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Questions tagged [text-editors]

A text editor is a program that allows for editing of plain text files.

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287 votes
6 answers

How to automatically reload modified files in Notepad++

How can automatically reload modified files in Notepad++? The confirmation step is annoying, and is completely unnecessary in some situations.
mjsr's user avatar
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216 votes
5 answers

How do you reuse a visual mode selection?

Often when editing code, I'll select a block in visual mode and do a search and replace over the block. After I make the changes, however, it leaves visual mode. How do you do a new find and replace ...
labyrinth's user avatar
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200 votes
13 answers

How do I edit text files in the Windows command prompt?

On Unix I'd just use vi, but I don't know what the command is on Windows. I am actually trying to edit files over SSH with Windows Server 2008.
Casebash's user avatar
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151 votes
6 answers

How do I reverse selected lines order in Vim?

For example, if I have four lines as follows: the first line the second line the third line the fourth line I want to reverse them to the fourth line the third line the second ...
Jichao's user avatar
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129 votes
12 answers

Change default text editor for crontab to vim

I'm using ubuntu 9.10 and the default text editor is nano, which i hate. (doesn't everyone?) Normally it's not a problem as i just vi or gedit everything but crontab -e is opening with nano. I ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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76 votes
7 answers

It's All Text for Chrome?

I'm a big fan of It's All Text for Firefox, as it's really helpful to be able to quickly open up gvim and write out code, wiki markup, etc in a powerful editor rather than trying to do edits in a ...
Jeff's user avatar
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73 votes
4 answers

How can I make Sublime Text reload the file being edited?

How can I make Sublime Text (3) re-load the file currently being edited, to take into account changes having been made externally?
aknuds1's user avatar
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71 votes
4 answers

In Notepad++, how do I split long lines in several rows?

I usually use Notepad++ for programming, but recently I started doing some writing in it as well. Writing usually involves long paragraphs with no line breaks, and currently those are displayed in ...
jcora's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

How can I edit a file if there is no vi, vim, joe, etc?

Is there a way to edit a file if there are no vi, vim, joe, mcedit? In another words is there a way to edit a file using just the shell commands?
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar
63 votes
4 answers

How do I do multi-line editing in Atom editor?

I've been reading all over and I can't find anything on how to do this in Atom on Windows? And by multi-line editing, I mean being able to expand your cursor across multiple-lines, and being able to ...
coconutpear's user avatar
56 votes
9 answers

Copy and paste text in midnight commander (MC) via putty in Linux

I use Midnight Commander (MC) editor over putty to edit files I want to know how to copy text from one file, close it then open another file and paste it? If it is not possible with Midnight ...
Den's user avatar
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50 votes
5 answers

Repeat last normal mode command, including moves, in Vim

In Vim, with ., I can repeat the last normal mode command; for example: dd. deletes a line twice. But, if I type 5j. the cursor does't move 10 lines down. How do I repeat the last normal mode ...
juanpablo's user avatar
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39 votes
9 answers

How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor?

I'm working on a few projects for work using Excel and VBA, so I have no choice but to use the Microsoft Visual Basic editor. I normally wouldn't mind, but I can't figure out how to set a custom ...
Breakthrough's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Opening a text file at a certain line (shortcut)

I would like to define a shortcut key which opens a particular text file at a particular line. My preferred editor is Notepad++, but suggestions involving other editors are welcome. How to open ...
user12816's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Edit one file in two different buffers in emacs

I would like to open the file twice (or more) in emacs, so I can edit two different parts of it simultaneously. Is it possible? Probably the better question is, how to do it? Is there a way to ...
Dror's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Multiple cursor selection on a pattern in Visual Studio Code

I am looking for a similar way that I work in Sublime Text: Find All for a specific regular expression. Then it has multiple-selected the texts I need. A simple find and replace does not fulfil my ...
chingNotCHing's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

When I press the space bar it deletes the letters after it [duplicate]

How do I change the settings to where I can press the space bar and it put a space after the letter instead of deleting the letters after it. For example, when I have a sentence like " I hav to go." ...
Alam's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

How do I get Google Drive to open text files with arbitrary extensions as text files?

I have text files on Google Drive that do not end with the .txt suffix (such as: .r, .bas, .awk...). I want to view them using the Drive Notepad app, but it does not recognize the files as text. Is ...
eliavs's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

How to do an inverse search in Vim? (i.e., get lines not containing pattern)

With grep I can do a grep -v "my search" to get all the lines without "my search". With sed I can sed '/baz/!s/foo/bar/g' to find replace text on lines with out "baz". Is ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Notepad++ split line after given number of characters

Is there a way in notepad++, to split one line text, to text with given maximum number of characters in one line? I found only undefined line split in lines operations.
Krystian's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Add select next match in Notepad++ (like Ctrl + D in Sublime Text)

I am searching for a way to use the following functionality in the open source Notepad++. In SublimeText if you press Ctrl + D (mac: cmd + D I think) this happens: If there is no selection then the ...
ben's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

How to know cursor position index in an editor

I'm working with an HTML file, and I need to know my cursor position index in the overall file. In Visual Studio, I can see the line number and column number in status bar. In Notepad++ too, in the ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to start vim in read only mode

I use /bin/view as it is a safe way to view text files and not have accidental changes persist once I am finished. /bin/view seams to be lack features that normal vim has. Is there a way to start vim ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the edit command for 64-bit Windows 7?

I am using Windows 7 64-bit. I could not find a command that enables me to write a text file in the command prompt. Is there a command for this on Windows 7 x64? I tried edit but it is not supported ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Light text editor for CSV file? [closed]

Could anybody suggest a light (small, fast) text editor that can handle columnar view of csv files? save quote character to all fields, even if not 'necessary' OpenOffice Calc is bit big for my old ...
Radek's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2?

How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2? I tried recording a macro but, as it seems, Sublime won't record find/replace, only text input etc.
Desmond Hume's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Is there a way in Sublime Text to display find results in a panel at the bottom of the current window?

This is a highly useful feature in other editors eg. Eclipse and Notepad++ You get to see the list of find results printed as all the containing lines with their lines in the buffer, which gives you ...
Captain Lepton's user avatar
20 votes
13 answers

Windows-style, terminal based, text editor for linux

Every once in a while, I find myself editing some text file on a remote Linux server. Most of the time, I do my best to avoid this, because I'm used to, and like, the windows way of editing files: ...
itsadok's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?

How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++?
Don Lun's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

vi/vim alternative to sublimetext's "Expand selection to scope"

Sublime text has a cool feature called "Expand selection to scope" SHIFT+CMD+SPACE which selects the everything within the scope. It select everything in scope, works perfectly ( ) or [ ] or { } ...
palaniraja's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Search all within opened tabs with Sublime Text 2

Having Sublime Text 2 Text Editor: Is it possible to search within all the tabs that are open? How?
Santi Agüero's user avatar
18 votes
6 answers

Notepad2 or Notepad++ and why? [closed]

Why should I choose one over the other, or should I go another way?
lox's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

How can I make vim show the current class and method I'm editing

Does anyone know if it's possible (or know of an existing vim script or plugin) that can create a "status bar" that shows the name of the current class and method (or function) I'm editing? I'm ...
dcrosta's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Show/Hide function folding margin on Notepad++

Is it possible to get rid of the function folding margin on Notepad++? It seems like the sort of thing that should be in the prefs but I'm not seeing it anywhere.
izb's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How can I view putty log files with color in Notepad++ or other text editors?

I have a putty log file that contains color markup, e.g.: [0m[33mSome colored error text [35mSome more colored error text [0mSome stuff Is there a way to easily view these log files in color? Bonus ...
mario87's user avatar
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16 votes
12 answers

Is there a Linux equivalent of Programmer's Notepad or Notepad++

I've recently switched over to Ubuntu from Windows and love it. One thing I miss is my Programmer's Notepad. I haven't found anything similar yet for Linux. Eclipse is way too big and involved for ...
EmmyS's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Highlight all occurrences of a word in Github's Atom text editor

In Sublime Text, if you double-click a word in file, all occurrences of that word are highlighted on the page, giving at-a-glance orientation of how a variable or other text is used in the file. Is ...
Feckmore's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Vim delete motions include under the cursor

If you delete backwards in vim, it doesn't delete the character under the cursor. What do you need to do to have it delete, say, back to the last space?
dsadsads's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Vim: edit multiple lines

I was looking for a way to edit multiple line simultaneously. I found that Ctrl-V + selecting the lines + I should be the solution. The problem is that, for me, after pressing I (in fact Shift-i) I'm ...
gregseth's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Which are the non-x text editors in Powershell?

Are there some editors like emacs, vi/vim, specifically for power shell, if so which are the best? I will have to do some work on windows and I need some unix productivity - which means for me shell ...
user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

I'm using Bash in "vi mode". What's the hotkey sequence to edit the current command line using an external editor?

In Bash's "Emacs mode" (set -o emacs), I can edit the current command line in my favorite external $EDITOR. All I have to do is press Ctrl+X then Ctrl+E. But, because I have switched to Bash's "vi ...
Alby's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Any text editor that can apply some math to replacement text?

I have big XML file <obj param="2542"> <obj param="2333"> <obj param="6433"> I need to increase all "param" values by some number. I can match numbers that I need with regexp ...
serg's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

What is the easiest way to get a yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timestamp hotkey on the Mac?

On Windows I use the PSPad editor which has a nice ALT-D timestamp which you can edit the format of, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. When working outside an editor, e.g. Google Docs, I have Autohotkey ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Change default text editor to Sublime Text in Linux Mint

I've installed Sublime Text 3 from the .deb found here: Now, how to set it as the default text editor in place of gedit in Mint 16?
Mica's user avatar
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14 votes
10 answers

Are there shortcuts for text editors/processors to delete the rest of a line?

The cursor may stay in the middle of the line and there may be necessity to delete whatever stands from the right side of the cursor, but only till the end of current line. I don't know how this ...
R St's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

VIM: How do you get the last ex command you used?

I find that sometimes I write a really long ex mode command that do lots of stuff. They are sort of "mini-scripts" that I write in the text editor then I start ex mode and copy them into the ex line ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How to remove all the duplicated words on every line using Notepad++?

I'm working on a file containing lines with keywords and some lines contain duplicated keywords. For example: dangerous,dangerous,hazardous,perilous I want to tell Notepad++ that I want to remove ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Change vscode close tab behavior to next show left neighbor instead of previously selected tab

Suppose you have 5 open tabs in order from 1-5. If you select tab 1, then select tab 5 and close it (ctrl+w), the editor goes back to tab 1. I want it to go to tab 4, i.e. the previous neighboring ...
Our_Benefactors's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

textwidth=0 and wrapwidth=0 in .vimrc.local not being respected

I have the following lines at the bottom of my .vimrc.local: set textwidth=0 set wrapmargin=0 However, whenever I open a new file, both these values are set to their defaults (72 and 2, ...
Ian Potter's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Delete the word in which the text cursor is

When typing/editing text, how do I delete the word at which the text cursor currently is? I mean a "system-wide" solution that works in most programs (and is maybe offered by the OS), rather ...
root's user avatar
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