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Why am I getting pixelated videos in FFmpeg when converting to a GIF?

I want to encode this WEBM video: I have been noticing the fact that FFmpeg has been played up when it comes to quality. I am doing WEBM to GIF, if that ...
Missing User's user avatar
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Complex ffmpeg multi-encode/streamcopy/muxing scenario: is this actually doable?

I'm trying to do multiple muxing/re-encode/copy operations on an input video with ffmpeg and have run into roadblocks with the methods I've tried; before I continue testing, I want to confirm whether ...
rudds's user avatar
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FFMPEG encode interlaced frames

I try to encode incoming frames using FFMPEG to h264 and write it to an SD card. I get the raw frames as memory buffers from hardware and then use the FFMPEG C API to encode those. Encoding is running....
user3219624's user avatar
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ffmpeg video encoding has no audio

When I convert any video in ffmpeg - e.g. mp4 to mkv, mkv to mkv - I lose audio for some reason here are the parameters I originally used: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=640x480 -vcodec libx264 -...
Patrick Hydar's user avatar
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Spliting video with ffmpeg producing wrong durations

I'm currently using a framework where I have to split a video (originally encoded with HEVC video and AAC audio) in multiple parts to process them separately. Then the final result is obtained by ...
user112346's user avatar
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Encoding MKV File Without Changing Header Information

I captured a video using a Kinect Azure SDK device. This captured video (.mkv container) has three tracks: Color, Depth and IR. I extracted the Color track using MKVToolNIX. I could playback this RGB ...
Ashutosh Singla's user avatar
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ffmpeg nvenc throws an error after I modified an x264 command

I'm trying to convert this command to work on nvenc hvec video encoder to just make it faster and utilize my 3060: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i logo.png -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,...
Candour's user avatar
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Is it okay to re-encode videos from traditional lossless codec to modern lossless codec to save space and preserve quality?

Lossless video codec means almost zero information loss. After some internet search I found that there are some traditional opensource lossless codec like huffyuv, lagarith, utvideo and ffv1, which ...
ArchBug's user avatar
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Why does my SVT-HEVC-encoded video run out of sync?

I'm trying to transcode a video (with audio) to HEVC using Intel's SVT-HEVC encoder. The video's audio tracks are in sync before transcoding. Both ffprobe and mediainfo agree that the input video is ...
Cygon's user avatar
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Open .mp4 files in Adobe Media Encoder through a batch file

I would like to create a .bat or PowerShell script that loads all the .mp4 files from the folder where the script is in Adobe Media Encoder, the aim is to facilitate the day-to-day workflow. I built ...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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How can I smooth/deblock a video file with FFMPEG?

I am not interested in upscaling my video file, but am instead interested in just encoding it to smooth out the pixelation of my files. My files are from a T2i DSLR and I'd just like to smooth out the ...
Zachary Goodwin's user avatar
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How to export mestimate filter motion vectors into a separate file with ffmpeg binary?

So mestimate filter can be used to compute the motion vectors in a video. They can also be displayed. Is there a way to export them into a separate file using the ffmpeg binary? I would love to have ...
Hitokage's user avatar
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Encoding HEVC to HEVC to reduce file size

I'm trying to re-encode an HEVC/x265 file yet I'm getting an error. I used these commands and it's not working D:\FFmpeg\bin>ffmpeg -i output2.mkv -c:v libx265 -preset slow -b:v 3000k -x265-params ...
Kyle's user avatar
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4 votes
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Force ffmpeg to produce constant frame rate

Why does ffmpeg produce variable frame rate output? I have an input file, that when I run it through MediaInfo it tells me it's a constant frame rate video: Video ID ...
dropbear's user avatar
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Premiere Pro Hardware vs Software Encoding - Quality results

While exporting a Video in Adobe Premiere Pro, there is the option to export a Video with Software or Hardware Accelerated encoder. After i searched a bit about this topic i found that it is pretty ...
Deex's user avatar
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FFmpeg won't encode at [email protected]

I've been messing around with Topaz's Video AI enhancer, and I've been trying to encode the png files the AI outputs via FFMpeg. It works fine so far, aside from that the exports I'm getting are ...
Reubenno's user avatar
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FFmpeg: What are the h264_vaapi and hevc_vaapi encoders? How do they work? Do they just use the Video Coding Engine / Encoding ASIC on AMD GPUs?

The last part especially is what I'm wondering. How exactly does VAAPI work? Does it just use the the way that NVENC or h264_amf and hevc_amf works? Would it be possible to use the main GPU cores on ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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FFProbe output timebase only

When running ffprobe, it displays a lot more data than I need. I've already included the -hide_banner flag and its helped clean it up, but more specifically I only need the tbn Is there a way to limit ...
Video Guy's user avatar
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FFMPEG x265 encoding wrong settings for some sources

I am trying to encode a file with this command line: ffmpeg -i "source.mp4" -c:v libx265 -preset slow -crf 23.8 -vf scale=1920:-1:flags=lanczos -x265-params ref=6:bframes=5:no-sao=1:no-...
Tony's user avatar
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ffmpeg reads wrong timecode

I use ffmpeg to generate proxy files but for some reason the timecode is wrong. When i open the original file in DaVinci Resolve it always shows double the timecode that ffmpeg (ffprobe) reads. e.g. ...
user1610384's user avatar
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Can Intel QuickSync video create interleaved H.264 video with ffmpeg?

In ffmpeg, rather than using libx264 I'd like to use the Intel QuickSync accelerated encoder to encode to H.264 interlaced video. I can't find any documentation which says if the quicksync encoder ...
Danny's user avatar
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Reduce video frame rate from 60 to 30 fps without re-encoding and keeping original duration

I have a video with these specifications: 4320x2160p 60 fps 20.0 Mb/s bitrate AVC format (x264) Since my smartphone can play videos up to 30 fps at that resolution, I need a fast way to reduce the ...
matteof93's user avatar
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Can't convert with FFMPEG using NVENC "10 bit encode not supported"

I'm setting up Sickbeard MP4 Automator (calling it Automator now) to process video files after I receive them. Currently what I want it to do is to turn every file into x264 with NVENC acceleration, ...
Beefmaster5000BCE's user avatar
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Range of "global_quality" value for h264_qsv encoder?

What is the range of the -global_quality setting for ffmpeg's h264_qsv encoder (, Windows)? Ffmpeg's documentation for the encoder (archive) states: The ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Encode video to lower file size with ffmpeg

I have this script which I am working on to encode a video into smaller file size: echo off set arg1=%1 set _filename=%~n1 set _extension=%~x1 shift ffmpeg -i %arg1% -c:v h264_amf -crf 18 -preset slow ...
cyberquarks's user avatar
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Available video encoders on Lenovo L580

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad L580 and want to transcode many DVD rips using a tool called other_video_transcoding by Don Melton. This tool allows many different video encoders, and now I am struggling how ...
DarkDiamond's user avatar
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Replace section of audio in a video with FFmpeg

I have a Recording A (video and audio) with a length of about 42 minutes. I also have a separate Audio Stream B of the same event, which is identical to the audio in the video except it's a) much ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Is it possible to encode a video with a solid color background using h.265 so that the background color remains stable?

I'm trying to incorporate a video into a web page, where the video has a solid color background that matches the background color of the page, as well as a small animated character moving around ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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AVC Hardware encoding when using Remote Desktop Store App

I have been researching how to enable hardware encoding on my work laptop so that my remote desktop experience is a little better. Anyway, I did some research on this and I was able to (sort of) get ...
tHeSiD's user avatar
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Maximum possible bitrate for HEVC videos with hardware encoding in Premiere Pro

I am trying to export a series of images as a 4K HEVC video (it is a long series) and I am using Premier Pro 2020 to do it. I found I can switch to High tier and this allows me to go over 25Mbit ...
miran80's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to convert videos to AV1 lossless using FFmpeg?

I have a set of AVI videos (lossless video streams; no audio) and my goal is to convert them to AV1 lossless using FFmpeg. FFmpeg (with librav1e, libaom-av1 and libsvtav1 included) runs fine on my ...
Petr Diblík's user avatar
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Is there a way to reduce the size of a video file to a specific size?

I'm trying to get a video file to be a specific number of bytes. Basically, I will have a video X of duration/fps/compression ratio x, which I will want to change the size of to be the exact same size ...
Spencer Szeto's user avatar
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Why are ffmpeg processed videos per default multiple times smaller in file size than the input file?

I have a mp4 movie of 1:15min length, made with the Sony Alpha 6400 4k camera. It has a size of 528MB. I want to cut it using ffmpeg. Although I only cut a few seconds, the new video was much smaller. ...
Lion's user avatar
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Efficiently encode videos which consist of audio and multiple images / frames at specific time stamps

As a follow up question to Efficiently encode videos which consist of audio and only one image / frame : I have a video that is only a few images and an audio track. It is very large and I would like ...
Make42's user avatar
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GPAC MP4Box fullrange flag

A few years ago I was trying to encode some GoPro videos with Handbrake to reduce their file size and store them. After a few attempts, I noticed that the colors on the encoded videos were looking a ...
Theo S's user avatar
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How to change part of a MKV video with another MKV video without re-encode and without changing audio file in that primary MKV file

I have a lecture that I have recorded with using OBS studio and my microphone But I want to replace certain part of that video with another video without re-encoding or touching the audio The another ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
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Intel Quicksync vs Nvidia CUDA in ffmpeg - how big is the encoding quality difference?

I'm just asking this out of pure curiosity. I use FFMPEG a lot. Sometimes, I just opt to use the good old CPU encoding and decoding, because of how effectively it preserves the original video quality, ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
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How to let ffmpeg use back same bitrate when encode video?

I have an mp4 file encoded using mpeg4 with a size of 20MB When I checked the details of it, it said it has a 308k variable bitrate Then, when I encoded it into h264, ffmpeg converted it with a ...
Med Lexo's user avatar
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how can i add an additonal output to ffmpeg to also pull out a frame for an image after segmenting

this is my command. i need to add something to the end to pull out a vframe every second or specified seconds and save to file. i've see how to do that on its own but not as a second output. i keep ...
Tom Liberte's user avatar
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ffmpeg fade out beginning and end of video without re-encoding middle section?

I need to create a really long video from a looping clip but it needs to fade in at the beginning and fade out at the end. I'm taking the looping segment and using this command: ffmpeg -stream_loop ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Is there a way in ffmpeg to double up the frame rate without changing the runtime length of a video?

I have a video (B) that has 30 fps, and another video (A) that has 60 fps. I need to merge them at 60 fps but I don't want video B to be shorter. All videos are separate files, so I want to merge ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Getting weird errors in ffmpeg when seeking, "co located POCs unavailable", "mmco: unref short failure"

I've seen other people have the issue but I haven't seen a solution. If I try to seek with ffmpeg I get some errors and the resulting video freezes at a frame at the beginning before moving. Even if I ...
mikey_john's user avatar
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Is it possible to append to a video using ffmpeg?

I have a long video, and I want to append another short video at the end, sort of like credits, but I need to do this for many videos so I don't want to reencode them. Is it possible to just append ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Are 'peak frame rate' and 'variable frame rate' the same thing?

I can find the term 'peak frame rate' in some video editing software. Are 'peak frame rate' and 'variable frame rate' the same thing?
imida k's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Error when trying to use encoding options copied from Mediainfo

I want to encode different MKVs I have and I want to use the settings which I got from an existing encode via mediainfo: Writing library: x265 Encoding Settings: cpuid=1111039 / frame-threads=4 / ...
VideoEncodeAmateur's user avatar
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FFMpeg trim video based on frame numbers (have code but audio isn't trimming)

I'm trying to trim and re-encode my videos based on frame numbers. The following works great for my videos -vf select="between(n\,$start_frame\,$end_frame),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" however this doesn't ...
Alison Ashwin's user avatar
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FFMPEG (Synology) : Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height

I'm trying to convert my avi files into mp4 so that Plex doesn't need to transcode them. I want to run it from my Synology NAS which has ffmpeg installed. When I run this command ffmpeg -i Pilot.avi ...
RHarris's user avatar
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Why psnr and ssim values generated by ffmpeg psnr filter are different from x264 tune psnr?

Currently,i'm focus on how to use psnr&ssim metrics to evaluate the video encode quality of libx264 and hw h264 encoders. And i find that libx264 encoder has the option to log stuff psnr&ssim ...
simon_sun's user avatar
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When required to re-encode video multiple times, is it wisest to use fastest preset until very last re-encode?

If a video requires re-encoding it multiple times with ffmpeg because it needs multiple changes done to it such as crop, resize, convert, compile (concat), convert again, etc... then wouldn't it be ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Hardware accelerated encoding using FFmpeg on Intel Atom based platform (UpBoard)

I am working with Intel UpBoard that has an Intel Atom CPU, and want to stream a video from a usb camera to a live stream service. Therefore I am running a h264 encoder that uses h264_qsv codec, which ...
Gil Brudner's user avatar