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How to bulk edit Word document so all the Chinese characters are placed in the same vertical position?

This is the Word document I received. I need to find a way to put all the words into three lines (ideally), where all the Chinese and phonetic symbol lined up vertically. How can I do that?
jxhyc's user avatar
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Set default zoom in Excel on a new sheet

I have set zoom level when new workbook is open with this code: Private Sub Workbook_Open() ActiveWindow.Zoom = 109 End Sub How to I set custom zoom on every new sheet that's created in that ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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1 answer

Reoccurring Out of Office Every Other Week Outlook

In Outlook, is it possible to set a an out of office automatic reply every other week on the same day? e.g. every other Monday. I see a solution here using headers for every week: https://answers....
sushi's user avatar
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Merge PowerPoint Presentations Slide By Slide as Animation

I have 12 PowerPoint presentations (one for each month) with same number of slides and each slide contains similar reporting info/trends/tables for the corresponding month. I would like to merge all ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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MS Access Runtime closes database when there is a mirror error. How to Ignore?

There is a MS Access Database. Sometimes there are pop ups errors: "The value you entered isn't valied for this field" and then a Macro error. But that's OK, I just click "Stop All ...
user2978216's user avatar
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Strange errors from Excel, when running VBA-macros

The macro stops before execution, points to a Trim(...) call (a VBA built-in function) and says: Extra tag: 'Can't find project or library'
Hannu's user avatar
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How to create custom Word dictionaries from .CSV files

I work with documents that use a lot of specific words that are flagged by the spell checker in Microsoft Word, such as scientific names of insects. Ideally, I would take data in .CSV format, and be ...
Chris McK's user avatar
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PowerPoint: How to manipulate narration timings for on-click animations (not just advance to next slide)?

I'm using Office 365, version 2206 of PowerPoint, but this question applies to several versions. When you record narrations in PowerPoint, this feature allows you to set timings for advancing ...
Michael Anthony Abril's user avatar
2 votes
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Find blocks with the same format with the find and replace function in MS Word

I am writing a glossary with MS Word and in the text I have interspersed blocks with different formatting. It is something like this (a bit more convoluted in fact): term /pronunciation/ word type ...
Invenietis's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Extra Paragraph Character After Header and Footer from Quick Part Gallery

If I insert a header or footer from the quick part gallery, it usually adds a standalone paragraph character on the next line. This is extremely annoying because it requires cleanup every time. Is ...
A. Eakins's user avatar
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How can I highlight a specific part of a MS powerpoint slide by clicking an action button in another slide?

I am creating a presentation using MS Powerpoint. Is there any way that if I click an action button in one slide, I can go to other slide while a specific part of that slide is highlighted or have a ...
Alex97's user avatar
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3 votes
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VBA: RubberDuck add-in: @VariableDescription how it works?

I use RubberDuck add-in (beside other) to annotate my VBA code using @Description (for Subs, Function, Properties...) and want to use @VariableDescription for variables. But unlike @Description used ...
Lluser's user avatar
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How to add Excel Dynamic Filter formula by VBA

I need Filter formula for ms office 2016. But it's not available. How can I add it by VBA. If anyone know kindly guide me.
baskar's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add VBA to MS Office installation

I am missing VBA on my Office 2016 installation (installed via Office deployment tool). When attempting to open Visual basic for Applications (Alt + F11) nothing happens. The Macros options are greyed ...
David's user avatar
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Excel VBA-How to clear values of rows but keep formulas in a row when certain condition meets?

Lets say I have 10 groups of data sets. I want to compare cell values of "E" and "G" for group 1 data set. If "E"cell value="G" cell value, I want to clear ...
nyeas001's user avatar
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Does Using VBA in Microsoft Office Slow Down the Program Significantly?

I've never used VBA before. Does having it "on" slow down the program for all files that don't use VBA within its document? I was always scared that if I add a Macros/VBA in just one file, ...
QuietInMontana's user avatar
2 votes
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PowerPoint VBA addin (ppam) fails to load for all users

I have a PowerPoint VBA addin (ppam file) which is packaged in an MSI installer for installation for all users of a machine. Following installation, a user gets some additional buttons in the ...
neilt17's user avatar
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Mysterious MS Excel error: Cannot find [..]!Local_Close_Sheet, which has been assigned to run each time myfile.xlsx is closed

I receive a mysterious error each time I try to close myfile.xlsx. Cannot find 'X:\WINFDC[FADRVR32.XLA]FADRVR32'!Local_Close_Sheet, which has been assigned to run each time myfile.xlsx is closed. ...
Matthias's user avatar
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VBA Excel macros stopped working

I'm getting errors when trying to execute any macro in Excel (i.e. it won't execute anything, not even MsgBox) Pretty sure it has something to do with Windows Update, Defender, missing/corrupt files, ...
Dan's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

VBA unavailable from Office programs

I recently reinstalled Windows 10, Avira Free Antivirus v., and Office Professional Plus 2010. Before the reinstallation, this combination of applications worked fine. Now, when I try to ...
Zev Spitz's user avatar
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Unexpected Results in Referencing another worksheet indirectly

I'm not getting the expected reference result in the following Scenario Can someone please explain this. Create a workbook with 2 x WorkSheets , Sheet1 & Sheet2 Populate Sheet2 Col A1 Down ...
sirplus's user avatar
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2 answers

Expert help request: to set Outlook Rules

I want to setup a custom rule on Outlook 2016 so that I cannot send an email to a specific person from a specific account. I know this sounds crazy, but I have two accounts on Outlook 2016, say from ...
Tapan Samaddar's user avatar
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Word Macro for Ctrl +F

Not sure if this is possible. I have a macro for highlighting a bunch of text. It basically automates the process of going through the advanced menu, pressing wild cards, entering my search and ...
snickerpop's user avatar
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Microsoft Publisher 2016 Lacks [x of y] page numbering - How to achieve this?

Simply put, our office has been using MS Word for their training documentation. As I began inserting a large number of photos, this caused Word's formatting to break in the most frustrating ways ...
AngryScientist's user avatar
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Formula inside conditional sum (Excel)

I have a VBA function, that check cells and returns an integer. (for example CheckThis(A5) => 23 ) How can i do something like this: =SUMIF(A1:E1,Checkthis(N) = 23) I tried various possible methods ...
Fredi's user avatar
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Create a new document from a .dotm template on a weekly basis

At my workplace, we need to write a report on a weekly basis to document what we have gotten done during that time period. For that, we have a MS Word template which uses VBA code to fill in date ...
xoX Zeus Xox's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Go to a specific slide in powerpoint when creating the slides

This might be very simple to achieve, but I don't know how to see it through. When I create presentations using MS powerpoint, I have to go from slide to slide (say from Slide 3 to slide 45). So far I ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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3 answers

How to save multiple pdf attachments in Outlook to hard drive by extracting mail items

I have 25 mails which each have 25 pdf attachments inside of them within only one email - cascading each other. In other words, one email contains 25 outlook mail items which have 1 pdf attached per ...
dummmmy's user avatar
1 vote
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What file type is used by document.printout in Word VBA? (Word 2010)

I'm using a VBA script to compare a bunch of files (two versions of a large XML document with multiple data modules). I'm dumping the contents into Word files and using tracked changes. Since there ...
Kelly Tessena Keck's user avatar
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Excel VBA and Late-Binding

I have searched the web high and low, and read the Microsoft support very nice concept piece here as well as many others. My situation is that I have written a moderately complex excel solution ...
Sandy Paternotte's user avatar
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Reset code and userform window positions in Microsoft Office VBA IDE

When we open UserForms and code modules in a Microsoft Office VBA project (Word, Excel or Access), we can change the size and location of these windows. MS Office saves the last position for these ...
TecMan's user avatar
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How to change interior.color in excel, across multiple columns using a row variable

I'm trying to highlight a row that's assigned to "RowNum" I want to highlight Columns A through O. I've tried the things below, But receive syntax errors on each. sh1.Cells(RowNum, 15).Interior....
BigElittles's user avatar
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How to put name and registration number in a form

I'm creating a database which stores client related information, in which there are two tables:   A. Client registration   B. Work done. So I have created 2 forms:   a. ...
The Dentist's user avatar
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Hardwareinventory - Copy Record with values in Access 2016 Web App

I want to make a WebApp in Access which help me inventory all our Hardware. Below is a VERY wip ERM for the Database behind it. Every CPU-Object is its owm physical thing (if we have 2x i5-3450 there ...
Bengelnatz's user avatar
4 votes
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Converting All Plain Text Links to Hyperlinks

I have a rather large Word file (+1,100 pages) that contains plain text links of media coverage. For instance, the Word document contains: The News Leader (AP) Va. police officer who died on her ...
stupidpoeticjustice's user avatar
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Find all instances of a text and make it a hyperlink with a macro

Required I want to find all occurrences of a single text in a MS Word document, make each occurence a hyperlink and change the generic hyperlink style to one of my chosing. What I have As I have no ...
kbd's user avatar
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How to assign a tooltip at a macro button added by customize ribbon in ms excel?

I want to assign a tooltip to a macro button added by me by customizing ribbon in options at file tab in MS Excel. You can see this snapshot for understanding that where and how I want the tooltip.
ramji's user avatar
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Upgrade from MS Outlook 2003 to MS Outlook 2013 - how to migrate custom views and menu bars?

I'm currently working with Microsoft Outlook 2003 and want to upgrade to MS Outlook 2013``. I have made some modifications which ware important for my work and I wonder what is the easiest way to get ...
MostlyHarmless's user avatar
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How to export images from Excel table [duplicate]

I have an Excel table with two columns: id and picture. id is a string and picture contains a single jpeg picture. This table contains almost 1,000 rows. Is it possible to export the images as jpeg ...
isoman's user avatar
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How can I automatically fill a series in excel, based on the value of another cell?

How do I automatically change the length of a column with the numbers 0-n, where n = a number in a certain field? I'm thinking of something like this: EDIT: Seems like I was bad at explaining ...
Mike Haye's user avatar
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VBA substitute for Microsoft Office RT?

I've been working on VBA-based applications for automating Excel and other MS Office applications. Now I'd like to expand to MS Office RT, but I've read that Office RT has no VBA support. Is there any ...
python dude's user avatar
1 vote
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How Can I Comment a Block of Text in Microsoft Office Visual Basic Editor?

Sometimes when I'm writing a macro in Excel's Visual Basic Editor (VBE), I want to comment out a block of code to test the macro without it. I know I could go to each line and type an apostrophe ('), ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
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Inserting Autotext (or Quickpart) into Word (2013) on the basis of a Boolean value from Access (2013)

Haven't found any info on this anywhere on the net (at least any that works--more on that in a moment). What I am trying to do is have, at the push of a button that I have created in an Access Form, ...
Stumped's user avatar
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26 votes
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How do I add VBA in MS Office?

I've seen posts showing answers which use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code/macros, however, I've also noted additional comments afterwards about how to use the VBA (how to implement and ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do I get an event to fire when the slide changes in PowerPoint?

I already know of two supposed fixes, which I will list below, along with the reason they don't work for me. The first is to use the SlideShowNextSlide subroutine. The problem with this is that it ...
Jordan Longstaff's user avatar
4 votes
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Copy data from multiple MS Word files to Excel using VBA

I know this question was already asked (Copying data from multiple word docs into one excel sheet) the thing is I can't use the answer. I'm fresh to VBA, but I thought I can handle it. I was wrong. I ...
Jan's user avatar
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Using English macros in French version Excel

I am currently in France and am using a computer on which all Office programs are in French. I need to use a Macro which has been written in English VBA, but it fails. I assume the issue a language ...
user294589's user avatar
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Generate ordered numeric list in Excel based on cell value

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would like to create an ordered numeric list automatically based on a cell value. For example, if I have a cell with a value of 100, I want excel to ...
TaylerJones's user avatar
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Custom Formatting dimensions of a box in Excel

I am currently creating a spreadsheet in Excel and setting a standard for everything I am copying in. Some of the text I am entering is different to the format I want it in. The format I want is for ...
Floyd's user avatar
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Hotkey to select content of the current cell

is there a hot-key or a sequence of hot-keys to select the content of a table-cell in MS-word? the cursor is within that cell. All I found is Tab for next cells content and Shift+Tab for previous ...
Stefan's user avatar
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