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16 votes
2 answers

How can I verify the health of hard disks using a Synology NAS?

I'll receive my first NAS (a Synology DS413) and three hard disks tomorrow. Of course I'd like to check if everything's fine with the disks before setting up RAID and migrating my data. Unfortunately, ...
Berty43's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is Synology's QuickConnect secure?

How does it work? Does it work like a proxy? Will the data being sent and received between my remote computer over the internet and my NAS be secured when using SSL?
supertonsky's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

SSH Key Authentication on Synology NAS

On my Synology NAS, I can't get SSH key authentication working. I have tried all the usual things (added to authorized_keys, edited sshd config, ...), and still haven't been able to get it working. I'...
George's user avatar
  • 462
9 votes
2 answers

How do I change the root password on my Synology Rackstation?

Synology's OS doesn't seem to have a passwd command, and I have been unable to change my Root user's password using the synouser command: MyNas > synouser --setpw root hunter2 Lastest SynoErr=[...
Kenny Dewhirst's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Accidentally changed an IPv4 setting on Synology NAS Cannot access it anymore

I have a Synology NAS which was working fine - for the usage I was making of it : backup - but it wasn't connected to the internet. I was able to access it via the browser GUI or in windows (via \...
mlclm's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to import a root certificate into a Synology server?

I am looking for a way to import a root certificate in a Synology server (the certificate comes from a ssl intercepting proxy). I have copied the certificate to /usr/share/ca-certificates/<...
Christian's user avatar
  • 461
6 votes
3 answers

Creating multiple Time Machine volumes for a couple users on Synology NAS

I have a Synology DS414 NAS device and I would like to allow my whole family to perform backups of their Macs on the NAS storage. So far I have followed the official Synology guide and created a ...
grzebyk's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Mount Synology NFSv4 export with id mapping

I have a Synology DiskStation (DSM 6.0.2) that exports shared directories via NFSv4. I specified a NFSv4 domain ITET-PHO. On another Linux machine (Debian Wheezy), I want to mount this export using ...
erik's user avatar
  • 161
5 votes
5 answers

W10 - Can't open any file on the network "directory name is invalid"

Hope you're well. Detail Issue: I'm accessing my network files hosted on a Synology via windows explorer (unc path &/or mapped drive) and since a few days I'm unable to open any file via ...
seiferflo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to connect to Synology disktation as a normal user (no root) without gui (using linux terminal)

How can a regular user (no root) connect to a synology diskstation and download / upload files only without root permissions and without using some gui (browser / filebrowser)? I already activated ...
mcExchange's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Cannot log in to DSM (Synology NAS)

I think I have locked myself out from a Synology DSM Web access. When I was logged in, I removed all "granted by default" privileges, and apparenlty one of them (Desktop?) affected my administration ...
user1156544's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

If I remove the disks of a Synology DS213j, is all personal information on it removed as well? Meaning it is safe to sell the device?

I removed the disks in my Synology DS213j NAS, and put them into my stationary computer. (I've already saved my data elsewhere in the process). I will be selling the NAS without disks, and expected I ...
André Christoffer Andersen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Synology DSM 6.0 SSH - command ether-wake no longer working

Since I upgraded to DSM 6.0, I no longer have the ability to 'wake on lan devices in my network. I used to do an SSH from a remote computer and ran following command: ether-wake -i eth0 AA:BB:CC:DD:...
KawaGreen's user avatar
  • 183
4 votes
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Can Synology Hidrid RAID (SHR) be composed of 2 disks with different file-systems?

I did search a lot and found nothing on this exact matter. I have a Synology DS2018J NAS with 2 disks 4GB each and EXT4 file system on both. I want to change the file system on both to BTRFS, and I ...
Fer B.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I find files or folders with a certain name length? [duplicate]

I'm helping my uncle transferring all his photography images from a Windows machines internal and external hard drives to his newly bought NAS and we stumbled across a little problem (happening to '...
Sander Schaeffer's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Synology CloudStation log?

Sometimes my CloudStation takes forever to do something, that I think should be quite quick. Sometimes it says "Processing" and some file name, but I don't know if it is updating my client (...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
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4 votes
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Setting Synology DSM default CIFS permissions

I just recently got my first Synology NAS (DS213+) and am running DSM 4.3 on it. I still have a few days of tinkering to spend on it before I need to decide if I should exchange it for a QNAP or ...
MoonSire's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Raid only half a Disk on 2 Disk Synology NAS

I currently have a Synology DS215j 2Bay Nas populated with 2x4TB Drives using Synology's SHR (similar to RAID1), and therefore 4TB of redundant storage. There are 2 categories of Data on the Nas: "...
Tom's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to move files on Synology NAS when verifying disks?

My Synology DS1812+ is performing a "Parity Consistency Check" on a new volume of 6 disks. This is taking a tremendous amount of time (~0.35% in a half hour). Can I start adding files while this is ...
Dillon's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I make my Synology NAS behave more like a normal external hard drive?

I just bought a Synology DS413j in order to replace a handful of external USB drives with a single box that I can access without plugging anything into my Mac. I was a little disappointed to realize ...
bdesham's user avatar
  • 197
4 votes
1 answer

I received many notifications from Synology NAS: "The IP address x.x.x.x experienced 10 failed attempts when attempting to log into SSH"

I received many notifications from Synology NAS: The IP address x.x.x.x experienced 10 failed attempts when attempting to log into SSH. How can this be possible though both SSH service is not ...
linx's user avatar
  • 43
4 votes
3 answers

How do I secure the network of an outside the house IP-camera

I have 3 IP-Camera's outside my house, they are all connected via network(RJ45) to my 8 port POE switch (D-LINK XXXX). The POE switch is connected to a 18 port switch (D-LINK XXXX), and finally that ...
Morten Lyhr's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Synology SSH Root password does not work

Last night my Synology upgraded to a new version and now my Root password when logging in to SSH no longer works. I have already tested and I can login to other SSH accounts and I can also login to ...
Bijan's user avatar
  • 231
3 votes
2 answers

Delete empty directories Synology NAS Shell

I try to delete my empty directories on my Synology NAS (DS415+). I tried: find . -type d | xargs rmdir But the problem is that I have directroies with spaces in the names like "hello (2012)". And ...
Beni's user avatar
  • 33
3 votes
1 answer

Script to move files between folders on a Synology server

On my Synology server I have a source folder /volume1/Temp/a and a destination folder /volume1/Temp/b. I will like a script that I can schedule to run daily under DSM's control panel/task scheduler ...
TonySqrd's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there still no solution for users to quickly search a NAS?

This vexes me greatly. I have read of the mdutil command, but my understanding is it must be entered each time you log on, which just isn't going to work in a multi-user environment. Furthermore, if ...
AtariBaby's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

Installing Byobu on Synology DSM

I have a Synology DS412+ running DSM 5.2. I would like to install and use byobu on this machine when I log in via SSH. I went as far as the following: install ipkg for this DSM/CPU running the ...
DmitriyV's user avatar
3 votes
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"Device name already in use" when trying to access NAS still waking up from sleep

Environment: windows 10 PC + Synology NAS on a static IP set up to go to sleep after 30m of not using it Whenever I try to access a network share mapped to a drive letter, e.g. "V:" in this example I ...
Tamás Deme's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Rsync from Mac OS to synology with btrfs having issues with file and directories that contain umlauts and similar characters

I want to copy a folder from my local Mac (Catalina with APFS) to my Synology (btrfs filesystem) on my local network. And all files that have an umlaut in it (ö,ä,ü,....) gets in trouble somehow. ...
TomBlue's user avatar
  • 43
3 votes
1 answer

How to shutdown macOS / mac OSX from Network UPS Tools client - NUT

I’m looking for help in shutting down my iMac on detecting a power failure while running from a UPS. My setup is an APC SMT750i UPS, powering two Synology NASs, and iMac plus the network kit (router, ...
SonwyJoey's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I received notices of multiple IPs blocked by SSH, should I be concerned?

I recently opened a Wordpress public page from my Synology NAS. Shortly after, I received two notices that different IP addresses (both from China) has been blocked by SSH. Should I be concerned?
Andy Levesque's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to cancel a script running in the scheduler on a Synology NAS?

I have a script running in the scheduler on a Synology NAS. How can I cancel it? I don't see a cancel option on the menu.
user1886's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to securely access Home NAS from WAN?

I have a Synology NAS on my network, it has a static IP and I want to be able to access it from outside of the LAN. Currently I have 2 services running there that I want to access from outside: Plex ...
JChris's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Synology /bin/sh: command not found

My Synology NAS just upgraded and a lot of things have broken. My cronjob that calls Python3 keeps saying /bin/sh: python3: command not found but /bin/sh exists and I am able to call Python3 from the ...
Bijan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Cannot map Synology WebDAV (HTTPS) share on Windows

I've tried everything from this post that applied as well as the answers from this post. I can connect successfully with Kodi on Android as well as NetDrive on Windows. I cannot connect with Kodi on ...
Enigma's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Synology NAS

When having the Synology DSM open on port 5000/5001 I can configure it to always redirect to 5001 (HTTPS). But now I have created a custom sub-domain and a rule in the reverse proxy to route traffic ...
Andreas Zita's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mounting Airport TimeCapsule on Synology with spaces

I'm trying to mount my Airport Time Capsule on my Synology DS916+ NAS. However, it is not working for a directory that has a space in it. There are two folders on the TC "Data" and "User Name". I can ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mount encrypted folder on synology nas via terminal

I was searching for a solution to mount an encrypted folder on my synology nas via terminal and found out that DSM uses ecryptfs. Using mount.ecryptfs $ENCRYPT_DIR_PATH $MOUNTED_DIR_PATH actually ...
Metalzwerg's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use a Synology NAS to encode video with FFmpeg?

I record a few hours of video footage every day, and then encode it on my computer which takes many, many hours. The CPU usage goes up to a level where I can't use my computer with ease. Since I have ...
P A N's user avatar
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2 votes
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Create a snapshot of hard drive for Synology DiskStation NAS

I am currently using my DiskStation DS415+ with TimeMachine for OS X. But in addition to this, I would also make a "snapshot" or a "lockdown" if you will, of the file contents on my computer. What ...
P A N's user avatar
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How to portforward a site

We have a website, and my superiors asked me to install the mail server that is packaged with Synology. As I mess around with port forwarding I was able to set the mail server and the NAS to connect ...
Lucas Juan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What exactly is Parity Consistency Check that Synology NAS runs when a new disk is added and why does it normally take a long time to complete?

What exactly is "Parity Consistency Check" that Synology NAS runs when a new disk is added and why does it normally take a long time to complete? Why does the process takes a long time? (can ...
dennismv's user avatar
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Synology cannot sudo to root

My current DSM is 6.1.4-15217 Update 5. There is something I do not understand : I can ssh via an admin account, root account (yes, I shouldn't be according to docs) and my user account (john) which ...
Charly's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
2 answers

Synology Hyper Backup to external USB drive: Exception occurred while backing up data (Disk I/O error)

I am attempting to backup my entire Synology1 DS415+ NAS volume to an external Western Digital My Book 8 TB USB drive, using Hyper Backup. The backup worked fine for about 10 hours, but suddenly ...
P A N's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can't see NAS storage size in Windows Explorer

I recently bought a Synology DS216+II. I have it mounted in windows 10 as a network drive, however a small detail annoys me. When I view the drive in This PC like this, it dosent show the space in ...
Rasmus Mathiesen's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Synology DSM 6.0 command synonet --wake is not working

When I tried to start a computer on my network from my Synology NAS with the command below, I got an error "mac format in not correct". Here is my code: synonet --wake 00-01-02-03-04-05 eth0 I have ...
Keoe's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Migrate non-redundant data to larger disk on Synology NAS

I have a Synology DS213j using two disks I had to spare, 2TB and 1.5TB. These are nearly full so I plan to replace them. To put all data onto the new disks I just wanted to connect the old disks to my ...
Metalzwerg's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how to make non-root user to ssh using key instead of password?

I've recently purchased the Synology NAS 215j and having problems with SSH. Root user works as expected I've added my public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys... Problems with non-root user: sshd ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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Can't map network drive

(I asked this before on the Synology forum, but got no answer there.) Configuration: - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit - Synology DS213air NAS I've connected my NAS in Synology Assistant, and I can ...
stevenvh's user avatar
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BASIC program on Samba share gets 'Access denied' when launching other process

This is the situation. We have a Synology NAS (running DSM 5.0) hosting a Windows file share called general. This folder's permissions are set as in the screenshot: This folder is used as a mapped ...
hvtilborg's user avatar

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