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Questions tagged [sync]

File Synchronization refers to reflecting changes from a set of files to the same set of files in another location. Synchronization can also be applied to contacts, music, or other data.

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164 votes
17 answers

How do I synchronise two folders in real-time in Windows 7?

I want to synchronise two folders in real time under Windows 7. Basically, I want to monitor a folder and synchronise each change (new files, changed files, deleted files) to another drive. It has to ...
143 votes
16 answers

How to synchronize the home folder between multiple computers?

I have three computers at home, and would like to have the /home/ folder tree synchronized between the three. Any files/folders (except those hidden) that are modified/added/removed in one of the ...
110 votes
11 answers

How to sync bookmarks between Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on multiple computers?

There are some similar question on bookmark syncing, but most answers point to Delicious or Google bookmarks. However, as Chrome doesn't have the Google toolbar, how would those sync? I use several ...
Tai Squared's user avatar
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109 votes
10 answers

How can I re-sync the subtitle and the video using VLC media player?

When I play a movie with subtitles (on VLC media player), the text is often displayed too soon or too late. Is there a way to delay the starting point of the subtitles?
Rabskatran's user avatar
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87 votes
7 answers

How to sync bookmarks across Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks?

How to sync bookmarks across Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox bookmarks? As I currently understand, Google Chrome puts bookmarks separately from Google Bookmarks, which is accessible in Firefox by ...
ViliusK's user avatar
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75 votes
16 answers

How to keep iTunes libraries in sync?

I have a couple of PCs and a Mac that I have my music libraries on them. Occasionally, I add files, edit artworks and ID3 tags on one of them. I want to keep them synchronized on all of my computer. ...
74 votes
13 answers

Keeping local windows folder in sync with remote ftp folder in real time [closed]

I know it has been asked before, but I would like it to happen in real time and transparently (without the need to open a separate FTP client such as FileZilla). For example, if I edit a text file in ...
bobo's user avatar
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73 votes
9 answers

Force Chrome to sync bookmarks?

I've been using Chrome's built in bookmark sync which seems to work well. Is there a way to force Chrome to do the sync as opposed to waiting for the alloted 'sync time'? Update: Seems to sync when ...
Marcus Leon's user avatar
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61 votes
9 answers

How can I synchronise my Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar (preferably using a free/open source tool)? [closed]

How can I synchronise my desktop Outlook calendar with my Google Calendar (Outlook -> Google)? I saw the question Free tool for Synchronizing Google Contacts and Calendar with Outlook, but the ...
Kuf's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

How do I sync multiple g-calendars to the new Windows 8 Calendar?

I'm able to add multiple g-calendars from multiple accounts, but it appears that only the root calendar is synced with Windows 8's Metro Calendar app. Is there a way to sync all gmail calendars?
James Mertz's user avatar
  • 26.4k
43 votes
5 answers

How to unlink my Documents folder from my OneDrive account?

I have recently changed the location of my Documents folder (originally located in C:\Users\TermoZour\Documents) to C:\Users\TermoZour\OneDrive\Documents so I could sync the documents folder between 2 ...
TermoZour's user avatar
  • 717
41 votes
9 answers

Windows Alternative to Rsync? [closed]

I'm trying to setup a file sync between the file server at my house and the one at my brother's so that we each have offsite backups of important data. Both systems are running Windows (XP on one, 7 ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

How to know if Google Chrome has finished synchronizing?

I use a dual boot machine, and have setup chrome browser to sync my bookmarks, apps and other data. Now, if I boot open windows, add some bookmarks, install chrome app/extension,etc then how do I ...
mtk's user avatar
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37 votes
12 answers

How can I keep folders synchronized between several machines over my home network?

Like many people I take quite a few photos, and also like quite a few people I don't back up as frequently as I should. What I'd like to be able to do is automatically synchronize my "to be backed up"...
Rowland Shaw's user avatar
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35 votes
10 answers

How to exclude node_modules directory from OneDrive synchronization?

I’m a front-end developer, and I keep my front-end projects in OneDrive. Due to how Node.js organizes dependencies, each project has a node_modules directory with tens of megabytes of tiny files which ...
Ivan Akulov's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Sync left pane in Windows 7 Explorer with the opened folder

When using the explorer in vista (and xp) if I drill into a folder in right pane of explorer, the folder view stays synchronised. However in Windows-7 I cannot see a simple way of forcing it to do the ...
Preet Sangha's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Multiple Profiles in Chrome all Synced with one Google Account

I essentially want to have different environments set up such as a profile for general browsing with personal bookmarks, a work profile, and one profile for every clients websites I work on. The ...
ComputerLocus's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

How to stop Windows 10 from syncing keyboard layouts

I have two laptops, each with its own keyboard layout (AZERTY and QWERTY). Both laptops run Windows 10 and are authorized to sync settings back to my Microsoft account. The problem is that my ...
Steven Liekens's user avatar
26 votes
4 answers

Sync Two MySQL Databases

What is a good way to sync two MySQL databases? I would like to sync the data in my production website's database to my local development database. Right now, I am just using the PHPMyAdmin ...
vonhogen's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

How do I keep Chrome bookmarks in sync across accounts?

I use a couple of gmail accounts with Chrome: One for work and one for private use. Unfortunately, all my bookmarks in the bookmarks toolbar are tied to one of the accounts, so when I switch to ...
pjivers's user avatar
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25 votes
16 answers

Password manager for multiple computers? [closed]

Is there a password manager that I can use on multiple computers, to remember all the passwords I use on the sites I visit?
user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

Sync OneTab tabs on Chrome across different PC's

I'm using the OneTab extension for Chrome on all of my PC's and I'm looking for a solution/workaround to sync all the tabs automatically across my computers. OneTab doesn't provide any sync capability ...
Jimmy's user avatar
  • 261
23 votes
9 answers

Dropbox-Like File Sync without a central server [closed]

I'm looking for a way to sync the secondary drives on my two Macs across the internet. I have consistent VPN connectivity between the two macs, and I can access them as if they are sitting right next ...
muncherelli's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to open all Chrome windows and tabs from another computer?

I have about 10 windows of Chrome open with a total of about 80 tabs. I'm going to buy a new computer, and I want to open all the windows with the same tabs on the new computer. Is it possible to do ...
Uri's user avatar
  • 562
23 votes
7 answers

Replacing Dropbox with: Amazon S3 + SSL + GPG/TrueCrypt + Mounting on OSX ?? [closed]

So, right now we're using Dropbox to share various data files around between approximately 10 Mac OS X systems. However, we already have an S3 account and everyone on the lowest Dropbox plan of $10/...
Matt Rogish's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

How to disable time sync with Windows 7 as host OS in VirtualBox?

I have a 64 bit Windows 7 with VirtualBox running the same 64 bit Windows 7 as a guest OS. When I set a specific date and time, it will always revert to the host OS’s date and time on startup. How ...
rovyko's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How to sync GreaseMonkey scripts between computers?

I have some great greasemonkey scripts for FireFox and would ideally have a way to sync them between computers. To some degree, it would even be nice to be able to deploy the scripts to PC's across a ...
RSolberg's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How to prevent a folder from being synced on OneDrive?

I recently downloaded a very large amount of images for a Machine Learning project. OneDrive is going a little bit crazy about it and I would like it to "ignore" the folder. Ideally, the ...
Arthur's user avatar
  • 323
21 votes
4 answers

Using Task Scheduler to Run a Task Before Shutdown

As of writing, the only options available are to "Begin the task": On a schedule At logon At startup On idle On an event At task modification/creation On connect to user session On disconnect from ...
G.P. Burdell's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Replace audio + sync + save all to a new video file – VLC

I have a video with audio. I have an .mp3 file of the same video but in another language. I need to do two things. Replace the built-in audio with the new audio. Because the new audio is not exactly ...
Mosh Feu's user avatar
  • 317
20 votes
6 answers

How reliable is Unison? Did it ever ruin your data? [closed]

I am interested in facts, when using unison ( ) ruined your data? I want to find out about its reliability.
Kazimieras Aliulis's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

How to force Firefox to sync my bookmark just now?

A few minutes before I leave my desk, and I have add a lot of new bookmarks. How to force Firefox to sync my bookmark right now to my firefox account ?
Rabskatran's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to reset SkyDrive/OneDrive sync?

Is there a way to empty SkyDrive/OneDrive without deleting the files in the cloud. I'm running Windows 8.1 and would like to revert all of the files to "online-only" mode except that the function ...
Ghostrider's user avatar
20 votes
9 answers

How do I automatically synchronize Google Docs with Dropbox?

I would like to be able to edit one of my Google Docs on another computer, save it online (not download it to that computer and upload it to Dropbox), and then be able to go back to my home computer ...
eqzx's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

What is the best way to keep a folder synchronized with my USB drive?

I know there is a similar topic on syncing between computers, but I'm looking for an application to run on one computer that will sync a "document/file" folder with a folder on my secondary/external ...
Ivo Flipse's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How do I keep files synchronized with Amazon Cloud Drive?

I want to begin using Amazon Cloud Drive unlimited, but there is no synchronization available. Using Cloud Drive Desktop there is only an upload. I do not want to keep uploading 1500 gigabytes ...
subjectivist's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Is there a simple way to synchronize Thunderbird across machines?

I love Firefox Sync. Is there a similar way to synchronise Thunderbird? I want to synchronise account settings, filters and address books. I never download e-mails, so this isn't an issue. There is ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to manage Chrome sync data? (Like delete something?)

I've got one problem with Chrome sync: I can't delete anything. It's like... merging everything from the past, to the latest minute. Everything. If I delete the applications I've tried (like ...
Apache's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Firefox Integration with Chrome (Google Accounts)

Normally I use Chrome or Chromium to browse the web and I love that it keeps all my preferences, history, passwords, bookmarks, extensions and preferences synced across computers using my Google ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

How do you sync tabs between computers with Mozilla Firefox Sync?

Mozilla says that with Firefox Sync if you are working on one computer with 5 tabs open you can then switch to another computer or device and Sync can or will update the second computer with those ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
17 votes
8 answers

I get "An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with [name of time server]." when trying to automatically synchronise PC time

Prompted by the answers to this question I decided to give the Windows built in time synchronisation another go. However, no matter what time server I use I get this error: "An error occurred while ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Google Shared Drive sync to my PC

I have the Google Backup & Sync installed and it syncs my personal Drive to my PC with no problem here. But I also have access to some Shared Drives which I also want to sync my PC so I can work ...
Finiox's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How to set up a own Chrome sync server?

I'm trying to set up a sync server for Chromium/Chrome, but i'm totally failed. I also couldn't find a How-To (like this here for Firefox) for that. I only found this question from '10 on superuser ...
mmmh's user avatar
  • 169
17 votes
4 answers

How to use unison's path option with multiple paths?

I want to sync the following locations using unison: /home/user/Audiobooks with /shared/Audiobooks /home/user/Music with /shared/Music /home/user/Podcasts with /shared/Podcasts What would the unison ...
MountainX's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

VirtualBox Ubuntu VM doesn't automatically sync time with host even with Guest Additions installed

I'm running a Ubuntu VM with VirtualBox and I have both the dkms and virtualbox-guest-additions packages installed. I read in this answer that the system clock should sync with the host automatically ...
3cheesewheel's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

What approach should I take to export my iPhone contacts to Gmail?

I'm on the iPhone OS3, I want to get my contacts on my phone in sync with my Google contacts, but I don't want to lose what is currently in my phone. So far I have been under the impression that by ...
codeLes's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Sync Chromium without google account

I admit it, i'm a bit paranoid.. I have come to like firefox sync together with my own sync server. Now for various reasons, I'm tempted to use Chromium (or Iron) instead. Now is there a way to have ...
Dave Vogt's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Make Mozilla Thunderbird synchronize all folders

I just installed Thunderbird. However I only see three folders: Inbox, Sent and Trash. I do have other folders in Office 365 and I would like to access them from Thunderbird. How to do it? PS I did ...
Thorsten Niehues's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How to force OneDrive to synchronize?

I have a new clean installation of Windows 10. After logging in using my Microsoft account, my OneDrive folder (ie the OneDrive folder in my Users folder) shows: But right-clicking the OneDrive icon ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How to perfectly synchronize Subtitles with movie?

How to perfectly synchronize Subtitles with movie? i use VLC
metal gear solid's user avatar

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