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Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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Remove xfce without terminal access or default root account

I purged any packages related to xfce on Debian, and when I rebooted the login screen was still there. Upon login, there was only the wallpaper and a right click context menu available. Launching ...
mmd's user avatar
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How to disable (HTTP/HTTPS) Proxy and SOCKS proxy on MAC using terminal while on recovery mode?

I use networking sniffing tool Charles Proxy to check my app traffic. However, after updating my mac, for some reason the HTTP/HTTPS and Socks proxy is turned on. If I restart my mac my network is not ...
love-to-code's user avatar
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Safari doesn't respect -F when opening with 'open -F -n -a Safari <url>' on the command line

Reading the man page for 'open' the -F flag should open an app in fresh mode. However if I have already an instance of Safari running with 3 windows open and invoke open -F -n -a Safari <url> ...
Leo's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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How to call ifcconvert from the terminal

I want to convert icf files to objs, to that effect I want to use this tool: I installed it through python like this: pip install ifcopenshell However, I am ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Windows Terminal launches extra window with error - cannot find file

I have a 404 style error when launching Windows Terminal. As you can see, the path has been split in to 2 parameters on the space in "Program Files". Does any one know how to correct this ...
IbrarMumtaz's user avatar
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Why is this tmux option not persisting?

I would like to generate a bashrc configuration file each time I start a particular tmux session, and I want to use my user's default tmux configuration file ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/tmux/tmux.conf as well. ...
ardnew's user avatar
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Strange zsh startup command with "uh oh" spam

I am currently on macOS Sonoma 14.2 (Beta) and have a MacBook Pro 2021 with an M1 Max. I genuinely have no idea where to start on this problem. Whenever I open up a Terminal, I get this weird spammy ...
Htmlly's user avatar
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How to X11 forward after multi hopping in SSH?

I have the following SSH flow: root@HostA -> root@HostB -> root@HostC -> user@HostD I want to do X11 forwarding for Firefox on HostD all the way back to HostA, since A, B and C don't have ...
robertinho's user avatar
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What's the difference between git-bash.exe and bash.exe and how they interact with Windows Terminal?

I've installed Git for Windows. I want to run git-bash in a Windows Terminal tab. I initially configured a git-bash profile, in Windows Terminal, whose Command Line field I populated with C:\Program ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Backspace not working properly with accents in intellij's terminal

I keep getting issues with the terminal where backspace doesn't work as intended and what I see is not what is executed. For example here, I mistyped git pû + <Backspace> + ull + <Enter> ...
Teleporting Goat's user avatar
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What could cause this terminal rendering difference?

I have to ubuntu 22.04: one is Azure, created from Canonical image another is docker created from docker hub Canonical official image. This is the deployment which exhibits the issue I've installed ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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I installed Pyyaml before Libyaml. How do I get Pyyaml to have Libyaml support?

I'm on macOS Sonoma. I installed Pyyaml before Libyaml by accident. I installed Pyyaml with pip and Libyaml with Homebrew. How do I get Pyyaml to have Libyaml support? I tried uninstalling it, but it ...
lafunbug's user avatar
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How to run sh script in lxterminal using double click on Raspbian

I've read so many threads regarding running a script using double click, but none of the ways describes my case. My operating system is Raspbian Bookworm (Debian), the graphical shell is LXDE and the ...
Michal's user avatar
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Can I give a directory back to superuser?

I'm on macOS Sonoma. I was installing some Python and C packages in Homebrew, and it asked me to run: sudo chown -R username /usr/local/opt And: chmod u+w /usr/local/opt Now that I've installed the ...
lafunbug's user avatar
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linux terminator: configure a command on startup and don't close terminal when the command ends

I'm using terminator con Linux, and I have configure my ~/.config/terminator/config file to start at specific folders running certain commands I added a ; bash (also tried with ; bash && bash |...
opensas's user avatar
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Windows terminal on windows 11 gives error not finding nerd font

Error when launching windows terminal WARNING Unable to find the selected font "Hack Nerd Font". "Consolas" has been selected instead. Please either install the missing font or ...
elephantatech's user avatar
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Where is windows terminal setting location (json file) in windows 10?

I saw a youtube video in which by editing the json file of cmd they could make the interafce of windows cmd better but it was in windows 11 not 10. I wanted to access the both json and the location ...
mayburs's user avatar
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Why terminal display in Win10Terminal is treated differently? [telnet to a remote Linux] vs [run WSL2 natively]

I'm very baffled with a such a question. I believe it relates to those esoteric "Terminal" working details, so I hope I can get concrete technical answer here. I have two lab machines: An ...
Jimm Chen's user avatar
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I can't get my terminal to open folders or files with spaces in the title in macOS

I've Googled but on how to type in folder or files with spaces but it doesn't seem work.
ben's user avatar
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Change PowerShell display settings when running an .exe program

I have a simple .exe program that prints messages to the Windows terminal (console). This program is operated by someone who needs the font size to be as big as possible. Is it possible to change the ...
Marko Gulin's user avatar
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Symbolic Link not working in sub-directory?

Newbie here. I was learning about ln command. So I created a symlink to a file foo.txt inside another directory bar. ln -s foo.txt bar When I try to access bar/foo.txt, I get the error "Too many ...
GrandeKnight's user avatar
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"set editing-mode vi" vs "set -o vi" What is the difference?

On multiple forums I have come across adding set -o vi to my .bashrc file. Today I saw the option of adding set editing-mode vi to .inputrc. I googled and both appear to do the same thing. Are there ...
Ishaan Kapoor's user avatar
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Windows Termin new tab and command

I'm trying to open a new tab in Windows terminal and execute a command after that. I've got this: wt -w 0 nt -d . cmd /k cd "D:\Minecraft\Waterfall Network\Waterfall Network - 01 - Proxy" &...
Deutsch - Musik's user avatar
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Propagating zsh window title through tmux, then ssh, to terminal emulator/window manager

My zsh automatically sets my terminal emulator (kitty)'s window title to my current working directory, or whatever program is currently running within it. However, when I ssh to a remote host and run ...
kovas's user avatar
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Ubuntu bash terminal under wsl unexpectedly switches to "jump over the words" input mode

Below I assume that there are two input modes for terminal (console): in "normal mode" when you press ← your cursor moves to the left by 1 symbol, when you press → your cursor moves to the ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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Prevent terminal scrollback from being saved to disk?

My question is the opposite of Where is the scrollback location for the mac terminal? I want to generate a google authenticator code. This will show a QR code on the command line which I can scan ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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How to restore Windows 11 terminal properties

Last Friday I had a Windows 11 update pushed to my PC. Now when I open either Cmd or Ubuntu(WSL2), I get some new terminal window that I've never seen before. I could get used to that, but there are ...
Mark Ransom's user avatar
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Having disabled command-Q for Terminal via shell defaults command, how can I re-enable it?

I have a large, complex console program for execution via Terminal which solicits many responses from the user. Users may be habituated to use command-q to exit a program. This program has its own ...
Lor's user avatar
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How do i prevent websites from appearing in autocomplete in terminal?

I am running MacOS if it matters I am new to terminal and work in a lab at my uni, we have a server where we ssh into from our laptops. I am using ZSH as my shell and have no plugins besides git ...
Wex300's user avatar
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Ser2net returns double lines in terminal. What to do?

I'm pretty new to Linux, but I decided to build my own console server to connect to my Cisco devices. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 on which I did install ser2net and it works just fine. But when I enter ...
Tjaa's user avatar
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echo -en "\033]0;$(pwd) \a" Illegal variable name

I'm trying to show the directory name without a path to the CentOS terminal tab in CShell. I found an example from google but it make an error Illegal variable name echo -en "\033]0;$(pwd) \a&...
Li Sa's user avatar
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Save Key Pair - From Terminal - Not To Persistent Storage - Tails

So . . . I am not using the persistent storage since it defeats the whole point of Tails. I am trying to save my PGP key pair to a secondary thumb drive (not the one tails is on) to be able to either ...
Richard Haverty's user avatar
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My terminal window is not allowing me to scroll back to lines output by my program

In the cmd window, the PowerShell window and in something I downloaded from the Windows Store called Fluent Terminal, I am unable to scroll up and see all the lines that my program outputs (it is ...
Scooter's user avatar
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When I cut-paste from a terminal to Jira, each line is followed by a blank line. How can I avoid these blank lines?

When I cut-paste from a terminal to Jira, each line is followed by a blank line. How can I avoid these blank lines appearing when pasting? For instance, these are the lines in the terminal: List on ...
boardrider's user avatar
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Having conda terminal as a terminal in VScode (in Windows 10)

I do not have this problem in Linux. However when I (very rarely) program in Windows 10, and I use VScode (as usual) I want to use the attached terminal. When I do, I have the following options: ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Run PowerToys Peek from Terminal

In PowerToys there is a tool called Peek which allows you to preview file contents in Windows Explorer by pressing Ctrl+Space. Contents are shown in separate minimalistic window. Is there a way to use ...
Podbrushkin's user avatar
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Change argument to -y, --yes, --assume-yes

Can anyone help me alter this script to automatically YES? y? I don't need to or want to confirm yes, I just want to pass yes into the shell shortcut. cat << "EOF" >> ~/.zshrc ...
Outer's user avatar
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Windows Bash Terminal takes over 10 seconds to load

When starting up Git Bash in a Windows terminal or VScode terminal, the screen is blank for 10 - 15 seconds before it initializes to having a working directory and cursor. After init, it runs fine. ...
skwidflowz's user avatar
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Why does working in the own directory requires permission in Windows?

So I'm working in the directory C:\Users\terminator that's me (terminator user), and I have a workspace folder inside terminator If I try to move files using a code editor I get the following error ...
Yanjan. Kaf.'s user avatar
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ls with range name of file

I have files with numeric as it's file name. 10asdfsfl.txt 11sdfkf.txt 20sdfdf.txt 22sdfdf.txt 30saadf.txt 40asdfdf.txt 51sadfsf.txt 62ddgfg.txt if I use ls -l [40-50]* it returning list of files ...
snydez's user avatar
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How to make terminal auto-append and prepend quotation marks to pasted texts/links?

Kitty terminal can paste links in and auto-append and prepend quotation marks. Try something like yt-dlp [url], and kitty by default makes it so that you dont have to put the quotation marks. How do i ...
jbp's user avatar
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copying tabs from terminal is broken at the text-wrapping edge (the width changes outcome)

The following code will print "a"s up to the terminal width and then a tab character and then a "b". I've tested both Ubuntu's default Gnome terminals and Terminator and they ...
user1537366's user avatar
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column listing misaligned after pane resize in iterm2

So, I use iterm2 (on mac os 11), with multiple panes in one window (e.g. horizontal and vertical splits). Sometimes after resizing either the whole iterm2 window, or just one of the panes within the ...
Bee's user avatar
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is there a command line in ChromeOS which is equivilent to the terminal in linux

The terminal(penguin) in ChromeOS is just a VM which does not really seem to effect the chromeos it self. And then you got crosh which does not save things after you close it. So is there a full ...
james.yi's user avatar
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Use `arch -x86_64` on terminal in vscode on macos

I'm new to mac and looking for pain relief. I have a dependency that doesn't run on apple silicon. Meaning: if I cd into the project folder and run poetry install, I get an error message: I'm able to ...
ElRudi's user avatar
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Bash script header for virtual machine

I have a little compiler pet project that generates bytecode for a virtual machine. To run the generated bytecode from the terminal I would always have to invoke the virtual machine with the generated ...
chrysante's user avatar
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Shell programs do not refresh the screen correctly

When I press PageUp or PageDown in ranger or cmus, the screen doesn't refresh correctly, some characters and even lines are not updated. I believe it started with macos upgrade from 13.4.5 to 13.5.1 ...
Bellavene's user avatar
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How to make shorten mac terminal prompt in bold using powerlevel10k?

I'm using oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k, colorls and fig to customize my mac terminal. Now i have just one issue that i want the current directory name in bold. And one more problem that i want to change ...
ami_PBJ's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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