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I installed Pyyaml before Libyaml. How do I get Pyyaml to have Libyaml support?

I'm on macOS Sonoma. I installed Pyyaml before Libyaml by accident. I installed Pyyaml with pip and Libyaml with Homebrew. How do I get Pyyaml to have Libyaml support? I tried uninstalling it, but it ...
lafunbug's user avatar
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Can I give a directory back to superuser?

I'm on macOS Sonoma. I was installing some Python and C packages in Homebrew, and it asked me to run: sudo chown -R username /usr/local/opt And: chmod u+w /usr/local/opt Now that I've installed the ...
lafunbug's user avatar
2 votes
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Clear previous command output (not full screen)

Example This is on the terminal screen: user@host ~ % ls dir1 dir2 dir3 user@host ~ % whoami user user@host ~ % date Wed May 24 16:25:26 -03 2023 user@host ~ % [CURSOR IS HERE] I'm trying to ...
ranemirusG's user avatar
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Is it possible to stop Terminal from running a specific command on MacOS?

I'm looking for a way to stop a specific command from being ran on MacOS's terminal, or if that's not possible lock it (either with a different password than the user password, or time lock it) before ...
Michael L's user avatar
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How to change mac terminal keybinding for color picker to execute the escape sequence instead?

Every time I hit command + shift + c in the terminal app it opens a color picker. I would like this keybinding to instead send the escape sequence to the terminal to cancel the execution of the ...
Derek M's user avatar
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Any ideas on how to reset my zsh terminal to default?

I need help with my zsh environment. I am just getting into customizing my terminal and I have managed to mess up my terminal. I have lost access to the whole terminal as it no longer accepts any ...
Dauda Fahad M Garba's user avatar
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How to uninstall iTerm form the mac?

How can I uninstall iTerm from my Mac? I searched a lot on the Internet but I didn't find any helpful Informations. I want to mention too that I installed iTerm without using Homebrew.
user avatar
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How do I open URLs in the background of an existing Chrome window with Terminal on MacOS?

Currently I am building an iOS shortcut to open multiple links through SSH on my MacBook and I am wondering if it is possible to open URLs in the background of Google Chrome without losing focus of ...
LudwikDE's user avatar
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How do I ensure bash *never* expands paths in environment variables when tab-completing?

$ bash --version GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) I normally using the above bash version on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine via MATE terminal. Currently however I am using macOS 10....
mystery's user avatar
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Why is vim swapping case on forward-delete?

Vim + Catalina I just switched to MacOS Catalina which has zsh and vim 8.1 out-of-the-box. VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Dec 13 2019 14:45:40) Included patches: 1-503, 505-680, 682-...
coolaj86's user avatar
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How do I keep using terminal while qlmanage is running?

I am using the command qlmanage -p (file) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null to open quicklook with a file and send both stdout and stderr to /dev/null. I would like the quicklook to stay up while I keep ...
Paul Springer's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set up a keyboard shortcut to open Terminal on macOS FOR FREE?

Tried looking all over the internet, they all require buying third party programs that support the feature, or suggest programs that don't work for me. Like Automator. Automator doesn't recognize ...
BP9381's user avatar
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Terminal (Mac) isn't behaving as it should on startup

Apologies for this rookie question, but I have no idea what to do or who to ask to try and fix this. While following a Codecademy course and trying to set up Git, I did something that I can't for ...
B Sanderson's user avatar
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Move files two directories up & delete directories afterwards, using wildcards

I have a folder structure like the below. 1/data/f4aa9d39291bc37a7cacedfab656a941/x1.jpg The first slot and the random string in the third slot vary depending on the folder. (Let's say for this ...
Scheris's user avatar
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Prevent Stretching of Terminal Background on MacOS

This may seem like a silly question, but I am modifying the appearance of the terminal application using the profiles menu on MacOS 10.14. I have a nice high resolution image that I have used as a ...
janna's user avatar
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Use iterm2 or terminal app which can filter results, not just highlight results

Right now I am on MacOS, and I am using iterm2 as my terminal app. It's got some great features but one limitation is that when I use ctrl-f to search for something, it will highlight the results in ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
8 votes
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Less seems to no longer accept mouse-scrolls in the Terminal in macOS

For a few years now, in macOS has supported mouse-scrolling with the less program, but today I noticed that it is no longer accepting mouse scrolls, and only works with the Up and Down ...
Sheharyar's user avatar
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This prompt makes terminals wrap mid screen why? [duplicate]

I've the following PS1 prompt: export PS1="\e[1m\e[38;5;198m\u\e[0m @ \e[1m\e[38;5;208m\h\e[0m : \e[1m\w\e[0m\e[38;5;226m\$(parse_git_branch)\e[0m \e[1m>>>\e[0m " what happens is that when ...
user19203's user avatar
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iTerm2 shares the same instance across all macOS workspaces

Suddenly after a computer restart, my iTerm behaves differently, as the same iTerm2 instance is shard across all macOS workspaces. If I open a new tab or open a new windows of iTerm2, these will ...
Marius's user avatar
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Disabling the small tab titles in

In the mac default terminal app you can set a name for each tab. However, whenever processes run there's a smaller title that shows up at the side describing what process is running: Note how next ...
Razor Storm's user avatar
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Mac OS Terminal - Change to Recent Directory

In Mac OS Terminal, is there a way to either have the Terminal remember the directory it was on after I last quit the Terminal application or easily "cd" to a recent directory? I often "cd" every ...
Mike Eng's user avatar
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2 answers

Open Terminal with predefined tabs

Is there any way to open Terminal with predefined tabs? I have 5 most common paths that I usually use and I want Terminal to open with these paths opened in different Tabs. I guess this should be ...
Ilia Kukharev's user avatar
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Long form command line flags in Terminal?

I hope this is the right place to ask this question. So basically, I'm currently combing through some of the more commonly used Terminal commands, and I find it really hard to remember the short form ...
Baggio Wong's user avatar
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What does Cmd+Up/Down do on mac terminal?

I'm curious in what Cmd+Up/Down does in the default mac terminal app. When I press the combination, it shows a yellow box around the previous command but doesn't actually select it. What are some ...
Derek 朕會功夫's user avatar
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How to stop and start Adobe Creative Cloud in Apple Terminal?

I've tried using osascript -e 'tell application "Creative Cloud" to quit but get the error message 17:18: syntax error: Expected expression, property or key form, etc. but found unknown token. (-...
estocholmo21's user avatar
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How do we select text the Terminal way while inside Vim?

For example, when outside of Vim, I can select text then press cmd+c to copy text. But when I am inside of Vim, I can no longer do that because the mouse interacts with Vim. Is there some way to get ...
trusktr's user avatar
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How to reinitialize a CLI application between some interval (Like reinitiate elinks between some interval in the same terminal window)?

I am using Elinks for specific page where I have to reload the page between every one minute. To reload it I have to press Ctrl+R shortcut to work it out. Can I automate this procedure? I tried to ...
Ryko's user avatar
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How does detect a change to the terminal parameters?

In an answer to another question, Chris Page said that Terminal can detect when the terminal parameters are in a state that is likely to be for password entry. For example, the terminal may be in ...
fumoboy007's user avatar
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why terminal auto duplicate letter when I type -

I just got this weird behavior, does anyone know how to stop it? When I type 'dir' then '-' terminal gives me this 'ddir-' And here is the video of that
angry kiwi's user avatar
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Stop arrow keys typing letters in vim insert mode

When I hit the arrow keys in insert mode I get characters instead of navigation: I'd like to be able to use the arrow keys to navigate. Note: I recently upgraded to macOS Sierra. Maybe something ...
minseong's user avatar
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How to open Mozilla Developer Edition from terminal

I wish to open Mozilla Firefox Edition app with index.html from terminal in my mac but don't know the command. firefox index.html command doesn't work.
abhimanyuaryan's user avatar
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Terminal is showing computer name as a weird number?

I have a Macbook Pro and I use the terminal quite often. So as usual, I launched terminal today and I saw: Last login: Sun May 8 13:20:40 on ttys000 172-15-43-17:~ koraytugay$ Until today, I am ...
Koray Tugay's user avatar
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Is there a way to copy text in htop on Mac OSX?

I wanted to copy all of the process information related to a specific program/software (Adobe in this case, other ones in the future) and so I tried holding Shift as mentioned here: Is there a way to ...
Montag's user avatar
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Keyboard shortcut to scroll Terminal one line at a time

I'm using Terminal on OS X El Capitan. I want to scroll my terminal output by lines (not using page-up or down). I'm pretty sure I used to do this with Cmd-up/Cmd-down, but now that appears to just ...
Evan Pon's user avatar
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Is there an OSX terminal command (el capitan) to disable / hide panes in System Preferences?

been Googling for the better part of an hour now and not too familiar with OSX ways of doing things via command line. If anyone has a great resource site for OSX system commands / switches that would ...
Sandfrog's user avatar
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Quit OSX Terminal on Last Window Close

I have my preferences set so that CTRL-D closes my current window, but I'd like the Terminal application to quit if I close my last/only terminal window. iTerm2 can do this. Can Terminal do it?
Ben Lindsay's user avatar
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How can I change the color of only the command I type, and not the output following it?

export PS1='\[\033[1;31m\]\u\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[4;31m\]\W\[\033[0m\] \[\033[0;33m\]\$' This is what my prompt looks like at the moment. However, this paints everything after the $ in yellow too. I ...
bernk's user avatar
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OS X writing on NTFS filesystem: files disappeared after ls -l@

I have an NTFS hard drive that I have written files to after following the instructions here to allow for writing to NTFS. I noticed that if I write files to NTFS, after disconnecting the drive and ...
divide_by_zero's user avatar
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How to fix files and directories in Mac terminal from being inverted?

I recently was going through some directories and realized that my files/directories are inverted as opposed to being alphabetic from top to bottom. As the terminal is after an ls -al: Public ...
dlchang's user avatar
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OS X selection color when window inactive

I am using a solarized color scheme in When I select text it looks great, and I am able to change the color of the selection in the preferences. But when I move focus to another ...
gfreestone's user avatar
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Redirect stderr to second terminal / tty

I've tried things like rse to differentiate standard-output and standard-error streams from a program; but I'd really like the option of viewing the two in separate terminals, without redirecting to a ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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How to close open (20+) notification windows from terminal or disable HP Alerts?

For some strange reason an app called “HP Alerts” filled my screen overnight with notification windows telling me one of my inkjet cartridges are low on ink. I have now disabled these notifications ...
Patrick Dumon's user avatar
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print names of files in folder from path in terminal

I was making a program and want to see all the items in a folder by giving it the path. my program uses the terminal so the commands are the same. something along the lines of echo "/Users/Danny/...
Danny Sedlov's user avatar
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Midnight Commander function keys not working

I'm using Midnight Commander in a Mac Terminal. I'm using PC keyboard, so function keys work as F1-F12 keys, but they don't work in MC. I tested what character sequence is sent with each function key ...
SiliconMind's user avatar
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Terminal file find location [duplicate]

I am using a mac terminal (.command) file to launch a Python program. My question is, how can I find the location of the .command file when I am inside of the .command file. Thank you.
Progo's user avatar
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When opening Terminal: "NO LOGINS: System going down at 01:10"

I'm trying to get a terminal open, and I get this message: NO LOGINS: System going down at 01:10 Login incorrect login: *myname* Login incorrect login: It doesn't prompt for my password. This ...
JJJollyjim's user avatar
13 votes
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Cancelling shutdown -h command on Mac

I usually use the command sudo shutdown -h +60 from the Terminal on my Mac. Although I'd like sometime to cancel the scheduled shutdown or postpone it. Is there a command to do so? If yes, how?
moray95's user avatar
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Cannot save the output from a unix executable

I am attempting to save the output of an application I wrote. When I try to save the output by redirecting stdout the file that it results in is blank. This is what I am typing into (OS ...
Blakeasd's user avatar
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iTerm2: fix for choppy/jumpy cursor movement?

I just started using iTerm2 and I'm loving it, except that cursor movement is smoother on the that comes with OSX. I have my key-repeat speed pretty high, which makes it more noticeable. ...
ivan's user avatar
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Keystrokes and commands for my inputrc — key-combination for “Shift-Space”, remap “Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown” to something without Page-keys

I need to add some things to my inputrc. I'm using bash 4, as OS I'm using debian and OSX. My terminal emulators are rxvt-unicode-256 on debian and on OSX. My new macbook has no Insert/...
fooness's user avatar
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