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Avidemux loads vertical video in horizontal orientation

I have recorded a video while holding phone vertically. It opens vertically on phone, as well as on PC, in VLC. However, when I load it in Avidemux it rotates the video to horizontal aspect rate. I ...
overdriven's user avatar
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How can I remove every nth frame from raw video using ffmpeg?

I have many cine films that have been digitally converted. They have been converted as a 25 fps with 2 frames in every 23 duplicated. I need to remove the duplicated frames using a bitstream filter so ...
DaveB44's user avatar
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How do you create an MPTS file on ffmpeg with two h264 inputs?

I need to contain two h.264 files (same video, different resolutions) within the same MPTS container, but I can't quite figure out how to use two inputs to create one output. I tried using ffmpeg -i (...
fffrdec's user avatar
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h264_qsv is choppy when live streaming

I am trying to do live streaming of video games using h264_qvs, but is choppy when compared to libx264. Here are some variations of the ffmpeg command I am running: Variation 1 ffmpeg.exe -y -hwaccel ...
Devin Dixon's user avatar
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Edit video h.264 metadata without encode

How can I edit these video (h264) parameters (on pic) without encode? VUI parameters "video_signal_type_present_flag" and "colour_description_present_flag". As far as I understand, ...
Ligre's user avatar
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Smart trimming long videos with FFmpeg

I want to be able to trim a little bit off the beginning and end of a long video with FFmpeg. I can do this with a command like: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 13 -to 59 output.mp4 FFmpeg will seek ...
Jon G's user avatar
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Replace video track in MKV with track from .h264

I want to replace only the video part in my existing mkv file with the video.h264 file I created externally, I don't want to interfere with other parts or features in my mkv file such as audio or ...
sweetngx's user avatar
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I don't know how to play this videos

This videos are from an IP camera but I don't know how or where I can play it. I tried with VLC using a demuxer for h.264 but it doesn't work. I tried converting the videos to mp4 but it looks like ...
RubenTGT's user avatar
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How do I find what bitrate a CPU/GPU can decode?

I'm exporting videos to play locally on a dedicated player with a CPU like this. The integrated GPU supports up to 4096x2304@60Hz, I assume that's talking about uncompressed video, right? I also see ...
Toeb's user avatar
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Losslessly reducing framerate of a 'video of a video'

I asked this yesterday but it was incorrectly closed as a dupe of question:Reduce video frame rate without dropping useful frames The difference between that question and this question is - in that ...
JohnDoughmaker22's user avatar
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Is a CRF of 1 overkill?

I am trying to save my collection of DVDs to my Mac to have in the TV app. I am using libx264 to encode from mpeg2video to h264. I want to maintain as much quality as possible and file size is not a ...
TheCoderPro's user avatar
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H265 10 bit to H264 8 bit through NVENC looks terrible

I'm currently using FFMPEG run with Sickbeard Mp4 Automator to convert H265 video to H264 since my phone chugs hard playing H265 10 bitvideo. I set it to use NVENC and it's unnoticeable for brighter ...
Beefmaster5000BCE's user avatar
3 votes
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How to convince ffmpeg that input is raw H264?

I have a raw H.264 video stream (which starts with hex 00 00 01 FC ..., a 3-byte start code followed by a NAL unit). ffmpeg can process it but it really doesn't want to... Let's test Let's say the ...
Duke Nukem's user avatar
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FFMPEG Motion Vector Block Format

I'm trying to extract motion vectors from h264 videos using ffmpeg and the AVSideData API. I'm a little confused about the format as there are some subtleties that aren't well documented, and I'm ...
Max Ehrlich's user avatar
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Range of "global_quality" value for h264_qsv encoder?

What is the range of the -global_quality setting for ffmpeg's h264_qsv encoder (, Windows)? Ffmpeg's documentation for the encoder (archive) states: The ...
Jason C's user avatar
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How to get no-reference video quality metrics (or numerical quality score) for 1080p, h264 video?

For the life of me, I can't find a suitable way to do this. I have 3 videos (all h264), which supposedly came encoded from the same source (they have the same content / offset by up to a second). I do ...
13steinj's user avatar
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Maximum possible bitrate for HEVC videos with hardware encoding in Premiere Pro

I am trying to export a series of images as a 4K HEVC video (it is a long series) and I am using Premier Pro 2020 to do it. I found I can switch to High tier and this allows me to go over 25Mbit ...
miran80's user avatar
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Compressing an MTS file to MP4 gives error in QuickTime

I have a long video file that I want to trim, resize, and compress with H264: ffmpeg -y -ss 1.2 -to 2:03.800 -i long.MTS -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=320:-1 -vb 500k short.mp4 The file plays in VLC and ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Measure / Remove H.264 Video Delay

I have an IP camera that sends an H.264 video stream that is supposed to be mixed / muxed with a separate audio stream. On direct mixing ffmpeg -i <video> -i <audio> -map 0:v -map 1:a <...
Suuuehgi's user avatar
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ffmpeg - losslessly compress upscaled video

I cannot seem to find a good answer to this. I have a video file, h264, 1280x720, 251.2 MB. However the video is upscaled, the actual quality is 1024x576. And not just the numbers are different, there ...
mikey_john's user avatar
6 votes
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H.264 video support in Chromium, missing codec?

Been using Chromium for a while, but it occurred to me that most video content does not work. YouTube does, but Vimeo does not, and most video streaming sites as well as random webpages with embedded ...
Rog's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Error splitting the input into NAL units / Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0 when changing from avi to mp4

I am trying to change the container of a video acquired from an NVR using ffmpeg, but the output video is not playable by VLC or QuickTime. The output video stays still. In detail, using the following ...
jiko's user avatar
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Slideshow with ffmpeg results in stuttery, unseekable, incorrect length file

I'm using ffmpeg to show images for different durations in a video: (command taken from example on this page) ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt -vsync vfr -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4 Here what input....
Mattwmaster58's user avatar
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How to extract original images from a lossless compressed video which is composed from a sequence of images?

I am trying to compress a sequence of images using h.264 with ffmpeg. ffmpeg -f image2 -r 5 -i ori/binary%03d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow a.mp4 ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -q 2 rec/output_%03d.jpg but ...
curtank's user avatar
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How to extract an elementary video stream from Avigilon .ave container?

I would like to figure out how to extract a H.264 video stream from an Avigilon .ave custom container. Unlike with here where they are using ffmpeg to extract the elementary video stream, when I try ...
andor kesselman's user avatar
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Are JPEG snapshots of H.264 / MP4 videos lossless?

I have noticed that some apps (namely Firefox and, in default configuration, mpv) save snapshots of MP4 videos in JPEG format. Is this because individual frames can be losslessly extracted as JPEGs or ...
Ale's user avatar
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Problems capturing desktop video encoded by h264 with ffmpeg

I cannot get ffmpeg to capture a video of X11 desktop, encoded by h264. I can capture the desktop without specifying an encoder, with ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -s wuxga -r 5 -i :1 output.avi -loglevel ...
Peter R.'s user avatar
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ffmpeg save images with frame type

I'm trying to get the frames of a video file as images, together with tags that if the frame is a I, P or B frame. I know that ffmpeg can output only a specific type of frame using select For I-...
moodoki's user avatar
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Inserting SPS NAL Units into h.264 stream

I'm currently using FFmpeg to convert a Youtube livestream HLS into a H.264 UDP stream. For it to work correctly with the device I'm using, the stream needs to have SPS NAL units inserted every so ...
Julien Moreau's user avatar
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Debugging H264 video issues in Firefox

I have a video stream encoded in H264 video format. The video stream is sent using RTP to the Kurento relay server. From Kurento it is sent to the browser using WebRTC. I adjusted the Kurento ...
Petr Kazda's user avatar
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How to use libx264 ffmpeg in conda environment?

I tried to convert an avi video file into an h264 processed mp4 file, but I ran into the following error: $ ffmpeg -i sa1-video-fram1.avi -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 out.mp4 ...
Jay Xiong's user avatar
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ffmpeg h264_vaapi video encoding

it look like ffmpeg and h264_vaapi codec are broken in the newest version 4 because they don’t honor the -qp setting. -qp with any value don’t change the bitrate which is terrible high. Only setting ...
nx01's user avatar
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FFMPEG h.264 stream to VLC from raw YUV444 produces black screen and audio noise

I am piping raw YUV444 640x480 frames to ffmpeg from inside a C++ program using stdout (Pipe format: pipe<-Y<-U<-V whole frames each). ffmpeg encodes them using h.264 and streams the video ...
GerbGerb's user avatar
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Deinterlacing failed when encoding a file with h264

Tried using several different h264 encoders but all of them make it have this problem where there are horizontal glitches near movement. I tried using ffmpeg but couldn't figure out how to do it ...
Harry Tong's user avatar
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How to increase video's FPS and speed correctly with ffmpeg?

I have a 5 fps video with keyint 120 2.5 hours long that I want to speed up 6 times, making its fps=30 I did it with this command that I found somewhere on this website ffmpeg -i "...local_Record....
jstq's user avatar
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Decode/encode 4:2:2 with a 4:2:0 decoder/encoder

Similar to Reinterpret AVC bitstream as HEVC. Some hardware codecs support 4:2:0 for 4k but not don't support 4:2:2 even for SD, with far less data. Can you trick a codec to encode 1920x1080 4:2:2 ...
Bruno Martinez's user avatar
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Reinterpret AVC bitstream as HEVC

I understand HEVC to be a superset of AVC. HEVC allows more 'tools' to extract more compression out of a video sequence. Is there a tool that converts an AVC stream to HEVC, completely ignoring the ...
Bruno Martinez's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg to convert file to same as another

For some background, I'm making a webpage which adjusts the playback position in an embedded video when the user scrolls, so if you scroll down, the video will advance and vice versa. This works ...
developius's user avatar
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VLC can but Instagram and "Gallery" cannot play my videos

I've been busy over the past few days trying to compile a timelapse from a string of images using FFMPEG. After initial issues, I've got it working and have a perfect MP4 that plays in VLC player. It ...
adam's user avatar
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ffmpeg makes mov with dropped frames [duplicate]

I had 1440 tga files and I wanted to convert them to a 24 fps mov. Here's the command I used: /usr/local/homebrew/bin/ffmpeg -y -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '/Users/ninhenzo64/Documents/Projects/...
ninhenzo64's user avatar
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FFmpeg video encoder example code is not working

I am using ffmpeg in ubuntu. Its version and other things are shown below: ffmpeg -h encoder=h264 ffmpeg version 4.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 5.4.0 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-...
anand's user avatar
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Why ffmpeg increases file size?

I'm trying to encode the video in the same quality in the same format, but the output file is several times larger than the input file. Whyis it happens? I want to fix the encoding errors, but I can ...
karpo518's user avatar
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Using mediainfo/MOVmediaedit to mimic GoPro video format

GoPro has cool "quick edit" video editor, called Quik Desktop. It'll only import videos generated with GP's own cameras. As long as I use GP's camera's Quik is fabulous. However, sometimes I want to ...
Martin Langhoff's user avatar
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How to convert raw 264 file to MP4 provided by Luowice IP camera?

I recently bought an IP camera by Luowice, model LWS-R8-2MP. The camera provides a function where a video is uploaded to a FTP server when motion is detected. The camera uploads .264 files. My plan is ...
Sven's user avatar
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How to convert AVI-XVid to AVI-H264

I have a number of AVI movies with CoDec XVid-Mpeg-4; my Sony TV (KDL50W805C) will not play these. Other AVI movies with CoDec x264vfw-H264-Mpeg4-AVC are accepted and play perfectly. Can I convert ...
Ray's user avatar
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What is wrong with my ffmpeg command?

I use this command to try to transcode a video file (video h264 high 10 to h264 high and copy all the rest) but it keeps giving me the error Unable to find a suitable output format for 'copy' copy: ...
Captain Bengali's user avatar
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iSpy produces 10x larger video files after VGA upgrade

I have a small HP server (ProLiant MicroServer Gen8) and I use it to make surveillance camera recordings. The on-board graphics were quite weak, so I added a GeForce GT730 and installed the latest ...
Rolf's user avatar
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ffmpeg encoding options to maximise Windows 7 compatibility?

I'd like to encode a few short (e.g. 30 seconds-ish) video clips with a goal of maximising their out-of-the-box compatibility with Windows 7. Specifically, what ffmpeg encoding parameters should I ...
hpy's user avatar
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Why is the first frame timestamp 0.066667 and not 0?

I have a stream of TGA files created on disk and I programmaticaly build a h264 video using the x264vfw codec. Options CRT 23, medium preset, Fast Decode, keyint 30 (video is 60 fps), no cut scenes, ...
Proviste's user avatar
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MP4 video working on desktop, not on mobile

I embedded a video in the following URL: I made it with Premiere Pro CC, exported it as H.264. The code I use in WordPress: [video src="
user3024879's user avatar