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Disadvantages of checking for invalid values in a textbox

I am making a userform where I want to perform a regression analysis from the input data for four functions fi(x), which are recorded in each of the corresponding textboxes. To check if the input ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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Create outlook folder loop via excel range

I could able to loop sender names from first columns of excel & nwow I am trying to create folder loop in below code but it showing error !!! Sub MoveItems() Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.Namespace ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Why does Windows Task Scheduler not work when selecting the option "Run whether user is logged on or not"?

I have a small VBS script that I want to run once per day. Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.Visible = True objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = False sFilePathXlsm = &...
fritz.ann165's user avatar
2 votes
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How to automate vb script

I have this code: Sub NewYearData() Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range Dim addy As String, sh As Worksheet Dim shName As String Set wb1 = ...
Domagoj Culinovic's user avatar
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Constantly look for file, when file exist, run command

FileName = "C:\Users\amrapab\Desktop\Test\remedy\Auto\Open dump 23 Mar.csv" Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Do If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then CreateObject("WScript....
vijaysinh deshmukh's user avatar
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Run Macro as a Stand Alone File with Active Open Excel Spreadsheet

I have a Macro which currently we download a spreadsheet Update: and it automatically opens (and doesn't save) -- from our custom internal web interface. The spreadsheet name changes each time. The ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
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Macro compile error – Next without for

I have a macro that has a compile error that I don’t know how to fix. It;s the second last line “next” that gets highlighted and the message comes up “Next without for”. What code do I need to make ...
KAREN KENDALL's user avatar
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automatically updating the links of workbooks

iam looking for a way to open .xlsb files in a folder one by one and then rename or update its links as .xlsb. For example if "C:\FINAL ANSWER\edit.xlsb" file has links as ='C:\FINAL ANSWER\MAIN ...
EXCEL LOVER's user avatar
3 votes
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VBA - Regex & Replace

I am very new to VBA. Below is my code to identify & remove only those dots which are appearing after dates and not after the text. But it does not seem to work. Sub simpleRegexSearch() ...
Renu Sharma's user avatar
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Find non-empty paragraphs in Word with VBA

I'm writing a script in VBScript that scans through a collection of 2000 Word files and looks for those that contain at least a paragraph using an unwanted style. So, the core of my script is: Set ...
mrgou's user avatar
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Finding differences between files (xlsx) due to SAP BI update

I am at work testing a new version for our frontend dwh (SAP BI 4.2 -> 4.3). I realized that the exported excel files seem to work differently now. They are still .xlsx files and look the same, but ...
mangix's user avatar
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Create cells value based on formula in Excel VBA

I have an Excel sheet like this, is there a way to get value in C8 using C6 in VBA?
Ravi chawla's user avatar
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Excel 2013 VBA script needed for [closed]

I have several cells that have a string of text that are partially Bold and partially NotBold. I need to delete the Bold portion of the Text in the Cells Example: lname1, [email protected] ...
Rob808's user avatar
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Why can't I set a Table variable w/ objSel.Tables.Item(1)?

I'm trying to loop through selected tables, rows, columns, and cells. However, I cant get the Table object to set properly into the variable in the for loop. I inspected the element TypeName(objSel....
ScrappyDev's user avatar
1 vote
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Counting specific words within a batch of Word documents

I need a count of the number of times an acronym (e.g. ‘ABC’) is used in a collection of word documents. The acronym is always three letters and in block caps. All the word documents are contained ...
RobN's user avatar
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Pass Parameters from vba to vbs

I'm trying to pass arugements to my vbscript from vba. Shell "wscript C:\test.vbs " & strName & fileDir But in the vbs its taking it as one arguement. How to pass two different arguements.??
user387600's user avatar
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Run excel macros (vba) from vbscript file

I have a vbs file that pulls information from my database and exports the data to an Excel file (C:\file.csv). Once this is done, I run a series of macros (vba) to format this data. These macros are ...
root's user avatar
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Get data from another Excel file

I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains a list of usernames Each user will have the following code. I just need to find a way to substitute First.Last with the names in the Excel spreadsheet. There ...
GettingStarted's user avatar
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How to Replace Words With VBScript Regex and VBA?

what is vbscript syntax for .net: \b[a-z]+\b Hi trying to replace all alpha words in the source. .net regex tester confirms this pattern will find all words: \b[a-z]+\b this: Findings,Actions ...
johny why's user avatar
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Need a Excel script to identify email addresses that contain a different variation of the first name of the contact

I have an Excel spreadsheet with 50k+ rows of data, where we are trying to identify within the rows of data where the email address has no match of the first name, etc. We are basically trying to ...
LMP's user avatar
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VBScript Carriage Returns

I write the following VB script in order to run commands from WIN XP on Linux machine and redirect the output command to out.txt file ( under C:\ ) My VB script I print the /etc/hosts file from Linux ...
maihabunash's user avatar
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VB sciprt + how redirect output from CMD window to file

I wrote the following VB script in order to run commands from WIN XP on a Linux machine and redirect the output command to out.txt file ( under C:\ ) I don’t understand why output from the command ...
maihabunash's user avatar
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How do I publish/export Microsoft Access Forms

I developed some forms in Microsoft Access and have yet to connect the forms with the database. However I would like to build and maybe publish the forms so I can view them outside of Access. how do I ...
Kobojunkie's user avatar
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Creating Custom Sortable datatypes in excel

I want to define a custom data type in excel 2007, a date range. Basically, it's an array of dates or smaller date ranges like: "{ 01-26-1991 , 01-01-2004 to 12-31-2004 , 12-13-2017 }" which would ...
Jello_Raptor's user avatar