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Questions tagged [vagrant]

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

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273 votes
5 answers

Why should I use Vagrant instead of just VirtualBox?

I've been using VirtualBox for many years to create a development environment. A lot of my colleagues are talking about Vagrant and many people seem very excited about it but I just can't seem to ...
John Hunt's user avatar
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59 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to disable default /vagrant synced folder?

According to source code - it's not, but what if I'm wrong? So the final question: is it possible to run a vagrant VM (virtualbox-driven) without /vagrant synced folder?
zerkms's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

Run script on host machine during vagrant up

I'd like to run a bash script on the host machine when vagrant provisions the server. What would be the best method of achieving this?
digital's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Need to do Bridged Adapter only in Vagrant, no NAT

So I'm having an issues with a Vagrant setup of 'hashicorp/precise64' on my MAC book. First, my config: VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| config....
SynackSA's user avatar
  • 551
42 votes
7 answers

How do I upgrade Vagrant to the latest version in Ubuntu?

How do I upgrade Vagrant to latest version in Ubuntu? $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install vagrant $ vagrant -v Vagrant 1.4 Latest version is 1.6.5
pedroparra's user avatar
42 votes
3 answers

Can I rename a Vagrant box?

I misspelled the name of a box when I added it to my box list: vagrant box list debian ubnutu Can I rename the box without repackaging it?
Roberto Aloi's user avatar
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42 votes
18 answers

Vagrant ssh fails with VirtualBox

vagrant up fails when it gets to the ssh part: myterminal$ vagrant up [default] VM already created. Booting if its not already running... [default] Running any VM customizations... [default] Clearing ...
39 votes
3 answers

How to fix extremely slow Virtualbox network download speed?

I'm using an Ubuntu 12.04 VM (hashicorp/precise32) via Vagrant/Virtualbox. It seems to have an exremely slow download speed compared to my host system. This is what I get with the host system (OSX) ...
auramo's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

How to enable Vagrant's 'verbose' mode?

I'm using Vagrant in a Windows 7 box, and I'm having trouble with the ssh client. I'd like to know how can I make Vagrant 'verbose' (as in report more than a user friendly message) and if it is ...
Grasshopper's user avatar
30 votes
6 answers

How to solve `ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device` in Vagrant?

When using this snippet (inline shell provisioner): config.vm.provision "shell" do |s| s.inline = <<-SHELL <shell code> SHELL end it results in: ==> default: mesg: ==> ...
030's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Copy vagrant box locally

I have a vagrant box running on VirtualBox, and I need to make a copy (with all its existing config and data), so that I can make changes on it without affecting the original. The problem is that my ...
xiankai's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How to exit SSH of vagrant in terminal

Following the README in this repository, I am supposed to secure shell my way into a virtual machine I've created, but once I've done so, how do I get out? Here are the instructions: $ git clone git:...
michaelsnowden's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

How to add a 'Host-only Adapter' to a VirtualBox machine via Vagrant file configuration?

A lot of answers out there are only applicable version 1 of Vagrant file configuration. e.g. :hostonly, :adapter => 2 The new public network does not support this feature. e.g. ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

SSH Basics on Vagrant VMs

I'm building a vagrant machine (Ubuntu 12.04) with the following requirements: SSH access via Vagrant to a user with sudo-privileges. I've generated public/private keys (via ssh-keygen) on the host ...
rhodee's user avatar
  • 321
20 votes
5 answers

Vagrant box URL for JSON metadata file

In my Vagrantfile, I can specify the URL of a box: config.vm.box_url = "" According to the more recent documentation, I should be able to create a JSON file that ...
Brad's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Unprocessed orphan inode list in VirtualBox VM

Recently while using my VirtualBox VM, the system crashed. Afterwords, the VM would no longer boot (I am using Vagrant). In my troubleshooting, I turned on the VirtualBox GUI and found that the ...
Anthony Hilyard's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Vagrant VM stuck in 'stopping' state

I cannot shutdown a VirtualBox VM on a Linux host, launched by Vagrant: $ vagrant halt -f my-vm $ vagrant status Current machine states: my-vm stopping (virtualbox) The VM is ...
Konstantin Shemyak's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

Can't ping to vagrant box

I'm trying to create a Vagrant base box following the 2 resources here:
resting's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

vagrant fails to create box with libvirt

I am trying to setup a box with vagrant and libvirt with the following Vagrantfile Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.define :test_vm do |test_vm| = "test" test_vm....
Bastian Ballmann's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to setup HyperV virtual machine to have static IP and have access to internet?

Is possible to setup HyperV virtual machine to have static IP and also have access to internet ? (on latest Windows 10 Pro) To sum up, requirements are like so: virtual machine should have local (...
Jurosh's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to git clone private repos within Vagrant VM, using host's SSH keys?

I'm able to use PuppetLabs vcsrepo to clone public git repos, but I'd like to also be able to clone private repos, using the host's SSH keys. What would the configuration look like for Vagrantfile ...
apennebaker's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

HyperV - Static Ip with Vagrant

I'm using Laravel Homestead with Vagrant, and I thought I'd would make sense to use Hyper-V instead of Virtual Box, as it's integrated with Windows. Here is my problem. Every now and then my Hyper-v ...
Jazerix's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How can I relocate or disable the VirtualBox logfile when starting a vm from Vagrant?

When I run vagrant up using VirtualBox as a provider, it creates a logfile called ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg-console.log in the project root. This causes difficulty with PHPStorm, as it doesn't have ...
John Y's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to ssh between a cluster of Vagrant guest VMs

I have 3 Ubuntu 12.04 VMs configured with bridged networking and setup with Vagrant. I can access all of them from the host using "vagrant ssh", but I can't figure out how I connect from one guest VM ...
IanSR's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I reset windows powershell/command prompt, like reset in bash?

When I use vagrant on Windows I will sometimes find that newlines aren't respected properly. This is typically after doing a vagrant ssh. So text ends up looking like This machine with the name '...
IguyKing's user avatar
  • 181
10 votes
1 answer

Why is ping resolving to an IP for any random hostname that i type?

I have a precise32 (ubuntu 12.04) vagrant vm running on my system. If i try to ping a random string, eg ping "thisip.doesnot" it resolves to an IP . This is try for any other random ...
woodstok's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What are the names of my network adapters? (Vagrant related)

I'm trying to use mVagrant to set up a bridge on the correct network adapter. I keep getting this message: Specific bridge 'Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection' not found. You may ...
barrrista's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

How do I reboot a Vagrant guest from a provisioner?

Relative newcomer to Vagrant here, trying to eliminate going through the install process manually every time I want to spin up a new Ubuntu VM. My usual process, after completing the install, is to ...
DarkMorford's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to create a swap file for a Linux guest VM managed by Vagrant?

In my Vagrantfile I have the following provider defined: Excerpt from Vagrantfile: config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.gui = false vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "4096"] end ...
Sean Quinn's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How can I connect Filezilla to a Vagrant VM?

A friend has set up a vagrant vm running Ubuntu with many directories and files in it. The VM is running locally on my computer using Virtual Box. I don't want to setup a shared folder in it but I ...
Joseph Faulkner's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Vagrant - share host VPN with guest

So I have an interface for a VPN connection (jnc0), and also a vagrant guest which talks to my machine through another separate interface (vboxnet1). My host OS is OS X Mountain Lion, and the Vagrant (...
George K.'s user avatar
  • 243
9 votes
5 answers

How to authenticate to a VM using Vagrant up?

Authentication failure during Vagrant Up, while vagrant ssh and ssh vagrant@localhost -p2222 works I would like to execute a shell script using Vagrant at boot. Vagrant is unable to Authenticate, ...
030's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to force Vagrant to have a single, bridged, network interface

Using vagrant 1.7.2 on OSX (MacBook Pro), Ubuntu 14.04 guests, VirtualBox 4.3.26. Mac is connected to the world via standard WiFi interface. I want the Vagrant boxes to use the bridged network on the ...
Capt. Crunch's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is there a way for Vagrant to import a local box file with a specified version?

I'm using versioned boxes, but not using Vagrant Cloud (I have a custom box host). Downloading versioned boxes works well. However, when I'm developing new versions of my box locally, I don't want to ...
Dominic Scheirlinck's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to use ipv6 with Vagrant and VirtualBox?

I have a Vagrant setup running Ubuntu in VirtualBox. I'm trying to create a public virtual network interface that I can access from the host. I have had no problem doing this with ipv4. Using ipv6 I ...
kevzettler's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Vagrant Reports Different Installed GuestAdditions version

I've seem posts on the Internet about similar issues like this one, but I couldn't get it to work. Host OS: Mac OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan) Guest OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Virtualbox 5.0.8 Vagrant 1.7.4 $ ...
GreenTeaTech's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Running docker inside an (ubuntu) vagrant box on Windows 10

I've just recently been introduced to Docker, my knowledge of how it works is quite limited and I'm currently constrained by time in deciding on which way to go. Was running Windows 10 Home, could ...
ncatnow's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Truly delete all traces of a Vagrant machine

How do I remove all traces of a Vagrant box without having to go into the file system manually? I am creating a custom box using Packer, building and destroying a lot of test cases. When finished ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Vagrant shared folder and symbolic links under Windows 10

I have a vagrant box with Linux inside under Windows 10 (VirtualBox 5.1.4, Vagrant 1.8.5). I'm working with the Git Bash as normal user. Inside the vagrant box I cannot create a symlink: c:/path/to/...
Kevin Horst's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Vagrant Private Network IPs not working, but DHCP does

I have a vagrant config file with three VMs configured in it. All are identical except on has a static IP and the other two are on DHCP. The two which are assigned IPs by DHCP can talk to each other ...
Daniel Groves's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Connection to postgresql inside Virtualbox via portforwarding fails

I have a postgresql server inside a virtualbox created by vagrant. I have also set up a portforwarding from 5432 inside the box to 15432 on the host system via the Vagrant file. When connecting via ...
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Vagrant VirtualBox VM is initializing new instead of loading the existing VM after VagrantFile change

I setup a Vagrant Ubuntu 12.04 box (VirtualBox as the provider) on Windows and it's been working great for the past few months. Yesterday, I added another forwarded port to the VagrantFile and did ...
GorrillaMcD's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to check the disk size of a Vagrant Box?

Is there any way for me to check the disk size of a Vagrant Box, preferably before downloading/using it? Ideally, I'd want to go to the Vagrant Box search page and be able to see what the disk size ...
mere3ortal's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Auto Shutdown / Suspend Vagrant upon shutdown on Windows Host

I use vagrant in my development workflow on a Windows machine. Sometimes, I forget to do a vagrant halt or suspend before restarting or shutting windows down. I read that this could possibly break ...
rgin's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can I get Vagrant to keep the insecure keys?

It seems that Vagrant generates a new key pair if it detects insecure ones. Is it possible to prevent that behavior?
Kit Sunde's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can't vagrant install a plugin: gem dependency fails despite being installed

I am attempting to install the vagrant-vbguest plugin in Windows 7 from within cygwin 64. $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest Installing the 'vagrant-vbguest' plugin. This can take a few minutes....
msanford's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Vagrant error: The provider 'aws' could not be found

I am using Vagrant 1.6.5 and trying to deploy to Amazon AWS. I can successfully deploy to DigitalOcean, but with AWS I get the error: The provider 'aws' could not be found, but was requested to back ...
wx13's user avatar
  • 151
6 votes
1 answer

How to configure a firewall on Centos using Vagrant and Chef

I've created a server box using Vagrant and Chef and everything is up and running correctly. However, when the box is installed from scratch the default iptables rules are in place and so I need to ...
justinhj's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

DNS not functioning on command line

I recently did a combination of Vagrant + VirtualBox stuff on my machine to try to get a virtualized Ubuntu install working. However, I had no luck with it so I just uninstalled everything. Ever since ...
void.pointer's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

VMware vmnet2 routes collide with en0

I am getting the following error when starting a vagrant box: gajus:vagrant gajus$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'vmware_fusion' provider... ==> default: Checking if box '...
Gajus's user avatar
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