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Questions tagged [toolbar]

A toolbar is a set of icons or buttons that are part of a software program's interface or an open window.

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230 votes
8 answers

How can I prevent Toolbar from being installed every time Java is updated?

As many are painfully aware of, Oracle continues to not only bundle the Java installation with the useless Internet browser toolbar from, but also enable its installation by default. In ...
abstrask's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

How can I hide the toolbar in Notepad++?

I never use the toolbar in Notepad++. Is there any way I can hide it? I'm talking about this part:
Jonas's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

How can I hide the Tool-bar in Emacs persistently?

I have installed emacs23 on Linux Mint 8. I would like to hide the toolbar, and I can do it with Options > Show/Hide > Tool-bar. But the Tool-bar comes back next time I start emacs. How can I hide it ...
Jonas's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How do I customize the gvim toolbar?

I'd like to remove some of the default icons and maybe add one or two icons of my own. For example, it would be nice if there were icons for the NerdTree and the Taglist.
16 votes
7 answers

How do I change Firefox bookmark toolbar icons?

My Firefox bookmark toolbar items change icons every now and then for apparently no reason, especially if a site is down. I get the DNS site's icons all over, on another case I have the Facebook icon ...
Mankind1023's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Prevent installation of IE toolbars?

If there is one thing I would like to see become a standard feature in Internet Explorer it would be the ability to prevent installation of damn toolbars and for those preventative measures to be ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How to re-enable proper full screen mode in chrome with display of toolbar on hover on macos?

Chrome 69/70 breaks fullscreen mode on mac. Whereas previously you could use a tab in fullscreen mode and hover near the top to reveal all the tabs, now tabs toolbar are either permanently visible in ...
Karan Harsh Wardhan's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Make Bookmarks Toolbar in Firefox only Show Favicon

In chrome you can replace the names of bookmarks in the toolbar with their favicon. Is it possible to do the same thing in Firefox? I want all my bookmarks to just display the favicon in order to save ...
Vandelizer's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to stop OpenOffice/LibreOffice from popping up toolbars when I click on stuff

When I import a picture or a chart into my document and click on it, LibreOffice spawns a toolbar, shifts the whole screen around for a second, and then allows me to move stuff again. It gets very ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How can you remove icons from the Eclipse/MyEclipse main toolbar?

I could get enough screen space for a few more lines of code by removing some icons from my MyEclipse toolbar. There are some icons I'd like to keep, so hiding the toolbar altogether isn't what I'm ...
Pops's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows 7 always asks if I want to open toolbar shortcuts (.lnk files)

I recently upgraded my work laptop, which not has Windows 7 on it. I was unable to pin some applications, so I went about creating toolbars that function like a "quick launch" area, more or less as ...
Hendy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Any way to have a vertical toolbar in Firefox?

I would like to have a vertical toolbar on the left side of my Firefox windows. Not a bookmark bar, not the tabs, but a regular toolbar that I can drag buttons and elements to. I've been looking for ...
oKtosiTe's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Media keys toolbar on task bar

My keyboard does not have media keys. Does anyone know of a toolbar or something for the Windows 7 taskbar which would add the basic keys there? Like a previous, next and pause button or something.
Svish's user avatar
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2 answers

A toolbar is already hidden on this side of your screen. You can have only one auto-hide toolbar per side

I have tried to resolve this issue with Windows support but they have no solution so far and the months pass by... so I would like to try here and see if some smart member(s) on Superuser can help me ...
Don King's user avatar
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6 answers

Firefox: initial focus after opening new tab

When I open a new tab, the text cursor focuses on the address bar. Is it possible to focus on the search bar instead, by default?
digital's user avatar
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6 votes
9 answers

Can I move the favorite icon to the left in Internet Explorer 9?

In Internet Explorer 9, the favorite icon is located to the right of the toolbar. Can I move the icon to the left of the toolbar?
Paul's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to use my custom icon in the MS Office 2016 Quick Access Toolbar?

Is there a way to use a custom icon for the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Office applications such as Excel and Outlook? It looks like Microsoft doesn't allow use of custom icons anymore. If so, ...
zhekaus's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

Windows 7 warns me when opening my own shortcuts from the toolbar

I have had this problem before, but I was able to hide the warning by creating the shortcut on my Desktop first, and then moving it into the toolbar. But now after being required to install Internet ...
Rookie's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

iTunes toolbar in Windows 64 taskbar

How (if possible) can I get the minimized-toolbar for iTunes into my taskbar on Windows 64 bit?
Sampson's user avatar
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How to display all disk partitions on desktop

on Mac OSX: Open Finder. Go to view menu - Show toolbar (if it is hidden in your finder) on the left top side you can see List of devices I have three disks over there. I want to add all those disk ...
sagarkothari's user avatar
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2 answers

Change firefox bookmarks toolbar tooltips

Does anyone know if it is possible to control what FireFox puts in the tool-tip windows that are displayed when hovering the pointer over the icons in the bookmarks toolbar? The default content seems ...
JustJeff's user avatar
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2 answers

In TeamViewer, how to move toolbar to side of screen?

In TeamViewer, how to move toolbar to side of screen? It currently shows at the top of screen and covers other controls such as icons of other apps.
qazwsx's user avatar
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3 answers

Add the full firefox header to a popup

I have popup that I want to use some of my firefox tools on. The popup only has a status bar on it right now. How can I get all the normal firefox toolbars (like forward, back, home, address bar, ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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2 answers

How do hide the toolbar in Finder by default?

I can hide the toolbar in Finder by pressing option+command+T. However it only saves this to the .DS_store file in the folder I do press the command. I'd like to have the toolbar hidden as default, as ...
user149402's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Create and configure a Windows taskbar toolbar via a script

When I right-click a Windows taskbar toolbar, I can toggle some options such as Show Text, Show Title and Lock the Taskbar. I can also reorder the icons on the toolbar and set it's position. How can ...
shamp00's user avatar
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4 votes
10 answers

Can't get rid of Ask Toolbar in Windows 8

I have just installed Windows 8 and some software. I accidentally installed Ask Toolbar, and now it has a toolbar with Chrome. I can't see it in the Program & Feature, and the Extension List of ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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1 answer

Shortcut or button to toggle space or tab as subsequent indentation character in Notepad++?

I would like to have either a keyboard shortcut or a toolbar button that toggles if I use tabs (ie tab for indentation) or make notepad++ use spaces instead. It would be a nice extra if a toolbar ...
n611x007's user avatar
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2 answers

Firefox - How to reduce spacing between icons on the Navigation Bar

I am using Firefox 24.0 on Windows 8.1 64-bit (RTM from MSDN) and have a few extensions installed which add buttons to the navigation bar. For some reason there is a large amount of wasted space ...
Shevek's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

is automatic unchecking of 'optional installs' possible?

Nowadays there is a hideous 'marketing' technique that seems to be used often when installing (mostly free) software: Either in the installer, or sometimes on the webpage you download the installer ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete "Comment" and "Share" buttons from Adobe Reader X toolbar

Is it possible to delete "Comment" and "Share" buttons from "Adobe Reader X"'s toolbar? My screen is very-small (netbook) and I want to have some useful buttons on it, not the buttons I'll never use. ...
osgx's user avatar
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0 answers

Some specific languages keep disappearing from the language toolbar in windows 10

I have been using language toolbar and 4 different keyboard languages (English, Spanish, Russian and Latvian) without any issues for about half a year in Windows 10. This morning I suddenly realized ...
Gunta's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

How to hide all toolbars in Google Chrome without going full screen?

I would like to hide everything except the webpage content in Google Chrome. This means I want to hide tabs, omnibar, bookmarks bar and so on. I've found out that the Presentation Mode is quite nice ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Does Opera (Presto engine version) have a bookmarks toolbar?

I'm using Opera (Presto engine version), and I want a simple toolbar for often used bookmarks like how Firefox has it. I know that there's "Speed Dial", but that's not really what I'm looking for. ...
RCIX's user avatar
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2 answers

Force Firefox bookmarks to load in new tab

So the problem is that i would prefer my bookmarks in the bookmarks toolbar to load into a new tab. But I can't seem to locate that option anywhere. Is this possible?
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is a Firefox extension easily portable to IE?

There are no extension program en IE, but sometimes, you are asked if you want to install a toolbar. The two browsers don't rely on the same technology, and they must have different internal methods ...
BenoitParis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 8

To open multiple instances of applications know that pinning isn’t always ideal. So how to enable the Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 8?
webcoder's user avatar
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2 answers

hide extensions from chrome without pushing to chrome bar

Ok, so I have a few chrome extensions that don't need me to interact with them (Enhanced Steam). So I wanted to hide it, but for some reason it just gets moved to the top of the chrome menu (3 lines) ...
eamon butler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

My system restarts on pressing Windows key and mutes/unmutes on pressing Ctrl key

Two days ago, I was trying to download software from Cnet asked to install cnet toolbar and I thought that I wouldn't be able to download the software unless and until I ...
Sangram's user avatar
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3 answers

OSX Toolbar for Ubuntu

What do i need to install, and what settings do i need to change to have the magnify toolbar thing that OSX has in Ubuntu 9.04? My system is running Compiz and is able to do all of the frilly UI "wow"...
Levi Rosol's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Where is the Toolbar in OS X Lion?

since the Lion update, every toolbar is missing. For example: Word 2011 Adium Finder In Snow Leopard it was possible to click on an little button in right up corner. But it's not visible anymore. ...
Phil's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom macro buttons without writing code?

I just upgraded from Word 2003 to Word 2010. I'm mostly OK with the Ribbon, except that I've spent years maintaining and enlarging several custom toolbars full of buttons for extremely specialized ...
Elsie's user avatar
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2 answers

Internet Explorer is missing the address bar

My cat walks across the keyboard of my laptop (it is nice and warm). Unfortunately, I have lost the address bar in Internet Explorer. How do I get it back?
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is my Quicktime plugin transport bar black?

For some reason when streaming quicktime movies with the browser plug-in the transport bar is completely black. I can still use it but I can't actually see any of the buttons. Any clue how to fix this?...
Dane O'Connor's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Preventing Firefox from hiding toolbar buttons in popups

When I launch my internet banking site in Firefox 39 (current at the time of this question), the resulting popup doesn't show half my toolbar buttons, including 1Password which I use to log in. ...
Ruben Schade's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to change icons in LibreOffice toolbars?

I personally find (you're free to disagree) LibreOffice's toolbar icons ugly and not quite intuitive, so I decided to replace them... if I only knew how... Any advice? (I'm especially interested in ...
Count Zero's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Where are Windows XP toolbars defined?

I'm trying to find where the Windows XP taskbars are defined. I don't think it is in the registry as I've: created a new folder called "_ZYX_Searchable" and added a new toolbar. searched the ...
G-.'s user avatar
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2 answers

hide toolbar buttons in Chrome / Chromium

Am a large keyboard user, and I've never hit back/forward/refresh or the favourite buttons on my browsers. Within safari, I can modify each of the buttons that appear. I wish in Chrome to only be ...
romant's user avatar
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Mozilla Firefox 57+ : custom toolbar is still supported but how to manage it?

I have recently migrated all my Firefox profiles to last version 58.0.2. For some profiles, the custom toolbar that I used before FF57+ is now gone. I think this custom toolbar was brought by a ...
Sly Mat's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to put a 'new folder' in with the standard toolbar buttons?

I suspect the short answer is 'no', but here goes anyway.. For context - under Windows XP, when looking at a folder window, choosing view;toolbars;customize, brings up the 'customize toolbar' dialog. ...
JustJeff's user avatar
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4 answers

Is the toolbar installed with Java considered spyware? [closed]

I was wondering if the toolbar is spyware. I play a game called Minecraft and it requires Java. The Java installer also installed the toolbar. I want to play one of my favorite games ...
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