can someone find or guess whats wrong?

Equipment: ISP CPE - Huawei HG8145V5 Switch in Office - TP Link TL-SG108E Switch in Bedroom - TP-Link TL-SG105E Wifi Router in Bedroom - TP Link Archer C20 (AC750)

Original Setup I had a setup my home network like so: ISP provided CPE (modem, router and wifi access point) served wifi. A Cat5 cable wired through the wall connected the CPE router to a switch (TL-SG108E) in my office. Another Cat5 cable wired through the wall connected the CPE router to wifi router in bedroom.

This worked fine until, I decided to make some improvements.

New Setup In the new setup, I have a Raspberry Pi4 configured with USB3->Ethernet adapter. ethernet adapter of Pi4 plugs into the CPE ethernet port. inbuilt ethernet of Pi4 goes into a TP-Link switch TL-SG105E. Office switch connects to the TL-SG105E over Cat5 cable. Bedroom wifi router connects to TL-SG105E over Cat5 cable.


  • My original connections in office are all working fine. However, the other router was having issues with internet.
  • The cat5 cable connecting wifi router C20 and TL-SG105E switch has its orange light flash for a second or so and turn off for two seconds. And this repeats.
  • Connecting the cable to any other port of TL-SG105E has no change in behavior.
  • Connecting the cable directly to the CPE ethernet port instead of TL-SG105E is working fine.
  • Connecting the cable directly to Pi4's ethernet port instead of TL-SG105E also works fine. Connecting the cable to TL-SG105E on one end and TL-SG108E on another also works fine.

It appears that the cable and TL-SG105E are working as expected. But for some reason the combination of the cable, C20 wifi router and TL-SG105E is not working.

Based on your experience, what is preventing the cat5 cable to connect the TL-SG105E and my old wifi router?

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