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My git history all of my commits have no message

this happened today last few hours, have not updated git, but all of my git commits have no message I do a commit git commit -m "fixed the headline level" and when I do git log I see ...
user254694's user avatar
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Changed color settings of bash terminal are not applied

I installed the from this git repository, but i want to customize the color settings with ble-face commands. What happens is that, I changed the color ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
1 vote
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git is unable to properly determine the terminal width (git-bash, windows)

As you can see in the screenshot, the terminal is currently 100 characters wide, and both methods of detecting such that I'm aware of are returning the correct value. Despite this, unless I explicitly ...
davidmwhynot's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Windows Bash Terminal takes over 10 seconds to load

When starting up Git Bash in a Windows terminal or VScode terminal, the screen is blank for 10 - 15 seconds before it initializes to having a working directory and cursor. After init, it runs fine. ...
skwidflowz's user avatar
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How to pass Ctrl+R to the git bash terminal in Visual Studio Code? [duplicate]

Right now while in git bash terminal inside VS Code if I press Ctrl+R nothing happened - VS Code awaits for the second key of chord: Is it possible to instruct VS Code to pass the Ctrl+R key ...
mark's user avatar
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iTerm2 just all of a sudden started asking me to reinstall git, after it had been installed for years?

All of a sudden, out of the blue, my Macbook Air (OS 12.5.1 Monterey) just started to ask me to install git when I type git status into the terminal (iTerm2)... Here is the error message if I say &...
Lance's user avatar
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terminal git status helper listed in .bashrc and .bash_profile not loading unless you source .bash_profile

I have the following neat helper, that I found online, that displays my current git branch at all times if I am in a git repo: parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -...
codyc4321's user avatar
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Unsupported certificate option "-t" at cpanel terminal

I'm creating a ssh key authentication in the cpanel terminal as recommended by cpanel, So I'll be able to integrate git version control:
Rodrigo's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to customize shortcut keys on Git Bash Terminal (Windows 10)

How can I customize shortcut keys on Git Bash Terminal? When I use the Option -> Keys, it only allows to turn on or off the features. What I want is to change the key combinations. Here are my ...
LiemLT's user avatar
  • 61
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1 answer

How to set Terminal tab title to show the current git branch (using zsh)?

ZSH allows for nice customized command line prompts that show the current git branch. I'd like to also show the current git branch in the title of the Terminal window or tab (the text in the bar at ...
lucas's user avatar
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How to run a docker image in windows 10?

Can someone teach me how to run s docker image in windows 10? Please don't tell me to read a tutorial, there is a reason why I ask. I have already installed docker for windows. All tutorials say, &...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
1 vote
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Make ctrl + c ask for confirmation before killing git

I have the bad habit of killing programs when they are running because of impatience. For 99% of what I do this doesn;t cause issues because my programs don;t tend to edit files. However git becomes ...
Makogan's user avatar
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2 answers

Git branch name is not updated on terminal prompt when checking out another git branch

I'm having this command to set prompt in Bash terminal with Git branch name: export PS1="\w $(git branch | grep '*') " It shows the correct Git branch name for the first time after running ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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How to delete one variable in terminal using git?

So, I'm having an issue when im trying to use git status in my terminal. fatal: bad numeric config value '=' for 'color.ui': invalid unit I looked into it and realized I have 2 color.ui variables git ...
Charles Pine's user avatar
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should I get rid of mutiple git installations, if so how? (OS X)

I hope the title isn't confusing, but I seem to have accumulated a couple of different versions of git in various directories over the years. I'd like to clean it all up and just have one version, and ...
Shiny_and_Chrome's user avatar
-1 votes
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How come I'm having trouble cp this file to another directory?

cp fanpage.html path/Desktop I am using this command to cp the fanpage.html file from my prework-about-me directory to my Desktop directory. When I run the exact command I posted here how come it ...
user avatar
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Why does an interactive command (git add -i) exit immediately?

I've used git add interactive before -- nice little ascii GUI. Today when I ran git add -i, it prints all the expected dialog, and then exits immediately. (screenshot below, bash in gnome terminal.) ...
Jeff Ward's user avatar
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How to understand what is Shell, Terminal, MinGW, Bash, Git Bash etc?

I'm a still a beginner Python programmer. I know the basics decently and can also use some packages and libraries. I've used Pandas, Matplotlib, Beautiful Soup, Requests to name a few and I want to ...
Arafat Khan's user avatar
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Use conda and git from same terminal (W10)

Windows 10 beginner here - currently using: Anaconda Prompt terminal to use conda and manage python environments. git bash terminal to use git and manage code. I want to use both conda and git in ...
DannyDannyDanny's user avatar
4 votes
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All command line terminals on my PC [Windows 10] run incredibly slow. CMD, Git Bash, VSCode Terminal

So, since yesterday, my terminals have been running super slow. Slow to start up and slow to run commands. Running a command takes over one minute. Takes like 5 minutes to start up. At first I thought ...
Tyranius's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does my zsh shell show me as user: git:(master)?

I can't for the life of me, figure out why my zsh shell shows me as a user:git and in the master branch. It was on the gh-pages branch, after messing around with some git commands like git checkout. ...
cbh17sen's user avatar
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Show git pairs in (oh-my-zsh) terminal

I have setup my (oh-my-zsh) terminal to display/indicate all sort of git stuff (on which branch, uncommited changes, etc.). I believe that it comes from plugins=( git ... ) Is it also possible ...
Norfeldt's user avatar
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3 answers

New to Git, why are there already so many configurations set in git config?

New to using git, and just downloaded it. Getting it set up and was surprised to find so many presets with git config --list? I thought nothing was supposed to be preset. output of git config --list: ...
Sil's user avatar
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can't compile st build

i was trying to download someone's st build from github here and when i run make or sudo make install it gives me the following error st build options: /bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found /bin/sh: 1: ...
awsyoos's user avatar
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Using Git Bash terminal in VS Code - how to force it to open internally

So I am fairly new to pretty much everything. I follow Brad from YT channel Traversy Media and am adapting his stack - slowly but surely. I use VS Code as my editor and Git Bash as my terminal. ...
s3c's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Enter key prints ^M in certain situations in iTerm

I am using iTerm2 on a Macbook Pro running MacOS Mojave. In certain situations, such as when doing a git add -p, pressing return ends up printing ^M instead of performing the action. Stage this hunk ...
Sinstein's user avatar
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5 answers

VSCode doesn't open in the right directory in WSL

I am using WSL, specifically the WLinux Distro. I have installed everything. NodeJS, Git, zsh, oh-my-zsh, even solved my problem with the SSH Keys somehow. But, now when I move to the desired ...
Dimitris Efst's user avatar
3 votes
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Make cmd-click on a file name in iTerm add that filename to the command

By default, iTerm lets you cmd-click filenames and urls to open them with the system's default app. I want to be able to change that so it adds the filename to the command I'm currently typing. This ...
NoamNelke's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to configure zsh with oh-my-zsh to keep git history visible after pressing "q"?

I use zsh with oh-my-zsh on a daily basis but there is a small thing that bothers me. If I use git log or any other similar command then the output occupies full terminal window. After pressing q the ...
Dominik Roszkowski's user avatar
0 votes
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How to echo from web to a file in windows terminal?

What I want is to run a command in a terminal that will download a Visual Studio git ignore raw file, save it to .gitignore file in a folder where my terminal is opened on my Windows 10 machine. I've ...
Dmytro's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How do I open a new git bash terminal window at my current location in windows?

When running git bash, I can open a new bash window at my root with Alt+F2 I can open a windows explorer window at the current directory path $ explorer . Trying $ sh to open a new terminal ...
StuperUser's user avatar
1 vote
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Open Mac terminal in the Incognito mode?

How do I open the Mac terminal in the Incognito mode? Yes, I am aware about some answers like this one, however, my aim is different - I do not want to use the stored passwords, etc. I work a lot ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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How to `git show` a commit by Cmd+clicking a Git commit hash in iTerm2?

I am using iTerm2 with oh-my-zsh. git log --oneline shows me the git tree: 0b99548e commit A eb980d4c commit B e7e5e043 commit C In order to view a commit, I need to do the following steps: double ...
Alexander Popov's user avatar
1 vote
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How to prevent that a ssh key that is used to perform git actions, is decrypted only once also when new terminals are opened subsequently on Windows?

Linux On my Linux system, I decrypt a private ssh key every time when I boot the system. Once booted I open a terminal and issue: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_some_key and I am ready to perform git ...
030's user avatar
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Android & AndroidPC: how to install Git-SCM?

I see several apps from the Play store. They are either Terminal or Terminal emulating apps (emulation provides the supposedly similar functionality, validation?). The Termux is becoming a popular ...
Pristine Kallio's user avatar
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MINGW64 (downloaded from - How can I set it to use my system version of vim, rather than the build in version?

I'm trying to set up vim as a GO IDE. I also use the version of MINGW64 that git ships with as my terminal. Everything works as expected. I can run gvim from the terminal no problem, but when I try ...
mal's user avatar
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106 votes
9 answers

How to switch git user at terminal?

I am trying to push a project to a remote repository from the command line. From inside my local directory, I hit: $ git push and obtain the following error: remote: Permission to username1/repo....
Mowzer's user avatar
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How to create a "function" for terminal to run

I have about 10 terminal commands that execute syncing with a Git repository and a live-server. How can I boil that down into single command? Is this a use case for scripting? Steps include: ...
Kermit's user avatar
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How to arrange for the shell to autocomplete git branch names?

Is there a way to make the shell autocomplete git branch names like it does in linux(mint). While typing, for example, git push -u origin so<tab> in linux, this will give me all the branches ...
Jorge Y. C. Rodriguez's user avatar
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Installation issues github program: truecrack

I am trying to install TrueCrack from github: . As the description says I do this: cd truecrackDirectory ./configure --enable-cpu make However, when I do the ...
timbmg's user avatar
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How to make `git log` show colors correctly in MobaXterm?

I tried git config --global color.ui auto, but it made no difference—the git log output is still full of [[32m, [[m, etc. How can I make git log (and any other commands with color output) show up ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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Uninstall git on linux, fedora

I installed git using sudo yum install git I believe git is corrupted in some manner, when I try to clone a repository from github it asks for my bitbucket password and the clone isn't a clone. I ...
depperm's user avatar
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gitk not working inside of tmux

I have a weird issue where gitk does not run when I use it inside of a tmux session. If I run gitk from tmux, I get: Error in startup script: 58:102: execution error: An error of type -10810 has ...
navinpai's user avatar
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Mac terminal lost git knowledge

When I opened terminal and went to a git repo, it would automatically show the branch I'm on with a big green check or red X if I had any changes. Logged onto machine today and my bash profile was ...
Dave Stein's user avatar
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How do I replace two lines each other in editor in Terminal?

I have this: pick 887b66f add 222 Dziewiecsil to flowers new title pick dc331cb new name of beginning commit And I want to get this: pick dc331cb new name of beginning commit pick 887b66f add 222 ...
Bartłomiej Semańczyk's user avatar
2 votes
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How to avoid .git when search for a string using grep

I am trying to make a search in a folder for a string using grep. grep -r "word" . But it is including a search in .git files which I would like to avoid. Thanks
AllIsWell's user avatar
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ssh key works on terminal but not on git

I have my machine, with it's ssh key. the public key is on the git remote machine. I can easily connect to the Git machine with simple ssh threw terminal. The problem is when I perform a "git pull" ...
Tzook Bar Noy's user avatar
2 votes
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Installed Git, not sure how to get it working

Ive installed Git on my Mac (OS 10.7.5) and it seems to be successful (I get the successful installation message). But when I open my terminal and try some basic command line, eg" git --version I just ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
3 votes
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Git interactive.singlekey from urxvt

In git-config's docs it says (emphasis mine): interactive.singlekey In interactive commands, allow the user to provide one-letter input with a single key (i.e., without hitting enter). ...
user's user avatar
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Why does Github list the Ubuntu computer's name as author instead of my Github account name when I push from command line?

When I git push from a terminal on my Ubuntu box, which has a computer name of Bot, it asks for Github credentials, and I provide them. The username I provide is my own, not Bot. Yet when I go to ...
kyoob's user avatar
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