I do not have much experience with Unix sockets, but I hope this is the place to start. I want to start with understanding what is going on with a netstat -n
command. Is it normal behavior to have around 400 streams upon no software installation above and beyond the OS? And then another 400 dgram entries both under Active LOCAL (UNIX) domain sockets
? [Below is a snippet where they extend for hundreds of entries.]
Address Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn
394b9c495bcd4b89 stream 0 0 0 193ac72f0b316ba8
aad1111fff32de43 dgram 0 0 0 5210cf1c5b5255bf 0 6a8b66dc8ed275ec
Immediately following the above output we get into Active Kernel Event Sockets
. Again, this is "Active", but is it typical upon a fresh install? The Kernel Sockets extend for about 500 entries using processes such as netsrc, utun_control, and netagent
Registered kernel control modules
id flags pcbcount rcvbuf sndbuf name
1 5 0 8192 32768 com.apple.network.tcp_ccdebug
2 28 1 8192 131072 com.apple.flow-divert
3 1 49 65536 65536 com.apple.net.netagent
4 9 0 524288 524288 com.apple.content-filter
5 29 5 524288 524288 com.apple.net.utun_control
6 21 0 65536 65536 com.apple.net.ipsec_control
7 0 66 8192 2048 com.apple.netsrc
8 18 3 8192 2048 com.apple.network.statistics
9 1 0 8192 2048 com.apple.network.advisory
a 1 0 65536 65536 com.apple.net.rvi_control
b 1 1 16384 2048 com.apple.nke.sockwall
c 4 0 65536 2048 com.apple.spmi.nfc
Active kernel event sockets
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q vendor class subcl
kevt 0 0 1 1 9
kevt 0 0 1 1 10
kevt 0 0 1001 5 11
kevt 0 0 1 1 9
kevt 0 0 1 1 2
kevt 0 0 1 1 9
kevt 0 0 1 6 1
kevt 0 0 1 1 6
kevt 0 0 1 1 1
kevt 0 0 1 1 7
kevt 0 0 1 1 1
kevt 0 0 1 1 2
kevt 0 0 1 1 2
kevt 0 0 1 1 2
kevt 0 0 1 1 0
kevt 0 0 1 3 3
Active kernel control sockets
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q unit id name
kctl 0 0 1 2 com.apple.flow-divert
kctl 0 0 1 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 2 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 3 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 4 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 5 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 6 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 7 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 8 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 9 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 10 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 11 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 12 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 13 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 14 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 15 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 16 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 17 3 com.apple.net.netagent
kctl 0 0 18 3 com.apple.net.netagent
I don't have any baseline to compare this to, hence I am hoping someone can shed some insight. Most have not been much help on answering this although on unauthoritative source posed the question of boot malware. But that is impossible.