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Questions tagged [vba]

Visual Basic for Applications; a subset of Visual Basic used in all Microsoft Office applications. Consider using this tag together with the tag for the specific application in question. Good questions on VBA generally contain some code and asks for solution of specific issues. Questions asking for entire solutions (please give me the code / how to do this and this with VBA) are off topic and will be closed as too broad.

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16 votes
1 answer

Recover sheet protection password in Excel

I have an Excel workbook. Two years ago I set password protection option for one of the sheets. Now I have forgotten the password. Is there any way to recover the password of that Excel sheet?
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9 votes
5 answers

Select an entire column minus header row in an Excel macro

How would I access a range that corresponds to an entire column starting at row 2 (there is a header row)? The end of the selection should be the last non-empty cell in the column.
Dave's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Open Multiple Instances of Excel without PERSONAL.xlsb Lock Message

Whenever I open more than I instance of Excel, I get the following message: PERSONAL.xlsb is locked for editing Q: How can I disable or hide this message? Alternatively, if someone could ...
anschauung's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What would an Outlook 2007 macro to automate Paste Special - Unformatted Text look like?

I'd like to assign a macro in Outlook 2007 to a Toolbar button that would execute the equivalent of these clicks when there is formatted text in the Windows clipboard: Click the Paste icon by the ...
Gary Petersen's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Excel 2007 | Remove blank fields from pivot tables

Every time I create a pivot table (available for all Excel versions) I get one or several blank fields. How can I get rid of them? One workaround I used was to select the blank field, right click | ...
Nicu Zecheru's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Fix a (Today) Date in Excel

I have a file with a VB macro that puts a TODAY() formula in a cell when I click a button. The formula is volatile and updates every time the sheet is calculated. Instead, I would like to lock the ...
bAN's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Convert Excel 4.0 macro to VBA

Is there a tool to convert Excel 4.0 macros to VBA?
Lance Roberts's user avatar

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