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My git history all of my commits have no message

this happened today last few hours, have not updated git, but all of my git commits have no message I do a commit git commit -m "fixed the headline level" and when I do git log I see ...
user254694's user avatar
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How to fix Ollama 403 installation Error?

Hi I need to run Ollama on my Mac OS X but I can't install it using Ollama run llama3 I get the 403 error. I am using v2ray on the Clash Verge client. But it seems my client cannot fully change my ...
nohode1999's user avatar
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MAC How to make Midnight Commander look like it does unde VS Code?

I am on Mac OS, using Midnight Commander and I'm loving it. I really like that I can even use it under VS Code. Look at this beauty: MC in VS Code terminal But when I use it directly in the terminal ...
Beto's user avatar
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Extract filepaths of .MP4 files in subfolders of main folder to textfile

I am on Mac. I want to use terminal or something to extract the filepaths of the .MP4 files within a folder with multiple levels of subfolders. I have a main folder that has subfolders. Each subfolder ...
Helppleaseme's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reposition window in SSH session? I am logging into a Linux machine from a Mac machine

I am using a Mac with XQuartz to display an X application running on a remote CentOS machine. I'm trying to reposition the window from the remote machine using my keyboard, as it opens in such a way ...
blaughli's user avatar
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Strange zsh startup command with "uh oh" spam

I am currently on macOS Sonoma 14.2 (Beta) and have a MacBook Pro 2021 with an M1 Max. I genuinely have no idea where to start on this problem. Whenever I open up a Terminal, I get this weird spammy ...
Htmlly's user avatar
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2 votes
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Change argument to -y, --yes, --assume-yes

Can anyone help me alter this script to automatically YES? y? I don't need to or want to confirm yes, I just want to pass yes into the shell shortcut. cat << "EOF" >> ~/.zshrc ...
Outer's user avatar
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How to make shorten mac terminal prompt in bold using powerlevel10k?

I'm using oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k, colorls and fig to customize my mac terminal. Now i have just one issue that i want the current directory name in bold. And one more problem that i want to change ...
ami_PBJ's user avatar
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Tmux does not respond to alt+click as Mac Terminal?

I am very used to using alt+click to move the cursor in Terminal on macOS. I recently switched from screen to tmux and this no longer works despite having mouse-mode set to on in my config (and it is ...
donkey's user avatar
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How to write a Terminal command to unrar a file in specific location?

On my Mac, I want to decompress a .rar in Downloads. I have hombrew and an unrar script already installed from GitHub; unfortunately, when I prompt the Terminal to unrar the file, I constantly get: ~ %...
Jerzy Przezdziecki's user avatar
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What does ".//" represent while checking path?

In Mac terminal, I see that for current directory we see files as ./ which represents files/folders in current directory. but for the same sometimes we get .// , why is this needed? is there ...
NikhilP's user avatar
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Command not found -bash error

I am noticing that after I did something with terminal attempting to install a program that some third party commands stopped working. For example, I tried installing miniconda with these two ...
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How do I detect if I'm connected to two VPNs on MacOS, from the commandline?

Is it possible to detect, from the commandline, on recent MacOS versions, if the system is connected to two VPNs? I've tried scutil, but it seems not to display information useful for this case.
Marcus's user avatar
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Assistance needed, Mac terminal requires input to be used

Basically, my terminal opens up and it is just blank, the title of the window shows that it is python, and when I go to close it asks if I want to terminate -zsh, python. If I wish to use it I need to ...
blamechickenman's user avatar
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How to redirect terminal output with the formatting and color in Mac (Ventura)?

I am running huge volumes of tests and the output is displayed on terminal, I would however like it to be stored to be be read, searched for further use. Is there a wat to have it redirect with color. ...
Amey Varhade's user avatar
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is it safe for Mac Terminal username followed by @192

I notice that each time my macos reboot, my terminal username becomes myusername@192. After a couple of minutes, it turns into myusername@MacBook-Pro. What happens during my macos system reboot and ...
LittleTeemo's user avatar
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Find and open limited number of files across several external hard drives

I have 11 external hard drives containing thousands of videos. In my lobby I need to select a random 100 or so to open and play so that a new set is playing every day. I have used programs like Find ...
jons's user avatar
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Alias not exported from .zprofile to folder location that exists

In my .zprofile, I have a bunch of aliases that follow the same pattern: export remotedir="$HOME/remote" export localdir="$HOME/local" etc. They all work, except for one, which ...
user345435's user avatar
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Why is my Mac Terminal using Chinese double quotes?

I am trying to type cd ~/ in my terminal, and I got cd: no such file or directory: “/Users/xiwei”/ For some reason, it's using the Chinese Quote “” instead of the standard  "". If I type cd ...
Xi Wei's user avatar
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Opening a terminal on mac gives error messages

I have recently started working with the terminal in an attempt to install homebrew. After installing homebrew, I've encountered an issue where every time I open the terminal, it gives me a long list ...
Milo's user avatar
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Reverse 'date created' order in desktop mac

When I create or add new Item to my macOS Desktop, macOS arrange the new one at very beging on top right, which I wish it to add the new item after latest one in very bottom left, Is there a way for ...
ios coder's user avatar
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zsh on M1 Pro Mac taking 20 seconds to load

I have a M1 Pro Macbook pro and I installed zsh on this machine. However, when I start a terminal session, it takes over 20 seconds to load the session. This is really frustrating and I have not been ...
Akshay Sood's user avatar
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ln alias path to audio samples not recognized by Ableton Live

I used to have an external HDD titled "WD Elements 250GB" which contained audio samples I used in Ableton Live projects. The files are still present, though on an internal HDD now. I tried ...
peterparker's user avatar
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Installing Wine 4.20 but winegcc: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc failed

I'm trying to install Wine 4.20 for the first time on a new MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) running MacOS Monterey (v12.1). I downloaded from winehq, entered ./configure --enable-win64, and then typed ...
Joe Guetschow's user avatar
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How do I use sed to parse a string that includes hyphens?

Input example: foobar_1-1 1024 x 1024 Desired output foobar_1-1 The hyphen is causing issues here. It's causing the output to be two items in the array: foobar_1, 1 Any advice?
Patrick Hennessey's user avatar
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cd-ing to a directory with a lot of spaces--mac terminal

I want to cd to a path with spaces in the folder names, but it doesn't work. I want to navigate straight to a directory which has multiple levels of directories on the way, each with a lot of spaces. ...
hepcmb_codingnoob's user avatar
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Terminal on Mac not providing responses using various PID related commands

When I try and find the PID of a port using a command such as any of the following (where xxxx is the port number): lsof -i tcp:xxxx netstat -vanp --tcp | grep xxxx sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | ...
macuser's user avatar
2 votes
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How to change mac terminal keybinding for color picker to execute the escape sequence instead?

Every time I hit command + shift + c in the terminal app it opens a color picker. I would like this keybinding to instead send the escape sequence to the terminal to cancel the execution of the ...
Derek M's user avatar
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Can't change default login shell on OSX Monterey

I prefer to use bash on my Mac, but the version provided by Apple (GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)) cannot glob files with accented characters, so using homebrew, I have installed a later version, 5.1.16, ...
SJC's user avatar
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How can I create a FAT32 disk with 'newfs_msdos'?

I'm using terminal on a mac. I tried to create a FAT32 disk with 'newfs_msdos', but I got the following error and cannot create it. I was able to create a FAT32 disk by running the command 'diskutil ...
7_tree's user avatar
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macos: How do you read the accessibility's speech rate from terminal?

I'm doing this to change a value plutil -convert json ~/Library/Preferences/ -o - | python -c "import json, sys;d=json.load(sys.stdin);[x.__setitem__(-1, $1) for ...
relidon's user avatar
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DD image with no empty space of the volume

I want to create a DD image of a Volume of OSX from mac with none of the empty space, only the used space with data on it , to reduce the size of he img/dmg/raw file. I've tries multiple software but ...
Mehdi Singer's user avatar
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how to copy text from a mac terminal? [duplicate]

I am new to mac. I am trying to copy text from a mac terminal. I tried the usual way of trying to drag the cursor over the text, this is working consistently when I select text from a texteditor or ...
user496934's user avatar
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how to copy text from a mac terminal?

I am new to mac. I am trying to copy text from a mac terminal. I tried the usual way of trying to drag the cursor over the text, this is working consistently when I select text from a texteditor or ...
user496934's user avatar
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The username in my terminal bash is not my name. How to fix it? Do I have security concern?

I ran a sklearn update last week, and today when I opened my terminal, the user name is not mine anymore (as shown in the screenshot, I have no idea who is Yakov). Anybody has any idea why this ...
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Every command typed in terminal gets written "double"?

If i open terminal a type a command it works fine. As soon as i connect to a specific device everytime i type a character it types "double" making it impossible to type anything Please see ...
sam's user avatar
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macos terminal with sudo cannot find hidden file

Im executing the command in mac terminal sudo /Users/username/someFolder/programForMacOs programForMacOs runs and looks for a file in the same directory its running from (/Users/username/someFolder/) ...
Hober Malloy's user avatar
32 votes
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How do I disable the beep/bell sound in iTerm2 in macbook?

The shell in macbook makes annoying beep/bell/boop sounds. For the OEM terminal, this answer works on disabling this annoying sounds:
rrlamichhane's user avatar
3 votes
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MacOS - tab completion to be case insensetive - terminal zsh

I'm a MacOS newbie, so please try to help me with idiot-proof answers. I got a macbook pro from work. On the terminal, I want tab completions to ignore case-sensitive files / directories. i.e both cd ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to schedule a script to run automatically even if Mac is sleeping?

I'm really struggling with this. Basically I want to run a Python script every 3 hours on my Mac. Even if I'm not using the Mac. So even if the Mac is asleep I want it to wake up and run the script. ...
kitchen800's user avatar
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arm64 mac: how to keep two shell environments (with and without rosetta) organized

I'm using an M1 macbook air for programming work. There are many tools that need rosetta emulation, while others work much faster and more stable natively. To deal with this I've set up a copy of the ...
lhk's user avatar
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Find the most recent file of a type in terminal and then open it (mac os)

I found part of this question in 2 other posted questions, but I cant seem to get the last step working which is just "opening" the file: How do I get files found by command-line 'find&#...
Mix Lab Tech's user avatar
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How to delete Last Opened date on Mac OSX Finder

I am trying to delete the "Last Opened" date for a file found in Finder on Mac OSX (Catalina 10.15.7). I've found a few walkthroughs already and tried them without success. In Terminal I ...
someguywhoisi's user avatar
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Zsh on startup doesn't load

I'm having some issues with my terminal loading. I am using zsh + oh-my-zsh and seem to be having 2 seperate issues with them. The file seems to take 43 seconds to load, which in turn ...
sohaib's user avatar
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Splitting files in Mac and then adding .csv extension removed them?

I have been following the methods from this YouTube video. Method: cd /Volumes/Seagate/Work/Tickets/Thirdticket/Extinction/species_all.df split -b 10000m species_all.csv for i in *; do mv "$i&...
Stackbeans's user avatar
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Splitting zip files are incompatible as a zip on Mac?

I have a very large .zip that is 174GB large and 800GB decompressed. I am trying to work with this using the R programming language, however, it is far too large for me to work with. I have found that ...
Stackbeans's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I create an icon as a shortcut on MacOS to run specific shell command?

I want to create an icon (just like an Application) on my Mac and after clicking it, the Terminal app will shows up and run the command ssh -D8989 [email protected] or any other commands. Is there any way ...
AGamePlayer's user avatar
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How to conveniently use Ubuntu with a Mac keyboard, using the MAC meaning of keys?

I access Ubuntu via Barrier keyboard sharing software. The keyboard is on a mac book. This functionally works but there is much cognitive overload with switching between the different key meanings. 90%...
Soylent Blue's user avatar
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Command line permissions in Mac

I’ve tried to install yarn using Homebrew and because the brew don’t have the permission to write I’ve written this command line in Terminal $sudo chown -R $(whoami) * After this command my Mac is ...
Eyad 's user avatar
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rsync created a bunch of empty directories even though I specifically only transferred

I used this command on my mac terminal to only to sync only java files whose size had changed on the remote host: rsync -rP --size-only --include="/" --include=".java" --exclude=&...
Salil Surendran's user avatar

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