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Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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Trap signal in Bash Terminal of linux

What it means to trap a signal? How to trap certain signal by its name or ID in bash? This below is the trap code. How to edit it so that it traps certain trap codes like 9, 20, etc. #! /bin/bash ...
Humza Config's user avatar
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Error opening Visual Studio Code from Cypress on Mac: 'The editor process exited with an error: spawn EACCES'

I am trying to open Visual Studio Code from Cypress on my Mac by clicking on a file in the Cypress Test Runner, but I am encountering the following error message in VSC: "Could not open ...
user17410204's user avatar
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why is windows 11 terminal with launch size of 256 x 80 is bigger than a command prompt at same launch size

Just updated to Win 11 and am dealing with the default terminal. I'd like to be able to use multiple tabs of command prompts (note: I use a console editor for writing my SAS code that wants a 256 x 80 ...
William Viergever's user avatar
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Why does terminal colour scheme have two values for each colour?

For example, below is the settings page of a terminal app "Tilix". Why are there two of each colour?
Damn Vegetables's user avatar
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Extention for scrolling down in linux terminal

I want to scroll down in pages in terminal that are not command running area like in man page or set | less page. I have discovered that through pressing fn key, we can scroll down fast and the right ...
Humza Config's user avatar
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Speed Up Zsh Loading Time in tmux

Like many users, I'm experiencing slow load up times with my shell on macOS. I've seen many questions about this topic, and I'm using a suggested workaround, which is setting the terminal emulator (...
buldog9800's user avatar
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How to pass Ctrl+R to the git bash terminal in Visual Studio Code? [duplicate]

Right now while in git bash terminal inside VS Code if I press Ctrl+R nothing happened - VS Code awaits for the second key of chord: Is it possible to instruct VS Code to pass the Ctrl+R key ...
mark's user avatar
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Unusual behoiur in tmux, Tab clears the pane when it's not set to

For some unknown reason in Tmux the 'Tab' key clears the pane I'm in, which is annoying when I use 'Tab' to indent in Neovim and 'Shift Tab' to unindent. Is there a way to fix this (stop 'Tab' ...
arkosno's user avatar
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2 answers

How to show the terminal associated with a window in the status line

I tend to have a workflow with many terminal windows on my screen all running tmux with various different things running in them. I often find myself wanting to know "where is this background ...
Chris Dodd's user avatar
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How to connect to sftp server from MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username and password?

There are similar questions like this around, but I haven't been able find the answer to my question, which is: How to connect to sftp server from a MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username ...
Johan's user avatar
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Open terminal to locally forwarded port

I am using ssh to access a remote server via local port forwarding. This however being the first time I'm using ssh, I'm not quite familiar with it. I am using this command ssh -N -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -L ...
ptushev's user avatar
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is there a way to convert automatically images files to odt format in linux terminal?

is there a way to convert automatically images files to odt format in linux terminal? I have eg. 100 jpg or 100 png image files. It may take much time to insert them one by one. I have found many ...
Estatistics's user avatar
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VScode, keybindings for integrated terminal

I've edited the keybindings.json file in vscode to avoid moving the right hand to the arrow keys adding, among the others, the following: { "key": "ctrl+j", "command&...
stew.ita's user avatar
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Windows Terminal Not Picking up PATH variable

I'm using the latest Windows Terminal + Windows 11 + Powershell 7, and I came accross a very strange problem all of a sudden. I'm getting very weird behavior from windows terminal, after restarts, ...
Yehia A.Salam's user avatar
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Serial terminal emulator for Ubuntu ( Zorin ) - PuTTY config window is too big for screen

I've installed Zorin on an old netbook with the aim of using it as a serial terminal to read and store data from an Arduino (eg Nano). I cant use PuTTY because it looks like this - the bottom part of ...
user2963760's user avatar
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Streaming outputs to another window without running the same commands again on iterm2

First of all, I think every command running consumes some resources. So if I'd like to have another window displaying the same output of the same commands being run on another session without running ...
11100100's user avatar
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3 answers

Dynamically change terminal window size on Win11

I have an application that expects exact terminal window size. On Win10 I use the following batch script to start the application: @echo off mode 96, 50 py pause When I used the same script ...
Marko Gulin's user avatar
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How to prevent GNOME terminal from setting `all_proxy` (and friends) environment variables

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04, the GNOME Terminal would set all_proxy and friends as environment variables, automatically from system network settings, as configured for proxy. However, I would like to do ...
Compl Yue's user avatar
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Google Chrome immediately closes whenever it is opened

I’m on a MacBook Air. I’ve restarted the laptop and reinstalled Google Chrome. Each time I try to open it, it pops up for a second then closes. I’ve tried opening the app through the terminal. The ...
Lukas Ferrell's user avatar
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I installed grype on my Windows 10 machine, but my WSL2 console does not seem to detect it. What have I done wrong?

I installed Grype through a command I ran in WSL2 and I believe I correctly added it to PATH. When I try and use Grype in my terminal however, nothing happens. I added "C:\grype" to PATH. ...
nowa's user avatar
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conemu64 terminal color changed to reddish color

In Conemu64 I was installing updates and pressed Ctrl + C to cancel the updating of softwares installed suddenly the terminal color is changed to reddish. In order to simulate the above operation we ...
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how to change the main color of iterm2

I was trying to change the main color of iterm2 using the foreground color, but I discovered that it only affects some text but not all text: same goes if I launch mysql on command line, it takes the ...
abbood's user avatar
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Windows 10 WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 no longer starting with bash colors

I'm using Windows Terminal. Added alias to .bashrc colors disappeared. Actually, I did a dumb thing - overwritten .bashrc with echo 'alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"' > ~/.bashrc ...
Alex K's user avatar
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Protocol not avaible SSH

Sometimes I can access the server, but most of the time it returns the following error. ssh -vvv [email protected] -p 23490 OpenSSH_8.4p1 Ubuntu-6ubuntu2.1, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 debug1: ...
Gilberto Carvalho's user avatar
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Are linux commands (grep, awk etc) part of the system, or the shell?

I'm a developer, so I know my way around a terminal, but I never really dove into it. I can write bash scripts (albeit on a beginner level, not my area of expertise), but I now need to understand ...
romand's user avatar
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Not able to set lang to CN in zsh macOS, but locale is good. The word “total” is still shown in English

~/.zshrc: export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LANGUAGE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN....
渐入佳境groove's user avatar
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Guest Kali Linux GUI terminal window hangs in dual monitor layout in VMWare Workstation 17 Pro

I wasn't having this issue a week ago. This has newly developed for me. Here is the actual issue: When I run a command in the terminal while in dual monitor layout, the terminal window stops ...
Dave Hambone's user avatar
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Why does socat with rich terminal get killed with signal 9 on OSX?

I used the following command from this question to test out using socat to build a terminal with rich signals: socat file:'/dev/tty',raw,echo=0 exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane On Linux, ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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How do I send the 'setMark' escape code in Windows Terminal or iTerm2?

Windows Terminal now supports setMark which originally came from iTerm2. How do I add a mark (non interactively, ie so I can use this in my $PS1)? The docs have a screenshot of the relevant text ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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Set the volume to a specific value on Mac at a specific time using a terminal command

I want to schedule a volume increase on Mac, but can't quite get it to work. What I have right now is this command that I execute in the terminal: echo 'osascript -e "set volume output volume 10&...
Lavender's user avatar
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why windows terminal looks bad when typing ls

I have a question, in my windows terminal - powershell when it is in the standard size and I try to list the files in a folder does not look good, but when the window is maximized if you manage to see ...
John James's user avatar
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Terminal search with output that excludes directories (as opposed to files within a directory)

I'm trying to do a recursive search in Terminal to find all files that are not folders; this is to confirm that a large directory structure has no content in it. Is there a way to do this? Starting ...
Jordan Elpern-Waxman's user avatar
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Command not found -bash error

I am noticing that after I did something with terminal attempting to install a program that some third party commands stopped working. For example, I tried installing miniconda with these two ...
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Terminal not asking for password while using sudo

Yesterday I was trying to install larbs installation on a different user. It did not work and I had to delete the other user. When I came back to my admin user I realised that it was not asking for my ...
Axel Fire's user avatar
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How to handle triple-nested quotes in Zsh? [duplicate]

I've been setting an alias that running Apple Script on Terminal. As below: alias playda="osascript -e 'tell application "QuickTime Player" activate set thisFile to open POSIX ...
11100100's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Why does Windows 11 PowerShell or terminal lack Linux command line tools?

I am using Windows 11. In the terminal, the usual Linux commands are not available. So commands such as chmod and vim return command line errors like: vim : The term 'vim' is not recognized as the ...
tachyon's user avatar
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How to copy across terminals using text editor vim without clipboard support?

options in my version of vim : vim --version | grep clip -clipboard +jumplist +popupwin +user_commands +ex_extra -mouse_jsbterm -sun_workshop -...
mazda's user avatar
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Checking my understanding regarding the difference between Terminal and Shell

I am trying to test my understanding regarding the difference between terminal and shell. The terminal is just a text-based interface in which it accepts commands from the user. Moreover, the terminal ...
John adams's user avatar
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How to change the behaviour of "tab" key from "Insert a tab" to "Completion" in sftp CLI in Windows Terminal?

I am recently switching from Ubuntu to Windows 11 and found this feature not working: In Ubuntu terminal, when I am using sftp CLI, Tab means to complete the file/folder name in the directory. However,...
SimZhou's user avatar
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How to change key binding for "Delete all characters before the cursor" in Windows Terminal?

I am trying to mimic the keybord shortcut behaviour of Bash to Windows Terminal. In bash, "Ctrl+U" does "Delete all characters before the cursor", In Windows Terminal, "Ctrl+...
SimZhou's user avatar
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Troubleshooting of low performance of console programs

When I use neovim in alacritty in weston, it works slow (low FPS). However, this problem is observed only in this particular bunch of programs. There is no problem if: Running neovim in other ...
fingolfin's user avatar
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Is it possible to stop Terminal from running a specific command on MacOS?

I'm looking for a way to stop a specific command from being ran on MacOS's terminal, or if that's not possible lock it (either with a different password than the user password, or time lock it) before ...
Michael L's user avatar
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.bash_logout not executing on MX Linux

As stated in title no joy from .bash_logout when I exit the terminal (same result when logging in on a virtual i.e. Ctrl + Alt + F1). I've tried everything listed here: Explain why .bash_logout won&#...
Jimi Cash's user avatar
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Error initializing complex filters. No such filter: '' in ffmpeg

I installed ffpmeg through terminal with the following command: sudo apt-get install -y mjpegtools I ran into an error after trying to run the following command: ffmpeg -y -i 1676476701.mp3 -...
sonam's user avatar
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Linux - start evert terminal with same lines

I want my linux terminals to start with the following lines punched in: bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word Is there a way to accomplish this? This is ...
Gappy Hilmore's user avatar
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KDE Plasma - Terminal as wallpaper

Can be possible having a terminal as a background / wallpaper? The alternatives I've searched suggest customizing the application with no borders and fullscreen resolution, but, that makes the ...
MatiasGdo's user avatar
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Unix script with a trap inside ssh

My plan is to write a script to debug a remote web server. Since the debug port is blocked by the firewall, I need to forward the remote port via ssh to my local machine. This part is working fine. ...
Johannes von Zmuda's user avatar
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Color highlight stdout of a debugged/launched process in vscode

I am using VSCode as a main IDE. When I'm launching (or debugging) my developed software, which is usually a console application (be it either, c++, java, or whatever) I'd like to see its stdout ...
original.roland's user avatar
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How to start tmux session that overrides environment variables set in .bash_profile?

Suppose I have an environment variable set inside .bash_profile: export ABC=from_bash_profile. $ echo $ABC from_bash_profile When I try to create a new tmux session with environment variables for ...
m01010011's user avatar
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Randomly lost ZSH prompt settings

Yesterday I suddenly lost all my ZSH settings more specifically the prompt and how the themes as they are applied. I've tried the following so far: As suggested in the ZSH FAQs, I tried exec zsh but ...
potatoheadgear's user avatar

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