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Questions tagged [tunnel]

Tunneling is the act of encapsulating one protocol inside another.

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476 votes
18 answers

An SSH tunnel via multiple hops

Tunneling data over SSH is pretty straight-forward: ssh -D9999 [email protected] sets up port 9999 on your localhost as a tunnel to, but I have a more specific need: I am working ...
Mala's user avatar
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157 votes
7 answers

How can I tunnel all of my network traffic through SSH?

Whenever I'm using the internet from an insecure location (such as public wifi) I like to use an ssh tunnel (ssh -D port host) to ensure my traffic can't be sniffed. Unfortunately, there seem to be ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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128 votes
8 answers

Forward SSH traffic through a middle machine

SSH tunneling is very confusing to me. I am wondering if I can do this in Linux. I have 3 machines.. A. My local machine at home. B. Machine at work that I can SSH into (middle man). C. My desktop ...
user avatar
107 votes
10 answers

UDP traffic through SSH tunnel

The title pretty much sums it up. I would like to send UDP traffic through a SSH tunnel. Specifically, I need to be able to send UDP packets through the tunnel and have the server be able to send ...
heavyd's user avatar
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98 votes
5 answers

OpenVPN: Only route a specific IP addresses through VPN?

On a remote private network there are two servers -- a file server and a database server (these are both Win machines, in case it matters). The file server has its own fairly robust authentication ...
Brian Lacy's user avatar
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52 votes
3 answers

Why is a tunnel called a "tunnel"?

I don't understand why is the "tunnel" metaphor used to describe a networking tunnel. At first I thought the reason was because the data sent is encrypted, and so an eavesdropper will not be able to ...
user7681202's user avatar
41 votes
4 answers

How to mount remote SSHFS via intermediate machine? Tunneling?

I would like to mount a remote file system (A) using SSHFS, but sometimes I have IP address, access from which is not allowed. So my plan is to access it via another machine (B) in that network. Do I ...
Andy's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

SSH Reverse socks tunnel

ssh -D can make a socks port at local machine, which pass the traffic to the remote, then to other places. ssh -L port:host:hostport, listen port at local machine, pass the traffic to "host:hostport" ...
Berry's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Why can I not connect to a reverse SSH tunnel port remotely, even with GatewayPorts enabled?

I require constant SSH access to a host in our department, whose IP address is dynamically allocated. I've set up a remote SSH tunnel from the target host to one of our hosts that does posess a static ...
James Paul Turner's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

How to release ports on the SSH server when a reverse ssh tunnel disconnects abruptly/uncleanly?

We have a some hardware we install at our customers' locations, that hardware connects to our ssh server and establishes a reverse ssh tunnel so we can gain access to several client systems for ...
TCZ's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Chrome ssh tunnel forwarding

I am first logging into an ssh server. Then I am trying to use Chrome for ssh tunnel forwarding. Is there a gui way of doing this? I can do this in Firefox's gui in like 10 seconds so I would think ...
cokedude's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to tunnel https traffic via ssh tunnel with standard ssh-programs?

Can I reroute the https traffic (of an svn repository) via ssh-tunnel. The problem is that the the services that use https don't work if I just create one tunnel for listening with e.g.: ssh -L ...
Juha's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

how to run a tunnel in the background as part of a shell script

I run these two commands all the time to connect to my rds instance on aws that's protected behind a firewall (so i tunnel through the ec2 instance) like so: command 1: open the tunnel (run on ...
abbood's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Bluetooth over IP?

It seems to be possible to run USB over IP, e.g. using usbip which is part of some Linux distros e.g. Is there something similar for Bluetooth over IP? (...
Johannes Ernst's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

VPN Tunnel vs SSH Tunnel

What is the difference between a tunnel, a VPN tunnel and an SSH tunnel? According to Wikipedia, "tunneling" is: Tunneling typically contrasts with a layered protocol model such as those of OSI or ...
pnongrata's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Using OpenVPN from Mac OSX Terminal, cannot load Tun/Tap

I am looking to use OpenVPN straight from the terminal instead of using a gui such as tunnelblick - but am encountering a couple of problems. I have tested my config file and it works fine so it is ...
xizor's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Can IP v4 and IP v6 share a single physical Ethernet?

I keep reading about the transition from IP v4 to IP v6, and the possible advantages and problems. One thing that keeps popping up is "dual-stack" networking, meaning (I believe) a host can speak both ...
sleske's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to setup a work -> home -> internet http tunneling service

I want to know which program is recommended in order to setup such as scenario, i.e. accessing the Internet from work or other places where traffic is monitored by installing a HTTP tunneling service ...
Kostas Konstantinidis's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What is creating the utun0 network interface on OSX? What is for? What is it exactly?

What is creating the utun0 network interface on OSX? What is it being used for? What is it exactly? The interface only appears after connecting to the Ethernet or turning on the Wi-Fi and goes away ...
Ray de Groat's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How does Tunlr work?

For those of you not in the US, Tunlr uses DNS witchcraft to allow you to access US-only (and UK-only stuff like BBC radio online) services and Websites like, etc. without using traditional ...
gravyface's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to modify this code to be able to SSH into my server?

I have a 18.04 Ubuntu server that I use to bypass internet filtering/censorship in my country using SSH tunneling. To do this, I have created several users using the command adduser USERNAME --shell=/...
Vahid Damanafshan's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How to set up that specific domains are tunneled to another server

I am working at an university as research assistant. Often I would like to connect from home to university resources over http or ssh, but they are blocked from outside access. Therefore, they have a ...
Peter Smit's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Routing all Traffic through OpenVPN Tunnel

I have installed OpenVPN server on Archlinux and am now using OpenVPN GUI on Windows 7, I can talk to other computers connected through the VPN but I have not yet figured out how to route all traffic ...
Filip Ekberg's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How to create a ssh tunnel chain in one command?

We have a serverA to connect to. Then we use serverA to connect to databaseB. Setup like this in Putty (windows): Session1: 1. connect to admin@serverA 2. setup tunnel local port 10022 to databaseB:...
jackysee's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How can I set in the bitvise ssh client, the tunnel automatic connect if open windows or restart windows?

Now the tunnel works if I open the bitvise application and click the login button. I want to change that. I want the tunnel automatic open if open windows or restart windows Where I can set the ...
Success Man's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Remote into Linux workstation behind a firewall

Let's say I have a Linux workstation at work, behind a firewall. So even though I may have a remote access server set up on it (such as the most excellent NoMachine NX Server), I can't access it from ...
CaptSaltyJack's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Tunnel wireguard (or any UDP traffic) inside HTTPS

Wireguard is pretty hot these days, deservedly so. I'm also eager to replace OpenVPN by Wireguard. However, unlike OpenVPN, Wireguard only supports UDP. I like to use TCP port 443 because this port ...
Volker's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to use sshuttle on a router running openwrt?

I'm using a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND router running OpenWrt and Gargoyle. I'd like to forward all traffic from my local network (served by the router) to a remote server transparently. Essentially as a ...
András Szepesházi's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Increasing link speed on OpenVPN (bandwidth)

I have bought a tunnel service by using OpenVPN. For a year I've had 10 Mbps max upload/download speed but now I've bought an additional 20 Mbps making the available total bandwidth 30 Mbps for me. ...
Mike's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

ssh reverse tunnel listens always to localhost

I use the following command to set up a reverse tunnel: ssh -i dev.pem -vvv -R 8480:localhost:8080 [email protected] "sleep 6000" What ends up happening is that ssh starts to listen to the lo device, ...
Nick Hristov's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

DNS over SSH Tunnel

I want to setup my OSX system such that all network traffic is done through an SSH tunnel. I've written a small script for this purpose, and these are the commands executed by it: # setup tunnel ssh -...
Cihan Keser's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Why is there no UDP port forwarding in SSH?

I know SSH can forward TCP ports, not UDP. I'm not seeking help to circumvent this restriction (this subject is covered here). I'd like to know what is the reason SSH never got UDP forwarding ability....
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

SSH parameterized config entries?

I often setup port forwards with something like: ssh -NL 1234:localhost:1234 MyHostName The ports usually stay the same, but the remote changes. It would be nice if I could create SSH entries like: ...
Nathan Fig's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

vncserver -localhost and ssh tunneling

I'm trying to setup a ssh tunneled vnc connection from my centos 5.10 machine and I've been following some online tutorials such as this one: I'm ...
shwoseph's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

SSH: Can sniffers see where your traffic is tunneling to?

If I set up an SSH tunnel to a remote server, can a man in the middle see the IP address of that server? If we step it up a notch, if the FBI is tracking you (AFAIK I'm not being tracked), can they ...
jonescb's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

SSH Tunnel via native Windows bash: Address already in use

I am trying to setup a SSH Tunnel on my Windows machine. Since the bash was introduced in 1607, i don't want to use cygwin anymore. The problem is that the bash always returns the error message: bind: ...
ˈvɔlə's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to ssh into home LAN behind ISP NAT (no public IP address)?

My property management company provides free internet access. All the apartments in many buildings are behind some common NAT, so none of us have our own public IP addresses. Thus, services like ...
Matt J's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

SCP through SSH gateway connection

My network layout is something like this: Now Alice has access to SSH gateway (just gateway from now on) with: ssh [email protected] and the authorized keys file on the gateway looks like this #/...
zidarsk8's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

IPv6 tunnel from behind an ISP-level NAT

Previously, at a different location, I set up a Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel, which worked fine, allowed me to access IPv6 only sites and test the native IPv6 connections on my remote servers. ...
Rob Hoare's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How can I use my server's IPv6 connection from my computer's IPv4?

I have a server that has IPv6 and IPv4 support. I would like to use this to allow my desktop, which has an IPv4-only connection, to connect to other servers via IPv6. What type of software is ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to use Kindle through proxy?

I access internet in my college through proxy but my kindle paperwhite doesn't have any option to input proxy settings for a wifi network. How can I get it to work? What I did to overcome the problem ...
kBisla's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Linux graphical alternative to WinSCP tunneled connection

Is there a Linux or multiplatform software with GUI that allows you to browse and download files from a server behind a SSH tunnel (this is a winscp example)? |client|----ssh----|gateway|-----ssh-----...
xabitrigo's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

SSH Tunnel for restricted user w/ PuTTY and no shell

so I have been using SSH tunnels to restrict access to internal sites or portions of public sites for a while now, and since only admins had SSH access at all I've been using standard non-root/sudo ...
hon1nbo's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Linux SOCKS5 tunneling not working with udp traffic

I am using the command ssh -N -D localhost which works perfectly fine for my web browser, but when I try and tunnel a UDP traffic application it doesn't work. I thought that socks5 ...
user2736323's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Tunneling git through ssh (to get past a firewall): port specification interperted as relative path?

I have access to server A via ssh, and from server A can access server B, which runs gitlabs and contains the repository I need access to. When I am ssh'd into server A, I can run git clone http://...
Kristin's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to make remote connection (ssh tunnel) with putty/ssh?

I am trying to make a tunnel between a server and laptop with Putty. The problem is, since the laptop has no public IP address, I have to make a reverse connection. But I really don't know how to do ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Tunnel using PuTTY - equivalent for ssh command?

I am trying to connect to a remote server, based on the instructions given on this page: It suggests to create a tunnel from ...
jim jarnac's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How can I access blocked sites while in China?

I have some colleagues who need to go to China for work, however while they're there, they can't access a lot of sites. One of which is GMail (Google Apps), which they need for work. We have a UK ...
Samuurai's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to SSH an outside server from a computer which is behind a proxy firewall?

I access the Internet through an HTTP proxy firewall at college. And I need to login to a computer, via SSH, which is outside our network. I tried it as Linux command and on Windows using PuTTY. I ...
Karan's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to set up HTTP/SOCKS5 tunneling proxy on Windows using freeSSHd?

freeSSHd was set up on the server. Putty successfully connecting to server over SSH. I have tried to configure tunneling for SOCKS5 and HTTP but it failed to work. Especially was tested on Opera where ...
J.Olufsen's user avatar
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