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How could I have VScode on Windows 10 with the default terminal changed to WSL2 Ubuntu-24.04 like a native linux distro?

I'm trying to have inside VScode for Windows 10 (Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.19045.4474]) options to change the terminal from default to another one such WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04. I have installed ...
Marlon's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Run GUI terminal from crontab

I have been trying to open a terminal in GUI via crontab. This question describes it can't be done as desktop and crontab runs separately. Is there a way where I can trigger script from crontab but ...
ap14's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
1 answer

Linux Bash Wait Command Not Working

I am trying to use and bash file .sh to start other bash files in seperate terminals. I want them to run one after the other as I use them to copy large numbers of files to the same Hard Drive. ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

Shell prompt colored outside of tmux, but not in tmux; how can I get colored prompt in tmux?

I am a new user of tmux and wondering how I can highlight machine name and working directory? What I mean is below. In default Ubuntu terminal: While in tmux: I know this is a minor, but having ...
Darren Christopher's user avatar
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Ubuntu (ZorinOS) boots only into tty1 terminal after delering all default keyrings

I am attempting to boot my computer after utilizing Seahorse to remove all of the default keyrings. Regretfully, the only thing I receive in return is a terminal that appears only on my secondary ...
gerscorpion's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

/usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh error block use of Ubuntu terminal

I installed oh-my-posh in Ubuntu-22.04 LTS. But something went wrong and when I tried to open Ubuntu-22.04 terminal on WSL I am getting errors related to /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh. I cannot use the ...
whoami's user avatar
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Putty history access weird behavior

I'm using PuTTY v0.78 on a Win10 host, connecting to Ubuntu v22.04. After I've pasted any command into the PuTTY terminal, when I scroll though the history using ↑, I can't scroll up to the prompt ...
Daros1001's user avatar
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Tmux does not respond to alt+click as Mac Terminal?

I am very used to using alt+click to move the cursor in Terminal on macOS. I recently switched from screen to tmux and this no longer works despite having mouse-mode set to on in my config (and it is ...
donkey's user avatar
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1 answer

Serial terminal emulator for Ubuntu ( Zorin ) - PuTTY config window is too big for screen

I've installed Zorin on an old netbook with the aim of using it as a serial terminal to read and store data from an Arduino (eg Nano). I cant use PuTTY because it looks like this - the bottom part of ...
user2963760's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to prevent GNOME terminal from setting `all_proxy` (and friends) environment variables

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04, the GNOME Terminal would set all_proxy and friends as environment variables, automatically from system network settings, as configured for proxy. However, I would like to do ...
Compl Yue's user avatar
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Bash shortcuts do not work in Konsole on Kubuntu

I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu recently and I noticed that terminal behavior is weird. For example, Alt+backspace bash shortcut does not work as expected. It is supposed to remove from the ...
altern's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Navigate up and down in "screen" (command) linux

After running a script in "screen" command in linux terminal, I identified that Im not able to scroll up or down. The entire screen is frozen and I'm just able to see whatever new messages ...
thata pati's user avatar
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WSL2 duplicated terminal

I installed WSL2 and everything went fine, but after installing, I see 2 different profiles in Terminal: One has the Ubuntu Icon (left), and the other has the generic Terminal icon (right): They look ...
user1753532's user avatar
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3 answers

A terminal that has a separate input and output window?

I am looking for a terminal on Ubuntu Desktop (or Windows) that can split input and output in different windows. Like a split window, on the left side I type all the commands, the results will be ...
Root Loop's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Update the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to WSL 2

I have a list of instructions to follow but when I get to step 6 I'm met with There is no distribution with the supplied name. Can someone please lead me in the right direction please? Thse are the ...
user1737305's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

terminal git status helper listed in .bashrc and .bash_profile not loading unless you source .bash_profile

I have the following neat helper, that I found online, that displays my current git branch at all times if I am in a git repo: parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -...
codyc4321's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How can I achieve the look of the Kali terminal in Ubuntu?

I have been using kali Linux for Years but recently have switched over to Ubuntu for my daily driver I really miss the Look and feel of Kali Linux Terminal but want to stick with Ubuntu as my daily ...
kalistamp's user avatar
2 votes
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How to select the current line inside ubuntu terminal with hotkeys and copy it inside main clipboard

How can i select the whole line in ubuntu terminal only with hotkeys? CTRL+U works, but puts it inside a buffer. How can i copy that buffer into the main clipboard? Or how can i select/highlight the ...
Trofin's user avatar
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What does user@mail:~$ mean?

I have an Ubuntu Server on version Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and I'm confused about the following. Usually in the terminal it's like that: user@nameofdevice:~$ but for any reason it's now user@mail:~$ and I ...
puncher's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu/WSL disappeared from Windows Terminal?

I am using WSL/Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows Terminal, and I wanted to change my font color. When I copied settings into my settings.json file, the Ubuntu profile disappeared from Windows Terminal`. My ...
Leviathan's user avatar
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2 answers

Terminal paging in Windows terminal

I recently had to setup a Windows computer. I usually remote into a linux box(Ubuntu) for development, so I'm using "Windows terminal" app with Window's built-in ssh client to login to my ...
rookie's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to delete the all the file with the same extension

I have thousands of files with the below hierarchy. Mail folder -> sub folder -> example.xlsx Mail folder -> sub folder -> example.bck for example, I have thousands of "Main Folder&...
Vishal's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I fix command output in terminal is invisible on external monitor

Sometimes, when I run a command in Windows Terminal, the output of that command will be invisible until I select the text in the terminal, then it appears one whole line at a time, even if I don't ...
Nate's user avatar
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macOS terminal: show filename with colors when using grep

When using Ubuntu I get these colors when using grep (grep -r "MSP" .): I want the same result when using macOS Monterey. I tried to add export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' to my bash ...
Miguel's user avatar
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internal HDD with a bad sector - Can it be Saved?

I have a 2.5 inch internal HDD which seems to have malfunctioned as the drive was being erased on a console.  I connected it to an internal HDD enclosure to allow the PC to start and then plugged it ...
Xero's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu 20.04: sudo apt-get update command error

I ran the sudo apt-get update command and I keep getting this output: Hit:1 focal InRelease Ign:2 focal InRelease ...
TshegoMolefe_Dev's user avatar
-1 votes
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ubuntu server temporarily stop all network traffic

I have an ubuntu machine connected to a openvpn server with inbound and outbound connections. In terminal, what is the best/cleanest/safest/least disruptive way to quickly stop/block all network ...
TBAR's user avatar
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Ubuntu global keyboard shortcuts stop working when Terminal is active

I'm trying to get global shortcuts working everywhere for this GNOME extension: I have set the shortcuts as follows: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm....
Summer's user avatar
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how to get to 'username' from 'username@server' on ubuntu terminal?

My terminal on ubuntu 20.04 looks like: I don't know what is @server after the username, but I guess it is a leftover from an earlier now meaningless installation of something. My question is how to ...
Sanyifejű's user avatar
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All terminals in i3 WM share the same input

I am trying out i3 tiling window manager on Ubuntu 20.04. All terminals started with $mod+Enter share the same input: i.e. if I type something on one terminal, the same gets printed on another. This ...
Alexey Tigarev's user avatar
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How to get the proper output?

I am working with an algorithm that produces outputs like these: ... 2 3 0 & :instance & :|V| & :|A| & :T & :model & :rootLP & :maxFlowCuts & :maxFlowCutsTime & :...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server Font Anti Aliasing

I have looked every where for this but couldn't find a fix, I installed ubuntu server 20.04 x86 on VirtualBox Specs But I noticed that the text looks extremely sharp (Aliased) in the terminal I know I ...
تركي محمد - TURKY_M7MD's user avatar
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ls: cannot access file, bad message

i can't see the Downloads folder from GUI, a message appear "The location could not be displayed" pointing one pdf file so i enter using the terminal but when i run the ls -l command i see ...
Mauricio Velasco's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

WSL issue, vi, vim and nano are unusable (empty terminal screen) (same isue with ubuntu 20 or debian on wsl)

I get a strange issue with ubuntu on wsl. When I want to modify a txt file on Ubuntu or Debian (via WSL in Windows), the content of the terminal empties and I see nothing (the content of the text file ...
spacecodeur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Changing Linux terminal key bindings

In Linux terminal, Is there any way to change Alt + Backspace or Ctrl + W shortcut which is used to delete the previous word to Ctrl + Backspace??
stewart's user avatar
-1 votes
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i enter "rm -rf /obj" and my system is broked

i enter "rm -rf /obj" erroneous .now my system is broken! :( for example i enter ls terminal return : OH NO i go to copy terminal massage ,my system on sleep mode! now i enter pass dm ...
ama coder's user avatar
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How do I launch gnome-terminal directly from the Windows desktop?

I have WSL2 set up with vcxsrv to launch GUI apps and this works great. However, the default terminal that shows up with the Ubuntu app on Windows is terrible. I can launch gnome-terminal from it, ...
superchampionoftheworld's user avatar
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ubuntu 20: ctrl + alt + t doesnt focus window

for some reason after a few updates and driver changes, opening terminal doesn't put terminal in focus, instead giving me a notification toaster popup that terminal is ready. I have searched in dconf ...
Bots Fab's user avatar
2 votes
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German Keyboard {[] not working on Windows 10 Terminal and WSL

In the windows 10 Terminal and Ubuntu console these key combinations dont work: ctrl + alt + 7 = { ctrl + alt + 8 = [ ctrl + alt + 9 = ] However, right alt (Alt Gr) works perfectly fine. ...
Klaus Klarsteinerer's user avatar
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deleting history in server using history -cw

I have deleted my history in server as a user history -cw Will this delete history for all users including superuser and will he see that I used the history -cw ?
nolymp's user avatar
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3 votes
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Alacritty cursor always block (█)

I reinstalled Ubuntu (LTS) yesterday and now my cursor in Alacritty is always a block (█). It works fine in Neovim but whatever I do it stays the same in my normal shell. I tried it in fish, bash, sh, ...
Nils's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Default Alacritty terminal for WSL2

I just installed WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 on my Windows 10 machine and I also installed Alacritty terminal emulator for Windows. I'm wondering is there a way to make WSL to default into using Alacritty ...
Oluevaera's user avatar
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Where are packages installed from Ubuntu terminal stored in windows

I recently downloaded the Ubuntu terminal on windows 10, because a repository I'm experimenting with requires OCaml and opam. I've run into an error and to solve it I need to delete some opam files (...
01110000_01110000's user avatar
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Rsync directory error

I wanted to copy files that are made 15 and more days ago. Here is the code im currently using rsync -RDa0P \ --files-from=<(find /vmail/folder1/ -mtime +15 -print0) \ . [email protected]:/...
user13539846's user avatar
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How to conveniently use Ubuntu with a Mac keyboard, using the MAC meaning of keys?

I access Ubuntu via Barrier keyboard sharing software. The keyboard is on a mac book. This functionally works but there is much cognitive overload with switching between the different key meanings. 90%...
Soylent Blue's user avatar
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Command line permissions in Mac

I’ve tried to install yarn using Homebrew and because the brew don’t have the permission to write I’ve written this command line in Terminal $sudo chown -R $(whoami) * After this command my Mac is ...
Eyad 's user avatar
1 vote
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how to reverse command Ubuntu?

Example 1: sudo sed -i "s/#user = "root"/user = "$(id -un)"/g" /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf Example 2: sudo sed -i "s/#group = "root"/group = "$(id -gn)&...
odondonaga's user avatar
1 vote
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unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ubuntu 20.04

Can someone help me ??? i don't know where is the problem ?? ./ line 268: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ./ line 271: syntax error: unexpected end of file ...
Rayen Ben Said's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How can I download a folder from Google Drive in Linux?

How can I download a directory from Google Drive to Ubuntu 20.04 with wget? I searched and have not found a solution that works for me. I tested this command: wget --no-check-certificate 'https://...
Rayen Ben Said's user avatar
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How to paste from Windows into Ubuntu 20 shell in the cpanel of my website?

I am in the cPanel of my website and the hosting allows me to access the shell (Ubuntu 20). I cannot use simply CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste lines from Windows, Quick Edit Mode isn't active nor can I paste ...
Andrea D_'s user avatar
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