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Trying to make a find and update function for Excel

I tried to use a VBA code in SharePoint and it did not work. I also tried using the workaround of power automate desktop but my work does not allow the desktop version because of I.T protections... My ...
Aaron's user avatar
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MS Excel: generate a table with the number of rows depending on the input variables

So I want to make a matlab/r-like tool in excel that mimics more code driven calculations than the more common excel worksheet applications typically contain This workbook should contain: input sheet ...
babipsylon's user avatar
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Handle when the user tries to write something directly on a Pivot Table

What trigger can I use to handle the message below (that comes up when a user tries to write something in a Pivot Table) by opening a form? My idea would be that the user would try to write something ...
Dumitru Daniel's user avatar
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Run Excel Macro when Slicer is Clicked

I have a PivotTable connected to a Horizontal Bar Chart. When I filter the content to be displayed in the Chart (by using the Slicer), the Chart did not resize according to the entries displayed. This ...
Sybrand E. Smit's user avatar
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VBA: Pivot filter based on value range

I am new with VBA and I would like to have a code to select a pivot filter based on a cell range. How can I change "CurrentPage" to be a range value ? Sub PrintTour() ActiveSheet....
Alex's user avatar
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How do I extract design information from a pivot table in an external worksheet (properties) (Excel)

I am teaching a course in Microsoft Excel, using Excel 2019. As part of an exam in this course, I ask students to create pivot tables. I will then need to grade these exams. Each student submits an ...
Dana Black's user avatar
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Pivot auto date filter in vba

I have issue while filter today date in VBA. Because the format changed for each user. How to set it as universal format? My code: 'FILTER TODAY DATE IN PIVOT Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() On ...
baskar's user avatar
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Convert List into Grid

I want to convert a List similar to the following into a grid (as below) so that I can generate pivot tables... Is there an easy way to do this with VBA? List: Date Name Assignments 6/1/...
user1191513's user avatar
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How to move specific cells in a row from one worksheet to another based on Month in Month Due column

I have been googling for a while trying to find a solution for how to copy specific cells in a row from one sheet to another. I have only been finding ways to copy entire rows. I have a workbook and ...
InvisibleInk's user avatar
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How to highlight the rows relating to the "Count Of" in a pivot table?

I have a table with values, and next to it a pivot table showing count of certain fields (same sheet). I want to be able to click the field or count value on the pivot table (either number or field ...
EfficiencyKing's user avatar
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Group Date Pivot Table VBA - Nothing Happening and no Errors

I'm trying to group a pivot table by dates grouped in Months/Years. I have found code online which seems simple enough, and when I test it, I get no errors, but nothing happens in the workbook/Pivot ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
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How to lock the format of a pivot chart

I have a pivot chart from a group of data, and I need to show it in a specific type of different charts (combo charts) and giving every bar and lines a specific color. The problem is that every time a ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Excel pivot values column to Text

I have data in Excel pivot and my text data in value column shows number instead of Text . Any one can help me please. In below image of pivot value field red circled:
safwan's user avatar
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Unable to add CubeField/PivotField as a Data Field in VBA

I'm working on a very long Macro for my job and I am just about finished, but this is the last part and no matter what I do, I can't seem to figure out the fix. In this PivotTable, I need to have "...
Andrew Stahl's user avatar
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How to prevent multiple PivotTableUpdate triggers

I am building a dashboard in which 3 sliders control 10 pivot tables on a second data sheet. I also have a map drawing on the pivot data. This is populated by a macro that needs to be triggered each ...
Will's user avatar
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Add Slicer Selections to sheet in a list - Excel VBA

I have a pivot table With a slicer that a user can make multiple selections in. I am trying to list the selected values in the slicer so they can then be joined together in another cell using ...
user767772's user avatar
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Excel - Pivot table drill down using SUMIF

Not sure if this is possible, maybe with VBA but I can't work it out. I have a pivot table that I want to be able to filter totals to separate totals less than/greater than a value. (eg all totals >5)...
user767772's user avatar
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3 answers

Excel VBA - code to skip lines / goto command

I have built a code into excel to take the data from a pivot table and insert it into a chart, a pivot chart directly linked to the table wont give me the manueverability I am looking for. The reason ...
Sarah Hartman's user avatar
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Pivot table with dynamic field names in Excel 2010

I am creating a workbook where the user can paste in their dataset in a worksheet. This dynamic range will be used to generate a series of pivot tables on subsequent worksheets. This works well when ...
Abbie's user avatar
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Can I customise the new Timeline slicer in Excel 2013?

Excel 2013 introduces timeline slicers for the first time. These allow you to filter pivot tables easily by selecting time ranges - either by year, quarter, month or day. It's nearly a useful tool, ...
Andi Mohr's user avatar
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Is it possible to add a custom calculation for a top level row total in a pivottable?

My Pivot Table has the following format Manufacturer MPG - Nissan 10 - Petrol 35 - Model A 30 - Model B 40 - Diesel ...
AUK1939's user avatar
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Data transformation in MS Excel

looking for help on converting data from one format to another - If you want to see data in sheet is here -
Ek23's user avatar
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Excel Pivot Table - How to preserve Filter and Sorting when Data get refreshed

I have a pivot table (Excel 2010). Every Time when I update the data and make a refresh, the sorting and filters of the Pivot Table get lost repsectively I need to explicitely to modify the filter (...
megloff's user avatar
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Filtering out (blank) within a PivotFiled from all pivottables in a workbook that have the same pivotfields

I have a bunch (14) of pivottables in two worksheets (7 in each worksheet). I have a refresh button on the sheet that refreshes all pivottables using the following code: Sub Refresh_Pivots() Dim pt ...
MZX7's user avatar
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Set default expand/colapse state on pivot tables

The Setup I have a pivot table in tabular form pulling data from an Analysis Services Cube. I want to calculate the number of days between two dates, but the setup will only allow me to pull in all ...
CLockeWork's user avatar
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Transform data in Excel [closed]

I have two problems with my data in Excel. I have this table, so for every day in the year I have got 24 values, that´s 365 columns. image1 I need to ...
Peter's user avatar
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Excel: How to hide/remove scrollbars from Pivot Table Slicers?

Slicers are a fantastic tool new to Excel from 2010, allowing you to quickly switch your selections when analysing data using a pivot table. Sometimes there are too many options to fit in the slicer ...
Andi Mohr's user avatar
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How to filter source sheet in Excel pivot table drill down?

I record my expenses in an Excel spreadsheet. In a second sheet I have a pivot table that allows me to group my expenses by month and by category to see the totals. If I double click on a cell, a ...
Patrick J Collins's user avatar
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Filter data in sheets from a master sheet

I have a 'master sheet' with lots of furniture data in it, in column A there are the suppliers names. What I would like is to be able to have my master sheet with all the info and then sub sheets ...
sam's user avatar
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Determining whether VBA is necessary in Excel, or if a pivot chart/table can suffice

I wish that I had a more precisely descriptive title for this question, but I am not very knowledgeable with Excel spreadsheets or VBA (I'm primarily a Java developer, and don't play much in the ...
Steve Perkins's user avatar
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Excel 2007 | Remove blank fields from pivot tables

Every time I create a pivot table (available for all Excel versions) I get one or several blank fields. How can I get rid of them? One workaround I used was to select the blank field, right click | ...
Nicu Zecheru's user avatar
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