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Excel macro to highlight common values between two different sheets

I'm having list of account numbers(AA, AAB, AAC, ADC) in column A in sheet 1 and also I'm having some common account number in sheet 2 (AAB,ADC)which is already available in sheet 1. Now i need a ...
user1092590's user avatar
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Difference between VBA for Excel 2003 running on Windows 10 and Windows 7

Okay, I have an oddly specific situation: I made a bunch of macros and Visual Basic code in an Excel 2003 Spreadsheet running on Windows 7. The product has been working perfectly for one and a half ...
V.Stoyanov's user avatar
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How to express a lone "\" in a file path in VBA?

I'm using a VBA script to save a file titled "month-day-hour-minute" inside of a folder titled "month-year" Anyways, excel doesn't like my code, ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\" & Environ$(...
Valerie's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I open a specific sheet named after a month?

I have a bunch of Month Tabs What is one way to open a specific one with VBA? I tried using this snippet: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim mnth As String, dte As String, mday As ...
Valerie's user avatar
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How do I make form fill out to different sheets based on the month?

I have an exercise and diet log that I fill out every other day and I want the data to move to another sheet. Sheet 1 looks like a worksheet and I want it to move (I think the best way to do this is ...
Valerie's user avatar
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VBA Code for changing background text for any text within a cell

I'm trying to make a row change colour to yellow based on if any text is within the D column. I have already set up 5 different colours for another cell, however need this to over-ride those ones. I ...
James Robinson's user avatar
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VBA Lookup by Multiple Criteria - Then Copy & Paste

Currently I have a 2 way database with 10+ fields and 1,000+ rows. Some fields are customer name, car model, year of model, price, date of purchase. I would like to lookup rows of data by multiple ...
AJ Kim's user avatar
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Format of Row in VBA based on 1stCell and also Compare to above row?

I was wondering how would i through VBA conditionally format the whole row or a row in a range based on the first cell in that row? Also it would require a comparison to the previous row to current ...
d1g1t4Lnrg's user avatar
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Excel - compare names in two cells in different order

I need to compare the following Cell 1 John Peter henderson Cell 2 peter John Henderson Result Match Cell 1 Anne jolie ...
gwen's user avatar
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Lost VBA when downgrading from Excel 2013 to Excel 2010

I am on Windows 7. In the past I was using Excel 2003. I installed Office 2013 and found that my Office 2003 was intact and I could run both versions. I made updates to some worksheets using Excel ...
Jeff Tolman's user avatar
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Macro to copy and insert rows by variable number

I have an Excel 2003 worksheet with names and addresses, unique per row, to be used for shipping monthly magazines. Some members receive more than one copy of the magazine, which will be indicated in ...
Paul's user avatar
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Incorporate VBA and Copy and Paste

I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please. I'm using the code below to autopopulate a number of columns with pre-defined text when a value is entered into column "B". Option Explicit ...
IRHM's user avatar
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How to Search For Excel (2003) Files which Contain Macros on Server?

How can I search for Excel files that contain VBA code, are there any efficient ways to do this? The way I'm thinking of would be to use vbscript and recursively search through the directory, open the ...
Ben_Coding's user avatar
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How can I speed up my macro in Excel 2003?

I have a macro that copies data from one cell to another and uses a VLOOKUP formula, among other things. My spreadsheet contains nearly 2000 rows. When I run it in Excel 2003, Excel starts to slow ...
user144872's user avatar
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Get all linked files to an Excel 2003 document

I want to get a list of all the linked files in an Excel 2003 document, or, better still, automatically retrieve all the files linked to the document and zip them. Is such an operation possible? I am ...
deed02392's user avatar
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Can the Selected Excel Custom View be determined

I know I can show a custom view in excel with vba. What I need to do is determine which custom view was selected by a user, to alter a column header based upon that selection. They are using this to ...
datatoo's user avatar
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VBA xlColumnDataType in Excel 2003

When importing a txt file into excel, I need to specify data types for the columns. I'm currently using Excel 2003 (upgrade to 2010 is for later in the summer). I have been able to find enumerations ...
music2myear's user avatar
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In Excel VBA Macro does ActiveWindow.Scroll change ActiveCell at all

I'm cleaning up and extending some excel VBA macros (written and currently running in Excel 2003), and I have a question about how far I can go in cleaning up without modifying the output. There are ...
music2myear's user avatar
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Format Change Event for Excel VBA

I'm trying to prevent people from modifying (most) of my spreadsheet while still alowing them to use the sort function of the AutoFilter. What I've done so far is used the Worksheet_Change event and ...
The_Third's user avatar
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How to add URL in a cell comment using VBA?

I am using Microsoft Excel 2003 wherein i have a cell which has a comment. The comment has text as well as URL. Is it possible to create a hyperlink (URL) in comment box where user can click and it ...
James's user avatar
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Macro to open excel hyperlinks

I would like to know if anyone can help me do a macro to open a list of hyper links. I have a list of about 600 hyper links all in a column in separate rows, I have to open each one to see if the ...
admintech's user avatar
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