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Tmux prefix doesn't work unless ~/.tmux.conf is forced

I'm currently including tmux into my work flow but I've not been able to use its prefix like it is set up natively C-b on start. My work around to this problem is to set another key bind on the ...
Juan Jáuregui's user avatar
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Is there a name for the text that shows up after executing each command line in a CLI?

for example in linux terminal I have jurek@debian:~$ man help No manual entry for help I want to know how the second line is called bc I want to ask an other question "How to copy this term (I'm ...
konto's user avatar
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Grep’s result coloring, and right-to-left scripts

I have a text file with a single line that contains the single Yiddish word azoy, in Hebrew script: אַזױ. Then I grep for occurrences of the oy character, ױ. (This is highly simplified of course, in ...
Ruud Harmsen's user avatar
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ls -ltr on the terminal lists the files but says "No such file or directory" in a shell script

I am new to Bash and am practicing some shell scripts. I wanted to write a script to list all the folders and their file count, if a root path is passed as a parameter value from the terminal. The ...
MNIA's user avatar
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How to do a Proximity text search, 2 + words?

What is a Linux terminal command to do a Proximity text search? Search a directory, recursively, for files that contain : 2 words or more within 99 characters of each other any order of above words. ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Display new prompt after tty redirect on second terminal

I'll try to explain the title better :) I have two terminals tty1 and tty2, let's call them that. From tty1 I redirect the output from echo to the tty2 terminal with: echo hello > $(tty2) This ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Run GUI terminal from crontab

I have been trying to open a terminal in GUI via crontab. This question describes it can't be done as desktop and crontab runs separately. Is there a way where I can trigger script from crontab but ...
ap14's user avatar
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Linux Bash Wait Command Not Working

I am trying to use and bash file .sh to start other bash files in seperate terminals. I want them to run one after the other as I use them to copy large numbers of files to the same Hard Drive. ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why is `~/.zlogout` not sourced when non-interactive ZSH shell runs `exit`?

My ~/.zlogout contains the following: echo '~/.zlogout!' Let's run the following script: su user -ls /bin/zsh -c 'echo kaasbier; exit' Nothing is echoed (besides the kaasbier). I am testing this in ...
Silas's user avatar
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Install Builder - Linux - Prevent confirmation message in Terminal

I created an installer using Install Builder. When installing from Terminal on Debian it shows this message, Welcome to the Application Setup Wizard. --------------------------------------------------...
Codename K's user avatar
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terminal automatically shows user@dhcp instead of user@fedora

my system (fedora 40) automatically shows user@dhcpf196 instead of the usual user@fedora in the terminal whenever I connect to the internet. I think this is my university dhcp server but the machine I'...
Gio Bur's user avatar
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Unknown terminal: "/tmpERM"

On my Linux headless distro, i have a recurring error where when running some commands ("clear", "nvim", etc.), instead of the expected behaviour of running the command i get an ...
lo9ud's user avatar
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How do I jump to the beginning of a command in Windows Terminal?

In Linux, I can skip to the beginning of a command by pressing Ctrl-A , and Ctrl-E for jumping to the end of that. However, it is not compatible with Windows Termianl. How am I going to do that? ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
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vim "rendering" issue, possible terminal issue?

Recently I've started having a strange issue with the "rendering" of Vim. I say rendering because it only seems to affect what's show on the screen and not the output to the actual file. I'm ...
Minuzed's user avatar
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Is there any way to create a new window terminal (pseudo-terminal) using a command without setting env $DISPLAY?

I am currently building an open-source utility (plugin), which requires a new terminal window (pseudo-terminal) to become more effective whenever it gets executed. I was using gnome-terminal to ...
zenitsu's user avatar
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tmux doesn't instantly update pane's title

I'd like to have tmux "instantly" update the pane's title to match what is currently being executed in the terminal. For an instance: If the pane contains the shell then its title should be ...
pic810's user avatar
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Shell prompt colored outside of tmux, but not in tmux; how can I get colored prompt in tmux?

I am a new user of tmux and wondering how I can highlight machine name and working directory? What I mean is below. In default Ubuntu terminal: While in tmux: I know this is a minor, but having ...
Darren Christopher's user avatar
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How to match PDF okular colors with Terminal colors?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 okular 21.12.3 konsole 21.12.3 to display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' okular -version konsole -version outputs: ok match color Blue in Terminal with ...
joseph22's user avatar
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TO close Tmux along with terminal (if terminal is closed)

I have configured my Tmux to open with i open terminal by modifying the .zshrc file. [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && tmux -u It worked fine, now I want to close the tmux session when I close ...
shohel hossain's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Changed color settings of bash terminal are not applied

I installed the from this git repository, but i want to customize the color settings with ble-face commands. What happens is that, I changed the color ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
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Tmux session disconnect does not preserve session content when reconnecting

I need to copy a 200gb+ file to multiple servers from one server. I have a sftp transfer running in multiple tmux sessions from the one server. When I press ctrl+b, d to exit the tmux instance and ...
user460178's user avatar
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Keep command line visible while scrolling

Unsure what the best place to tackle this would be .bashrc? Using different shell? Some fancy terminal emulator? Basically, I just want to keep seeing the command line / the last line of the terminal ...
sonofevil's user avatar
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Ubuntu (ZorinOS) boots only into tty1 terminal after delering all default keyrings

I am attempting to boot my computer after utilizing Seahorse to remove all of the default keyrings. Regretfully, the only thing I receive in return is a terminal that appears only on my secondary ...
gerscorpion's user avatar
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Why my terminal throws control characters while using arrows in mysql-client?

I have a situation with remote servers (all Debians) where I get control chars into mysql-client command line when I try to search in history (CTR+R) and try to make the first move: mysql> update ...
wk.'s user avatar
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How to output a bright Green check mark?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 to display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' Terminal or bash script: printf '\u274c\n' # works fine. Bright red X. ❌ printf '\u2714\n' # outputs a check mark, ...
joseph22's user avatar
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How to make a script to launch different scripts in different workspaces in linux?

I have limited access to a linux machine, meaning I cannot install any external tools. I want to make a script to open terminals with ssh at different workspaces. However, I found that one way to move ...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
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How to bring a job to foreground and then disable job control in bash?

I have a program running in a terminal window. I wish to disable the Ctrl+Z shortcut from suspending the process. After pressing Ctrl+Z, the command fg && set +m unfortunately disables job ...
SeparatedScheme's user avatar
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How can I run Cygwin Terminal under a current Cygwin installation under Windows 10?

In the past I have used Cygwin Terminal, i.e. a window similar in external appearance and external behavior to the DOS/Windows command line window that runs natively under Windows. Right now, in my ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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Putty history access weird behavior

I'm using PuTTY v0.78 on a Win10 host, connecting to Ubuntu v22.04. After I've pasted any command into the PuTTY terminal, when I scroll though the history using ↑, I can't scroll up to the prompt ...
Daros1001's user avatar
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How do I create a pty without a shell?

Backstory: I have a CLI Python application. I want to be able to debug it without interfering with the CLI of the main application. The Python debugger allows you to specify an alternative stdin/...
FrederikVds's user avatar
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Recover Linux Mint HDD

I have an HDD that doesn't work anymore. It was working fine, but the OS was lagged and the user turned off the computer using the power button, after that the bios doesn't recognize the HD anymore. ...
Anderson Silvestre's user avatar
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Failed to enable unit: Invalid argument systemctl enable .service

I have made a with the following contents cd /home/xyz/Desktop/ gnome-terminal -e "bash -c ./efg" #desktop folder contains an executable named efg. If I run gnome-terminal -...
Vinod's user avatar
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Default shell zsh but responding bin/bash

I have no idea what I did! I was installing maven and one of the guides had me do something and now I'm stuck in default zsh. I've tried changing my terminal preferences to be /bin/bash, as well as my ...
beepbeepboop's user avatar
12 votes
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Stop scrolling to the bottom automatically in PuTTY

I am using tail -f to monitor a file via PuTTY. But each time new content arrives then it automatically scrolls to the bottom and so I can't read the text. Is there a way to make it stop that ...
Black's user avatar
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Linux/Ubuntu/Orange Pi5 retrieve open tabs on Chromium (kiosk mode) via terminal - Powershell

I have a problem as of late where I am developing some PowerShell script to manage and update some digital displays. Please see below for my work in progress (By no means done). I am struggling to be ...
M.Atkinson's user avatar
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Switching from Mac to Linux DE: Strategies for globally swapping <ctrl> modifier with <meta>? [closed]

I'm switching from MacOs to Linux and exploring several popular Desktop Environments like KDE Plasma, Gnome & Pantheon, etc. I find that the MacOS convention of using the meta key (aka the command ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reposition window in SSH session? I am logging into a Linux machine from a Mac machine

I am using a Mac with XQuartz to display an X application running on a remote CentOS machine. I'm trying to reposition the window from the remote machine using my keyboard, as it opens in such a way ...
blaughli's user avatar
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Qemu - bind guest OS to secondary monitor without GUI on host

I am running arch distro with terminal only (without any GUI). I would like to start Qemu guest machine and bind it to a secondary monitor. Is this doable?
ojek's user avatar
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Is there a way to set password entry via curses interface in terminal?

For example when you forget to put sudo before "systemctl ..." insted of gui interface poping out I want a curses prompt in my termial. Something like pinentry but for sudo.
xorgzz's user avatar
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How to make the Chromebook's Linux VM terminal run automatically when booting/booting up?

enter image description here How to make the Chromebook's Linux VM terminal run automatically when booting/booting up?. I hope that maybe someone has tried it, maybe there is someone who has ...
ZAB Pro's user avatar
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CentOS 7 : TCSH Shell : How to use tab key for autocompletion but without increasing terminal log history

Please forgive if this has addressed before. I couldn't find the solution or I may not be able to phrase the question correctly. This is my first question to the community. I am using CentOS7 and tcsh ...
reasonhome's user avatar
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GNU 'Screen' clears some or all of the output history displayed in the terminal when attach to the screen

I use autossh and also screen on my Ubuntu server, because of the poor internet connection I have, I use both to keep my connection alive even when my internet connection is lost... But I experienced ...
TuanHaxor's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the signalstats YAVG filter in FFMPEG to control the gamma correction in a video?

I don't know if this is even possible, but something tells me it is… You see, I want to dynamically control the gamma correction in FFMPEG/FFPLAY depending on how bright/dark the frame being ...
tuqueque's user avatar
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What command to force dd output to a fixed width of 90 characters?

using: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 dd --version dd (coreutils) 8.32 Background: re-purpose a disk = objective some script is being developed some script will delete ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Remove xfce without terminal access or default root account

I purged any packages related to xfce on Debian, and when I rebooted the login screen was still there. Upon login, there was only the wallpaper and a right click context menu available. Launching ...
mmd's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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How to call ifcconvert from the terminal

I want to convert icf files to objs, to that effect I want to use this tool: I installed it through python like this: pip install ifcopenshell However, I am ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Why is this tmux option not persisting?

I would like to generate a bashrc configuration file each time I start a particular tmux session, and I want to use my user's default tmux configuration file ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/tmux/tmux.conf as well. ...
ardnew's user avatar
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How to X11 forward after multi hopping in SSH?

I have the following SSH flow: root@HostA -> root@HostB -> root@HostC -> user@HostD I want to do X11 forwarding for Firefox on HostD all the way back to HostA, since A, B and C don't have ...
robertinho's user avatar

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