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tmux ctrl-b + [arrow key] for navigation not working

I am pressing Ctrl+B, releasing both keys, and then pressing arrow keys, but it is not navigating (instead it is going through past commands as if Ctrl+B was not pressed). I'm using tmux in a SSH ...
Joe C.'s user avatar
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Remove all key bindings in Windows Terminal

I'm running WSL2 in the Windows Terminal (v. 1.19, Windows 11). I don't need any of the key bindings (I want to reserve them for tmux, vim etc). I can remove a single key binding by writing in the ...
galapah's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I jump to the beginning of a command in Windows Terminal?

In Linux, I can skip to the beginning of a command by pressing Ctrl-A , and Ctrl-E for jumping to the end of that. However, it is not compatible with Windows Termianl. How am I going to do that? ...
mohamadi_arch's user avatar
1 vote
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Switching from Mac to Linux DE: Strategies for globally swapping <ctrl> modifier with <meta>? [closed]

I'm switching from MacOs to Linux and exploring several popular Desktop Environments like KDE Plasma, Gnome & Pantheon, etc. I find that the MacOS convention of using the meta key (aka the command ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the command line shortcut to uncomment a previously commented line?

Alt+Shift+3 can only comment out, on subsequent invocations simply adding multiple comment characters (hashes) instead of toggling on / off the comment. How to uncomment a previously commented line or ...
mirekphd's user avatar
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Ubuntu bash terminal under wsl unexpectedly switches to "jump over the words" input mode

Below I assume that there are two input modes for terminal (console): in "normal mode" when you press ← your cursor moves to the left by 1 symbol, when you press → your cursor moves to the ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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Tmux sending wrong keycodes for "ctrl + arrowkey" and "ctrl + shift + arrowkey"

The problem I upgraded to MacOS 13.5 today and immediately noticed this issue. Inside of tmux (running in iterm2) when I perform ctrl + arrow-key or ctrl + shift + arrow-key the wrong keycodes are ...
JDN's user avatar
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VScode, keybindings for integrated terminal

I've edited the keybindings.json file in vscode to avoid moving the right hand to the arrow keys adding, among the others, the following: { "key": "ctrl+j", "command&...
stew.ita's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

PowerShell and Windows Terminal: how to apply IntelliSense suggestion?

Using Windows Terminal (1.15.3465.0) and PowerShell (7.3.2) I get autocomplete suggestion, like in the picture below (ed255196 -C "<comment>" is suggested completion). However, I am ...
Dariusz Woźniak's user avatar
2 votes
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Keybinding Ctrl + Shift + C opens a new external terminal in vscode/codium on Linux, how do I change the shortcut?

In Visual Studio Code / Codium on Linux, the key binding Ctrl+Shift+c opens a new external terminal. This does not work together with vscodevim extension where I often need to copy to the system and ...
questionto42's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to unmap ctrl+shift+r in kitty?

The kitty terminal emulator uses the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + R for window resizing. The shortcut is also used by bash for reversing the reverse-i-search direction. First I tried to to remove the kitty ...
allo's user avatar
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Run Window can't open wt

A couple days ago I reinstalled windows and ever since, I can't open the Windows Terminal through the run window. I tried: Changing permissions to default, following this question Can't open ...
Miguel Fernández's user avatar
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Ubuntu global keyboard shortcuts stop working when Terminal is active

I'm trying to get global shortcuts working everywhere for this GNOME extension: I have set the shortcuts as follows: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm....
Summer's user avatar
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How to change process termination shortcuts in a terminal on Windows?

On Windows to close a program, CTRL+C does not always work (eg: ping). To close anything immediately, CTRL+BREAK can be used. The problem I have is that on my Dell laptop, there is no BREAK key, Fn+S ...
gxtaillon's user avatar
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Can't open Windows Terminal with Windows + R, while it opens fine from a command prompt

When I press Win + R and type wt or wt.exe, it gets stuck loading for a few seconds and then stops, failing to open my Windows Terminal. How can I solve this or find a short workaround? I don't want ...
Miguel Fernández's user avatar
2 votes
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How to change mac terminal keybinding for color picker to execute the escape sequence instead?

Every time I hit command + shift + c in the terminal app it opens a color picker. I would like this keybinding to instead send the escape sequence to the terminal to cancel the execution of the ...
Derek M's user avatar
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Windows 11, Powershell and Windows Terminal Missing from Win+X Power User Menu

My problem is that I was missing the Win+X, I and Win+X, A shortcuts for opening Windows Terminal (Powershell) on Windows 11. I checked my user's WinX directory and both Powershell and Command Prompt ...
Jeff Neet's user avatar
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Changing Linux terminal key bindings

In Linux terminal, Is there any way to change Alt + Backspace or Ctrl + W shortcut which is used to delete the previous word to Ctrl + Backspace??
stewart's user avatar
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Up/down hotkeys in Microsoft Terminal

Microsoft Terminal looks pretty good. There must be a hotkey to jump upward and downward, as you'd do with Shift+PageUp/PageDown in gnome terminal, but I can't find it. (I can scroll with the mouse ...
Jellicle's user avatar
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ubuntu 20: ctrl + alt + t doesnt focus window

for some reason after a few updates and driver changes, opening terminal doesn't put terminal in focus, instead giving me a notification toaster popup that terminal is ready. I have searched in dconf ...
Bots Fab's user avatar
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Remove inoremap and cnoremap in Vim

I was trying to map key jk to Esc key in Vim. I didn't know about .vimrc at first. So I pasted these commands in vim in command mode as: :inoremap jk <Esc> :cnoremap jk <Esc> Then ...
Uchiha AJ's user avatar
5 votes
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How to customize shortcut keys on Git Bash Terminal (Windows 10)

How can I customize shortcut keys on Git Bash Terminal? When I use the Option -> Keys, it only allows to turn on or off the features. What I want is to change the key combinations. Here are my ...
LiemLT's user avatar
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22 votes
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How do I add a keyboard shortcut to clear scrollback buffer in Windows Terminal?

I'd like to be able to clear my scrollback buffer in Windows Terminal using a keyboard shortcut. In WSL I can hit Ctrl+L and it does a form-feed (equivalent of clear -x command), which clears the ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
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What does ctrl+arrow do in vim within tmux, and how do I skip words?

I am used to using vim in a normal gnome-terminal, in which by default ctrl+arrow can skip words. However, if I am using vim in tmux, these key combinations would delete lines of words. Question: ...
trisct's user avatar
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How can I disable verbatim insertion on a terminal?

I recently moved back from using mostly mac to using mostly linux. When I want to paste something, I usually press Ctrl + V, and seeing it fail makes me realize, that I meant to press Ctrl + Shift + V ...
Adam Hunyadi's user avatar
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iTerm now showing cursor when pressing Shift + arrow key

As you can see in this picture, iTerm is adding a kind of overlay cursor (plus this paper icon) above the terminal windows when I press Shift + any arrow key. It seems to be a text selection tool or ...
Philipp L.'s user avatar
2 votes
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keyboard shortcuts to select text from terminal in zsh shell?

Wanted to select text while writing in the current line or want to select some of the text from the outputs of the previous commands. I'm using the normal terminal of macOs catalina 10.15.5. Seems to ...
Gokul's user avatar
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How to let sudoedit source ~/.bashrc file

I have Vim shortcuts which requires me to edit the ~/.bashrc file to stop some terminal shortcuts like <C-S> - which freezes the whole terminal - so I can use them in Vim. when I open a Vim file ...
Yasser 's user avatar
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Sending sysrq through the picocom or TigerVNC

I have some VM on qemu, which occasionally freezes. Thus I need some way to send sysrq to my VM. I use both TigerVNC and picocom, but the appropriate hotkeys (e.g. Alt + PrtScr + B) don't work. ...
red0ct's user avatar
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how to enable command line navigation shortcuts in fish shell running in iTerm on Mac

Setup: MacOs Mojave, iTerm, Fish shell 3.0.2, using fisher have theme bob-the-fish installed as well. Would like to be able to use command line navigation keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl-A to get t ...
jim70's user avatar
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How to swap one large tmux pane with several smaller ones?

How do you swap one large tmux pane with several smaller ones? In other word: from an arrangement like A – to an arrangement like B: A ┊ B ...
voices's user avatar
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vim-tmux-navigator to use tmux prefix instead of C-[hjkl]

I have installed vim-tmux-navigator on the tmux and the vim side and I can navigate between vim panes and tmux windows using Ctrl-[hjkl] BUT: This means that readline (or bash?) shortcuts are ...
Richard Wonka's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set up a keyboard shortcut to open Terminal on macOS FOR FREE?

Tried looking all over the internet, they all require buying third party programs that support the feature, or suggest programs that don't work for me. Like Automator. Automator doesn't recognize ...
BP9381's user avatar
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Is there any shortcut for parent folder in console?

I would like to know if there is any plugins and/or utilities that could make my life MUCH MORE easier. When moving from folder to folder through console, I can use the Tab key on my keyboard to ...
LoukMouk's user avatar
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Paste in Nano is not working

I used Ctrl+Shift+6 to select a block of text in Nano, then cut it with Ctrl+K.  This successfully removed the text from my buffer. But when I do Ctrl+U to paste what I had cut, nothing is pasted. ...
kishere's user avatar
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set "change input source" shortcut from terminal

I would like to have the defaults terminal command to set the keyboard shortcuts for selecting the next or previous input sources for the keyboard. They can be changed graphically via system ...
Nate Glenn's user avatar
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how to bind command-delete (command-backspace) to 'kill-whole-line' in bash terminal?

I'm on mac and I'm trying to unify my keyboard shortcuts across applications. In so doing, I'd like to make Command+Delete behave like Ctrl-U currently behaves in the terminal. I was hoping I could ...
Labrador's user avatar
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10 votes
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How do I open a new git bash terminal window at my current location in windows?

When running git bash, I can open a new bash window at my root with Alt+F2 I can open a windows explorer window at the current directory path $ explorer . Trying $ sh to open a new terminal ...
StuperUser's user avatar
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Cant run Terminal from Finder with shortcut if 'Show items as' is on 'columns'

I usually use 'show as columns' when working on my macbook. Today I assigned a shortcut to open terminal window from Finder in sys -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services, but it seems to work ...
vladli's user avatar
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How can I set up keyboard shortcuts that launch the Terminal with different styles (per shortcut)?

I know that I can set a default style in the Terminal app and simply assign a shortcut to open the Terminal, but I actually want 4 keyboard shortcuts, each opening the Terminal app with a different ...
Andrew Cheong's user avatar
104 votes
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Delete entered password in hidden password prompt (Linux) with shortcut

Is there a way to delete all characters that I entered in a hidden password prompt in Linux? For example, when I SSH to a server, it asks for my password where the entered keys are not shown: $ ssh ...
bugybunny's user avatar
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iTerm2 doesn't recognize Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right

TLDR; I couldn't get the Micro editor to recognize Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right key combinations. I thought I maybe have to add escape sequences to iTerm2 (screenshot). The Keyboard Shortcut input field (...
Linus's user avatar
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Keep processes running in Linux after disconnected to terminals, a ctrl+D solution?

For years I've been using nohup or screen to keep processes running after I disconnect to the terminal through SSH. So it quite shocked me when one of my friends, a green hand at Linux or CS, told me ...
liwt31's user avatar
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Changing Keyboard Shortcuts in OSX Terminal

I want to change the functionality of some keyboard shortcuts, and add some custom ones, to Terminal in OSX such that: alt + delete deletes one word to the left cmd + i selects my entire input I ...
Caleb Jay's user avatar
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Super key combinations cause weird input in Konsole

I'm running KDE 5.10.4 on Fedora 26. Whenever I'm in Konsole and press the Win/Super key along with any key that's not bound to a system-wide KDE shortcut, such as 'I', it sends some weird input that: ...
burneddi's user avatar
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9 votes
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What keyboard shortcuts would let me temporarily change the font size in a MobaXterm terminal?

I was excited to learn that you can hold down Ctrl and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to change the font size in MobaXterm. Later, I thought I found a key combination that did the same thing, but I ...
Christopher Bottoms's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the shortcut for "increase font size" in Terminal using non-english keyboard

I have a Turkish keyboard and in my keyboard there isn't a standalone '+' character. So following doesn't work for me How to increase Terminal font size on OSX? Following is my keyboard layout. What ...
Halil's user avatar
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How Can I Perform ALT + > in Iterm2

In a standard bash shell one can go backwards through the history by hitting the UP key, and forwards by hitting the DOWN key. If you've hit up a bunch and want to get back to the start you can hit ...
machineghost's user avatar
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Faster ways around mac desktops and spaces?

Background Information I'm a long running linux user I use my terminals a lot (ctrl-alt-(F1-F12)) on my linux machines I also usually have a handful of GUI desktops open I'm on a macbook for the ...
Suni's user avatar
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MacOS: How to switch panes between split terminal Window

I know that I can split the Terminal into multiple panes. Opening a new pane can be done using Cmd+D. Closing a pane can be done using Shift+Cmd+D. The problem I am now facing is that all existing ...
kaiser's user avatar
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