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3 answers

Passing '&' as text in parameter in batch file

I am trying to pass an argument to a BAT file thru VB Shell function. argument text value looks like this say Hello&123 As you noticed there's an '&' as text in it. However & is reserved ...
rajeev's user avatar
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Error Loading VB 6 Project In Windows 7 - MSComCtl2

I can't open my VB6 project on any Windows 7 machine. I did a clean OS install on a machine. The OS is Windows 7 Pro SP1 32 bit. All I have installed on this machine is VB6 Enterprise and Office 2007 ...
nate's user avatar
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2 answers

Compatibility issues with a VB6 app on Windows 10

The big problem In the organization where I work, the management system (a modular application created by another company) was developed in the year 97/98 on VB, and has never migrated to another ...
Noir's user avatar
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Why can some HKLM entries be read on 64-bit PCs but some cannot from VB6

So our software is used by one of our customers on legacy Windows versions because they're in an industrial,air-gaped setting and they have Windows XP and a bunch of old servers that are the only ...
SKidd's user avatar
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how to make a process unstoppable?

There are some process in the Windows-Task-Manager that you can't kill them in Non-Administrator users : And even in Administrator users, when you try to kill them, you receive this below warning : ...
Ebrahim Ghasemi's user avatar
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Visual Basic 6 on Windows 10 (Yes, Really)

Is there any way to install VB6 on a Windows 10 machine? I've been asked to revive and move an old company application from an XP machine to a new PC. The code is going to be rewritten in C#, but we ...
Special Kay's user avatar
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VB6 program stopped working on win7 after security update

I have a customized VB6 text editor that I developed myself in VB6 (using the richtext control), developed on windows XP, but has always worked fine on windows 7 until this week after some kind of ...
Sarta's user avatar
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Visual Basic 6 Cannot Find DAO350 DLL

I have a Visual Basic 6 .project file that is being built with MSBuild. MSBuild is using VB6.exe to do this, and finds the executable fine. However, the VB6 executable itself cannot find the DAO350....
High1234's user avatar
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While running VB6 I get no notifications/sounds from Outlook

I have some legacy code that I need to occasionally maintain in VB6. My issue is that when I run VB6 and run code at least once, Outlook will stop notifications and I won't know if an email comes in ...
BlueGI's user avatar
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vb6 client and server using multiplay lan host detect

i used this it is a .exe made by the author of this tool that WinIPBroadcast is a small program that allows Windows applications to send global IP broadcast ...
sdf's user avatar
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How to execute 'make' and 'run' commands on vbg files in Administrator mode on Windows 10?

I have a VB6 project which has two components that I need to 'make' before I can 'run' the VB6 project. This involves me right clicking on each of the component (vgb file) and choosing the 'Make' ...
SpartaSixZero's user avatar
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How to overcome regtlibv12 error and register a type library (OLE)?

I am trying to setup a vb6 environment on Windows 10 machine and use it with some ocx components. But whenever try to use regtlibv12.exe with any of the tlb files, I get error: RegisterTypeLib of ...
Ivan P.'s user avatar
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VB6 Add-Ins only show when Running as Administrator (Windows 11)

I recently installed a version of VB6 (Enterprise) on a Windows 11 machine. When I previously ran VB6 on Windows 10, I was able to utilize the popular mouse-wheel fix add-in by calling regsvr32 <...
Javery's user avatar
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0 answers

Create outlook folder loop via excel range

I could able to loop sender names from first columns of excel & nwow I am trying to create folder loop in below code but it showing error !!! Sub MoveItems() Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.Namespace ...
user avatar
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1 answer

VB6: How To Show SQLite in DataGrid

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim sqlstr As String Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Set conn = New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Set conn = New ADODB.Connection conn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=...
AR_Madhan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

windows 10 Home errors with vb6 inet control on networked drive

Got a utility program I wrote many years ago in vb6 that uses the vb6 inet control to access a website to update itself. The update feature works fine on hundreds of machines running XP, win7, win8, ...
kpg's user avatar
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1 answer

How to run a VB6 app from a scheduled task without users being able to run it

We have a legacy VB6 application that automatically emails reports. It runs from a scheduled task on a server. Occasionally a user will run the exe - it's in a folder that we can't lock them out of, ...
JeffK627's user avatar
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Format an Excel cell from VB 6.0 with an amount to two decimal places

When using vb 6.0 to make a cell, we cannot force the amount to be shown with 2 places after the decimal if the number does not have end in 1-9. For example 59.12 shows up correctly but if we try ...
HPrussack's user avatar
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File timestamps inconsistently update on network drive in Windows 7

This problem has been bugging me for a couple years now, and I have not been able to find a good solution. I develop code in both C++ and VB6. When I compile my C++ code in Visual Studio 2005, the ...
Joe M's user avatar
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how to transfer file without replacing old files using pscp by vb6

I have an app. when on click it will transfer all text files to server but it replaces the old files. I want to transfer the new files without replacing the old files. here is my code that when you ...
Vincent's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Convert FTP to SFTP in vb6

I have to convert FTP code to SFTP in vb6. I am really new to it so have little idea. So to get started I have few questions: Are FTP and SFTP servers different. I have a host name for eg. example....
Suman George's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Incorrect Printer CurrentX and CurrentY

About 10 years ago, the following code, could print "Test" exactly in x=0 and y=0. But i don't know why in (Windows Xp Sp3) the x=0 is equal to x=10 and y=0 is equal to y=10 ! The printer device ...
Mahdi Jazini's user avatar
-2 votes
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Microsoft office automation error

I am receiving an error when i try to create an excel workbook through a vb6 application. the error is a Microsoft Software Installer error 0x80004023. i have read over a similar question on a ...
NickHallick's user avatar