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29 votes
10 answers

How to remove Word heading style without losing the formatting?

I have received a word file where lots of text has the style Heading 1 but was later formatted to not look like the Heading 1 style. Whenever I do a refresh of the TOC it will insert the complete ...
OliverS's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Is there a Keyboard-Shortcut for updating all fields, tocs and indexes in MS Word 2011 Mac OS X?

I know it's possible to have MS Word 2011 update all fields before printing a document but I would like to be able to update the fields whenever I feel the need to. Is there a keyboard short cut for ...
T. Junghans's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Word 2010 -- How can you make heading 4, 5, etc.. visible in the table of contents?

Word has Headings 1 - 9, but by default only 1 - 3 will show in the TOC. So, to apply a style to selected text other than Heading 1 - 3, I have done this: select the text right-click the ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How can I make a table of contents for a markdown document with Python/AWK/SED?

I have the following markdown document: Heading-a ========== ---text--- Heading-b ------------ --- text --- Heading-c ---------- --- text--- Heading-d ======= --- text---- Heading-e --- ... ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Turning off "Update page numbers only" in Word

When I update the fields document-wide (Ctrl + A, then F9) in a Word document that has a table of contents, a dialog appears asking if I want to update page numbers only, or update the entire table. I ...
phenry's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Changing Table of contents direction in word 2010

I'm using word 2010 and I'm trying to create a TOC for a right-to-left language. The problem is that word creates the TOC as left-to-right, meaning that the chapter names are on the left side and the ...
tanin's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How can the Table of Contents in a PDF file be edited?

How can I edit the Table of Contents of a PDF file on Linux? I tried pdfedit but I can't find where the content table list is stored.
fakedrake's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to "demote" all titles and headings in Word 2010?

I built a large help document for an application I wrote. I used all the default styles in Word 2010, including "Title", "Heading 1", "Heading 2", etc. Sadly, when I generated the Table of Contents, ...
dangowans's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Table of Contents Outside of Margin

I currently have an automatic table of contents generated for a report I have written. All of the headings in the report are formatted correctly and all indent as expected on the TOC. However, the ...
lethalMango's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Generate table of contents with links for GitHub markdown with pandoc

How to generate table of contents with links for GitHub markdown with pandoc? I tried pandoc -f markdown_github --toc -s -S -o It does create a table of contents but it has no link ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to update the Table Of Contents in Word Online?

Is there a way to update the Table Of Contents of a document inside Word Online (Office 365)? The only solution I've found consists in clicking the button EDIT IN WORD to edit the online file with ...
dr_'s user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Formatting page numbers in Table of Contents to include text

In Word 2010 I want text (eg. VIS - 1, VIS - 2, VIS - 3, etc.) to show in front of the page number in the Table of Contents. I prefer to include the text (e.g. VIS) in the footer in front of the page ...
Kathy's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Libreoffice considering ordinary text as headings

I am preparing my thesis with several headings and subheadings. In fact I started writing the report first and later went on to add pages in the beginning to insert title page, certificate, abstract, ...
Chethan S.'s user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How do I turn a table of contents into plain formatted text?

How do I turn a table of contents into a plain formatted text without field codes? I want to cut it away from the rest of the doc as an outline. I'm using Word 2011 on a Mac.
Kirt's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why is my Table of Contents created empty in OpenOffice/LibreOffice?

I have a document and I would like to create a Table of Content. I tried with Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables... and added a title, then I pressed OK. But I only got a title and no ...
Jonas's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Automatic Table of Contents showing all the same page number

I've created an automatic table of contents within Microsoft Word. It has successfully populated the headings with the correct information; however, all of the page numbers show 1 the whole way down. ...
user354799's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Table of Contents is using regular (Arabic) numbers for pages whose numbers are Roman

I'm using Microsoft Office 2013 Word. Pages that have page numbers displayed as Roman numerals are displayed in the Table of Contents with Arabic numeral page numbers. Here is a screenshot of the ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I start numbering headings with 00 then 01 then 02 etc?

I need to find out if heading numbering in a table of contents can start at 00 and how to do this.
Lucy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Customize TOC tab leader

In Microsoft Word I can choose between dots ..., dashes --- and a line for the tab leader in the table of contents menu. But I want to increase the dots' distance, for example with some spaces between ...
Dante's user avatar
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3 answers

Word 2013 Table of contents need relative link instead of file link for list of figures - for purpose of pdf export

In Microsoft Word 2013, I cannot get a list of figures in a table of contents to link to the internal document. It keeps linking to the file through a file:///c:\documents......docx address. This ...
Alan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Show page number only for headings of level 1 in the Table of Contents

I have a TOC that is driven from 3 heading levels. I want all the levels on the TOC but on the page number for heading 1. From the headers on the document: Document Number SPS SOP 2002 ...
Bryan Sisk's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

table of contents in Word not fitting page

I've created a table of contents but it goes out of the right margin, and the lines between the heading and number continue off so that you can't actually see the page number. I've tried shrinking ...
Vinni's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Word 2010: Add document as appendix to another document

I'm working on a large Word document in Word 2010. I need to include an entire document as an appendix, including title page, it's own table of contents, original line numbering, etc. The the main ...
Martijn's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to sort a Table of Contents alphabetically

I would like to sort the Table of Contents of a document alphabetically rather than by page number. Suppose I have a Table of Contents automatically generated from headings like this one : TABLE ...
Michaël Polla's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to add a Table of Contents to a LibreOffice Calc file?

Adding a ToC in LO Writer is no problem, but how to insert a ToC in a ods file? For a workbook with tables longer than one page to be distributed as printout (not as file), it would be nice to have a ...
tohuwawohu's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Word 2010 TOC contains spurious text and diagrams from the body of text

When I generate the Table of Contents in Word 2010, It copies some diagrams, illustration and text from the body. How can I correct this?
Louis-Marie Koolen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Powerpoint 2003: Including TOC on each slide (like Latex beamer)

Is there any way or template to make Powerpoint presentations that show the TOC showing the current progress on each slide? I want to achieve something like what can be done using Beamer in LaTeX. (...
obaqueiro's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to leave out some headings from table of contents in OpenOffice

I'm writing my thesis in OpenOffice and would like to do the following. My thesis starts by pages which are not part of the document body - such as my abstracts, table of contents and so on. I still ...
VoY's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

MS Word 2013: automatic figure caption numbering inside text boxes with text wrapping

How can I obtain text-wrapped figures with automatically numbered figure captions in Word 2013? In a two column MS Word 2013 document, I am placing figures and their captions in text boxes with text ...
Pieter De Beule's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Remove colons (:) from illustration index in Microsoft Word 2010?

How can I remove all the : from illustration index in Word 2010? FIG. 2.4: Representação em RDF/XML da FIG. 2.3 27 FIG. 2.5: Ilustração da Utilização do RDF com o RDFS 28 But I need this: FIG. ...
celsowm's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Word: TOC and hyperlinks messed up

My table of content in Microsoft Word is reshaped like what is shown in the picture. At the same time my hyperlinks in Word started to appear like this: I tried "toggle field codes", but ...
living being's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

MS Word TOC - Level 4 page number WILL NOT align

Does anyone know how to align the page numbers for level 4 in a MS Word TOC? Rather annoyingly they will not line up for the fourth level and I cannot find the setting to resolve the issue. Number ...
crashOverride's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I assign section numbers automatically?

I have my sections labeled only in words, using the appropriate header hierarchy. My top level headers are header 1. Their children are header 2. Their children are header 3. etc. When I build my ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Table of Contents does not work correctly

I made three different headings, one for each numbering level. For example "1. Topic" will be always Heading 1, "1.1 Topic" will be always Heading 2 and "1.1.1 Topic" will be always Heading 3. Table ...
user1880405's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

TOC on the footer of too many pages

I have a Word: MAC 2011 document where the bottom of the first 40 pages or so say "TOC: Page x". This notation appears to be in the Footer, as it is gray until I click on it (then the rest of the text ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sorting a Wikipedia table by numerical value in a text document?

I've been working on a 3474 line table. Getting the information was easy, capturing the needed information from public online sources. But I came across a problem. The table is by default sorted ...
SoWhAt249's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to put MS Word headings on the same line in a TOC?

I have a book manuscript in Word 2017 with style "Heading 1" chapter titles and style "Heading 2" sections. I'd like to group the Heading 2s on the same line without page numbers, like so: Some sites ...
buttonsrtoys's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Automatic Table of Contents in Word

I want to make an automatic Table of Contents in a Word 2013 document, but I want to use something other than the cover page title in the Table of Contents. For example, on page 1 there is cover page ...
Ayesha Tariq's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to generate a table of contents when converting from LaTeX to EPUB using Pandoc?

I'm converting a LaTeX document into an EPUB ebook: pandoc input.tex -o output.epub Everything works fine, however the ebook has a broken TOC: It contains only one item - the book's title. How can I ...
Petr's user avatar
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0 answers

Add table of contents to existing PDF [duplicate]

I have several pdfs, of which my pdf-viewer can show the outline, like in this example: While this is a great feature, there are unfortunately some pdfs, that have no such feature implemented! ...
Tim Hilt's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I add an outine to a PDF file based on its table of contents?

Situation: there is a large pdf file with several hundreds of papers (think of books, technical specifications, etc.). With no access to the original source, how can a table of contents (ToC) an ...
Lekensteyn's user avatar
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MS Office Table of figures Change link base

I got a document for updating in my work. In this document we have 'Table of Figures' at the beginning of document which provides link to all figures in document. It works correctly when I check here ...
999k's user avatar
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1 answer

Need To Correct An Out Of Order Typo Which Is Linked To The Table Of Contents

I have a typo in our original (Microsoft Word) document which I did not write. The author has left the company. The document is about 9 pages long with various sections. The section headings are like....
User.1's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to insert Table of Contents in Word 2010?

What is the best way to insert a table of contents in Word 2010? When I do it via References I get strange results: the page numbers are on the left hand side when they are meant to be on the right. ...
CJ7's user avatar
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Indextable numbering space

There is no space between the outline numbering and the TEXT in my Table of Contents. My heading styles 1 - 3 have bullets_and_numbering/position/minimum_space_numbering<->text 0,38cm but the ...
Markku Tiuri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I create a drop-down table of contents in Word 2021?

How can I create a drop-down table of contents in Word 2021? I know how to create a standard table of contents in Word, but since the file I'm working on is composed of three parts, which in turn ...
Fra's user avatar
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4 answers

MS Word: There is no table of content to update, though there is

I have a document which requires precise page numbering, formatting etc. through different sections. (I'm really not used to do that kind of things.) One problem is: Table of content is not updating. ...
TTT's user avatar
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1 answer

Page break defined in heading style causes the table of contents to have breaks too. How can I avoid this?

I have before me a document with a working Table of Contents, it's properly styled throughout and quite pretty. I want to have each major section start on a new page, and tried to accomplish this by ...
gws's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

MS Word 2010 Table of Contents text formatting

In Word 2010 I've set up the Table of Contents to create entries for Heading Styles. It is working fine with this exception: Some of my headings are in tables that are built from templates in quick ...
user138910's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Linking back to table of contents in word document

I am editing a word document (on Mac) which includes a table of contents. The TOC is linked to appropriate places in the document. Great! Links to return to the TOC have been inserted in headers. ...
Maureen O'Reilly's user avatar