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Grep’s result coloring, and right-to-left scripts

I have a text file with a single line that contains the single Yiddish word azoy, in Hebrew script: אַזױ. Then I grep for occurrences of the oy character, ױ. (This is highly simplified of course, in ...
Ruud Harmsen's user avatar
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How to have HTML syntax color and indent in terminal?

I would like to have an experience on working HTML output on terminal as close to what an HTML viewer would provide: indent, syntax color. My closest result is: curl -L | tidy -i 4 ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How to match PDF okular colors with Terminal colors?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 okular 21.12.3 konsole 21.12.3 to display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' okular -version konsole -version outputs: ok match color Blue in Terminal with ...
joseph22's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Changed color settings of bash terminal are not applied

I installed the from this git repository, but i want to customize the color settings with ble-face commands. What happens is that, I changed the color ...
Vitor Martins's user avatar
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How can I get iTerm2 to colour-code remote tmux sessions?

Currently I have a script called, which ssh's into a server, and integrates with iTerm2's native tmux integration to display the tmux session in native windows; until ssh $1 -t "tmux -CC a -...
Shadowjonathan's user avatar
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ls ignoring extensions when colorizing with LS_COLORS

I'm trying to set LS_COLORS to colorize my ls output, but for some reason it is ignoring any file match patterns. It is correctly coloring executables, directories, etc., but it seems to be ...
mrjake2's user avatar
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How do I make less look like a terminal to programs attached to its input?

Questions like "How do I get grep to pipe color output to less?" explain what flag to give to grep so it'll ignore the fact that less isn't a regular terminal. Is there a way to fool an ...
John Baber-Lucero's user avatar
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conemu64 terminal color changed to reddish color

In Conemu64 I was installing updates and pressed Ctrl + C to cancel the updating of softwares installed suddenly the terminal color is changed to reddish. In order to simulate the above operation we ...
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Windows 10 WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 no longer starting with bash colors

I'm using Windows Terminal. Added alias to .bashrc colors disappeared. Actually, I did a dumb thing - overwritten .bashrc with echo 'alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"' > ~/.bashrc ...
Alex K's user avatar
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Putty setting for different colors of text transmitted and received

I'm using Putty as a terminal emulator to control some equipment. The protocol is to send a command and receive a reply, each terminated by a CR/LF. The format of the command and reply are nearly ...
gnuarm's user avatar
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Where do terminal font colors come from in an SSH session?

Using gnome-terminal I connect to my servers at work using SSH from Ubuntu 18.04 or 22.04. These work servers can be Sparc Solaris or Linux (Fedora). When I connect to the Solaris servers from my ...
jav's user avatar
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How do I copy the "tree" command output from Linux Terminal without losing the red/blue/white colours of the folder/file tree?

When copying the output of the "tree" command from the Terminal, the colours that were shown in the terminal get lost, whether I put it here or in a Google Drive Doc. Example: tree /var/log/...
questionto42's user avatar
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Does tput automatically check color abilities when loading color codes?

When using tput setaf and tput sgr0, does it automatically output nothing if the session isn't tty-like or no color support is detected? So am I fine doing this? declare -r styleRed=$(tput setaf 1) ...
Jaid's user avatar
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Ubuntu/WSL disappeared from Windows Terminal?

I am using WSL/Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows Terminal, and I wanted to change my font color. When I copied settings into my settings.json file, the Ubuntu profile disappeared from Windows Terminal`. My ...
Leviathan's user avatar
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How to change font color in Mobaxterm version-22

Today i have upgraded my MobaXterm_Portable_v11.1 framework to MobaXterm_Portable_v22.0 in my windows-10 system. In latest version terminal font colors are not as my older version. (The colors are too ...
user4948798's user avatar
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How to put colors in terminal?

I would like to use rgb(a) hex codes to display colors on the terminal. I intend to make some kind of program that can render colors inside brackets, like: [#FFFFFF]this is white text
slim station's user avatar
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How to change the font color in the title of iTerm 2?

Does anyone know what option should I put in .zshrc to change the font color in the title of iTerm from grey to white? I spent 24h and still couldn't find the right option because there are a lot of ...
Chris Caro's user avatar
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Set Linux terminal foreground color prior to login

I'm wanting to set the foreground color of a Linux terminal (outside of any GUI). I'm using Gallium with its multi-user target, which opens straight to the terminal rather than the GUI. I've tried a ...
user2340724's user avatar
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Windows batch - how to save terminal output whilst preserving colored text?

Sometimes the program output in terminal is colored. For example aria2: aria2c > z.txt The output file looks like this: 08/13 03:42:27 [[1;32mNOTICE[0m] Downloading 1 item(s) ...
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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cygwin / mintty color scheme woes

I heavily rely on Cygwin (that uses mintty) and SSH to work on remote systems on command lines and then using emacs in text mode as editor. I find the default color schemes of the cygwin shell ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
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VSCode Integrated Terminal Coloring

I am trying to use the Github Dark Dimmed Theme in VSCode. It looks great except for the Integrated Terminal, the background of executables is quite hard to read (see below). What setting do I need to ...
Nukesub's user avatar
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Why tmux does not respect terminal color settings?

I'm using alacritty terminal emulator and ZSH shell. When I customize my alacritty config so it contains light background and specific color scheme, it works allright. But as soon as I create tmux ...
user3056783's user avatar
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How to preserve terminal colors on remote server?

I define my terminal colors in ~/.Xresources. E.g. for my dark blue I have a line *color4: #7cafc2. This works on my local terminal. When I ssh to a remote server, some of the terminal programs use ...
user1079505's user avatar
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Why is htop not displaying colors only for my local machine?

TL;DR: htop 3.0.4 on macOS 11.0.1 doesn't display colors when running for my local machine, but if ssh'd into a remote system, running htop from there shows colors with no issues. I'm running into a ...
codedeeply's user avatar
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Customizing windows terminal

How to make my own color scheme in windows terminal ? More specifically : What is the proper format of making a color scheme ? A little explanation : Lets take this scheme for example : { "...
Madhubala's user avatar
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Is there a Windows terminal app that will colorize certain text strings that appear in the terminal? [closed]

When your command line app pours a lot of text at you, it would be nice if it could colorize the words ERROR and WARNING. Anyone found an app that will do that?
dwilbank's user avatar
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How to reset on Ubuntu the terminal text color back to defaul once a SSH connection is closed

System: Ubuntu 20.04 My goal: change terminal text color when I connect to SSH host and reset the terminal text color once the SSH connection is closed. Status: I managed to change the text color when ...
LaUs3r's user avatar
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How do you arrange terminal color sequences into human friendly color grades

I made this script to display terminal colors but the arrangement of colors I don't understand. Here is the script which is pretty basic. It just increments the color code for the 256 color palette ...
Peter Moore's user avatar
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How to delete one variable in terminal using git?

So, I'm having an issue when im trying to use git status in my terminal. fatal: bad numeric config value '=' for 'color.ui': invalid unit I looked into it and realized I have 2 color.ui variables git ...
Charles Pine's user avatar
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change selected text color in windows terminal

Windows terminal gained a lot of traction since its release. I was trying to customize it and found that I cannot use light themes in it. Selected text color is by default having grey color and with ...
newbie's user avatar
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Programmatically obtaining color information of a Windows Command Prompt

The default color of a Command Prompt window is taken from the Registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Command Processor/ under the DefaultColor Key. (as mentioned in How to change the ...
Jason S's user avatar
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Unusual "half border" situation with tmux

My tmux occasionally gets into a weird state where half the border (regardless of orientation, or (tmux) window focus) is bolded, highlighted? See the screenshot below: Weirdly, even after ...
Lee Hambley's user avatar
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Ansi 40 (Black Background) does not work in WSL using Windows Terminal

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i'm trying to run ArchWSL with Microsoft Terminal and to style it as I have my actual Arch instalation. I'm trying to "port" base16 Flat Light to the ...
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Is there any way to colorized MacBook pro terminal?

I use Ubuntu Os and when I use terminal I can differentiate what is folder what is file or what is a directory because they have different color scale. For example directories are green or working sh ...
curious's user avatar
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Error highlight in Vim makes text unreadable

So I have a NeoVim setup I made a long time ago. A friend convinced me that the Solarized terminal theme was awesome and so I have that configured, not sure if I have a matching Vim theme. Anyhow, ...
Steven Roose's user avatar
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Different files with same extension colored differently in mac terminal using CLICOLOR=1

I'm coming from StackOverflow where I posted this question and got redirected here. Let me ask it here again : I have been trying to add colors to my mac terminal but not every file is colored. ...
Wexus's user avatar
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iTerm2 - Oh My zsh: color issue

I'm trying to setup iTerm2 with Oh My Zsh on MacOs 10.14.5. Everything works fine but I am facing color issues. Below you can see what I am expecting and what I get: As you can see, my screen is ...
senerh's user avatar
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Run terminal command to all terminals without showing the command

I am writing a program to dynamically change all of my terminals (atm, it's URXVT) foreground color via OSC escape sequences. As a result, I have to sent the command to the currently open terminals ...
TheMohawkNinja's user avatar
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Urxvt with weird colors in Vim

I installed Urxvt on Ubuntu 18.04 to test it and when I opened Vim I saw the weird colors on the left, when it should be as shown on the right:    I tried to change the color scheme, I set the t_Co=...
Rodger Bittencourt's user avatar
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remote zsh doesn't print in 256 color though terminal can print

I want to print my remote Zsh print in 256 color. But as you can see, terminal itself can print all colors, Zsh theme only prints in 8 the color version. Test codes here: curl -s https://gist....
jinhwan's user avatar
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Customize file colors in ranger terminal file manager

I've been using ranger for a couple of days now, and I started customizing it to my needs. I have now the devicons plugin which shows a glyphs next the file name, but I don't know where I can change ...
Adi's user avatar
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How is coloured text stored in the clipboard?

I've been using xclip to copy text to and from terminal. I was curious how it would handle coloured text from non-terminal applications such as google docs, and libreoffice When copying from one of ...
OffBy0x01's user avatar
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vim color scheme breaks when using tmux

I am using Ubuntu 18 LTS, gnome-terminal, with vim 8.0. When I am not using a color scheme, vim looks the same when launched inside or outside of tmux: However, when I use a color scheme (in this ...
Foobar's user avatar
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What does each of the color palette entries change the color of?

I've been editing my color profile and experimenting with what each entry changes the color of. For reference this is what I'm talking about: I've looked everywhere for a list of what each color ...
SPYBUG96's user avatar
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Why does tmux require setting 256 color mode manually?

I just logged-in to a machine and realized that the colors changed inside tmux. It seems like even with TERM=xterm-256color and tput colors ⇒ 256 tmux switches to TERM=screen and tput colors ⇒ 8. ...
Elias's user avatar
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MacOS Mojave terminal and colour issues

Since I installed Mojave I have 2 issues: My secondary monitor doesn't show colours right, they are somewhat vague from what they used to be. It's like someone washed out the screen. I tried ...
Norgul's user avatar
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Windows - terminal colors behaving strangely

I have for some time been experiencing weird behavior with the colors my terminal displays. Above is a screenshot of bash (from Windows Linux Subsystem) inside of Hyper terminal. You can see that the ...
lase's user avatar
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mate-terminal colour scheme partially broken after stretch upgrade

I upgraded a system from jessie to stretch the "Dark Yellow" colour from the palette does not appear to be used in Vim (either the new Vim in stretch or a different vim on a remote host). Instead of ...
bitmask's user avatar
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Vim color scheme does not work in tmux

I am using konsole-4.14.3, tmux-2.6, vim-7.4.1938 and my shell is bash. Outside tmux, my vim color scheme works properly. However, inside tmux the colors are completely different. I kind of know what ...
niko's user avatar
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