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Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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402 votes
21 answers

How do I detach a process from Terminal, entirely?

I use Tilda (drop-down terminal) on Ubuntu as my "command central" - pretty much the way others might use GNOME Do, Quicksilver or Launchy. However, I'm struggling with how to completely detach a ...
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309 votes
10 answers

How do I find a file by filename in Mac OSX terminal?

I want to find a file on my Macbook with the filename: abc.dmg. I've tried to use spotlight, but it doesn't find it. When I tried find, and used: find -name abc.dmg -path /, I got errors back. What ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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275 votes
9 answers

In vim, how can I quickly switch between tabs?

In gnome-terminal, I can just press Alt + (1, 2, 3, etc.) to switch to specific tabs. I can also use Ctrl + (PgUp / PgDn) to cycle through tabs (admittedly less convenient, but it can be remapped). ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 14.8k
258 votes
5 answers

How to find files with certain text in the Terminal

I'd like to find all files that contain a certain string of text. How would you do that in the Terminal?
Svish's user avatar
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254 votes
8 answers

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of GNOME Terminal

When I connect via ssh to certain servers, it timeouts and "freezes" the terminal (doesn't accept input, doesn't disconnect, can't Ctrl-C to kill the ssh process or anything). This is in Ubuntu's ...
Kzqai's user avatar
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239 votes
6 answers

What is the difference between shell, console, and terminal?

I'm confused with the terminology. What is the difference between shell, console, and terminal?
claws's user avatar
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217 votes
17 answers

With Bash + iTerm2, how to name tabs?

In iTerm2 (Build, I typically open several tabs, each of which has split panes , and is about one particular theme of work, for example revision control, coding, managing files, mysql ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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204 votes
6 answers

How to close a tmux session

I am using tmux to manage multiple terminal windows. Currently I have 2 windows open with multiple panes. I know that I have to use the prefix (for me it is ctrl+a) to enter commands. How can I ...
ph3nx's user avatar
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200 votes
8 answers

Why does terminal say: "You have mail"?

Any idea why my Mac terminal says: You have mail in /var/mail/lofye How can I make it stop saying that every time I open terminal?
lo_fye's user avatar
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196 votes
10 answers

List the current folder folder's sizes with the terminal?

I want a list of the folders from the current directory or one that I specify with their size. I have tried with du but I only get the size of the directories I specify (du . ./f1), and ls doesn't ...
kevin's user avatar
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177 votes
5 answers

How to find out Mac OS X version from Terminal?

I know how to find Mac OS X version from GUI: Apple Menu (top left) > About This Mac Is there a Terminal command that will tell me Mac OS X version?
Željko Filipin's user avatar
166 votes
5 answers

Where is the .zshrc file on Mac?

I’m using iTerm and wanted to customize the look of my terminal window using Oh My ZSH!. And according to the documentation I need to change the ~/.zshrc file and add a ZSH_THEME value: Once you ...
Leon Gaban's user avatar
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157 votes
5 answers

which/whereis differences

What's the difference between which and whereis ?
mk12's user avatar
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139 votes
10 answers

Keyboard shortcut to jump between tabs on OS X Terminal

In OS X, if you open new windows, you can easily switch between them with Cmd-1, Cmd-2, Cmd-3, etc. You can also cycle between tabs, using Cmd-Shift-{ and Cmd-Shift-}. (or Cmd-Shift-Left ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
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131 votes
15 answers

How to force GPG to use console-mode pinentry to prompt for passwords?

Using gpg from a console-based environment such as ssh sessions fails because the GTK pinentry dialog cannot be shown in a SSH session. I tried unset DISPLAY but it did not help. The GPG command line ...
ccpizza's user avatar
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119 votes
3 answers

List files bigger than filesize specified

How can I make ls (or any other command) list only files bigger than a specific file size?
Johnny's user avatar
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116 votes
6 answers

Play sound on mac terminal

I have a script running in the background and sends me an alert every few minutes. I want the alert to be in the form of a beep. Question: How can I play a beep in mac terminal?
rk.'s user avatar
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116 votes
2 answers

How to stop a process in Terminal [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Ending a process in unix instead of interrupting it When I task in Terminal, such as ping, how do I then stop this task (other than closing the Terminal window. In ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
  • 18.7k
113 votes
4 answers

What's the difference between ^C and ^D for UNIX/Mac OS X terminal?

When I try to stop something, I use ^C and sometimes ^D in terminal. What's the difference between the two? Why some program doesn't respond to ^C, but ^D. Why the just quits when I use ^...
prosseek's user avatar
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113 votes
7 answers

How do I close the Terminal in OSX from the command line?

Why doesn't "exit" close a window on Mac OS X? $ exit logout [Process completed] Is there a way to close the window without using the mouse?
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112 votes
11 answers

Is there a shortcut to mkdir foo and immediately cd into it?

This is something I do frequently $ mkdir foo $ cd foo This works as a single command, but it's more keystrokes and saves no time. $ mkdir foo && cd foo Is there a shortcut for this? Edit ...
macek's user avatar
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106 votes
9 answers

How to switch git user at terminal?

I am trying to push a project to a remote repository from the command line. From inside my local directory, I hit: $ git push and obtain the following error: remote: Permission to username1/repo....
Mowzer's user avatar
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106 votes
11 answers

How can I open a URL in Google Chrome from the terminal in OS X?

How can I open a URL in Google Chrome from the terminal in OS X? This is what I'm trying: /usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Google" --args '' It focuses Chrome but does ...
cwd's user avatar
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106 votes
3 answers

Previous commands wrapped with square brackets in OS X Terminal

Yesterday my terminal started surrounding commands that had been run with square brackets. I'm not sure how I've turned this on, but would like to turn it off. Example: So far, I've done: Checked ...
Josh's user avatar
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106 votes
3 answers

Mac OS X: conventional places where binary files should live

I've downloaded an application that is a command-line application, and want to put it somewhere where I can run it from the command-line without having to type the path explicitly. What are the ...
Jason S's user avatar
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104 votes
2 answers

Delete entered password in hidden password prompt (Linux) with shortcut

Is there a way to delete all characters that I entered in a hidden password prompt in Linux? For example, when I SSH to a server, it asks for my password where the entered keys are not shown: $ ssh ...
bugybunny's user avatar
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103 votes
13 answers

What commands can I use to reset and clear my terminal?

I have been using the command: reset to clear my terminal. Although I am pretty sure this is not what I should be doing. Reset, as the name suggests, resets your entire terminal (changes lots of ...
sixtyfootersdude's user avatar
102 votes
4 answers

Icon? file on OS X desktop

When I ls my Desktop from terminal (by using ls ~/Desktop), I see a file named Icon?. As far as I can tell, it's empty (nano Icon? shows nothing). It doesn't show up on my actual Desktop, and open ...
Chris's user avatar
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99 votes
6 answers

How do I find my user ID and group in Mac OS X?

Trying to run this compand in terminal: sudo chown -R yourid:yourgroup local However, I have no idea what my ID and my group are, or where to find them. Any ideas?
Starkers's user avatar
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98 votes
7 answers

Why are special characters such as "carriage return" represented as "^M"?

Why is ^M used to represent a carriage return in VIM and other contexts? My guess is that M is the 13th letter of the Latin alphabet and a carriage return is \x0D or decimal 13. Is this the reason? ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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97 votes
5 answers

Where to find the .bashrc file on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Lion?

I want to install rvm on my Snow Leopard machine. It says I need to add a line to my .bashrc file (I'm using bash) but where is my .bashrc file?
Yuval's user avatar
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97 votes
1 answer

Undo OS X terminal window split

I constantly split my terminal windows accidentally by pressing Cmd+D (it's so close to Cmd+F). I have no idea how to undo this. Any ideas?
Peter Berg's user avatar
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95 votes
4 answers

Re-enter interactive mode after Ctrl-z

In interactive mode (in Octave, gnuplot, R, etc.) I occasionally press Control + z by mistake. This pauses the program and kicks me back to the terminal. Is it possible to re-enter the original ...
Tom's user avatar
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93 votes
6 answers

Access iCloud Drive via terminal

OS X 10.10 was just released, and one of the features I personally awaited the most was iCloud Drive. Unfortunately, I had to learn that it was not as accessible as Dropbox. file ~/Dropbox /Users/...
Ingwie Phoenix's user avatar
89 votes
4 answers

Updating Time : ntpdate[3108]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting

The time on my system is incorrect for some reason. i need to run an update but i can't seem to be able to this is the errror. ntpdate 31 Aug 12:31:59 ntpdate[3108]: the NTP socket is in ...
user2735866's user avatar
89 votes
7 answers

terminal tool (linux) for repair corrupted zip files

I've a corrupt zip file. I've tried to repair it with zip -F and zip -FF but was not successful. Is there another terminal tool under Linux for repairing?
cupakob's user avatar
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89 votes
1 answer

Terminal Command To Find What Version Of Git I Have Installed?

What is the terminal command to find the version of Git currently installed on my system?
zechdc's user avatar
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88 votes
7 answers

Using Ctrl-Tab to switch between tabs in Mac

How can I make Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab switch between tabs in on a Mac (OS 10.4 and 10.5 specifically)? This is how I switch tabs in Firefox and Aquamacs, and Command-Shift-[ and ...
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88 votes
3 answers

downloading file using scp command

I have a centos server lets say with ip: I want to download a file from at path /root/pc/filename.rar to my localhost host (current pc). What command I need to download that file? I ...
coure2011's user avatar
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87 votes
9 answers

Clear terminal using keyboard shortcut

I was curious if there is a way to clear the terminal buffer/output through some keyboard shortcut. I am using Ubuntu. I am aware that Ctrl + L clears the terminal, but you can still scroll back to ...
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85 votes
11 answers

How to get vertical split of terminal in Mac to execute different actions?

Every once in a while I see people using what looks like terminal in their Mac, except that in what seems to be one window they have a vertical 'split.' On one side of the split, they have emacs or ...
Tony Stark's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

Using vim to force edit a file when you opened without permissions

I use vim to edit a file. Sometimes, I forget to have the appropriate permissions. I run vim and the file as a read only file. I can make changes, but I can't actually write the changes. Every once in ...
andor kesselman's user avatar
84 votes
5 answers

How can I change the keyboard shortcut for switching tabs in Mac Terminal?

I know that you can switch tabs with shift cmd [arrow key] in Mac Terminal, but it is painful to reach the arrow key. How can I change the default keybinding?
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
83 votes
4 answers

iTerm2 (version 3): Individual history per tab?

I’m using iTerm2 (version 3) and like it. But something that it has been doing for a while that's really annoying is that the command history is shared between tabs. E.g., in your first tab, run ...
Alan H.'s user avatar
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81 votes
9 answers

How to disable scary terminal commands?

How do you disable scary terminal commands? I was using SSH to access a remote Ubuntu server without access to the physical server. I thought I was typing 'shutdown' into the NoSQL server running on ...
MelodiousFires's user avatar
81 votes
3 answers

Copy a directory on Unix

How can I copy a directory structure, dir1, to dir2, (with all the subdirectories) on Unix using the terminal window?
Dinesh Kumar's user avatar
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80 votes
5 answers

htop isn't returning CPU or memory usage!?

I think that top is great application to monitor a Linux system. I really like it, but top doesn't look so good on Mac. I know that Mac have a system monitor to do it, but I prefer using a terminal. ...
Yuan He's user avatar
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78 votes
7 answers

Set the title of the terminal window to the current directory

How can I get the in OS X to display the current directory in its window or tab title? I'm using the bash shell.
kareman's user avatar
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78 votes
5 answers

How can I run a command from the terminal without blocking it?

I run a lot of programs in Ubuntu from the terminal, but I would like to be able to continue using the terminal after I have a program open. How can I put the programs in the background so that I don'...
Salvador Dali's user avatar
76 votes
9 answers

How can I use a Bash-like shell on Windows?

I use Linux and a Mac, and I'll be teaching some command line stuff soon. What can I install on Windows to give me a terminal window most similar to a basic Mac/Linux Bash shell? I would like to ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar

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