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GNU 'Screen' clears some or all of the output history displayed in the terminal when attach to the screen

I use autossh and also screen on my Ubuntu server, because of the poor internet connection I have, I use both to keep my connection alive even when my internet connection is lost... But I experienced ...
TuanHaxor's user avatar
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How do I end screen -x?

I am using screen -x to monitor the process of a rsync. Now I am scared I will end the rsync process in the terminal. Is it safe to end screen -x with CTRL-C or CTRL-D? Thank you
der-mali's user avatar
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Change session name in screen

I am running multiple programs with different values for some variables in "screen". I want to change the name of the screen-sessions so I can identify them with "screen -ls" to ...
Caeleste's user avatar
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Console text editor and Ctrl+S within screen

I cannot use any console based text editors because my Ctrl+S is blocked by console output control -- Ctrl+S normally means stop scrolling under console or terminal, and my screen is eating that key, ...
xpt's user avatar
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How to use tmux between local laptop and remote server

I am currently in a VPN using RStudio which is installed on my local desktop to do some analysis. However, to do analysis, I extract data from my database which is installed on a remote server. What I ...
The Great's user avatar
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Execute a command on screen termination

I have been using screen for a while, but the process I am running seems to terminate at times, closing the screen out. So I have to reopen the screen again. I was wondering if it was possible to ...
Blaine's user avatar
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Load terminal from another window into current split pane in tmux

In GNU Screen, I can switch to any window number within a given split. For example: Enter screen to launch it. Press Ctrl + a c to create a new window. Now there are two windows: window 0 and window ...
Lone Learner's user avatar
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Starting a command in a new screen session doesn't work

I want to execute a command in a new screen session (and detach from it) but I don't get it to work. I tried to start a process in a new screen session and detach from it with this: screen -d -m ...
Tim Kluge's user avatar
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Terminal escape sequences in GNU Screen

So I'm quite confused with the concept of escape sequences in a terminal (or terminal emulator to be more precise) and how they relate to the screen bindkey command. I was looking at some sample ....
eciii's user avatar
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How to cancel a Ctrl-A in screen

Sometimes when I'm using my screen session I prematurely type Ctrl-A and then decide I want to remain in the current window and type something in the terminal, but anything I type next will be ...
Melandru's Square's user avatar
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How to display images in hterm + screen

I am using the SSH extension on CrOS to connect to another machine. I would like to use the hterm-show-file script to display images directly in the terminal. This works fine in a normal shell, but ...
Neal Fultz's user avatar
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Why does Ctrl-C terminates screen when ran in detached mode?

If I use Ctrl-C in a screen I ran the "normal way" using screen -S screen_name, it behaves as expected meaning it will interrupt whatever command the screen is running but won't terminate the screen ...
Cyrlop's user avatar
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How do I prevent all terminals crashing in Mac OS Sierra?

I usually have multiple terminal windows open, with most of them either ssh'ed into an Ubuntu session or running emacs. In one of the ssh sessions, I was reattaching a screen (the screen was running ...
Max Candocia's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

GNU-Screen doesn't automatically clear the terminal after detaching

As shown in the following screenshot, after I detaching from a gnu-screen session, the screen isn't cleared, so it's messed up. I have to manually type clear. Here's my environment: GNU Screen ...
Wu Yongzheng's user avatar
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How to change SYSIN and SYSOUT (curses mode) for a background process to another terminal session (screen utility)?

I currently run an background process started by a deamon process. It has no terminal and works fine as it doesn't have any screen i/o. It is started via a shell script which I can change. The shell ...
Simon Sobisch's user avatar
21 votes
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Move a program started in GNU screen out to another terminal

I want to terminate an instance of GNU screen whilst preserving the process running inside it. So I opened my regular terminal emulator program and executed screen. Then I used that instance of ...
voices's user avatar
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Why is GNU screen interfering with Vim's Ctrl-Pageup to switch tabs?

I normally use Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown to switch tabs in Vim. But when running Vim inside GNU screen, they don't switch tabs and instead have the effect of switching case. I am running the ...
jl6's user avatar
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iTerm2 -> ssh -> gnu screen -> split window: scroll wheel not working

I'm using Mac OS X as a workstation. With iTerm2, I connect to a remote host (Ubuntu Server) using this command: ssh -t user@host screen -D -R -R But I can't get the scroll wheel to work correctly, ...
ris8_allo_zen0's user avatar
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'screen.linux': unknown terminal type

When I run clear I get: 'screen.linux': unknown terminal type I get this error message when, on a Debian 7 machine running the OpenVZ kernel, from within a screen session, I vzctl enter into a ...
Parthian Shot's user avatar
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Scrolling with trackpad/mouse in screen on OS X Terminal

I use screen command on Terminal on OS X. When I want to scroll up I change the mode to Copy Mode by pressing Ctrl A Esc. Then I use my trackpad to scroll up/down. It works. However, sometimes (...
whiteSkar's user avatar
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Resize terminal Emacs window to fit when resuming a Screen session from larger display in Ubuntu

Whenever I start a GNU screen session running GNU emacs (nw, so in terminal) on my desktop with a large monitor, then resume it on my laptop, emacs still thinks it's on a large monitor. This means as ...
Max Ghenis's user avatar
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How do you cd to the directory of another screen window?

gnome-terminal has a great feature where opening a new tab or window starts the new shell with cwd = the cwd of the previously-focussed window. I usually run GNU screen in one of my gnome-terminal ...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
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Play GNU screen terminal sessions and slow them down

I have some log files made with GNU screen which I would like to watch. These use elinks and vim, it is not simple bash text. If I use cat, it almost works save that it is too fast. Is there a way to ...
Antonio Bonifati 'Farmboy''s user avatar
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preventing vim from destroying screen's scrollback buffer

when not using gnu screen, vim exits without littering my scroll back buffer. It vanishes, and all i get is a new bash prompt. everything that was on the screen before starting vim is there. when its ...
gcb's user avatar
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How can I ring the audio bell within a bash script running under gnu screen?

In a konsole terminal window outside of screen running a bash shell with TERM set to konsole-256color if I type: echo -n $'\a' or echo -n $'\eg' or ./ where contents of is #!/...
Bob's user avatar
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How to give each virtual terminal in GNU Screen it's own background color?

I have a dream: I want each virtual terminal within GNU Screen to have it's own unique background color. I think I can fake it in an .bashrc script that emits xterm control codes to set background ...
Jonathan Mayer's user avatar
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Launch screen terminals with set directory

How can I get my screen session to open different terminals in different directories on login? For example, In my .screenrc file I have the following: screen -t bash0 screen -t bash1 screen -t bash2 ...
rjd's user avatar
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Detaching from a GNU Screen suddenly clears the terminal

I feel so stupid for asking this, but here goes: I updated my Ubuntu (Server) install today from 13.10 to 14.04. Before the upgrade detaching from screen did not clear the terminal and now it does. ...
JaHei's user avatar
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3 answers

Local echo using Screen to connect to a serial terminal

Reading through the book "Building Wireless Sensor Networks" I learned that you can use the Screen utility to attach to a serial console. I tried using it to connect to an XBee module and it seemed ...
Pak's user avatar
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Remove vertical split bar of a termincal multiplexer, vacating the space instead of hiding it

For the last decade I usually work in a full-screen mode terminal emulator (often xterm), and often with vertical split. The recent GNU Screen offers vertical split with ctrl-a |. 1280×720 offers 160 ...
Tankman六四's user avatar
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Echo to screen session and to file

I want to execute the following command: echo $RANDOM 2>&1 >> test.txt in this screen session: screen -S test -X eval 'stuff "echo $RANDOM 2>&1 >> test.txt\015"' However,...
Szymon Toda's user avatar
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How do I supress date/time display in GNU Screen vertical splits?

I am using a copy of GNU Screen packaged for Fedora 18. I copied these neat lines over onto my .screenrc, to show me the host/date-time/windows: # Neat status bar on the bottom of the screen caption ...
ArjunShankar's user avatar
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Attach screen on a running terminal

I have a long running process in a (virtual) terminal that unfortunately was not started in a (gnu) screen session. Is there a way to migrate it in a screen session? (obviously, without stopping it)
yannisf's user avatar
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Locking a GNU-screen session after x minutes of non-use on Linux

I have a couple of services running in a GNU-screen session on top of Bash. Because one of the services contain sensitive data I have to constantly either close the terminal completely or lock the ...
Mogget's user avatar
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Setting GNU Screen to send escape codes to outer terminal on TI

I’m using GNU Screen inside mintty. To get the scroll wheel to work, I had to switch the mintty scroll wheel mode with an escape code (^[[?7787h). This has the effect that the scroll wheel does not ...
Chronial's user avatar
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Emacs and Unix Screen

I'm in Screen and have one window set to emacs. When I leave that window and maneuver to a different one, say screen two or three, the text in the original emacs window gets discombobulated. The line ...
user592419's user avatar
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putting "screen" in ~/.profile does nothing

I want to always use "screen" in any terminal. i've added into my ~/.profile a new line: "screen", just like it said here:
Itay's user avatar
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Use of screen on terminal is blocked by length of user name

I am a user of screen on terminal, but i tried to mount a screen on my Macbook and results in this warning: $ screen LoginName too long - sorry. I read on web and the suggestion is change the ...
Cristian Velandia's user avatar
5 votes
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How to actually type CTRL-A in a linux terminal?

How do I to invoke Ctrl-a in a Linux terminal session. I am trying to share a screen using screen. The command to turn on multiuser is Ctrl-A :multiuser on , I know how to press Ctrl+a on my ...
Dre_Dre's user avatar
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PuTTY + Ubuntu 12.10: why do I have no colors unless I use screen?

I am accessing a new Ubuntu 12.10 installation via PuTTY. I am attempting to get my shell to display in color. Color works fine in interactive applications like vim, but I want to get color in e.g. my ...
Jesse Buchanan's user avatar
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Horizontally split-screen with two programs?

I have two programs A and B. I want a single command, which will run Program A and Program B in two different terminals but in the same tab, i.e, in a horizontally split terminal. I know screen can do ...
Nehal J Wani's user avatar
13 votes
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Screen divider / border width and color

In GNU screen, using a horizontal / vertical split, how do you set the color and width of the divider between the splits? I want to make them thin and darker so they don't stand out as much. There is ...
aaren's user avatar
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Can I remove the ctrl-z key binding in my shell?

The background for this question: I currently have to do a lot of my work in terminal over ssh, and I use screen quite a bit. Because I found the ctrl-a key binding for screen commands so annoying ...
Nagel's user avatar
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How do I send SIGKILL on cygwin in GNU Screen?

I have recently started using GNU screen on cygwin, but the functionality to terminate a foreground process with CTRL-C does not seem to work when there is an active screen session. Is there a ...
Rich Ashworth's user avatar
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Run a shell script in an existing terminal session

I'm writing a script to deploy a project to multiple servers (9 and counting). With compression, copying, and remote connections, the script is rapidly becoming fairly slow. So now I'm investigating ...
Mikkel's user avatar
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Configure GNU Screen's colors?

GNU Screen gives my bash prompt nice colors, though the dark blue is hard to read on a black background. I can change the ls colors using /etc/DIR_COLORS but the bash prompt in screen doesn't get ...
gitaarik's user avatar
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Load RVM environment in Screen and ZSH

This topic has been driving me nuts for a while now, and I'd like to be able to figure out what's going wrong. I use zsh with screen in my terminal, and have been for a while. However, for whatever ...
Itai Ferber's user avatar
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How to reconnect a screen session every time terminal is fired?

I wrote this command to reconnect an active screen session when Terminator is opened. It works find but there has got to be a better way to to it This is goes in the Terminator config file (note ...
Randim's user avatar
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Using fg with screen

I have a running job in a ssh terminal on an external server. I can pause it with CTRL + Z and resume it with fg. But I would like to pause it, run screen screen -S my_job and get it back in front ...
Bjoernsen's user avatar
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Detach screen in screen?

I like to have a screen session set up with two windows side by side (Ctrl+A | key combo). The issue is that sometimes I need to run a server that starts a screen session in the foreground of one of ...
Jess's user avatar
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