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Putty history access weird behavior

I'm using PuTTY v0.78 on a Win10 host, connecting to Ubuntu v22.04. After I've pasted any command into the PuTTY terminal, when I scroll though the history using ↑, I can't scroll up to the prompt ...
Daros1001's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Stop scrolling to the bottom automatically in PuTTY

I am using tail -f to monitor a file via PuTTY. But each time new content arrives then it automatically scrolls to the bottom and so I can't read the text. Is there a way to make it stop that ...
Black's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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Serial terminal emulator for Ubuntu ( Zorin ) - PuTTY config window is too big for screen

I've installed Zorin on an old netbook with the aim of using it as a serial terminal to read and store data from an Arduino (eg Nano). I cant use PuTTY because it looks like this - the bottom part of ...
user2963760's user avatar
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Putty setting for different colors of text transmitted and received

I'm using Putty as a terminal emulator to control some equipment. The protocol is to send a command and receive a reply, each terminated by a CR/LF. The format of the command and reply are nearly ...
gnuarm's user avatar
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Is there an shortcut to just pause without suspend in terminal?

In putty, the program running inside in screen is paused (Not just output when Ctrl+S is pressed but the whole program) (don't know how but some output is selected; somehow SIGSTOP is sent) and after ...
Smart Manoj's user avatar
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windows cmd terminal or git bash or conEmu press up arrow key doesn't set 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 in subshell (using putty plink)

I'm using putty's plink command to login to serial console, when press up arrow key, 0x1b 0x5b 0x41 is expected to set to MCU and I can use the shell history. But it doesn't work, it's work in putty ...
Divlaker's user avatar
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Ctrl+L stopped clearing screen in PuTTY sessions [duplicate]

I have PuTTY 0.76 running on Windows 10 2004. I use PuTTY for connecting to several Linux servers using SSH. In past I have been able to to clear terminal screen with key combination Ctrl+L. But now ...
Madoc Comadrin's user avatar
2 votes
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PuTTY sending extra garbage before each Telnet command

I'm trying to establish a Telnet connection to my 3d printer with PuTTY. It connects, but when I send a command I get echo:unknown command followed by the correct command I tried to send, in the ...
drunkScientist's user avatar
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putty + powerlevel10k - font issue

I'm running ubuntu with zsh and powerlevel10k and that works just fine on the graphical terminal. I don't really use the TTY terminals, and if I do I can manage to make sense of the broken fonts, so ...
FalcoGer's user avatar
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putty won't close after starting script with -m option

with this script putty -ssh user@host -i C:\Users\TheUser\.ssh\id_rsa.ppk -m C:\users\TheUser\desktop\script.txt exit I tried to automate a network shutdown after a backup on the Remote NAS, ...
DerDieDasEiche's user avatar
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How to read and send data to PS/2 port? [closed]

I have a device connected via PS/2 on Windows PC, acting like a keyboard. I would like to use a "terminal" to monitor the data coming from that port, and even send data to it. I expected ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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Paste with right-click in unfocused Windows console

By default, in Windows 10 console, to paste a text with right-click I have to focus the console window first. I'd like to reproduce the Putty console behaviour, where the text can be pasted to an ...
mortalis's user avatar
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How can I use a terminal software like PuTTY to login to a DOS PC that functions as a Host via serial connection?

I have connected my client PC and a little DOS PC via serial cable and used PuTTY to establish a connection between the two. I did a simple test by typing echo hello>com1 into the command line of ...
Quriou's user avatar
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Multiple PuTTY windows/consoles using one SSH connection

In any major OS, you can open multiple terminal connections. Is this possible using PuTTY? To be clear, I do not mean opening up a console session and logging into remote equipment. Then starting a ...
leftover's user avatar
-1 votes
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Transfer file.txt from one of my server to another via ssh

is there a way to transfer file.txt from one of my server to another via ssh? i have ip addresses, root usernames and passes both server's. I've read this topic ==> How to upload local file to ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Can I configure Putty to Use PC/Mac Copy/Paste Convention?

My question is in the title, but let me forestall two responses: Yes, I understand how copy/paste works usually under X. I spend most of my day working on a Linux workstation. But my fingers have ...
CarlEdman's user avatar
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Incorrect cursor movement in PuTTY when connected to Raspbian

I've run into a very odd problem connecting to my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian) using PuTTY for Windows — the ANSI "cursor" position isn't getting updated correctly. This manifests in a couple of ...
Ben Blank's user avatar
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Accessing notepad from SSH Server

I setup an SSH server in my windows 10 PC using MobaSSH Server. I then connected to it using another windows 10 PC using MobaXterm SSH Client (through a local user account in the server). X11-...
Meenie Leis's user avatar
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Putty installation error on Mac

(putty:46267): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:19:11.146: cannot open display: i was trying to install putty in mac majavo 10.14.4 but facing with the above error. I have followed all the steps: Install Xcode. ...
Mustaq Syed's user avatar
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SSH websetup -y "command not found" - Putty (Mac)

Our university have given us webspace to host our webpages this term. The instructions given include using SSH client Putty to connect to the server and run the command websetup -y however this is ...
Daniel Mclaughlan's user avatar
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Can ping ubuntu server, but not connect with putty

I'm just wondering if this is common. And if there is a way around this problem. I have a webserver at home running on ubuntu 16.04. I manage this through putty. My problem happened when I was ...
sumpen's user avatar
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Putty Serial, Edit file via vi or vim [duplicate]

I am trying to connect to my single board computer terminal, which has OpenWRT Linux. in order to do that, I connect the board serial pin (UART) to my pc and access to the terminal using Putty. I need ...
M.Armoun's user avatar
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how to open file with atom-editor in linux terminal

i want to use atom editor in terminal. in GUI environment, i can use atom editor with no problem, but in terminal, i can't open file with atom editor. atom editor does not support console-mode?
sailfish009's user avatar
16 votes
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PuTTY: connected to some Ubuntu server, sometimes stops going to a new line when pressing enter

I use PuTTY in order to SSH to some Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS x64 server. Pressing the key ENTER causes the terminal to go to a new line. However, from time to time, some program outputs some text, and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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PuTTY Serial `logout` or `exit` alternative

When using PuTTY connected to a SSH session, upon entering exit or logout command, the connection is terminated and PuTTY is disconnected. I'm designing an embedded ANSI/VT100 compatible terminal ...
David Refoua's user avatar
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ConEmu and console SSH clients that produce raw output (no ANSI escapes processed)

I use PuTTY daily and I use ConEmu heavily too (the latter mostly for Far Manager). A week ago I stopped using MTPuTTY in order to put PuTTY directly into ConEmu (because MTPuTTY grabs focus too ...
Lyubomyr Shaydariv's user avatar
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Putty paste text until newline char or don't paste newline char

I would like to prevent accident paste & execute scenarios in PuTTY. I see this ideally by preventing PuTTY to do what it had pasted - somehow to omit the newline char or to paste text up to ...
Miloš Đakonović's user avatar
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Left Arrow Key Not Working in Tmux Bash

Problem When I'm in bash in tmux, I can't use the left arrow key (on my keyboard) to move the cursor left over text I've typed. No other characters show up, the cursor does not move, nothing happens....
jrefior's user avatar
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How to send ^] from terminal to server using ZOC or Putty

I am connected via SSH to a remote Linux server and start a telnet session there. In order to get to the telnet menu I need to send a ^] character. The problem is, that I'm sitting on a Windows ...
Anachronism's user avatar
6 votes
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How to get rid of error message on ssh login --> "setterm: terminal xterm does not support --blength"

Whenever I ssh into my arch linux box I get this error message: setterm: terminal xterm does not support --blength Also when executing: $ sudo su - Interestingly not when using $ sudo su I have ...
Sven M.'s user avatar
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Is there a way to open a PuTTY session to a specific tty?

I use PuTTY to connect to Ubuntu Server 12.04 from Windows 7 SP1, and during Ubuntu boot, I have tasks in various tty's. When I log in using PuTTY, then issue tty, the response is /dev/pts/1 I have ...
Cool Javelin's user avatar
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How to stop tmux from minimizing terminal working area when accessing server through PuTTY?

Login to Debian server with PuTTY. Right-click on windows, select full screen. Have a nice big working area. Type tmux and immediately the working area is reduced to a standard small terminal window. ...
A.L. Verminburger's user avatar
4 votes
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GNU-Screen doesn't automatically clear the terminal after detaching

As shown in the following screenshot, after I detaching from a gnu-screen session, the screen isn't cleared, so it's messed up. I have to manually type clear. Here's my environment: GNU Screen ...
Wu Yongzheng's user avatar
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PuTTY terminal session between two windows 7 machines over ethernet

I would like to open a PuTTY terminal session on one machine which is physically connected to another machine via an ethernet cross-over cable. Ideally characters entered in the PuTTY terminal window ...
John Chris's user avatar
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PuTTY terminal behaviour differs between two accounts on same server

I'm using PuTTY to connect to my server where I have two accounts. One account gives me a colour terminal and responds correctly to the home/end keys, while the other account gives me a black-n-white ...
gone's user avatar
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Is there a way to configure a text terminal to display the SOH (^A) control character?

I need to look at some logs (FIX protocol messages from QuickFIX), which use the SOH character as a separator between fields. I'm connecting to a CentOS server using PuTTY over SSH. While I can log ...
Plumenator's user avatar
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How open URL in first time without log in on the Terminal

I want to open a URL (for from the terminal (SSH with PuTTY) on Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi. I must first log into Kerio control webpage (https://168.19...../) then access the ...
isan's user avatar
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Why keys like Esc, Ctrl, Shift and Alt does not work in SSH session from my Windows PC?

I am working on Windows PC. If I open a terminal (with PuTTY or SSH) to a Linux (CentOS) machine, I can't get keys like Esc, Ctrl, Shift and Alt to work. I need them for Midnight Commander (...
Igor Mukhin's user avatar
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How to stop PuTTY + Informix switching background and foreground color?

I connect with PuTTY (with "xterm") to a Debian system running Informix. In all Informix applications (self-written 4GL as well as isql and i4gl) PuTTY switches the background and foreground colors ...
Foo Bar's user avatar
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Run multiple commands from a file after logging into PuTTY from a bat file

I have written a bat file in which I have the following: putty.exe -t -load "ABC" -l username -pw password -m "C:\Users\pathasai\Desktop\abc.txt" In my abc.txt I have written some commands which I ...
saiyam's user avatar
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Bind keys over SSH to switch tmux tabs

I typically have 4 or 5 tmux "tabs" (aka tmux windows) open. They are created by pressing Control+B, C In many applications you can Control+Tab to switch between tabs (or internal windows, or ...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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Play sound alert on any activity in Putty window

I've a putty connection open on my windows box and I'd like Putty to notiy me on any activity in the terminal (I'm running tail -f on a log file). How do I achieve that? Putty isn't necessary in that ...
user384531's user avatar
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How can I configure putty to retain the feed from nano on the screen after exiting?

When I use SecureCRT as my ssh client, and I exit a nano session, the prompt appears under the last state of the nano screen. I've gotten used to being able to refer back to content I was editing, so ...
dlo's user avatar
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Prevent PuTTY from minimizing

I am using PuTTY to monitor a serial port spewing both binary data and ascii data at 1000000 baud. The binary characters are raw uint32_t bytes from sensor values and are essentially random. When ...
benathon's user avatar
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With Putty how do you make it act like windows cmd prompt with up arrow presses?

With Putty I would like to be able to press the up key to cycle through previous commands like Windows cmd prompt. Is there a way to accomplish this with Putty windows on a serial connection? If not, ...
SteveGSD's user avatar
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Putty: highlighting copying

I currently use Putty at my work, and I am always fascinated by how useful the highlight copying tool is. Is there some way I can get this same feature on my System 76 laptop when I am in the terminal?...
ryekayo's user avatar
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Slow screen redrawing in terminal emulator

I use a modified PuTTY (PuTTY Tray, derived from PuTTYcyg) to connect to my Cygwin's login shell (zsh), on Windows 7 (64-bit). This works, but the screen refreshing is very slow. For example, when I ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
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Remove Certain Debug Output in terminal window

I am using Putty to connect to a unix server that spits out lots of debug. What I want to do is replace the following debug for example Getting pQuality pPtrQuality=0x588b90, len *** 385383:47:50....
Welsh King's user avatar
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Is there a serial terminal program that allows filtering the messages? [closed]

For the serial terminal program choices, we have hyperterminal and putty on Windows; minicom and screen on Linux/Mac. But as far as I know, none of these has the message filtering functionality as ...
Penghe Geng's user avatar