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Questions tagged [terminal]

A terminal is a hardware device used for entering data into and displaying information from a computer. Terminals were frequently used in the days of mainframe computers. Today, most operating systems offer text-based "terminal emulators", which replicate the functionality of a classical terminal, also referred to as a "system console".

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10 votes
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Problems with tmux, mutt, and terminal colors

If I start mutt in a tmux session like this: $ tmux new-session -s mutt mutt Mutt complains: Error in /home/lars/.mutt/colors, line 20: 230: color not supported by term Error in /home/lars/.mutt/...
larsks's user avatar
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8 votes
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Moving mouse in iTerm causes characters to be to printed to prompt

I am having an issue with iTerm that happens to me intermittently. When I am using iTerm and I move the mouse up and down, or click a bunch of random characters are printed to the prompt: I am in a ...
Jack Gore's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Shared connection frequently closes when opening a new connection

I'm making heavy use of reusing a shared connection which I open to a remote box at the beginning of my workday. My .ssh/config looks somewhat like this: ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/...
elemakil's user avatar
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8 votes
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Weird rendering artefact in vim (terminal, not MacVim)

Running Mac OS X, using either or iTerm2, there is a strange artefact with the character rendering that I have a hard time explaining and an even harder time understanding. I'll start ...
tlehman's user avatar
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8 votes
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Enabling Italics, Underline on Emacs, Xterm and Putty

I'm using a Ubuntu (11.04 Server Edition) virtual machine as my development environment. It doesn't have a desktop environment since I don't think its necessary and I want to keep it lightweight. I'm ...
adeandrade's user avatar
8 votes
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How can I switch tty on a Mac (equivalent of chvt in Linux)?

Is there a way to switch between different tty from a Mac terminal? This would be an equivalent to the chvt command on Linux.
DilithiumMatrix's user avatar
6 votes
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How to NOT Terminate Batch Job

in my power shell command prompt when I run a command and pressing ctrl + c a message appears asking for Terminate batch job (Y/N)? no matter if I enter Y, or N or n, it terminates the job. My ...
Reza's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Unzip Multipart Zip from Command Line

Thanks in advance for any help. I am trying to unzip a multipart zip file from the command line in OSX 10.8.5. I created the zip using zip -s 800m The file is 2.7GB. So I ...
Kieran's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect an old IBM 3151 dumb terminal to Raspberry Pi?

I want to know: If I were to add a serial port to a Raspberry Pi and connectan old IBM 3151 dumb terminal to it; will it be as simple as turning it on and using it? Obviously only for command line ...
DavidR's user avatar
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Ctrl+Shift+Page{Up,Down} in tmux

Trying to make C-S-PageUp and C-S-PageDown work in tmux but no success so far. Here are my config steps: bind-key -n C-PageUp previous-window bind-key -n C-PageDown next-window bind-key -n C-S-PageUp ...
Luke Skywalker's user avatar
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emacs term-mode redraws prompt when backspacing inside executables

I am reliant on emacs (version 24.4.1 on Debian) term and ansi-term modes. They normally work just like xTerm for me, but when running an interactive program that has a prompt (like the node.js prompt,...
jimpudar's user avatar
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Name a tab in iterm2, even with pane splits

I see there are solutions to name tabs in iterm2 when there is a single pane, but it doesn't work well with multiple panes/splits. So if I have two terminals open in a split under a tab, I would need ...
theicfire's user avatar
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Ctrl-C does not work in tmux window

I have a Mini2440 ARM Board, and I have put a base Debian 6.0 system on it using multistrap. I have used tmux to run several processes in defferent windows from /etc/rc.local. I connect to the board ...
zaadeh's user avatar
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How to mount SMB share from terminal using keychain?

I need to be able mount a SMB share from terminal, for MAC OS versions (10.7). Is there a way to use mount_smbfs with keychain so I don't get prompt the username/password or have to add it to the ...
Celine's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Shell commands as background image

In many terminals and terminal emulators, it is possible to specify a background image. I've seen some setups where-in this background image was even dynamic. Is it possible to watch a preset command ...
Zolvaring's user avatar
5 votes
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Close a specific Chrome tab in Ubuntu/Linux using terminal command

Is there a way to close a specific Chrome tab with a terminal command? I tried below commands: kill -9 <pid of Chrome tab>: Instead of closing a tab, it kills the tab ("He's dead Jim" message ...
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4 votes
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How to fix E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 1044 (packagekitd)

Recently, I have bought a 64GB SD card for dual booting Ubuntu on my computer. It works at first, but when I try to run sudo apt upgrade It gives me this: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/...
Gyoza's user avatar
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Delay in starting command prompt

There is a weird problem with my command prompt. Whenever I start it, there's a delay. The windows opens quickly as it should, but there is a Blank Time, before the command line displays this message: ...
batchcoding____s's user avatar
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Windows 10 terminal: Is it possible to save ssh password?

My question is about the new windows 10 terminal At work, I SSH to several servers daily, centos 6 and centos 7, I need to save ssh password, like mobaxterm I can't create ssh keys, because I have far ...
Lynob's user avatar
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All command line terminals on my PC [Windows 10] run incredibly slow. CMD, Git Bash, VSCode Terminal

So, since yesterday, my terminals have been running super slow. Slow to start up and slow to run commands. Running a command takes over one minute. Takes like 5 minutes to start up. At first I thought ...
Tyranius's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Paste in Nano is not working

I used Ctrl+Shift+6 to select a block of text in Nano, then cut it with Ctrl+K.  This successfully removed the text from my buffer. But when I do Ctrl+U to paste what I had cut, nothing is pasted. ...
kishere's user avatar
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Tools for converting 8-bit C1 control characters to ESC sequences?

The ECMA-48 ("ANSI escape sequences") standard describe two ways of encoding the C1 set of control codes: using 2 character ESC sequences, or alternatively, using 8-bit control characters. Wikipedia ...
Rehno Lindeque's user avatar
4 votes
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Change Mac App Icon With A Terminal Command

I like to use custom icons for a few apps. However, of course, when an app updates the icon is reset. I'd like to be able to run a script to instantly update all of my custom app icons automatically. ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to use profiles with Tor Browser?

Firefox allows for the ability to use multiple profiles by starting the browser from the command line as such: firefox --ProfileManager Or more directly: firefox --CreateProfile However, despite ...
Onion4's user avatar
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1 answer

Output of nettop command

I want to calculate net transfer of bytes(in & out) for every 2 seconds. I'm using nettop to know the usage(bytes_in and bytes_out). Command: nettop -x -k state -k interface -k rx_dupe -k ...
SkrewEverything's user avatar
4 votes
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Copy and paste in terminal termux:float

I know how to copy and paste in termux ( but it is not the same for termux:float. How to copy and paste in termux:float?
asv's user avatar
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Midnight Commander function keys not working

I'm using Midnight Commander in a Mac Terminal. I'm using PC keyboard, so function keys work as F1-F12 keys, but they don't work in MC. I tested what character sequence is sent with each function key ...
SiliconMind's user avatar
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How to open a local file with a query string appended to it in the default browser?

I want to do something like this from a shell script: $ open 'foo.html?foo=bar' Sadly that fails, as it looks for a file named foo.html?foo=bar instead of foo.html before opening the browser: The ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
4 votes
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Installation VT220 terminal in Ubuntu

I want to know how to connect a Digital VT220 terminal to PC-Linux with Ubuntu 12.04 using a serial-USB device. At the moment I did next steps: sudo vi ttyS1.conf (at /etc/init) # ttyS1 - getty ...
user260514's user avatar
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Matching bracket selection on gnome-terminal, like Mac OSX terminal

I have recently fallen for a (non obvious) feature of the Mac OSX terminal: Given a display of some kind of deeply nested text with lots of matching brackets, parenthesis, or quotes (ie. JSON), the ...
codysehl's user avatar
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How can I make OSX terminal tab names the same as .ssh/config host aliases

Setting up a .ssh/config is a great time saver. The host aliases with user defined names make it easier keep track servers and key files. However, the OSX terminal tab names are displaying what ever ...
tponthieux's user avatar
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Tab Auto-Completion in Mac OS X when using sftp in terminal

i have been getting very frustrated lately since the readline functionality has been removed from MacOSX and Tab Auto-Completion doesn't work anymore. So i was wondering if anyone knew a good ...
pneumatics's user avatar
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gnome-terminal new tab within exact same path

I'm using gnome-terminal and open multiple tabs for the same path. The behavior of gnome-terminal is to change to the real (canonical) path rather than the exact original path. E.g. a new tab opened ...
Christophe Drevet's user avatar
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256-colour terminal

I've been battling it out with this 256-colour terminal malarkey and I just can't get decent colour displays in a terminal. I'm using ubuntu-server with openssh and zsh. I have tried accessing the ...
jabalsad's user avatar
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Keystrokes and commands for my inputrc — key-combination for “Shift-Space”, remap “Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown” to something without Page-keys

I need to add some things to my inputrc. I'm using bash 4, as OS I'm using debian and OSX. My terminal emulators are rxvt-unicode-256 on debian and on OSX. My new macbook has no Insert/...
fooness's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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Not able to set lang to CN in zsh macOS, but locale is good. The word “total” is still shown in English

~/.zshrc: export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LANGUAGE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN....
渐入佳境groove's user avatar
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Tips on how to speed up ZSH shell start up time

can someone help me understand why my Zsh start up is so slow. My Zsh takes up to six 6 seconds to start up so I added zmodload zsh/zprof and zprof to my .zshrc to see what takes the most time. The ...
miiguell's user avatar
3 votes
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How to hard set Windows Terminal as default for ALL applications and users?

The conventional method to set a default terminal application doesn't apply to 2 types of applications: Running a shell (e.g: Powershell) as administrator Running a application-specific such as Git ...
Blueboy90780's user avatar
3 votes
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Disable orom in firmwarepasswd Catalina

I recently had some trouble whilst applying these settings The firmwarepasswd -disable-reset-capability command returned with error 6. Then I tried firmwarepasswd -check / -mode I realized that orom ...
goodquestion111's user avatar
3 votes
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Terminal for colorized output on remote linux servers

I frequently SSH into remote ubuntu servers to observe output. What I'd like is certain terms (e.g. ERROR) to be colorized, (e.g. in red). My understanding is that this is typically done by the shell, ...
Nik's user avatar
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How to render text-mode emoji in a linux terminal

I would like to display specific unicode symbols in the Linux terminal rendered in monochrome like normal text, but many of the symbols I want are rendered as colour emoji (because I have noto-fonts-...
Eric Langlois's user avatar
3 votes
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How to terminate TeamViewer application from Mac OS Terminal?

I have tried terminating TeamViewer application from the Mac OS terminal using the following command. It kills the app but again it starts automatically in the very next second. How can can I ...
Harikrishnan's user avatar
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Pound sign (£) rendered as <ffffffff> in zsh

Things I've ruled out Terminal: works if I launch it with bash as shell Keyboard layout: £ inserts fine in Vim, bash and Firefox Unicode issues anywhere: emojis work in all applications I can't ...
R Harrington's user avatar
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How to understand what is Shell, Terminal, MinGW, Bash, Git Bash etc?

I'm a still a beginner Python programmer. I know the basics decently and can also use some packages and libraries. I've used Pandas, Matplotlib, Beautiful Soup, Requests to name a few and I want to ...
Arafat Khan's user avatar
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Why does this netcat pipeline work in macOS but not Linux?

I set up the following pipeline. This allows me to see the raw HTTP requests and responses that pass through the pipeline. Note: I use BSD nc below (this is what comes with macOS and AmazonLinux), ...
Josh Cooley's user avatar
3 votes
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Shift key has unexpected behavior in the terminal

I'm running macOS Mojave, and I'm getting strange behavior from my Shift key. After I've typed in any text in the terminal, if I press and release the Shift key, it will add ;2D;10D to the end of ...
Nathan Ong's user avatar
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Strange behavior of compton composite manager with several terminals (i3 wm)

I am using i3 window manager and compton composite manager to make some windows transparent. Here is my compton.conf menu-opacity = 0.95; inactive-opacity = 0.7;#this option doesn't work ...
LRDPRDX's user avatar
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gnome-terminal exits with status 127 on ubuntu 18.04 but how do I find the stacktrace?

gnome-terminal suddenly stopped working and when I run it via another terminal emulator (termite) it throws an error: > sudo gnome-terminal # Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/...
demux's user avatar
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Prevent Stretching of Terminal Background on MacOS

This may seem like a silly question, but I am modifying the appearance of the terminal application using the profiles menu on MacOS 10.14. I have a nice high resolution image that I have used as a ...
janna's user avatar
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