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Ubuntu bash terminal under wsl unexpectedly switches to "jump over the words" input mode

Below I assume that there are two input modes for terminal (console): in "normal mode" when you press ← your cursor moves to the left by 1 symbol, when you press → your cursor moves to the ...
AntonioK's user avatar
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Ser2net returns double lines in terminal. What to do?

I'm pretty new to Linux, but I decided to build my own console server to connect to my Cisco devices. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 on which I did install ser2net and it works just fine. But when I enter ...
Tjaa's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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Cannot read error in console nor via redirect

What I have done: Installed Ubuntu Server 20.04.6LTS to SSD (/sda), extra drives HDD (/sdb). There is an extra HDD (call it /sdc for now) that was RAID1. RAID1: I followed the ideas outlined here, ...
Tommy Gibbons's user avatar
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I installed grype on my Windows 10 machine, but my WSL2 console does not seem to detect it. What have I done wrong?

I installed Grype through a command I ran in WSL2 and I believe I correctly added it to PATH. When I try and use Grype in my terminal however, nothing happens. I added "C:\grype" to PATH. ...
nowa's user avatar
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Troubleshooting of low performance of console programs

When I use neovim in alacritty in weston, it works slow (low FPS). However, this problem is observed only in this particular bunch of programs. There is no problem if: Running neovim in other ...
fingolfin's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to open console app in Windows 11 without using new terminal feature?

I use this console app (Far manager since early Windows versions - it is best commander ever, the linux Midnight Commander is a pale rip off compared, it grew from Norton Commander and became 100x ...
Boppity Bop's user avatar
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Where can I find a TeraTerm User Guide?

I am using TeraTerm for terminal emulation. I'd like to create a link on my Win10 desktop, to start TT with specific connection params for a COM port. As a reference, I have command lines that open a ...
ysap's user avatar
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Console text editor and Ctrl+S within screen

I cannot use any console based text editors because my Ctrl+S is blocked by console output control -- Ctrl+S normally means stop scrolling under console or terminal, and my screen is eating that key, ...
xpt's user avatar
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Pasting into terminal, two steps vs one step [duplicate]

This is a weird problem -- for pasting text into terminal, I've seen two types of behaviors, two steps vs one step, and I had never figured out why. Let me start with the "one step" behavior,...
xpt's user avatar
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Remove a folder without confirm deletion of every single file in nnn file manager

Recently I started to use the file manager nnn. It seems to be fun, except for deleting folders. Is it somehow possible to delete a folder with this file manager, without confirming to delete every ...
Robin's user avatar
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How to fix du tab alignment?

I'd like to get the du output in neat columns. This is what I get: du -sh * | sort -hr ---- 48M app 11M lib 6.7M image.jpg 1.1M image2.jpg 488K code.c 488K 72K doc.txt 16K notes....
mcp's user avatar
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Use one ssh public key for multiple remote users

I have my one local public key and I am trying to add it to two authorized_keys on a remote server for two different users (ex. users remote1 and remote1). I am able to ssh just fine as remote1; ...
Brian's user avatar
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Paste with right-click in unfocused Windows console

By default, in Windows 10 console, to paste a text with right-click I have to focus the console window first. I'd like to reproduce the Putty console behaviour, where the text can be pasted to an ...
mortalis's user avatar
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Sending sysrq through the picocom or TigerVNC

I have some VM on qemu, which occasionally freezes. Thus I need some way to send sysrq to my VM. I use both TigerVNC and picocom, but the appropriate hotkeys (e.g. Alt + PrtScr + B) don't work. ...
red0ct's user avatar
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3 answers

Adduser command not working in Linux

When I type adduser -m *username*, I recieve this from the terminal: bash: adduser: command not found (in spanish orden no encontrada) I tried installing adduser but it was already installed.
Alexei Guchin's user avatar
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Is there a terminal that has something similar to intellisense? [closed]

I absolutely love Intellisense when writing code in Visual Studio Is there a terminal app that has a similar feature that could popup a GUI of suggestions for command or parameter completion based on ...
masteroleary's user avatar
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Multiple PuTTY windows/consoles using one SSH connection

In any major OS, you can open multiple terminal connections. Is this possible using PuTTY? To be clear, I do not mean opening up a console session and logging into remote equipment. Then starting a ...
leftover's user avatar
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How can I edit data the copy/paste buffer in terminal?

I'd like to edit data copy/paste buffer. For example i have in buffer ABC, how can I edit ABC to 123 in terminal?
69 420 1970's user avatar
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Cannot make ConEmu the default terminal console on Windows 10

I have ComEmu64 installed on Win 10 Pro 1903. Originally I had it installed through Chocolatey but have also tried downloading and installing manually. First of all I should point out I was having ...
WolvenSpectre's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable image viewing on w3m?

I'm using w3m in Sakura Terminal. I use tmux so only a small part of the screen should be allocated to the web browser - however, images appear all over the entire terminal window and sometimes ...
Zev Cooper-Bennun's user avatar
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iTerm2 shares the same instance across all macOS workspaces

Suddenly after a computer restart, my iTerm behaves differently, as the same iTerm2 instance is shard across all macOS workspaces. If I open a new tab or open a new windows of iTerm2, these will ...
Marius's user avatar
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How to execute command in linux desktop environment without a terminal application?

I installed cinnamon to arch linux without any console or terminal application. And set sddm to auto start. So how do I execute a command now ?
BaiJiFeiLong's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Change default version of Nano on Mac OS X

I've got nano 2.0.6 as default in my Mac OS X terminal when executing nano. I've got nano 2.9.1 in /usr/local/Cellar/nano/2.9.1/bin/nano. How do I change the default nanoto version 2.9.1 in the ...
Michael Nielsen's user avatar
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Tmux independent pane switching

I am wondering if it is possible to have a shared tmux session which has a window with multiple panes that the users can switch between independently. For example, user Alice should be able to have ...
Klas. S's user avatar
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Console vs terminal

I've been using Linux for some time now but never got a clean understanding of difference between console vs terminal terms. There is a thread describing the topic but it brought me some confusions. ...
Mulligan's user avatar
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Stop arrow keys typing letters in vim insert mode

When I hit the arrow keys in insert mode I get characters instead of navigation: I'd like to be able to use the arrow keys to navigate. Note: I recently upgraded to macOS Sierra. Maybe something ...
minseong's user avatar
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Regarding the system (shell) font on Surface Pro 4

I have set up my Surface Pro 4 to boot Arch Linux alongside Windows 10. I don't use Plymouth or a DM, mostly because they were mostly more trouble than they were worth and it's just as well to start ...
Earth2's user avatar
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how do I make function keys switch to different terminals in console mode?

Without running any window manager, just logged in directly to the box in the first terminal session, how can I make F2, F3, F4, etc switch to other terminal "tabs"? i.e. not using screen or tmux I ...
Andrew Arrow's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I change the font size in TeraTerm?

I am using TeraTerm in windows. I would like to change the font size in the TeraTerm console permanently. I can do it every time I open a new command window but that's boring. I figured out that there ...
drzbir's user avatar
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Copy currently playing file in VLC using Terminal

I would like to be able to get the currently playing file in my VLC player and copy the file into a specified directory. I would like to know how I can do this using VLC's console interface to get ...
Imran's user avatar
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Conemu ssh results in "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal"

I'm using a Conemu task to ssh into my server. In order to have 256 color for my motd generator support I have put the cygwin-connector conemu-cyg-64.exe in the bin folder of my CygWin installation on ...
willemdh's user avatar
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Non-latin letters shown bold in console when using ter-v16n font

I have to show various UTF-8 characters in my CentOS terminal and I'm playing with Terminus console fonts. If I'm using ter-u16n font I get properly drawn Cyrillic characters but available character ...
reddot's user avatar
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Unexpected BPython console output behaviour

I am using BPython to run Python scripts, and I found the console output has a different behavior than the regular Python console.. For example this small snippet: import time for i in range(100): ...
iago-lito's user avatar
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Mac OS X - Why doesn't the 'open' command pass parms for me from a bash script?

I am attempting to run this 'open' command through a bash script, but the arguments aren't passing for some reason. Any ideas? #!/bin/bash open -a /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-...
Steve W's user avatar
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Xyplex MaxServer 20 Terminal Server

I recently purchased a Xyplex (which was purchased by MRV) MaxServer 1620 terminal server for my CCNA lab so I could manage all of the console connections from a single device.. Well, that was the ...
Richie086's user avatar
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Changing terminal colors

I log into my server remotely, and use VIM to edit files. Using the noctu colorscheme, VIM uses the available default 8 system colors and their light/bold variants, 16 colors total. For whatever ...
ridthyself's user avatar
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When a task terminates in ConEmu console, how do I rerun it in the same console?

So I have this Task in ConEmu which creates several split consoles. In some of them I run a mongo database. Sometimes I terminate the database and leave the console open. Normally in a command line ...
Ev0oD's user avatar
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using posh-git with conemu

I tried doing what the fellow at this site managed: doing the same as he using the keybind in conemu ...
2c2c's user avatar
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Mouse tracking control codes for terminal using bash

I'm making a bash implementation of curses as an expermient for fun. I use infocmp to get the ANSI terminal codes. I'm a bit stuck now at how to enable mouse tracking in a cross-console way. I could ...
BashFu's user avatar
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remap ctrl-shift-up -down (xubuntu, bash)

I'm using xubuntu 14.04 and trying to remap ctrl-shift-up/-down arrow key in vim in xfce-terminal (not gvim). Doing the same with left/right works fine. The keys are not mapped in some xfce-settings. ...
leo's user avatar
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4 votes
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GNU Screen/tmux equivalent for Windows for remote text console (not GUI) connections

Short question: is there any terminal multiplexer that runs in a Windows CMD shell? I suppose PowerShell could be enough too. Complete question: I have a Windows 7 SP1 on a powerful computer ...
Sopalajo de Arrierez's user avatar
204 votes
6 answers

How to close a tmux session

I am using tmux to manage multiple terminal windows. Currently I have 2 windows open with multiple panes. I know that I have to use the prefix (for me it is ctrl+a) to enter commands. How can I ...
ph3nx's user avatar
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Type in multiple terminals [duplicate]

I am looking for a solution for Windows to be able to type the same commands in multiple terminals (SSH) at the same time. I am using ConEmu with Git bash, but any solution for Windows is of interest.
Vad's user avatar
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Can I install ConsoleZ without a package manager?

I am not sure why/how, but I can't seem to simply install ConsoleZ on my Windows 7 computer. I went here, got the latest x64 release, and unzipped it. Afer unzipping it, I get just one directory, ...
TheGrapeBeyond's user avatar
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Is there a terminal supporting embeded graph under linux? [closed]

everyone. I want to know if there is a graphic terminal which support viewing images inline. The ipython qtconsole is very cool because it has the '%matplotlib inline' magic. But I'd like to use ...
Libin's user avatar
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What are the differences between each virtual console (Ctrl+Alt F1 - F6)?

In Ubuntu, there are 6 virtual consoles, which can be accessed by pressing Ctrl +Alt + F1 - F6, and F7, to exit. What are the differences between these virtual consoles? Do they run different things, ...
joshreesjones's user avatar
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"ubuntu terminal"-like console for windows?

I have to work in vista for a while and I am searching for a console that will look much like ubuntu terminal. I want to be able to make the background transparent, change the font color, use keyboard ...
Thanos's user avatar
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Bash rename to time

How can I rename a file to match the current (rounded) time. If it is for example 10:55 or 11:05 then I would like to rename it to 11. Something like this: mv file.txt file_`date +%H`.txt but with ...
Dado's user avatar
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Is it possible to highlight the non-breakable space in zsh / terminal?

I’m looking for possibility to somehow highlight the non-breakable space (\xA0) in the shell output to distinguish it from the normal space during debug sessions. E. g., I would like to see the output ...
Aleksei Matiushkin's user avatar