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Unable to edit the required text and update auto-date

I Should be able to edit any text updated except , "Posted", "Closed" in J Column. Every time I edit the text the date should be auto updated in next column cell. For example, I ...
raju nagavelli's user avatar
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How do I replace text in rows by the respective columns?

I need to replace text "vegetables" in rows 1-5 entirely with the respective car make names in column A. For example row 1 should find the word BMW and replace it with all words containing &...
Stressed's user avatar
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VBA Changing font color

S.No Topic Priority Action From Date Responsible Target Done Comment 1 FuSi 3 kjkj SSR0 26.07.2022 MR.BBBB 18.08.2022 kjkjkj 2 FuSi 3 kjkj SSR0 26.07.2022 MR.BBBB 19.08.2022 kjkjkj simple task. I ...
bastoshenrique93's user avatar
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How to properly format combinations generated in VBA script for Excel?

So I have this VBA script that I'm using in Excel to get all possible combinations from data in 4 separate rows. It works well, however I'm trying to figure out how to make it not use a / at the end ...
Eric K.'s user avatar
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Auto adjust cell values if one cell values changed

how to adjust values automatically if cell values A1 has changed means then the changed values has to adjusted with B2 values and the final cumulative values remains unchanged. Suppose i have list of ...
user1092590's user avatar
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How to append to formula if a condition is met in microsoft excel?

I have a bunch of formulas dotted about my excel tab that are of the form: =cell_1+0.0049>SUM(cell_2:cell_3) for example- =O10+0.0049>SUM(H10:N10) I want to find all instances of these cells and ...
user9940344's user avatar
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FInd Replace value of a formula in excel but incremental and loop

Dim sht As Worksheet Dim fnd As Variant Dim rplc As Variant Dim p As Integer Dim q As Integer p = 3 q = p + 1 fnd = "$3" rplc = "$" & q For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook....
Amit Maheshwari's user avatar
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Highlight entire rows based on cell values

I want to highlight entire cell values when the row values changes. For example, row contains A A B B B C D E E Final result : i want to highlight above the row by means of A has to in one color and B ...
user1092590's user avatar
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Excel macro to highlight common values between two different sheets

I'm having list of account numbers(AA, AAB, AAC, ADC) in column A in sheet 1 and also I'm having some common account number in sheet 2 (AAB,ADC)which is already available in sheet 1. Now i need a ...
user1092590's user avatar
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Excel: Count Weighed Cells

I've an excel-spreadsheet, which is my timetable. this means, that I've some tasks, which is almost always a connected cell, sometimes I connect 20 cells, sometimes only two. Example Since every cell ...
MelcomX's user avatar
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If Cell Contains Text Then Copy to Another Sheet

I want to copy a collumn on to another excel sheet where the first cell starts with: "Not Found" If a cell in the first collumns contains "Not Found" I want to display them ...
Toon's user avatar
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Excel VBA: How can I multiply this code 10 times for 10 different H13,B13 cells?

I would like to know how can I make this code work for cells H13:H24 and B13:B24 instead of H13 and B13 only ? (While all the other conditions remain the same) Basically to multiply this code 10 times ...
Victor Ştefan's user avatar
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Excel - Macro - Data copying with values

I have a macro where it copies a range from a sheet and pastes it into another sheet. Sheet name - MAIN Range - C4 - D26 Date sheet - DATA Then when you enter new data and use the macro, it copies the ...
Steve S's user avatar
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Disable automatic VBA window opening while opening an Excel document

I have an excel document and I added some vb script to find the password of the protected file. I took this script from some internet forum. After that, whenever I open this excel sheet the vba window ...
Franc's user avatar
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Excel 2007 Need to copy column B to new row in Column A

I need help. I have several 2007 worksheets with two column of data and many rows. I want to take the information in each row of column B and add it/move it as a new row under column A. Is this ...
JustMe's user avatar
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VBA code for Multiple inputs search comparison

I need to search from a data in excel using a macro If for example above image is a default list and if i gave a input using a input box. Case:1 If input as "a1,a2,b1,c4" it should reflect ...
Kaundinya Sistu's user avatar
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Delete Multiple rows based on criteria from Multiple CSV files in a Folder

Option Explicit Sub Delete_Rows_From_CSV_Files() Dim source_folder_name As String source_folder_name = "C:\Users\Siraj\Documents\CSV FILES\" 'change the path to the source folder accordingly ...
Siraj Multani's user avatar
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matching all highlighted dates in one column to those of another column

I'm currently stuck on this step of my project. image of my document My ultimate objective is to highlight all highlighted dates in column P in column M. I was wondering if there was a formula so that ...
Sirmike's user avatar
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VBA Save ONLY VISIBLE Sheet as Workbook

I was working with the following VBA (attached below). It works great, and what I like the most is that it is Path/Name independent. I am now trying to save multiple reports which are based on some ...
Pepe's user avatar
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MS Excel - How to drop the character between the concatenated cells

I need to concatenated cells and put a comma between them. But some cells in the concatenated columns are empty and the result shows the commas between them. How to drop the commas if a cell is empty? ...
Iman Ghavamabadi's user avatar
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How can i simplify my code using LOOPS in VBA

I need to copy contents from a column in one worksheet and paste it into another (at the same time making a total of 7 copies of each of the variable). There are multiple columns and each column has ...
MoeBee's user avatar
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VBA to copy entire cell values to clipboard [closed]

Sub Test() Dim copycell As DataObject Dim ws As Workbook Dim strText As String Set ws = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Desktop\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx") strText = ws.Sheets("...
user1087177's user avatar
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VBA - Copy range from 300 closed workbooks onto one main consolidated workbook

Please help with writing the formula to pull data from 300 closed workbooks (and I don't want to open any of those 300 workbooks). Description of project: There are 300 excel timesheets. Need copy ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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VBA excel - Is there any way to ensure the user cannot call/run a macro in the immediate window?

So I have written a VBA application and locked the VBAProject (unviewable). But of course, the user can still have access to the Immediate Window (if they open another excel file for example and ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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Can I add a dollar amount to duplicates to differentiate them?

I have a huge sales data sheet from range D3 to BC1415 but here is my problem: I have made several scorecards from this data sheet but duplicates are ruining everything. I have organised my ...
Arthur Penot's user avatar
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How to unselect specific data in excel VBA?

I have selected all the used ranges in my worksheet using UsedRange.Select and wanted to unselect only the upper two ranges. Is there any way to do this?
divyam sureka's user avatar
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VBA: find date and enter UserForm text box

I have a list where VBA needs to find the date in spreadsheets and also the machine name, then paste the UserForm text box. UserForm works, but it does not paste any info. I've played around with this ...
M rusten's user avatar
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Replacing a cell value with another value for multiple row

I'm having a problem replacing certain values in my sheet. I want to replace the value of the cell with another value in the same row if it is above the latter value and I want to do that for every ...
Jax's user avatar
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automatically updating the links of workbooks

iam looking for a way to open .xlsb files in a folder one by one and then rename or update its links as .xlsb. For example if "C:\FINAL ANSWER\edit.xlsb" file has links as ='C:\FINAL ANSWER\MAIN ...
EXCEL LOVER's user avatar
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Converting xlsx to xlsb

I recently discovered the benefits to converting Excel documents to XLSB (binary), mostly the cutting almost in half of file sizes. I would like to apply this to some of my older files, but don't ...
EXCEL LOVER's user avatar
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Combine duplicate rows and get to a different cells to new column in Excel

I have a table of attendance which look like this, Name | Date | Time | abc | 12/3/2018 | 12:36:11 PM | abc | 12/3/2018 | 08:30:11 PM | EFG | 13/3/2018 | 09:35:11 PM | EFG | ...
maxasela's user avatar
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Excel VBA - Returning a list of values not found in one column

I want to get Excel VBA to return, in a messagebox prompt, all items which are in column A of worksheet Mastersheet but are not in column A of worksheet DeliverySheet. Having a lot of trouble ...
art.POMEGRANATE's user avatar
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Excel - Compare the value of two fields and change color depending on results

I am trying to compare two fields in an Excel Spreadsheet and if a number is higher then change the background of that cell and if it is lower change it also. For a further explanation I have created ...
Nerdius1970's user avatar
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Change loop to write results in additional cells

I have been using the following code for awhile but need some help in making one change. I’ve tried and tried but it won’t work. If someone could kindly take a look, my research says I’m looking for a ...
KAREN KENDALL's user avatar
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How to reference a shape by name and what else can be used in .Select?

I use MS Excel 2007 My question is in two parts I have a form option button called "Option1" How do I refer to that button in other macros? I know that I can select it using: ActiveSheet.Shapes("...
Kenny's user avatar
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Tell a macro to check if object exists and if yes do A. but if no then do B.?

I use MS Excel 2007. I have the following code in a macro that creates two Option Buttons (not active X) into Cell B25. Range("B25").Select ActiveSheet.OptionButtons.Add(129.75, 540, 24, 20.25)....
Kenny's user avatar
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Macro/VBA Code to List and print names and code of all macros in a workbook

I am using Excel 2007 For this question the name of my workbook is PrintCode.xlsm Is there a Macro or VBA Code that will print all of the macro names and code within the open workbook? I have found ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Exactly position new option button in VBA

Is there a way of exactly positioning and sizing a new option button in VBA or a macro? The code I am using inserts a new Option button in which ever cell is currently selected within a worksheet. ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Filtering Excel Data by Column Value and Saving Columns to Individual Files

Many years back we had to come up with a solution to survey results that we were getting via CSV. Back then we'd get data where the first column was e-mails, and subsequent columns were 1's or null ...
Cody S.'s user avatar
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Finding specific seconds in a cell with time

I have a column of times in hh:mm:ss format. I need to identify each cell in the column that ends in :01 (XX:XX:01). With Excel's time function, a =right(cell, 3) search doesn't find them. Any ...
Homer Bedlow's user avatar
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Excel offset from two different workbook, create a copy of one without affecting the other

I am using two different workbooks the first one [Excel Data only] created as a databse and the second one [Invoice Template] created to create an invoice. When creating an invoice i am using offset ...
MRDRAG's user avatar
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Is there a way to link workbook data without getting REF errors when a row is deleted?

I currently have two workbooks, workbook 1 and workbook 2. Workbook 1 - Sheet 1 is directly linking data to Workbook 2 - sheet 1. I am linking by inputting the below formula into workbook 2. ='[...
Nokturnyl's user avatar
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Copying cell from one sheet to another without formatting

probably a simple one to your geniuses however I need a fresh pair of eyes as I've been on this a while and can't see my error. I'm merely wanting to copy the contents of a cell from one cell to ...
Nokturnyl's user avatar
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Copying only certain cells from a row to another worksheet

I have a workbook that has a large number of sheets designed to help my team manage their workload more efficiently. When someone requests a job to be done, a row is added to a sheet called 'pending ...
Nokturnyl's user avatar
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Input data from one workbook form into another workbooks worksheet

What I am trying to achieve: I have one workbook with an application form to request additional training. A person fills out all the cells on the form and clicks submit. I then want all the data ...
Nokturnyl's user avatar
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Extract distinct row values from a sheet to another sheet based on max dates per unique rows

I want to extract rows based on max date or max B per unique values of col A and col c. Doesn't matter if it is vba or excel formula. Help please. Old Sheet New Sheet [2
iHateBugs's user avatar
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Excel 2007 Cut and paste formula or value without changing cell formatting - paste options greyed out

I just need to cut cell contents leaving the source cell format unchanged, and paste matching destination cell formatting... I think not an uncommon ask? I have searched but Google search filter ...
Piecevcake's user avatar
-1 votes
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VLOOKUP returning ELSE values for exact matches?

I'm new to VBA and I can't seem to figure out why my code is not working. I'm trying to VLOOKUP values in the Z column to see if there are any "NO" or "NOT SURE" values and return a value such as "N"...
SHAMe's user avatar
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how to cut data in excel using formula?

i use ms excel 2007 i want to cut a row in sheet 1 then paste it to sheet 2 using a formula in excel i have already used =VLOOKUP or =A1 but it is only copy the data and not CUT it thanks for all ...
kurtcabage's user avatar
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VBA - Dump data from existing connection

So I have a workbook that someone else created to which there are already connections created. One of the connections retrieves data from an access database and then outputs it to a pivottable. If I ...
Eric F's user avatar
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