponsive on Chrome

For one or two days now, whenever I open a YouTube page on Google Chrome, I have dialog boxes similar to this one : On this screenshot, the active tab is not the YouTube page, but the same bug ...
Seeven's user avatar
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ffmpeg add alpha channel to a video

Basically I have a video with a green background, and I mean a perfect green background (red = 0, green = 255, blue = 0) and I want to convert this to alpha (i.e add an alpha channel where 0 255 0 ...
Ahmed-Anas's user avatar
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Ffmpeg not copying location metadata

I'm converting vidoes and even though I"m using -map_metadata 0 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map_metadata 0 output.mp4 The above code defaults to libx264/libvo_aacenc. The location metadata is not copied, ...
randomBananas's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I select the most "steady" frames from a video with ffmpeg, where less motion occurs?

I would like to use ffmpeg to select out frames from a video to make a preview picture. In the past I selected out frames manually: I extracted 1000 frames at equidistant time and then I picked out ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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How to check .mp4 file is corrupted or not.

I am recording two different videos in the .mp4 format using ffmpeg command and after that combining them. But sometimes one of the video is get corrupted because of that it will affecting on the ...
user2622247's user avatar
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Packets are not in the proper order with respect to DTS when using libx264 for video

I'm trying to use the following command to transcode one stream to a different format and send it over to RTMP server for live streaming. This is the command I am using: ffmpeg -f mxg -i http://...
tomsseisums's user avatar
4 votes
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Flux Disabling it for specific Windows/Monitors (VLC hardware overlay?)

F.lux is some color management application. My problem, with multiple monitors, is that I multitask. There are not distinct movie watching times, and coding/working/browser times; It is just all at ...
Jonathon's user avatar
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Is it possible to programmatically query for current USB controller bandwidth usage?

I am using three Logitech C920 webcams with mjpg-streamer. The setup works extremely well, but I just realised that it doesn't scale. I began encountering bandwidth issues when bumping the frame rate ...
Milos Ivanovic's user avatar
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Metadata editor for quicktime (.mov) files

My photo camera records video as .mov files. They have some metadata (in the XMP format?), which I can read using exiftool. For example, to get only the metadata related to dates/times I can do: $ ...
Filipe Correia's user avatar

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