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Tmux prefix doesn't work unless ~/.tmux.conf is forced

I'm currently including tmux into my work flow but I've not been able to use its prefix like it is set up natively C-b on start. My work around to this problem is to set another key bind on the ...
Juan Jáuregui's user avatar
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tmux ctrl-b + [arrow key] for navigation not working

I am pressing Ctrl+B, releasing both keys, and then pressing arrow keys, but it is not navigating (instead it is going through past commands as if Ctrl+B was not pressed). I'm using tmux in a SSH ...
Joe C.'s user avatar
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tmux doesn't instantly update pane's title

I'd like to have tmux "instantly" update the pane's title to match what is currently being executed in the terminal. For an instance: If the pane contains the shell then its title should be ...
pic810's user avatar
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Shell prompt colored outside of tmux, but not in tmux; how can I get colored prompt in tmux?

I am a new user of tmux and wondering how I can highlight machine name and working directory? What I mean is below. In default Ubuntu terminal: While in tmux: I know this is a minor, but having ...
Darren Christopher's user avatar
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TO close Tmux along with terminal (if terminal is closed)

I have configured my Tmux to open with i open terminal by modifying the .zshrc file. [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && tmux -u It worked fine, now I want to close the tmux session when I close ...
shohel hossain's user avatar
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Keep a Mac working on a terminal task

I would like to keep a process going on a Mac. I'm starting the process in a terminal (doesn't matter using TMUX or not), locking the screen and walking away. Several hours later I see the process ...
Back2Basics's user avatar
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Tmux session disconnect does not preserve session content when reconnecting

I need to copy a 200gb+ file to multiple servers from one server. I have a sftp transfer running in multiple tmux sessions from the one server. When I press ctrl+b, d to exit the tmux instance and ...
user460178's user avatar
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How do I create a pty without a shell?

Backstory: I have a CLI Python application. I want to be able to debug it without interfering with the CLI of the main application. The Python debugger allows you to specify an alternative stdin/...
FrederikVds's user avatar
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Resize Tmux status bar size

I'm trying to resize the status bar from tmux and I don't find anywhere where they show how to do it. My main problem is that it's too big for me and kinda distracting. tmux I want to be able to ...
trissaik's user avatar
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Line wrap not working correctly in Tmux in Tmux in Mosh

I connect via Mosh on some server, and run Tmux there, which runs fine. From there, I sometimes connect via SSH to other servers, and I might run another Tmux inside there. For most other servers, ...
Albert's user avatar
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NeoVim sluggish with tmux

NeoVim use 0.5-1 sec to go from insert to normal mode IF in tmux, not otherwise. I use Alacritty with WSL (Debian), and have tested in the following ways. Tested if it was NeoVim plugins NeoVim ...
Lepherd's user avatar
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Why is this tmux option not persisting?

I would like to generate a bashrc configuration file each time I start a particular tmux session, and I want to use my user's default tmux configuration file ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/tmux/tmux.conf as well. ...
ardnew's user avatar
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Propagating zsh window title through tmux, then ssh, to terminal emulator/window manager

My zsh automatically sets my terminal emulator (kitty)'s window title to my current working directory, or whatever program is currently running within it. However, when I ssh to a remote host and run ...
kovas's user avatar
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Tmux does not respond to alt+click as Mac Terminal?

I am very used to using alt+click to move the cursor in Terminal on macOS. I recently switched from screen to tmux and this no longer works despite having mouse-mode set to on in my config (and it is ...
donkey's user avatar
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Tmux sending wrong keycodes for "ctrl + arrowkey" and "ctrl + shift + arrowkey"

The problem I upgraded to MacOS 13.5 today and immediately noticed this issue. Inside of tmux (running in iterm2) when I perform ctrl + arrow-key or ctrl + shift + arrow-key the wrong keycodes are ...
JDN's user avatar
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Tmux tile layout arranges 8 panes into 3x3 instead of 4x2

When I split the window into 8 panes in tmux and cycle to the tile layout, the panes are arranged in a 3x3 fasion, with the 8th pane taking up 2 tiled spaces: Is there a way to make it arrange 8 ...
OutwardThinking's user avatar
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How can I get iTerm2 to colour-code remote tmux sessions?

Currently I have a script called, which ssh's into a server, and integrates with iTerm2's native tmux integration to display the tmux session in native windows; until ssh $1 -t "tmux -CC a -...
Shadowjonathan's user avatar
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Tab key working as prefix key in tmux

I've remapped my prefix key to Control-I(C-i). It works, but my Tab key now also works as a prefix key, I can't use it for things like autocomplete anymore. I don't know what is causing this, this is ...
mal1213's user avatar
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Can't automatically kill session on terminal close

I'm using st terminal from By default there is no scrollback buffer so I would like to use tmux for this. The problem is when I use a keybinding to close the terminal the tmux sessions ...
Arthur's user avatar
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tmux status bar showing the terminal's available width and height in pixels

It would be nice if tmux could display the width and height of a current window within its status bar. I personally use :resize-window -x -y quite a lot, cause I connect from a computer to a second ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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TMUX does not print full prompt on the windows terminal

Hello I have the following config for TMUX: set -sg escape-time 50 # set-option -sa terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB" set -g mouse on ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
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Speed Up Zsh Loading Time in tmux

Like many users, I'm experiencing slow load up times with my shell on macOS. I've seen many questions about this topic, and I'm using a suggested workaround, which is setting the terminal emulator (...
buldog9800's user avatar
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Unusual behoiur in tmux, Tab clears the pane when it's not set to

For some unknown reason in Tmux the 'Tab' key clears the pane I'm in, which is annoying when I use 'Tab' to indent in Neovim and 'Shift Tab' to unindent. Is there a way to fix this (stop 'Tab' ...
arkosno's user avatar
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How to show the terminal associated with a window in the status line

I tend to have a workflow with many terminal windows on my screen all running tmux with various different things running in them. I often find myself wanting to know "where is this background ...
Chris Dodd's user avatar
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How to start tmux session that overrides environment variables set in .bash_profile?

Suppose I have an environment variable set inside .bash_profile: export ABC=from_bash_profile. $ echo $ABC from_bash_profile When I try to create a new tmux session with environment variables for ...
m01010011's user avatar
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run command in a new window of a separate tmux detached session

What is the tmux command to open a video file (with mpv) with its terminal output opened in a new window of another session called media (create the session if it doesn't exist)
conduit_unsteady_frisbee's user avatar
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Why does FAQ of tmux say that "Inside tmux TERM must be screen, tmux or similar"?

FAQ of tmux says that "Inside tmux TERM must be screen, tmux or similar". Why is that? How about xterm type terminal description, like xterm-256color? Is there any potential compatibility ...
UpbtEZ's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a new pane with the same connection in tmux?

My setup: Tmux locally, with many connections to different servers in different panes What I want to do: Press a shortcut within one pane, to open a new pane with the same connection already set up. ...
Sikander Lhote's user avatar
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How to pass an ALT key press through SSH connection to tmux using suckless simple terminal emulator?

On my local machine I have suckless simple terminal and tmux with the settings like this: bind-key -n M-k next-window where I am binding an action to a key combination Alt + k. It perfectly works on ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Tmux Copy Mode: Show Current Line As Ascending Value From Top of Buffer

In this image I'm in tmux copy mode and at the very bottom of scroll the buffer. The line indicator on the top right shows 0/31827. How can I show the current line number as a value that ascends from ...
usr30742's user avatar
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Tmux returns error and error code 1 is displayed in terminal prompt

When I run tmux my terminal prompt displays an error code, and I'm not sure why. I don't really know how to see where that error code is printed out, and I don't even really know where to begin. It's ...
jFasaJr's user avatar
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Tmux on start and with previous command

I can easily start tmux on my shell on start, but let's assume: Process A => launch a new terminal (process B) with a command Process B => just start tmux without launching the command passed ...
Shifenis's user avatar
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Run 8 commands in parallel in equalized tmux panes

I have a monitoring utility that consists of 8 individual utilities, to monitor multiple aspects of a system. All of them kind of work like htop, in that they rewrite the screen periodically instead ...
user2741831's user avatar
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Debain system Shortcut inside SH Script

So I have a basic SH script that lanuches and splits TMUX. I would just like the script to run either or Super+T or ALT-F10 after finishing all of the necessary steps for tmux. I have installed and ...
Kyle Jutras's user avatar
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shell for tmux on mac: tmux command need "tmux" before everything

when entering tmux, my default shell becomes Oh My Zsh which is fine. However as a result before every command for tmux I have to type "tmux" but every single tutorial i am viewing doesn't ...
itachi_chi's user avatar
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Why isn't Esc working in vim in tmux in Mintty?

I sometimes use Mintty from Windows to ssh to a server, where I use vim (neovim) inside tmux. I have used this setup for years without issue. However, recently I have had the odd issue that pushing ...
polm23's user avatar
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Can't connect to a multiuser screen session using * flag

I am currently trying to set up a multi user screen environment and am having some trouble adding users. According to screens man page a single * can be used instead of a specific username to allow ...
gooseinmyway's user avatar
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Why ZSH behaves differently in Tmux when I press CTRL or ALT before any other keys

ZSH normally works fine except when I use it in Tmux. When I press ALT or CTRL before any other keys like Alt + Left Arrow (to jump by words) or Alt + Backspace (to delete a word), it suddenly changes ...
mortymacs's user avatar
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tmux scroll without rebinding mouse click?

I used set -g mouse on bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'" ...
minseong's user avatar
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Why tmux does not respect terminal color settings?

I'm using alacritty terminal emulator and ZSH shell. When I customize my alacritty config so it contains light background and specific color scheme, it works allright. But as soon as I create tmux ...
user3056783's user avatar
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What does ctrl+arrow do in vim within tmux, and how do I skip words?

I am used to using vim in a normal gnome-terminal, in which by default ctrl+arrow can skip words. However, if I am using vim in tmux, these key combinations would delete lines of words. Question: ...
trisct's user avatar
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Terminal not cleaning lines

I'm working on a remote Ubuntu 20.10 machine [linux version 5.8.0-1011-gcp] in Google Cloud, built from a basic Ubuntu image, using gnu bash 5.0.17(1)-release and xterm 353, and the terminal isn't ...
Dirich's user avatar
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iTerm terminal emulation is weird

Recently, I switched to iTerm because a lot of people recommends it, but it behaves quite weirdly. It does not automatically enter "alternate screen mode" if less/man/similar commands are ...
Joy Jin's user avatar
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tmux client-detached hook does not execute when terminal emulator closes

I have the following in my .tmux.conf file (and nothing else). set-hook -g 'client-detached' 'run "echo DETACH >> .tmux.log"' set-hook -g 'client-attached' 'run "echo ATTACH >&...
Ashton Snelgrove's user avatar
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How to use tmux between local laptop and remote server

I am currently in a VPN using RStudio which is installed on my local desktop to do some analysis. However, to do analysis, I extract data from my database which is installed on a remote server. What I ...
The Great's user avatar
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Executing script only on terminal startup with tmux

I have configured my Gnome terminal on Linux Mint 18.3 to always start tmux by default by adding a couple of lines to my ~/.bashrc. This works extremely well, except that I also run another script ...
gilbertohasnofb's user avatar
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Tmux does not appear to load .bashrc

I'm trying to start using tmux and 'fixing' the fact that tmux doesn't load my .bashrc on startup. I tried to do all fixes like adding source ~/.bashrc to ~/.profile or creating ~/.bash_profile and ...
arsene's user avatar
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Kill all unnamed sessions

Is there a command/plugging that closes (kill-session) all sessions you haven't explicitly named? I need this because I have tmux configured to auto-start on bashrc, and this creates a lot of empty ...
alvitawa's user avatar
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Mac terminal shows messy code when click (or any mouse action) the terminal once there was a tmux opened for this session

The messy codes looks like this: As to reproduction, firstly I ssh a server and open the tmux. then if there is a disconnection, whatever the mouse action (like click or scroll) I made, it would show ...
DennisLi's user avatar
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Tmux: ssh into a server, split window and have it ssh into same server

The way we use tmux is to ssh into a main server, we will then open tmux, and create a new window for each server we ssh into (C-S, prompts for a server and this will then create a new windows and ssh ...
Nod's user avatar
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