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vim "rendering" issue, possible terminal issue?

Recently I've started having a strange issue with the "rendering" of Vim. I say rendering because it only seems to affect what's show on the screen and not the output to the actual file. I'm ...
Minuzed's user avatar
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Is there any way to create a new window terminal (pseudo-terminal) using a command without setting env $DISPLAY?

I am currently building an open-source utility (plugin), which requires a new terminal window (pseudo-terminal) to become more effective whenever it gets executed. I was using gnome-terminal to ...
zenitsu's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

tmux doesn't instantly update pane's title

I'd like to have tmux "instantly" update the pane's title to match what is currently being executed in the terminal. For an instance: If the pane contains the shell then its title should be ...
pic810's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Failure to use `/dev/pty` for one outside msys2 `bash` when calling it in `vim` installed inherently by git-bash

Env: Windows 11 pro. I want to call msys2 bash in git-bash's vim where both shares the same version of vim and bash (although this context seems to be weird). I asked one origin question in Vi/Vim SE ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Encoding issues over SSH characters shown as ~@~X in vim

I am having issues when viewing a file through SSH I have 2 computers connected to each other myServer 'myHost' , sharing over 'SSH' a session. On myServer I have got a log from wget which originates ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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How to copy across terminals using text editor vim without clipboard support?

options in my version of vim : vim --version | grep clip -clipboard +jumplist +popupwin +user_commands +ex_extra -mouse_jsbterm -sun_workshop -...
mazda's user avatar
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How to copy output from a zsh terminal using vi movements(or if that's not possible any other way)?

Currently I am using vi motions in zsh and it is incredible. I work on terminal a lot and it is annoying to switch back to move to copy an output. Is there a way to use vi motions or anything else to ...
Fclass's user avatar
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macOS terminal corruption with larger font in Vim (the line I am editing is not the line being displayed!)

I'm experiencing terminal corruption on macOS in vim, but only with larger fonts. (FWIW, this also appears to happen on macOS when using vim ssh'ed into another machine.) This occurs as the text being ...
Joseph Turian's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

WSL issue, vi, vim and nano are unusable (empty terminal screen) (same isue with ubuntu 20 or debian on wsl)

I get a strange issue with ubuntu on wsl. When I want to modify a txt file on Ubuntu or Debian (via WSL in Windows), the content of the terminal empties and I see nothing (the content of the text file ...
spacecodeur's user avatar
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Remove inoremap and cnoremap in Vim

I was trying to map key jk to Esc key in Vim. I didn't know about .vimrc at first. So I pasted these commands in vim in command mode as: :inoremap jk <Esc> :cnoremap jk <Esc> Then ...
Uchiha AJ's user avatar
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Image preview in vim

Is there a way to preview images in neovim? There is a feature like this in ranger (im using alacritty btw). I want to preview the image in vim insted of showing the text version of it. I think ranger ...
Nils's user avatar
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Why isn't Esc working in vim in tmux in Mintty?

I sometimes use Mintty from Windows to ssh to a server, where I use vim (neovim) inside tmux. I have used this setup for years without issue. However, recently I have had the odd issue that pushing ...
polm23's user avatar
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Terminal font breaks after exiting vim

My terminal's (alacrity with zsh/powerlevel10k) font breaks after I leave vim. Anyone that could tell me how I could fix this? Interestingly, the font seems to fix itself if I enter and then exit vim ...
dannypas00's user avatar
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Use the mouse past 220 columns in Neovim with rxvt-unicode

When using neovim with mouse support in urxvt, any mouse events past the 220th column are wrapped around to the left of the screen. The mouse works normally in vim, and in nvim with another terminal ...
Emil Carr's user avatar
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What does ctrl+arrow do in vim within tmux, and how do I skip words?

I am used to using vim in a normal gnome-terminal, in which by default ctrl+arrow can skip words. However, if I am using vim in tmux, these key combinations would delete lines of words. Question: ...
trisct's user avatar
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Open file highlight color changes in Vim when used on a remote server on macOS Big Sur (11.1)

I use the terminal and it has set to ‘Pro’ scheme which has a dark background. When I SSH to a Linux server (CentOS 8.3.2011) and use VIM open a file, the color of the keywords in the file changes ...
Jianxin Yu's user avatar
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Terminal not cleaning lines

I'm working on a remote Ubuntu 20.10 machine [linux version 5.8.0-1011-gcp] in Google Cloud, built from a basic Ubuntu image, using gnu bash 5.0.17(1)-release and xterm 353, and the terminal isn't ...
Dirich's user avatar
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Vim doesn't change the directory in the title bar when the working directory is changed

I have only the Working directory or document and Active process name preferences checked for Terminal window titles. Then in VIM I use a custom titlestring. The title bar is displayed as "<...
shoe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I exit vim, that is within emacs term mode with evil?

I am trying to make transition from vim to emacs (specifically doom-emacs). I was using term mode and habitually used vim in an attempt to edit another file forgetting that I was inside emacs. I ...
Yao Wei's user avatar
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How to let sudoedit source ~/.bashrc file

I have Vim shortcuts which requires me to edit the ~/.bashrc file to stop some terminal shortcuts like <C-S> - which freezes the whole terminal - so I can use them in Vim. when I open a Vim file ...
Yasser 's user avatar
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How to toggle case of word under cursor in vi mode in bash?

In vi mode in bash, There is no such thing as toggling case. The only key to toggle until the line is <PageUp> key (as I by chance touched it). And according to this answer How to map PageDown ...
Herdsman's user avatar
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How to map a keyboard shortcut to CTRL+R in iTerm 2?

I am trying to map the Command + Shift + Z shortcut to what vim uses for redo, CTRL + R: What is the proper code I should enter in? It seems that \c is not the correct code, but I cannot find it on ...
David542's user avatar
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Why is vim swapping case on forward-delete?

Vim + Catalina I just switched to MacOS Catalina which has zsh and vim 8.1 out-of-the-box. VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Dec 13 2019 14:45:40) Included patches: 1-503, 505-680, 682-...
coolaj86's user avatar
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How can I move the vim cursor with the mouse wheel in iTerm2?

This currently works as I want it to in the regular Mac Terminal, but not in iTerm2. Currently, using the mouse wheel shows my terminal and moves vim down. To be clear, I don’t want to scroll the ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to clear neovim buffer

I have a terminal buffer with 10000 lines of previously executed output. In order to search for the particular sequence of words I have to go through all 10000 lines before getting to my last executed ...
NikitQa's user avatar
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Error highlight in Vim makes text unreadable

So I have a NeoVim setup I made a long time ago. A friend convinced me that the Solarized terminal theme was awesome and so I have that configured, not sure if I have a matching Vim theme. Anyhow, ...
Steven Roose's user avatar
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How to copy entire file from Linux (via ConEmu terminal) back to Windows in WSL

I am using ConEmu terminal to access files in the Linux distro of my Windows 10 machine. I open text files with Nano or VIM, but I am having trouble copying entire text files back to Windows. ...
Freelensia's user avatar
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vim-tmux-navigator to use tmux prefix instead of C-[hjkl]

I have installed vim-tmux-navigator on the tmux and the vim side and I can navigate between vim panes and tmux windows using Ctrl-[hjkl] BUT: This means that readline (or bash?) shortcuts are ...
Richard Wonka's user avatar
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How to set up the *NIX terminal to function similar to an IDE?

I would like to set up something in a shell to give me an IDE-like experience using only the shell (no X). The closest I have come is using tmux, with vim in one pane and the command line in the ...
Stonecraft's user avatar
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Urxvt with weird colors in Vim

I installed Urxvt on Ubuntu 18.04 to test it and when I opened Vim I saw the weird colors on the left, when it should be as shown on the right:    I tried to change the color scheme, I set the t_Co=...
Rodger Bittencourt's user avatar
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VIM startup symbols in status

I am trying to move to VIM as my main text editor, already spent a lot of time setting everything and reading about VIM. Now everything is pretty much ok, except one thing that bothers me all the ...
DeltaBravo's user avatar
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How to bind Option-Delete to backward-delete-word in zsh vi mode in tmux and alacritty terminal

I use alacritty and currently, I have these key binding key_bindings: # (macOS only) - { key: N, mods: Command, action: SpawnNewInstance } - { key: F, mods: Command, ...
San Nguyen's user avatar
3 votes
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Shift key has unexpected behavior in the terminal

I'm running macOS Mojave, and I'm getting strange behavior from my Shift key. After I've typed in any text in the terminal, if I press and release the Shift key, it will add ;2D;10D to the end of ...
Nathan Ong's user avatar
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Vim Iterm extremely slow and laggy compared to Linux machine with same setup

Vim and iterm is very slow on macos. There is noticeable lag when scrolling down the page when holding down jk. Many plugins also slow down vm dramatically such as syntastic. For example, with ...
appljuice's user avatar
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Color scheme not affecting whitespace in Vim

I have been trying to add a color scheme to my .vimrc, but for whatever reason it's not wanting to highlight the whitespace to the right of my lines. Here's what my .vimrc looks like right now under ...
Joshua Hess's user avatar
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vim color scheme breaks when using tmux

I am using Ubuntu 18 LTS, gnome-terminal, with vim 8.0. When I am not using a color scheme, vim looks the same when launched inside or outside of tmux: However, when I use a color scheme (in this ...
Foobar's user avatar
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Tabs in Xubuntu terminal showing up as characters

I'm writing code using Vim in my terminal in Xubuntu 14.04, but when I hit tab, instead of showing whitespace,it looks like this: I've tried to search for a solution but haven't found anything. ...
Fernando's user avatar
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nvim: langmap doesn't work with alt?

I run nvim 0.1.7 in gnome-terminal. I map a-a to something and set langmap so that I can use the same shortcut when entering in other language: nnoremap <a-a> :echo 'it works'<cr> set ...
Uprooted's user avatar
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vim: alt mappings conflict paste mode in terminal

I use vim in terminal. Sometimes I want to paste text from outside into it, but avoid autoindent, abbreviations and such. Vim has paste mode for it, but when I enable paste mode most shortcuts stop ...
Uprooted's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to use vim key bindings in iterm2?

I want to use w for next word and b for previous word. If I could do more than that I would be even happier. I use bash if that matters.
user1283776's user avatar
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FTP with Terminal and Vim

Is is possible to transfer files from local machine to server using FTP and terminal. For instance, can I create a file locally with vim, write my code, save it, then transfer that to a server without ...
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
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Vim in terminal behaves middle-click as paste

In normal mode of the Vim, I'm expecting middle-click to send the selection text as Vim's command but Vim automatically insert the text to the buffer. How can I avoid this behavior? For example, ...
kamae's user avatar
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Flexible renaming in terminal

Say I have a folder with some files: /Users/user101/Temp/rentest: ls fi_name1.txt fi_name2.txt fi_name3.txt I am looking for a flexible renaming method. For example if I do: /Users/user101/Temp/...
ITA's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to switch between terminal, nerdtree and text editor?

I normally switch screen in vim using ctrl+h or ctrl+l to switch between NerdTree and vim main window. Vim8 got :term command to bring up terminal which is great! But I cannot figure out how to switch ...
NewPy's user avatar
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View different parts of a file, in different terminals, scrolled in synchrony?

Two terminals, on different machines, viewing consecutive parts of a file in vim. You scroll/move cursor in one terminal, and the other moves the same relative amount. So you get one logical window ...
hyperpallium's user avatar
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Tmux prints u'0x001b' and “]112” in vim when tmux prefix pressed

I have an issue with tmux, similar to tmux printing u'0x001b' and "]112" randomly but not the same, because it only happens inside vim, and when I press Ctrl-a (my tmux prefix). I ...
Pedro Adame Vergara's user avatar
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How to separate combining characters in vim or a terminal emulator

Is there a way, in vim or a terminal emulator like xterm, to "separate" combining characters? For example, with characters "ก" and "ุ", instead of combining to "กุ", just displaying "ก ุ". I.e. is ...
aggu's user avatar
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How can I navigate terminal output like a text file with Vim keybinding?

I use Neovim which has a really cool feature where if I type :terminal it loads a terminal emulator inside Neovim. The interesting thing about this terminal emulator is that at any time I can type ...
KNejad's user avatar
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mate-terminal colour scheme partially broken after stretch upgrade

I upgraded a system from jessie to stretch the "Dark Yellow" colour from the palette does not appear to be used in Vim (either the new Vim in stretch or a different vim on a remote host). Instead of ...
bitmask's user avatar
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