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How to run a Word macro from the command line?

I'm trying to save and close all open Word files (to start I only target one of them). The macro I made works when ran from Word (clicking "Execute"), but it won't run when called from the ...
TryingToLearn's user avatar
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Excel VBA: Export/save won’t work correctly

(Hope the formatting is okay. I’m doing this on my phone, so it’s hard to tell.) So, I’m trying to create some VBA to automate the clean up process of data I get from my field crews. Everything below ...
X-Cell's user avatar
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Altering Z Order of SAP GUI Windows with Script While Under Lock Screen in Windows 10

I'm having trouble trying to automate SAP GUI windows for parallel extraction of data via VBA in Access when that activity is under a lock screen. Specifically there are times when a context menu ...
Ian J.'s user avatar
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Strange errors from Excel, when running VBA-macros

The macro stops before execution, points to a Trim(...) call (a VBA built-in function) and says: Extra tag: 'Can't find project or library'
Hannu's user avatar
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Task Scheduler open Excel file with command line flag for VBA

I want to open a macro enabled workbook to capture data from the user every hour, and also pass an /e/ScheduledOpen flag to it to indicate in VBA if it was opened by task scheduler (in which case it ...
Greedo's user avatar
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Why does Windows Task Scheduler not work when selecting the option "Run whether user is logged on or not"?

I have a small VBS script that I want to run once per day. Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.Visible = True objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False sFilePathXlsm = &...
fritz.ann165's user avatar
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How can I determine the size of each worksheet in a .xlsb file?

Working on Windwos 10 Enterprise with Excel from Office 365 version 2204, I have a large .xlsb file (>14MB) and want to determine the size of the single worksheets in kB/MB, optimally saving this ...
MathProb's user avatar
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Change the explorer view of specific folder to large icons using VBA?

is it possible to change the explorer view of specific folder C:\ to large icons using VBA ? I have used this program RegistryChangesView to capture changes to windows registry , and I got this data: ...
Waleed's user avatar
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desktop.ini folder icon - batch file - vba

The issue is not very complicated, it's just a little complex so it's hard to explain. I'll do my best to be as clear as possible. I downloaded a batch file that allows you to drag a folder onto it ...
Zvi Twersky's user avatar
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Run macro continuously when button on QAT is pressed

I have added two macros to "Quick Access Toolbar"(QAT). Macros are for navigating left and right in the sheet, like when you press arrows at the bottom right corner of the workbook. When you press ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Why do I get the 'Excel cannot open the file '(filename).xlsm' error with a file on Mac but not on Windows?

I have been working on a complex Excel file and custom add-in and am attempting to make sure the add-in works on Mac as well as Windows. I've managed to get the add-in working when paired with a blank ...
Blake Simmons's user avatar
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VBA - How to apply loop in this situation (Userform.Combox...)?

I tried "For i=1" etc... but not working, I just don't know the syntax. Could you help me put this code into an "For i=1 to 33..."? ColorUpdateBoxes = RGB(255, 255, 180) With UserForm9 ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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Use Font in VBA without admin rights

I'm a newbie and I'm very happy to use this platform, to ask you some question. I'm trying to work in Excel with a font (.ttf) which is not installed in Windows. I can't install it, cause I don't ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Default number of digits after decimal in Windows

I am exporting a database from Access to a CSV, and I was (finally) able to get more than two decimals to transfer after changing my Windows Region settings settings to make 9 decimals the default. Is ...
wizlog's user avatar
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Excel lookup between dates

I have a spreadsheet that lists each client and the date when their status changed. e.g. Client_Name Transaction_Date Status ClientA 1/1/2017 Level_1 ClientB 2/1/2017 ...
learningAsIGo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Creating an animation from a series of Word documents

I want to create a "time-lapse" movie of the multi-month editing process of a large Word document. I have created a script that runs every 15 minutes, saving a copy of the file if it has been edited, ...
Florian Ledermann's user avatar
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Do Excel/VBA arrays work differently on Windows and Mac computers?

I wrote a macro for a workmate recently copies the data from an Excel spreadsheet into a 2D array approximately 75000x58 in size, then runs through each row and extracts relevant data. The macro ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Block Network access for Microsoft Excel

I have a macro that is stuck on running and has frozen my Excel. Basically its a loop through roughly 80000 rows performing SQL queries on each row with ADO.DB Save disabling the network card, is ...
Brendan Gooden's user avatar
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Programs accessing hidden files and folders

I want to write an excel macro that deletes/creates files and folders. This brought me to ask myself the following question: How are hidden files/folders seen by programs and are they modifiable? ...
David G's user avatar
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Windows (partially) claims I have a private key for a foreign certificate

We have a MS Word document template with vba code produced and signed by an external firm. When I view the details of the signing certificate from within Word vba developer tools, it shows up with ...
Hagen von Eitzen's user avatar
-2 votes
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sum the values in a column and add the sum to the filename of a workbook

Hello I have been able to create new worksheets based on unique values in a column. In addition to this, i want to sum up the values in a column and include this sum in the filename of each ...
Bobby's user avatar
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VBA Lookup by Multiple Criteria - Then Copy & Paste

Currently I have a 2 way database with 10+ fields and 1,000+ rows. Some fields are customer name, car model, year of model, price, date of purchase. I would like to lookup rows of data by multiple ...
AJ Kim's user avatar
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Need to pull data from website after every 5 seconds using Vba [closed]

I need to pull data from after ever 5 seconds. this Vba code pull data but does not run automatically. Please help me. Sub ButtonCode() ' execute macros Call GetCotton ' ...
Milton's user avatar
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Excel File Names not Displayed

Problem: When excel windows are minimised, I can't see the file name, all I get is a rather unhelpful 'Microsoft Excel' proceeded by the file name. I have the taskbar docked on the left, and have ...
BiGXERO's user avatar
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VBScript Carriage Returns

I write the following VB script in order to run commands from WIN XP on Linux machine and redirect the output command to out.txt file ( under C:\ ) My VB script I print the /etc/hosts file from Linux ...
maihabunash's user avatar
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Extract original file name from a file

We have a bunch of Excel documents which gets tossed around a lot. Every time somebody makes a copy of a file, in windows it gets generated as 'Copy of - <filename>.xlsm'. We would like to ...
name_masked's user avatar
1 vote
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How to select radio buttons by cell value in Excel?

I have a group of radio buttons with labels in adjacent cells. How can I arrange for the radio button with the label matching a target cell value to activate? Here's an equivalent example to what I'...
user116587's user avatar
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Run macro upon opening Excel 2007

I need help setting up macro that runs each time I load Excel 2007. I have tried following a few walkthroughs on the web but they end up not autolaunching the macro.
mike G's user avatar
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Automatically sending mails from office

I have VBA code in Excell that send mails, but every time it wait few second for me to accept the sending. Some time before I changed two (2) keys in registry and it sends without asking me for ...
Rodnower's user avatar
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